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Chapter 780 Crossing the Ceasefire Line


General Yin Changmin's body was penetrated!

The hand of the orderly soldier shook violently at the moment of firing, because he suddenly realized that the auxiliary sight was locked to his immediate superior!

The sound of gunfire trumped all movement.

People in the chess and card room trembled for a while, and many people thought to themselves, "Who is here to claim their lives?"

In order to find out what happened, people came one after another, and the footsteps in the corridor sounded like a heavy drum.

Soldiers, guards, senior officials who were playing mahjong with Yin Changmin, the director of the logistics department, the deputy director of the intelligence department, and more than a dozen unemployed personnel from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs all rushed out and shouted at the fallen Yin Changmin.

The general... was beaten to death?!

Everyone was surprised.

"The general has been shot!"

"There's an assassin!"

"Protect the general!" they shouted as they distanced themselves, each with different expressions, and they were all thinking about how the situation in Northern Silla would change after Yin Changmin was shot!

The robot guard was knocked down by the soldiers with rifle butts and fists, and it fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

They dare not shoot. In this era, smart auxiliary sights are very popular. Once they are hacked, shooting is like committing suicide.

The orderly soldier who accidentally hit Yin Changmin now has his legs sifting through chaff and his face is earth-colored.

People from the medical team rushed over, and they surrounded Yin Changmin to rescue him, just like a group of small engineering boats providing repairs to a giant ship that was about to sink.

Yin Changmin opened his eyes wide and gritted his teeth.

The wound was like a black hole, almost swallowing up all his strength and life force.

The medical staff worked desperately to save the general, using super treatment needles and Phoenix medical kits.

After about 2 minutes of first aid, Yin Changmin's weak voice rang out from the crowd, drowning out the murmurs of others.

The people walking around quickly stopped for fear of overshadowing the general's order.

"Declare a state of emergency...!" Yin Changmin said with difficulty. His brain was like an unoiled machine, running desperately. His posture was pitiful. "...Block the streets and mobilize the 3rd and 4th People's Army.

Go back to Xincheng, surround the prison, and control the media...the media center."

Yin Changmin's order was quickly implemented.

The officers and soldiers took action quickly. Even in the worst situation, they could not give up on Yin Changmin.

Who knows how the rebels will deal with them once they win? They are in high positions because they support Yin Changmin. Only when the general wins forever can they maintain their current life of debauchery.

Yin Changmin was carried onto the medical bed by the medical team and prepared to be sent to the nearest emergency room, which was equipped with a vital sign detection device and an automatic doctor. This set of equipment was the only one in North Silla specifically used to serve Yin Changmin and other high-ranking officials.

The orderly soldier who wounded Yin Changmin followed him with both feet, not daring to go anywhere for fear of being killed as an assassin.

Yin Changmin was speechless at this moment and his life was in danger.

Death is like a pesky bell that keeps ringing in Yin Changmin's ears, urging him to go on his way.

His weak eyes looked at the messenger.

My lips trembled for a long time, but I still couldn't say those words:

Was it intentional or accidental?

Xincheng Prison.

The high-standard prison is being raided by A40 soldiers.

The other agents originally brought a large number of rocket launchers, explosive bombs, electromagnetic pulse grenades and other props and were ready to attack the enemy, but they didn't expect A40 to attack alone!

They just need to follow behind and seize the information center and communication unit.

"A40...can't this guy die?"

"No one can stop it!"

"The famous Xincheng Prison was breached like this..." The intelligence officers were speechless as they looked at the scene in front of them.

Corpses littered the fields.

Wherever the A40 passed, there were hacked-down guards and police officers everywhere! Their uniforms were stained red with their own blood, and there were stumps and broken arms all over the ground. Even the turrets and defense robots were chopped down by the A40, and sparks flew everywhere.


A40 killed a battery from the front yard to the corridor. No one else had a chance to take action. They only heard the screams of people and the sound of bullets being fired from inside. A40 moved faster than them and killed more efficiently than them.

For the guards of Xincheng Prison, things have reached the most terrifying stage.

Inside the prison, they gathered in the narrow corridor with guns in hand, listening to the screams of their companions not far away.



"It's coming!"

Corridor after corridor, the voice of resistance was fierce at first, and then gradually weakened.

A40 soldiers are running rampant in this huge Xincheng prison.

By the time it appeared in front of the next group of security personnel, the entire body of the A40 was stained red with blood.

It was holding a slender "Sakura" in its hand, and the blood on the tip of the knife was so thick that it couldn't drip, like some kind of attachment that would never fall off.


To the surviving prison guards, the A40 was like a ghost appearing on the battlefield. They were so frightened that they even forgot to fire.

A40 dodged and rushed in front of them. One of them closed his eyes tightly, threw away his gun, and raised his hands.


For a long time, he didn't notice that he was being cut. He couldn't help but open his eyes slightly and saw that the A40 had turned around and just cut off the gun in his hand.

Seeing this, the others also threw away their weapons and raised their hands high.

A40 drew the tip of the knife in front of them, neatly drawing a semicircle.

Their eyes couldn't help but close as the blade approached.

This feeling... is too scary.

It's like the tip of the knife carries an invisible cold air.

When A40 dangled the knife in front of them, they felt as if their faces were being blown by a frosty wind, making the hairs all over their bodies stand up, as if every hair was trying to escape from their bodies.

The smell of blood made them tremble with fear.

A40 drew the knife across the side and the tip of the knife dropped, but did not kill them.

There are people who should be killed and people who should not be killed.

A40 passed them, and other agents had hacked into the prison database and provided intelligence to A40, allowing him to go straight to Cui Taining's single cell.


