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Chapter 779 The time has come to change the sky

A light stealth shuttle landed in the north-south ceasefire area, like a white bird.

This place has been highly guarded. It hovered in the air for a while before finding a suitable landing point and stopped on a hill. The dense cedars nearby were the best natural cover.

The snow kept falling, and Xu Yang and others got off the shuttle.

He stood on the snow-covered grass and looked everywhere. Although the ceasefire line was not drawn in detail, he could clearly distinguish the north and south at a glance.

On one side, there are dense barbed wire fences, trenches and military outposts. The fortification groups stand on the ground like rows of steel nails. They are all built according to the standards of permanent fortifications and are connected to each other by traffic trenches, warehouses and underground stations.

, and there are countless anti-aircraft guns and missiles aimed at the sky. No matter what form of attack is launched from the opposite side, all efforts must be made to destroy these fortresses.

Further away is the dense agricultural land. Because it has not been sown in spring, it is still barren, like a vast bald spot on the earth. The narrow road extends northward, directly connected to Yaoyin Mountain, and only after climbing over the mountain can you reach Xincheng.

There are no vehicles on it, and there is a military train track running alongside it, like a pair of black parallel lines.

On the other side, there is a series of military bases of various sizes, connected by roads and three-dimensional tracks, which are as intricate as a maze. Heavy rocket launcher positions, missile bases, radar stations, airports and information centers are each located according to the terrain, covering each other and conducting desperate reconnaissance.

and eavesdrop on all movements. No matter how fiercely the opponent attacks, they must be mentally prepared to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people.

Three highways lead straight to the south. At a glance, you can see a large number of villages, towns and large and medium-sized cities scattered around. Buildings, factories and buildings are densely packed. The network road pattern is quite clear. You can also see painted modern

The airship with the trademark of the entertainment company is slowly sliding high.

Jin Yuxiu stood on the ceasefire line, staring first at the scene in the north and then at the scene in the south.

"It wasn't like this here before." Jin Yuxiu said subconsciously.

"Yes, when we first came, neither side had such a large-scale defense group. Now they have built the highest-level land fortresses and are waiting for the other side to attack first. If there are no signs of instability within North Silla, South Silla will

It would be difficult for Luo to break through so many defenses. Moreover, North Xinluo also has long-range missiles and rocket launchers. If it bombs wildly to the south, Modern Entertainment Company will not be able to bear it." Xu Yang said.

Although he did not see the actual situation in North Silla, Xu Yang made a guess and knew that a lot of air raid shelters and disaster avoidance projects must have been built there. During wartime, the rugged mountains could be relied upon to build defenses; South Silla had many large and densely populated areas.

It is difficult for cities to withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of missiles and rockets.

Facing the harsh situation of the confrontation between the two armies, Jin Yuxiu closed her eyes sadly.

She breathed silently. The entire peninsula seemed to be cracking under her feet. Differences in ideas and contradictions in reality divided them into two. The hatred between the two areas seemed to have no possibility of being bridged.

"Yesterday, that Cha Xinchi said that I am the representative of Silla, and my victory is just like the victory of Silla. I didn't feel it was true at that time, but now I feel...that's it. Residents of Silla

Suffering from civil strife and war, suffering from all kinds of disasters, but they can read about me from media reports, Jin Yuxiu, a witch from Silla, soaring in the sky..." Jin

Yuxiu raised her hand, as if touching the cold clouds.

"When the ethnic group is weak, a sportsman can inspire everyone's optimism and fighting spirit and change the fate of the entire civilization, let alone a ruler-level witch? If you use all your strength, I am afraid that even the headquarters of Modern Entertainment Company will be destroyed.

The whole city of Yidu will be destroyed by bombing. Such unparalleled power is certainly worthy of their pride, and you are the only one." Xu Yang nodded.

"I don't know, I am a witch!" Jin Yuxiu said, "And they are humans. Humans and witches are two different races, aren't they?"

"How many people really think this way? Most people still calmly accept the fact that witches live among humans, and many times they are not aware of your identity as witches. If you put down your armor, put on your regular clothes, and walk in

In a cafe or movie theater, who would notice your true 'race'?" Xu Yang said.

Jin Yuxiu sat down on the grass silently, holding her knees with her hands.

Xu Yang looked at Jin Yuxiu. At this moment, she seemed to have become the last glue between the northern and southern worlds.

"Maybe that's the case..." Jin Yuxiu shook his head, "But maybe the Northern Silla people are more innocent. The Southern Silla people only regard me as a migrant worker, and I have always thought that I am just a migrant worker."

"Yes, this is the power of the company. The pamphlet that Northern Silla people love to read says this: The company has destroyed all sanctity and submerged the sacred outbursts of our emotions in the ice water of egoism.

Use pure money transactions and value exchanges to eliminate illusions and enthusiasm, and put a price tag around your neck." Xu Yang said.

"Price tag?" Jin Yuxiu raised her head and asked.

"Yeah, it's amazing. If the company offers you a salary of 100,000, you will feel that you are a 'person worth 100,000' and feel very proud; if the company offers you a salary of 10,000 or 20,000, people will feel that you are worth 100,000."

10,000 or 20,000, and then look down on those who earn less, and desperately check how many people in the society they have surpassed now; if they are offered a salary of 5,000, people will feel that they are only worth 5,000, and think that they are mediocre and ordinary. In this way, the company portrait

Like commodities, people give up their self-esteem and become some kind of slaves with price tags hanging around their necks. They are extremely proud of being able to serve entrepreneurs, and they also compare themselves with each other... and so on." Xu Yang said casually.


