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Chapter 756 Light up little by little

Chapter 756 Light up little by little

A zero-pressure society will bring people...relaxation, freedom and happiness!

Residents of the northern archipelago have been discussing on the Internet the new changes that a "zero-pressure society" may bring, and this profound change has quickly entered the daily lives of each of them, faster than they imagined.

Food is the most obvious.

Not only has the nutrition cream been distributed for free from the original price of 1 yuan, but the price of food in restaurants has also dropped by 30% to 50%.

Many people had previously mistakenly thought that the prices of restaurants and supermarkets had become 0. In fact, Nisto is mainly a food supplier and does not operate many stores or stores. Therefore, it actually reduces the cost of raw materials and provides boxes of free food.

Pork, vegetables and fruits are supplied to the warehouses of Nisto's partners.

The retail side will still add other costs when selling food, such as labor, facilities and venue costs, so it still costs money.

But these meals have also become very cheap. Classic fast food that originally cost 10 to 15 yuan has been reduced to 4 to 7 yuan. The market is filled with cheap fresh produce, including apples and oranges that cost 30 cents per catty, 2

For a pound of pork, the price seems to have returned to 15 years ago.

"Haha, make a short video to shock foreigners, "How much can you buy with one hour's wages of working on the islands?"

"Wow, I can finally go out to restaurants every day."

Free transportation is integrated into people's daily lives.

Sohei Oyama, an economist from the Northern Islands, also commented on this phenomenon. He once worked for Kisei and later worked for a neutral consulting agency to avoid suspicion.

Many people use this opportunity to make short or long trips to other islands in the archipelago. After all, the northern archipelago itself is not large, and if planned well, you can visit several cities in one day.

According to this strategy, even in order to live in a bigger house, some idle people began to think about whether to find a partner, establish a stable relationship, have two children, and live in a decent big house.

While Nisto's transportation arm required additional subsidies, the Ministry of Tourism began to make substantial profits and began building new hotels to meet emerging tourism demand.

With a beautiful yearning for the future, many new people are getting married.

Spending power has always been a sticking point in the northern archipelago.

In the past, in the eyes of most people, giving birth to a child meant sending the child into this world to suffer. Now many people feel that they can let new lives experience the current "zero-pressure society", a society that has never appeared in history.

"It's free anyway. I can finally stop using the bus and take the light rail. The work time has been shortened by half. It's so cool!"

In a "zero-pressure society", people have little pressure to survive, have more stable expectations for the future, have richer pursuits, and have a higher enthusiasm for the world.

"After taking a free airship transport, it turns out that overlooking the world from such a high place is so beautiful..."

Now that they no longer have to worry about buying a house, many people have changed their life plans and no longer have to spend a lifetime buying a shelter made of steel and concrete.

"The real estate market is over forever! An apartment on the Third Ring Road in Beijing, with a 5-minute commute to the city, only sells for 11,000 square meters! The house is really for living!"

Only when consumers dare to spend money can the economy of the northern archipelago develop and Nisto Company survive.

"We have three characteristics that are different from Westerners: one is that we can endure hardship, the other is that we have strong savings habits, and the other is that we attach great importance to school education. Generation after generation, they are good at enduring hardship, working hard for the company, and working hard; they spend their money

All of it is deposited in the bank, so that the bank can absorb people's money to invest and issue loans; they work hard to educate and turn themselves and their descendants into suitable practitioners. It is like this, with these three characteristics, we have caught up with Westerners

It has created various 'miracles' in its footsteps, such as the Ten-Year Miracle, the Four Economic Miracles in the Eastern Hemisphere, and the Silla Miracle... We all know that we are the only ones in the world in the Eastern Hemisphere that have kept up with Taixi and New Taixi.

We are proud of it, but we also have the inertia to continue to pile the next generation into this flesh and blood mill, hoping to do some more 'miracles'."

“My favorite is Nisto’s tofu and chicken nugget box lunch!”

"What, my synth and I really love each other, why don't we count her as a member of my family? I want to spend the rest of my life with her!"

Free housing reduces everyone's financial burden, allowing them to use their wages for other consumption. The most important thing is to improve current living conditions and build people's confidence in the future.

"We are so tired that we feel guilty even if we take a break now. It seems that only by working hard can we promote economic development. But you must know that the productivity of this era is too developed. What we worry about is too much material and too much consumption.

Less, the distribution is too poor. In fact, you don't need to work more at all. Extra 'diligence' will lead to further deterioration of the economy. Instead, I praise lazy people. They do not work, are not employed, and consume the excess materials of this era to avoid economic collapse.


Due to the zero-pressure social strategy, some of Nisto's businesses suffered losses and required subsidies. However, as social consumption vitality increased, the income of other businesses also increased significantly, which was enough to support these subsidies for agriculture, transportation, construction and other sectors.

"I finally moved in, okay! Let's start my great creative career from this small shelter!"

"This way I can save money to buy a house and open a grocery store. It's great!"

People are constantly trying to experience life in new environments.

Income inequality, inequality between rich and poor, these problems are all improving with each passing day.