"Don't move!"

"Fire!" The closer he got to Cui Taining's cell, the more determined his defense became.

Because Cui Taining is an important prisoner, there are more professional soldiers and robots in front of his cell.

"Get away!" A40 spun forward and swung the sharp blade in his hand.

The cherry-red light on the knife flashed, and it instantly disappeared from its original position. A rifle bullet crackled and hit the position where it once stood, making it impossible to lock the A40's position.

Where did it go?

People trying to resist the advance of the A40 suddenly felt an ominous feeling in their hearts.

The next second, A40 appeared behind them, spinning to the ground like a meat grinder. The long knife whirled, and the blade cut their backs from behind. There was only the sound of chopping flesh and breaking bones. At least six people were cut in half on the spot.

Turned into twelve disconnected pieces of meat!

The A40 moves towards its goal without any distractions.

Bang bang! A heavy combat robot strode towards the A40, the miniguns on both arms fired continuously, and dense bullets were fired at the A40.

"Die!" A40 slashed the bullet with a knife,

After activating the power of Sakura Death, A40 teleported behind it, jumped on the side and rear of the heavy robot, held a knife in both hands and plunged into the gap in the robot's armor plate, turning it hard, cutting its circuit, causing it to die due to the disordered wiring.


Immediately afterwards, A40 pulled out the blade and quickly dropped it to the ground. The entire action was completed in one go.

Rush, rush, and rush again.

Seventy to eighty percent of the human and machine units in the entire facility were killed by the A40.

It rushed to Choi Taiyong's cell, split the door lock with a knife, and rescued former president Choi Taiyong.

He was the only one who still had the prestige to unite the people of Northern Xinluo.

"Ah - ah -" Cui Taiyong sat on his single prison bed, nervous.

Long-term torture, surgery and starvation have made him thin and dull. Although he is only 36 years old, his hair has turned gray and his eyes are bloodshot.

Now seeing A40 rushing in covered in blood, he was stunned and fainted.

A40 picked up Cui Taiyong with one hand and reported to other agents: "Cui Taiyong was found! Although he fainted..."

"It doesn't matter! It's time! We will take him to the Media and Broadcasting Building and let him issue a media announcement to the people of Jeonbuk and Silla. We have settled most of the matter!" Agent Li Enyan responded quickly.

A40 no longer hesitated and returned with Cui Taining in one hand.

The battle erased A40's hesitation, confusion and fatigue.

It self-checked and found that the running speed became faster and the fighting spirit module became more energetic.

The combat experience accumulated from the past to the present continues to undergo qualitative changes with continuous actual combat.

It walked through mountains of corpses and seas of blood, as if strolling in its own heaven.

South of the ceasefire line, Yidu City, the headquarters of Modern Entertainment Company.

Chairman Lee Min-hwan received first-hand information about the civil strife in North Silla.

Their spies who infiltrated Northern Silla have brought most of the information, giving him a clear understanding of what is happening in Xincheng now.

Xincheng Prison was attacked, and General Yin Changmin was shot.

He also learned that the powerful 3rd and 4th armies of North Silla showed signs of moving their defenses. A large number of military vehicles were returning north, and there was an obvious gap in the ceasefire line.

It's obvious that someone wants to change Northern Silla.

Then, this is also your opportunity.

Li Minhuan let out a long breath.

It's time for war.

It's time, it's finally time.

Li Minhuan had mixed feelings in his heart. After three years and a thousand days of waiting, there was no better opportunity than today.

He turned on the recording function of the smart desktop, which contained part of his father Li Gaoping's personality archive, and the machine projected a humanoid phantom of Li Gaoping.

Ever since his father and other senior executives were burned to death by Micro-October, Hyundai Entertainment has fallen into unprecedented disaster and regression, and the civil war has also emptied the company's financial resources.

Lee Min-hwan inherited his father's business, rebuilt modern entertainment from the ashes of Dragon Fire, and gradually brought it back to the "megacorporation" table.

Compete with Nesto Corporation, develop its own share within Xia's sphere of influence, and contribute in the war against the Blackfire Innovation.

By innovating business models, streamlining operations, and developing agilely, Lee Min-hwan basically restored Hyundai Entertainment Company to its pre-war level.

Now the time has come. If we can complete the great feat of unifying the Silla Peninsula, the people of Silla will no longer be ignored by the world, and the "Modern Entertainment" company will become famous all over the world again!

"Father!" Li Minhuan stood up and bowed deeply to Li Gaoping's phantom. "After three years of hard work on my part, Hyundai Entertainment Company finally got over the trauma of the civil war and became prosperous again with excellent troops! And now there is civil strife in Northern Silla.

, it’s finally time for me to reunify the entire Silla!”

"...Only a strong army and a strong horse can be called strong." Li Gaoping's phantom has no memory and is just a personality disk carried by the terminal program. It continues to perform some of his functions and ideas during his lifetime, including educating and persuading his son.

Looking at his father's vision, Li Minhuan felt unprecedented courage and confidence in his heart.

Generation after generation.

In response to the phrase "it is our responsibility to inherit the family," I took over this giant company from my ancestors. Until now, I have witnessed its glory and decline with my own eyes, and now, the critical point that determines Silla's fate has come to me.

Take a deep breath. Lee Min-hwan calmed down. Although it was a God-given opportunity, he couldn't get into trouble.

Subsequently, Lee Min-hwan issued orders as the chairman of Hyundai Entertainment, personally signed a series of military deployment plans, and organized comprehensive operations by corporate troops and intelligence personnel.

All troops, cross the ceasefire line and move north!

Unify Silla!

This chapter has been completed!
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