Jin Yuxiu closed her eyes.

"I'll find a way to do something," she said.

In the South, it's always a tool...

Xu Yang looked in the direction of Xincheng and began to hack into the line. The first group of people had already arrived, and then came the second and third groups.

A40 and some Silla agents secretly approached Sin City. They wanted to sneak into the prison to rescue Choi Tae-young, the former president of North Silla.

Although this person has little skill, he has at least served as president, so his legitimacy is greatly guaranteed and he can ensure the stability of the transitional stage.

"Wow... a poor place." A40 looked around with an optical invisibility cloak on, observing the scene on the outskirts of Xincheng.

A40 also participated in the Battle of Silla three years ago. The situation was also very bad at that time because most of the people were drafted into the battlefield to fight against the company, and the countryside was in ruins.

I thought that three years of recuperation would make the situation better, but I didn't expect that it would actually get worse!

There was heavy snowfall, and most of the villages were isolated because the roads were covered with snow. They were as quiet as cemeteries.

Without machines to shovel snow, most people would be isolated where they live, unable to leave their villages throughout the winter.

"Get up and fight now! Our cause needs every minute and every second!"

"Work hard every Saturday! Work harder every Sunday than you did on Monday!"

"It's time to contribute to our hometown!"

"Join the army, heroic man, it will take your hard work to resist the corporate camp!"

"Eight hours of work, eight hours of entertainment, and eight hours for yourself!"

There are a large number of signboards on the highway, filled with slogans full of fighting spirit, depicting the good life of North Silla's progressive cause and encouraging people to work hard.

A40 moved his eyes away from the billboard and could clearly see the poor condition of many houses along the way. Most of the houses in the northern archipelago have been temporarily upgraded to cope with extreme weather. There is no maintenance at all in these rural houses in Northern Silla. The walls

Cracks, roofs collapsed, windows were broken, and the people inside were forced to move out, leaving more empty houses like coffins.

"My mother said that most of the supplies are in the hands of the owners of the supply cooperatives and the distributors sent by them. If you don't give them gifts or meet their various requirements, you won't be able to get the supplies." A man from Silla

The intelligence officer said frustratedly that his name was Kim Min-jae, that he was a data thief and was transferred by the cyber security department to support the operation.

"It is said that during the first heavy snowfall last year, almost all the elderly and sick people in North Silla died, and no one kept statistics on what happened..." Another intelligence officer named Cui Xinxian simply said that he had moved to the northern archipelago for a long time

, was originally a senior agent of Xisheng, but ended up surrendering with the company without playing any role. He was released after being imprisoned for a few weeks. Now he is eager to do something to prove himself.

"What, there is such a thing!" A40 was angry.

If it knew who had done these good deeds and harmed innocent people, it would definitely cut them into pieces!

"Let's go. The top priority is to rescue Chairman Choi Tae-young first. If Yin Changmin is driven away, only Chairman Choi can barely control the situation." Another female agent named Li Eun-yeon said that she is very good at using herself in other places.

She used her beauty to solve the problem, but that was not necessarily the case after arriving in Silla, because most women had plastic surgery on their pretty faces similar to hers.

"As long as this thing is installed, communication can be restored in North Silla where the signal is isolated." The data thief Jin Minzai took out a set of tools. Once he enters Xincheng, he will have a lot to do.

At this moment, in a high-end hotel in Xincheng, General Yin Changmin was playing mahjong with other senior officials under the protection of guards.

Yin Changmin is now the most powerful person in Northern Silla, and he also knows the importance of maintaining close contact with other political figures.

In the past, there were horrific stories of senior officials of Silla being shot dead by their own intelligence minister. Therefore, Yin Changmin learned his lesson and always supported his circle of confidants and never scolded them. Even if he really couldn't bear it, he would solve the problem secretly and never fall out in person.

He is very good at maintaining balance.

Yin Changmin bows to powerful foreign companies, bows to his officers and senior officials, but does not bow to the common people. After all, ordinary people really have no ability to resist. It is enough to send one or two thousand people with second thoughts to take a gun every year. It is really overturned.

Can't afford any big waves.

"Your Excellency Yin! Xincheng Prison has been attacked!" A messenger quickly ran in from outside.

"What? It's so lawless." Yin Changmin put down the mahjong tiles in his hand, and the others also listened with their ears pricked up.

"Those automatic defense facilities seem to have failed! There seems to be hacker activity!" the intelligence officer said uneasily.

"Hacker?" Yin Changmin frowned, "Hacker in modern entertainment?"

"Not confirmed yet!" the messenger said quickly.

Yin Changmin hurriedly walked out. There were many robots in the hotel, which made him uneasy.

"Then..." Yin Changmin pointed to a machine guard in the corridor, "Say there are hackers, has it also been hacked?"

"No." The machine guard said.

"Well..." Yin Changmin turned away absentmindedly.

"General! The machine guards don't talk!" the orderer shouted.

In an instant, the robot guard turned around quickly, trotted over, and gave Yin Changmin a sharp kick.

"Hmph." Yin Changmin turned sideways and turned his back to the robot to still avoid the attack.

I was almost tricked by it, but luckily I am better at it. Yin Changmin said secretly.

"What!" The messenger quickly took out a pistol from his arms and prepared to kill the hacked robot.

The pistol's automatic aiming auxiliary system went haywire, and it immediately aimed at Yin Changmin beside him, pointing directly at his chest.

Before the messenger could react, he subconsciously pulled the trigger.

This chapter has been completed!
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