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Chapter 757 Developing Enterprises for Profit

Chapter 757 Developing Enterprise Profitability

As the most ruthless robot, Lila doesn't care about anything else except her passion for her master. She originally had no other thoughts about Nestor Company. However, since the establishment of the "zero-pressure society", the company's expenses have increased dramatically and it faces greater challenges.

If there is more trouble, she will have to devote all her functions to running the company.

Nowadays, Nestor Company has high hopes. People all over the world are waiting to see how Nestor Company will fare, wondering whether they can maintain their righteousness and maintain prosperity, or whether they will drag themselves down in order to maintain their righteousness.

45% of the company's employees were extremely opposed to the "zero-pressure society" in the past, and at least millions of employees are still opposed to this plan.

Therefore, Lila must improve the company's efficiency and increase profits as soon as possible. Only actual income growth can calm their hidden anger.

"The scientific research department is the most important asset of our Nisto Company." Lila judged coldly, "So I will set up a directional channel in the current 'Witch Academy' to directly transport a large number of scientific research witch talents to the scientific research department."

The Witch Academy has mastered the resources of witches in the northern islands. 90% of the witches will gather in the academy to study, study the witch textbook compiled by Falosa, and learn everything related to witches. Only a few will refuse the academy's invitation.

At present, the academy has trained tens of thousands of witch graduates, and witches are also the basic base, because they have no place to go except to live here. Once they leave the protection of Nisto Company, they will be arrested and killed by other companies.

Witches' brains work better than humans, and most of the witches' magic power is useless, so Lila thinks that witches are born engineers and technical people. Some war witches and reality manipulators occasionally appear among them, giving people the illusion that witches are very violent.

, in fact, most witches have little fighting ability, and they will never advance in magic power in their lifetime.

In Lila's new plan, she will make full use of this characteristic of witches and set up a targeted project to cultivate witches who are interested in scientific and technological research!

Since the God of Witches can keep them loyal at will, the "Witch Academy" in the northern archipelago is also the only institution in the world that does not do all kinds of research, harm, implantation and mind-distortion work on witches. The same goes for witches in the academy.

Grow up peacefully.

Lila set up this special plan to cultivate a large number of witches with scientific research ambitions, allowing them to directly work in the scientific research department of Nisto Company, which will greatly strengthen the research and development capabilities of Nisto Company.

"Thank you for your support!" Kazama Miyagi was convinced. "The research rate of each witch research and development team is three times that of a human team of the same size, but the number of our witch employees is only one-third of that of humans. If there is a president

By setting up such a specialized project... we can add a large number of witch researchers to the research and development line of each product!"

"We rely on witches who grow up freely and are full of wisdom to establish our technological advantages." Lila nodded slowly, "Thanks to the scientific research department, we can maintain the leading position in vehicles, weapons, synthetics, precision electronics, shipbuilding, etc. every year.

The technological competitive advantage of the industry. I hope these new witch researchers can help us continue to reduce costs and increase efficiency, so as to increase market share."

"Yes." Kazama Miyagi nodded.

Her clones are currently carrying out many dangerous weapons research. Whenever the clone is killed in a research and development accident, it will return to Kazama Miyari and accumulate all memories and knowledge into Kazama Miyari's psychological structure, making her

She understands what needs to be corrected.

Through her hive magic, she is also a super research expert, maintaining Nestor's military technological advantages, seizing the large market gaps left after the collapse of the Blackfire Innovation, and making a lot of money.

"We should have been richer, but as the 'Cold War' situation became apparent, both the West Coast Treaty and the Eastern Alliance continued to block the market, preventing Nisto Company from foreign trade, so that their own members could maintain their interests. Therefore, our direction in the next few years

It is to firmly grasp the existing large markets: the northern archipelago, Taiya Islands and Jialongpo. The combined population of these three regions exceeds 1.5 billion, especially the Taiya Islands obtained after defeating the Black Fire Innovation. We will promote the largest

"Efforts to replace Blackfire's innovative 'niche' and establish Nestor Corporation's dominant position in the Taia Islands." Lila laid out her plan to take control of the Taia Islands.

"Oh..." Other company department managers were very enthusiastic.

The Taia Islands are the largest piece of fat that Nisto Company currently has. It would be the best if it could be fully utilized.

The northern archipelago has a small population but is rich, while the Taiya Islands has a large population but is very poor. Therefore, the economies of both sides can complement each other. If the two archipelago regions can be merged, Nisto Company will really have a bright future.

"There is no doubt that we will first carry out a very large-scale oil and gas exploration plan on land and sea. I will personally go out to ensure that every drop of oil on that island is found and squeezed out." Lila has a ruler-level sensory magic, which she uses to

Prospecting is still very convenient.

"We also need to promote smart and capable middle-level managers from our headquarters to go to the Taiya Islands and let them establish the Nisto subsidiary there. They have always had the ability to stand on their own, and it is time to expand overseas instead of staying on the island and doing nothing.

” Lila continued to make arrangements simply and neatly.

She chose to cooperate with the locals of the archipelago rather than working with the Taiya people, because this can ensure that the services provided by Nisto Company are standardized and consistent with those of the island to the greatest extent.