There is no need to run around for daily necessities. The biggest experience for most people is...relaxation, finally relaxing.

"I will never cook at home again, restaurants outside are so cheap anyway."

"Now that I can afford fruit, I don't want to eat dry nutrition cream!"

Once the demand side shrinks, a terrible economic crisis will come, because no one wants to buy things or cannot afford them, and there is a mismatch between production and consumption. This is the biggest crux of the company system.

They can do a lot of things they really want to do instead of spending their whole lives paying off mortgages.

"Finally I have money to buy delicious food for my mother..."

As an internally self-contained company, as long as overall profits continue to rise, the corporate strategy remains promising.

Even the marriage rate and fertility rate have changed from the downward trend of decades and began to slowly turn upward!

This makes many people happy. It is estimated that mankind has finally been saved from the sad fate of extinction.

"Take advantage of this opportunity to see the sea in the south!"

"The company's RMB 200 car subsidy has been cancelled. I'm really stingy... I really hope the boss surrenders to Nisto Company as soon as possible! Then I can directly become a member of Nisto Company!"

After merging the New Xisheng Group and annexing most companies in the Northern Islands, Nisto now produces 70% of the products and services in the Northern Islands. It has a complete industrial chain and department system, so it can also transfer profits internally.

The consumer confidence of residents of the northern archipelago has increased significantly, and with the increase in total social demand, Nisto Company is also making a lot of profits.

Previously, due to economic conditions, I could only try the cheapest commuting method, but now I can go wherever I want.

"Generation, generation, generation, generation after generation. In many cities, the buildings are still so high, and people are still so poor. People are not leeks, and people will also get tired. People need time to think, learn, time and money to consume, need

Relaxation and long vacations require cultivating your own knowledge. Times will also change. If we want to stand out, we need more creative, talented people who have time to learn and think, instead of consuming people's energy and blood.

To accumulate some products with no technical content."

Everyone can try a variety of careers and no longer have to pursue a "stable" job, because now even if the job is unstable, they will not be poor and starve to death, and they can completely let themselves go.

Food expenditures as a proportion of household expenditures have fallen significantly, which means that everyone has become a little wealthier and everyone now has more money to spend on other things they want.

"No need to buy me a house! Honey, buy me a bouquet of flowers!"

"The cyberpunk cities imagined by people 100 years ago were often based on real-life Shangjing, Jialongpo, Balaya, Hongkong City, and Yidu City. The best services, education, and industries were concentrated in specific cities.

In a city, high-rise buildings must be built in order to increase the area ratio, so young people keep piling up in these big cities. The buildings there are very high, the people are very poor, and too many of us are too good at suffering."

"My home is too remote. It costs 2,000 to take a train every year to go to college from the countryside. Now I finally save this money!"

For residents who have previously lived in housing under the name of Nisto Company, rent will be waived from now on, but residents must still pay attention to daily maintenance of the room, and compensation for damage will be required.

Under the coordination of Domokumo, the extra profits of many high-income departments were actually transferred to subsidize low-income departments.

Parents are less forced to pursue stable jobs and more respectful of their personal talents. Some jobs are useless in themselves and only have the advantage of "stability". Such jobs have lost a lot of appeal today.

The free public transportation plan has greatly revitalized the social mobility of the entire northern archipelago, which is a major benefit to students with no financial income and those who are eager to go to big cities to find jobs.

As a result, an obvious phenomenon of economic complementarity emerged.

Too many people's funds are trapped in large expenditures such as mortgages. Once a person has a 50-year mortgage, he will not dare to spend money for the next 50 years, which directly overdraws his consumption potential.

Nowadays, people have lighter burdens and more free time, which has revitalized most people's consumption power.

For families of 1 to 5 people, free residences with different areas of 20 to 100 square meters are provided.

In a zero-pressure society, "homelessness" has also become a historical term.

For families and individuals, as long as they have no real estate in their name and have ended the lease contract for other houses, they can move into the free accommodation provided by Nisto Company. The accommodation is provided in various forms according to the area, including townhouses, apartments, and HDBs.

and independent housing, etc.

Going to the hospital, school, and work has become very easy. People can use the light rail, railway, large shuttle and subway that extend in all directions to reach every corner of the city, go to places they have never thought of before, and buy products they have never bought before.

"I've paid off my 30-year mortgage in vain... I want to jump off the building... Let's destroy this absurd world..."

Nisto has been undermining the real estate industry, ultimately removing this mountain from people's heads.

"People are the most basic element in economic activities, and Nisto's 'Zero Pressure Society' plan will change everything. It is a plan to release people's potential. I believe that a 'Nisto Miracle' will soon appear, and

, the way to achieve it is different from the past.”

In her office at the Nisto headquarters, Lila meets with other top managers.

"Mr. Sohei Oyama spoke highly of our company's operations. Now is the time for us to work hard and implement the new strategic policy. The 'Nisto Miracle' will become a reality in our hands," Lila said solemnly.

To keep this giant ship of 10 million employees moving forward, Lila must make a new layout.

(End of chapter)

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