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Chapter 730 Princess Storm Re-employment

Chapter 730 Storm Queen is re-employed

After hearing the news, the noise of the fierce fighting below first became louder, and then slowed down significantly.

Falosa jumped into the world's trace without any fear.

"I'll take you down to help." The chain saw angel spread its wings, and the four wings were shining silver.

"Farosa can handle it alone." Sally believed that Farosa could handle two rulers.

"I'm not worried about Falosa, I'm worried about the other two being driven crazy by Falosa." Chainsaw Angel said.

"Take me down." Li Wu hatao said with an iron head.

At the bottom of the Scar of the World, Storm Princess and Huang Quan Lei Shen had been fighting continuously for more than a hundred hours, and their physical strength was exhausted.

It was a mess underneath, with chaos caused by storm whirlpools or scorched black marks struck by lightning everywhere.

They all possess the magic power of the natural element system. After becoming rulers, their physiques have surpassed those of ordinary witches, making it difficult to determine the winner.

Storm Queen is good at flying at high speeds with hurricane winds surrounding her body, and the entire canyon is available for her three-dimensional maneuvers; Huangquan Thunder God drives thunder and lightning, causing super high damage that is sure to hit.

She was originally blond and fair-skinned, with the temperament of a noble lady. After a 10-day battle, her face was covered in soot and her tone was so weak that she could almost be called a beggar.

"By the way... Falosa, Storm Lady is an important force in the Blackfire Revolution's subordinates. She was your enemy in the past, but is it okay to accept her as your subordinate now? Don't you have any conscience considerations?" Liwu leaned on his giant hat with his hat.


"What's interesting is that the strength of the Underworld Thunder God is comparable to yours, and we still have many powerful combat forces on the cliff, which will break the balance of combat power between you and crush you enough." Falosa said.

"Will Sylphy be treated similarly?" Falosa said.

"I don't know..." Storm Queen said hoarsely, feeling sore and tired all over.

"What? This is my most precious food." Earth Spider ate one less pill, so he was frustrated.

Li Wuhao told Huang Quan Lei Shen about working for Falosa in the future.

"The Blackfire Revolution is not worth revitalizing."

"It's not a cake?" Huang Quan Lei Shen raised his eyebrows.

In this way, Falosa is very satisfied with the two rulers of Storm Lady and Huang Quan Lei Shen.

"Kill me?" Storm Queen roared, "You can't defeat me at all!"

"Black Fire Innovation - Black Fire Innovation..." Storm Queen was already a little crazy, pressing her cheeks with both hands, "Hoo ho... Black Fire Innovation... ahhhhh -"

"Yes, Nisto Company, Xia and Jialongpo forces will re-divide the Taiya Islands and obtain the troops, warships, tanks and scientific researchers they left behind. The Black Fire Innovation has become a big gift package."

Falosa walked up to Storm Queen, lowered her head and stroked her silver hair.

She was running around on the ground like a frightened animal.

As if to confirm Falosa's statement, the chain saw angel flew down the cliff wearing a black hat and gradually approached.

She burst into tears and howled loudly. Then, as Falosa said, she exhausted her last bit of strength and fell to the ground motionless.

"Ah -" Their bodies were cut open quickly, leaving huge wounds. But it was not enough to kill them instantly, because Falosa was just a clone here.

"Don't move!" Liwu Hat used the magic of gravity to restrict Storm Queen's movement. Storm Queen suddenly felt that her body had gained a thousand kilograms of weight, and she quickly hit the ground, unable to get up again.

"Get out of my way!" Huangquan Thunder God also roared and struck out the lightning in his hand.

"Huh...huh...huh..." Storm Queen panted like a little wild dog, forgetting to even cover herself.

She took a deep breath. Farosha's eyes seemed to have the power to swallow her will. Once she met Farosha's eyes, it would be difficult for her to concentrate.

Blood flowed down, and Huang Quan Lei Shen looked down at the fish-like wound on his abdomen, quite surprised.

Even though the Lakeside Asylum was founded not long ago, it has been well planned and has already prepared clean operating rooms and wards. Correspondingly, there are also prison rooms, slaughterhouses, open defensive positions, large restaurants, dormitories, warehouses, animal farms and other areas.