In addition, the residents of Taiya have been influenced by the wrong education of the Black Fire Revolution for a long time. Most of them are neurotic, paranoid and violent. Cooperating with the locals will cause unnecessary trouble.

"Then there is a series of construction plans, including the construction and operation of new schools, hospitals, and the highway network connecting the Taia Islands, where we are investing and building. Nisto will universalize compulsory education within three years, and within five years

Opening up the interconnections between every large-scale island in the Taiya Islands will ensure that the residents of the Taiya Islands have a revised understanding of the world, and all transportation and logistics will be smooth." Lila arranged her development plan.

Due to the militaristic tactics of the Black Fire Revolution, the economy of the Taiya Islands itself has not been fully developed.

When education and infrastructure are improved, Nisto Corporation will gain the support of local people, and the entire economic environment will be greatly improved. It will not be as lifeless and corrupt as it was during the Blackfyre Reformation.

"There is also law. I will preside over the establishment of a law that the locals can accept, as well as a large-scale police force, at least enough to restore stability to the big cities. Then there will be a crackdown on the remaining rebels, indigenous people, warlords and the so-called

The cleanup work of the local wealthy families. The Black Fire Revolution left only poverty, chaos and violence in the Taiya Islands. We will not only bring new infrastructure, but also bring real order." Lila declared categorically.

"That's how it should be!"

"I hope the president will send me to host it!"

“I also want to develop a business in the Taiya Islands!” All the managers present wanted to make contributions to the Taiya Islands.

Lila's plan means that Nestor Company will carry out a large-scale raid on the Taia Islands. The remnants of the Black Fire army that were active and noisy before will be wiped out one after another under the powerful attack of Nestor Company.

The so-called aristocratic families that rule the tropical mountains and forests will also be cleared and destroyed to ensure that the locals are no longer enslaved by the privileged class.

"President, many commercial brands under the West Coast Treaty Organization, such as Kenta Fried Chicken Company and Hippo Clothing Company, have opened branches in the Taiyang Islands. How should we treat them?" a manager asked.

"We can drive them away without triggering a direct protest from the West Coast Treaty Organization." Lila devises a series of cunning plans, from assassinations and robberies to scandalous plots, to ensure that they are all gone.

The West Coast Treaty Organization has blocked Nisto's cargo from entering multiple areas.

If Lila is not allowed to sell her goods well, she will be angry.

So she wants to take revenge. She will make sure that no brand under the West Coast Treaty Organization dares to open a store in the Taiya Islands in a few months; as for Nisto Company and the companies it has good relations with, they can freely operate business in the Taiya Islands.


Exploring mineral deposits, building large-scale infrastructure, and ensuring market share, Lila's combination will indeed allow Nisto Company to gain a lot of benefits in the Taiya Islands, replenish the blood of the hard-working company people, and ensure that Nisto Company will not be used by the public service.

The career was crushed.

Lila also reformed the structure of Nisto.

Nisto has always had a tradition of lower-level personnel acting independently. The management only formulates rough plans and does not directly interfere with the work of front-line personnel.

Therefore, Lila simply established the law of "zero-barrier cross-department work".

In other words, employees from different departments can directly collaborate and create a new parallel work unit at any time.

For example, a senior marketing specialist in the marketing department may consider working with a programmer from the information technology department to develop a new program that helps with market research. The additional benefits gained will be calculated and allocated to participants.

on the person.

This kind of cross-department collaboration is extremely flexible and can greatly integrate the wisdom between members of different departments of Nisto Company and combine their respective knowledge backgrounds to jointly solve a certain problem, completely simplifying related processes.

As long as you have an idea, you can organize a group and establish a project, and look for partners within the "whole company". This can be said to bring the initiative, innovation ability and flexibility of each Nisto company person to the limit.

Within just a few days of implementing this plan, there were numerous examples of cross-department collaboration within Nisto, each pursuing many ambitious innovative ideas. The differences between the departments themselves were no longer so obvious, and their barriers became increasingly clear.

is low, employee collaboration is getting higher and higher.

President, you are so diligent! Elodie lay at the door and peeked at Lila.

As Lila's fan girl, Elodie has always been full of respect for Lila. She will kneel down obediently in front of Ms. Lila! Elodie will deal with all the opponents inside and outside the company.

The perfect woman Lila! Elodie loves to watch it every day.

Lila looked out the window, feeling sad.

What is the president worried about? Elodie is confused.

Lila stared at Beijing. The bustling city seemed to extend in all directions. Smart designers designed multi-layer tracks between high-rise buildings, allowing a large number of vehicles, light rail lines and shuttles to create highly layered transportation. Most of the products are

It was manufactured and put into use by Nisto Company. Elody felt that Lila was lamenting the current wealth and power of Nisto Company.

Lila looked at the aircraft flying across the cold sky, and saw a large number of advertising lights and signs. Old buildings in Beijing such as temples, ancient houses and high-rise buildings stood side by side. The streets and pedestrians were blocked by countless steel bridges and flashing spotlights. Her field of vision was actually

She was wandering aimlessly, all her attention was on the owner.

Xu Yang has already set off for Kasunti. Her beloved master went to that small island again. Is that tropical island so attractive to Xu Yang?

(End of chapter)

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