, ensuring everything is covered.

"I have no conscience," Falosa said.

She has seen how terrifying Storm Queen is, and how one person can suppress an entire area.

"I thought I could do something to revitalize the Blackfire Revolution." Storm Queen's voice was weak.

"Want to touch it?" Falosa said.

"When she wakes up, she will regain her strength and return to that invincible state." Earth Spider shouted.

"Zangus has been blown up." Earth Spider said helplessly, "Let's talk about it later."

"How do you feel?" Falosa asked.

As for the most precise and deeply buried parts, they still have to be sent to Jialongpo for Niederreiter to handle.

"No, it's impossible!" Storm Queen roared, "How could the Blackfire Innovation fall?"

"With the technical level of Seven Seals, they have probably cleared Sylphy's consciousness and implanted a new intelligent program to control her body and magic power. This is the most advanced method of controlling witches. In other words, now

It's just a robot wearing Sylphy's skin." The cyber monster said.

"Then, let's get used to being with me for a while first." Falosa turned around and stood up straight, with her hands behind her back, and formally bowed to Storm Queen, "Please give me more advice in the future, Storm Queen."

"Then I will fight her again." Huang Quan Lei Shen sat in the car.

Both are witches with extremely large-scale battlefield destructive power, and with a little training they will become loyal subordinates.

"Die!" Storm Queen raised her hand and released a high-speed whirlwind.

In a flash of gray light, Falosa's power penetrated them.

"My name is Falosha." Falosha put one hand on her chest, "I am your god."

"I have heard that you prayed to me secretly, but now that I have come to you in person, are you being rebellious?" Falosa stared at the Underworld Thunder God.

"Our fight can stop. Storm Queen, Blackfire Innovation has gone bankrupt and has put you up for sale. As for Huang Quan Lei Shen, your company Nioh Security has decided to work for me for 10 years, and your freedom is also under my jurisdiction."

Falosa said coldly.

"You...are you the God of Witches?" Huangquan Thunder God frowned.

Falosa's body was trembling slightly.

"Let her vent her little energy." Falosa raised her hand to block the interception by others.

"One, two, three..." Falosa's hand stroked Storm Queen's head.

Storm Queen was lying on the hospital bed, and after waking up, she kept looking at the lake scenery outside.

"Ah——" Storm Queen twitched violently.

Storm Queen roared and ran around in the wilderness.

"Your selling price is 127 billion, and more than 20 companies have made offers for you. The funds obtained from selling you will become life-saving money for the top management of Black Fire Innovation. After that, you will be worthless to them, and you know it very well.

Right." Falosa said.

"Who are you?" Huang Quan Lei Shen put his hands on his hips.

"You are extremely tired. It's time to leave. Go back and rest. Eliza..." Li Wuhao persuaded, and at the same time said the real name of the Underworld Thunder God.

When Farosha came between them, the two witches were nearly crazy from the long battle, and unconsciously attacked Farosha.

"Most of the chips related to mind control are located in the frontal lobe of the brain. They can precisely monitor and control the secretion of specific neurotransmitters, thereby affecting decision-making. When stimulated by specific information, they can lead to death." Cyber ​​Monster performed the surgery himself.

Because he can master skills by downloading technical documents, Cyber ​​Demon Ghost can perform most prosthetic surgeries. At the same time, his other skills are far above average, so he can use them wherever he needs them.

"I...I don't know..." Storm Ji was confused.

"Someone will take over." Storm Queen said dullly.

Storm Queen looked at her cut open chest and gasped.

"It has been delisted. Investors have cashed out, leaving a land full of chicken feathers. Large and small turmoil and civil wars have occurred throughout the Taiya Islands. Just like Reshu Island, there is no order at all." Cyber ​​Demon Ghost


"She's...confused..." Sally looked at Storm Queen in the distance.

She originally only wrapped herself in cloth strips, but now these cloth strips were all burned by lightning, so now she is completely in a state of nothingness, and her silver-white hair is also disheveled, as if she has been electrocuted.

"Zangus..." Huang Quan Lei Shen was stunned and quickly kept himself up to date with the latest information.

On the other side, Liwu Hat looked at Storm Queen who had settled down.

"Blackfire Innovation is essentially a company, so once investors withdraw their capital, the soldiers, generals or war machines underneath will have to be shut down, and war witches like Storm Queen will become ownerless beasts." Falosa said softly.



After being dragged up, the seemingly peaceful Storm Queen actually became more irritable.

"I have been there since I was born and have never thought of anything else except being loyal to it. Now it is dead."

Especially after the news of Blackfire's reform and reorganization was confirmed, she seemed even more desperate.

"You are awesome." Liwu Hat nodded.

"Please don't say this kind of thing again. No matter how terrible the enemy is, no matter how complicated the matter is, I won't say anything. When you say these things, my heart hurts like a knife, and I almost shed tears." Fa Fa.

Rosa said softly.

Someone will definitely occupy Blackfire Revolution's military empire and divide the remains left behind by this great arms dynasty. Its delisting is just the beginning of the curtain call for Blackfire Revolution, and the real long internal disputes are yet to come.

"Now is an important occasion." Liwu Hat patted Huang Quan Lei Shen on the shoulder, "We are advancing and retreating together, otherwise we would not be able to get to where we are today. If Falosa is an evil master, we will just oppose her!"

"There is no way to save Sylphy except defeating the Seven Seals." The cyber monster said.

These nearly ten days of fighting have unleashed all the potential of the two of them. There has never been such a long and evenly matched battle before. Huang Quan Lei Shen felt that he had a better understanding of the application of magic power. This kind of opportunity to fight is for any witch.

It's said to be extremely valuable.

After being told his true name, Huang Quan Lei Shen's expression changed drastically and he gritted his teeth.

The operation lasted 5 hours.

"What's going on with the Blackfire Revolution now?" Storm Queen said.

She is a little afraid of the cyber monster, and its current appearance is very intimidating.

The pain brought them back to their senses, and they no longer attacked rashly, but gasped and stared at Farosha.

The chips, coils and parts dug out from Storm Queen's body weighed a total of 3 kilograms. Several large and small holes were dug out on her body, which required time to fully heal. The cyber monsters wrapped her whole body with bandages and applied medicine.

"This reason is really ridiculous!" Huangquan Thunder God roared, "I don't want to sacrifice my life for others!"

"Hmm, let's go to Zangos to buy food." Huangquan Thunder God sighed.

"'Use'! Listen to what she said!" Huang Quan Lei Shen felt unhappy.

"You'll have plenty of time to be surprised by this later. It's time to go now." Falosa nodded.

"President!" Huang Quan Lei Shen yelled at Li Wuhao, "We were sold to her for 10 years? How could you sign such an insulting agreement!"

She nursed herself back to health silently and took the Bing Liang Pills handed over by Tu Zi Zi.

She has a bit of a crazy temperament, and now she behaves even more morbidly.

The law of killing... has incomparable destructive power on life.

"First of all, this is to rescue Izu Shinten from the enemy, otherwise Itsu Shinten would have been killed by now. If you exchange positions with me, you will also protect Itsu Shinten, right!

"Li Wuhao said firmly.

"Be quiet." Farosha flashed, avoiding their attacks, and at the same time released the law of killing to both sides.

After dragging the exhausted Storm Queen back to the lakeside shelter, she first underwent surgery to clean up the chips and circuits on her body.

"You said you would only say my real name on important occasions!" Huang Quan Lei Shen emphasized.

"We will take care of you, remove the control chip from your body, and heal your wounds - all mental and psychological wounds. You will join the New Witch Council and serve me. There is no point in refusing, because we can

I'll kill you here." Falosa said.

"I'm sorry." Falosa walked towards the underworld thunder god's side, "I will use your power fairly."

"This is what happens when you get involved in a corporate war. Companies fight desperately, consume excess production capacity, and eventually carve up the assets and markets of the losers to maintain their own existence. Black Fire Innovation just lost the battle. If Black Fire Innovation wins, it will use the same method

Means to dismember other companies in the Eastern Hemisphere and establish a dark new order." The cyber monster said.

Storm Queen said nothing. She knew what the cyber monster said was right.

What would happen to the entire Eastern Hemisphere if the Blackfire Revolution defeated it?

She didn't dare to think about it.

(End of chapter)

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