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Chapter 783 Design Qiongting System

In an instant, Qingyao felt that she was hit by a cannonball, breaking all the bones in her body from top to bottom!


After being kicked by Pan Ruiyi, Qingyao fell to the ground in severe pain and rolled on the snow.

"Such heavy snow! Are you here to enjoy the snow in Silla?" Pan Ruiyi shouted.

"...Huh...Huh..." Qingyao was beaten until she became unconscious.

Her internal organs were shattered, and severe pain coursed through her body along the nerves.

The witch's armor automatically injected her with a medical injection, suspending her life.

Qingyao could only turn over, lying on her back and staring at Pan Ruiyi, watching how Pan Ruiyi destroyed those floating cannons with punches and kicks.

After dealing with the floating artillery array released by Qing Yao, Pan Ruiyi swooped down and lifted Qing Yao into the air with one hand.

Qingyao felt unwilling.

Back then, she also interfered in Silla affairs. At that time, she faced the three people of 101, 102 and Wei Shiyue, and Qingyao had the upper hand!

Now that he met Pan Ruiyi, he had no room to resist.

After all, Pan Ruiyi's magic power is too rogue.

Once captured by her magic power, his hands and feet will become weak and his reactions will slow down. Everything must serve Pan Ruiyi's "melee magic power" to ensure that Pan Ruiyi can maintain his victory in close combat.

This is also a kind of tampering with reality.

"Ha! In such a wasteland, no one will find out even if I kill you!" Pan Ruiyi raised Qingyao and shouted loudly.

"Wait until I become the ruler witch..." Qing Yao's voice was weak.

Pan Ruiyi only found it funny.

Qingyao is very strong, and is indeed one of the most powerful witches under the ruler, but the gap in strength is still insurmountable.

When they grew up together in the military camp, they often competed with each other, winning and losing. Qingyao could often use slow-time magic to make Pan Ruiyi feel defeated.

However, since Pan Ruiyi became the ruler witch with the help of Farosha, it is impossible for her to be defeated by Qingyao.

Even if she fights hundreds of times, Qingyao can't defeat Pan Ruiyi!

"Only a little bit?" Pan Ruiyi mocked, "Dream on it!"

"Dreaming...yes, dreaming." Qingyao weakly grabbed Pan Ruiyi's hand and kicked her legs in the air, "Wait until I have a good dream and then go a little further..."

Pan Ruiyi discovered that Qingyao accidentally said something incredible.

Her expression immediately changed from relaxed and arrogant to calm.

"What dream? Have you started to dream about witches? Mazes, corridors and monsters?" Pan Ruiyi asked.

"So what?" Qingyao sneered.

"Let me see!" Pan Ruiyi hammered Qingyao to the ground, then used both arms to try to tear Qingyao's armor apart.

"What are you doing-" Qingyao shouted in fear, "Da Pan! No!"

Pan Ruiyi was very interested and wanted to see if Qingyao had witch marks on her belly.

The witch armor installed by Kaoge Kyushu is prepared to allow witches to fulfill their duties faithfully. The built-in Meridian Gate system can burn witches to ashes from the inside to prevent rebellion.

Pan Ruiyi hadn't worked at Gaoge Jiuzhou for a long time, and he had almost forgotten that he almost died in the execution system. Now that he thought about this, he couldn't help but stop what he was doing.

If you mess around, Qingyao might be wiped out.

In any case, Qingyao accepted the witch's dream unintentionally, maybe even she didn't realize it. Pan Ruiyi thought to herself.

"Forget it, I made a mistake. Anyway, have a good dream." Pan Ruiyi helped Qingyao up.

"You - pervert!" Qingyao stood up and yelled.

"Hey," Pan Ruiyi always said indifferently, "Why are you going south? The roads here have been blown up by the locals. The mountains are full of bunkers. There are only ginseng and animals in the mountains. Tell your boss to go to places with a lot of oil.


"What? We are here to sell goods. We want to urge the people of Northern Xinluo to open the border, but you actually launch an attack indiscriminately." Qingyao said coldly.

Qingyao opened the storage box on the armor and took out the separation chip with the business contract written on it.

"Oh!" Pan Ruiyi was shocked.

She thought she was going to invade the country with an army, but it turned out she was just here to discuss a deal. As expected, businessmen have the final say in this world. Congratulations on getting rich!

"If you know, hurry up and cure me, otherwise you will be in big trouble! I don't mean any harm, but you... punched and kicked me!" Qing Yao shouted loudly with all her strength.

"Yeah! Yeah! This is me! I'll beat you first and then I'll talk." Pan Ruiyi hugged Qingyao tightly from behind, then lifted her up and transported her south.

Pan Ruiyi looked at the mark of Gaoge Jiuzhou on Qingyao's armor.

Their trademark is very simple, just four bold and gilded characters, which is very recognizable.

It is said that Gaoge Jiuzhou has completed a higher-scale upgrade and iteration, with further streamlined personnel and further shrinking of the company structure. Many of its departments have been transformed into regional subsidiaries and branches. They decide their own business policies, and the scale of the parent company itself is smaller.

Getting smaller and smaller seems to have completely changed the business strategy.

Probably to adapt to competition? Pan Ruiyi started thinking wildly.

Xia's economy is too large, and its super giant unified market is the envy of other companies.

In Xia's corporate city, countless legends of fame and wealth are staged over and over again, enough to make even the most lack of wealth consciousness cast their eyes on Vanity Fair. As long as they have the brains, good luck, and catch up with the traffic, they will have enough food and clothing for the rest of their lives.


In recent years, companies such as Yinlong Technology, Juling Industry, Zishan Bank, and Longxiang Group have become stronger and stronger, and their influence in the Eastern Alliance camp is increasing day by day.

One after another, new companies are listed on the list of famous enterprises, pursuing more profits and a stronger monopoly position. Many entrepreneurs have made fortunes in the economic wave and become upstarts.

Faced with so many changes, if Gaoge Jiuzhou wants to maintain its position, it must make breakthroughs and come up with new products and new technologies.

The bustling world is all for profit! The bustling world is all for profit!

In this materialistic world, the struggle between enterprises is the most cruel! And it is a real fight to the death, with no slacking off! Thinking of the bloody scenes, Pan Ruiyi wanted to crush some people's heads.

"Are you here to guard the door?" Qingyao suddenly spoke up, breaking Pan Ruiyi's reverie.

"Yeah, I'm guarding here. Don't forget, people with brains make decisions, we are just witches who work. I will take you to Xincheng and ask you... to show them your trading contract and so on.

." Pan Ruiyi carried Qingyao and walked to a safe place.

"You traitor, shouldn't you run away? To be honest, I was surprised when I first saw you." Qingyao said coldly.

"What's this? Think about it, the big boss's sons and daughters enjoy happiness overseas all year round, and occasionally come back to the country to race cars and have fun. Why can't I go overseas to make a lot of money, and then occasionally come back for a stroll in the summer? Maybe they can still

I'm proud of it." Pan Ruiyi disagreed.

"Is your salary high?"

"A hundred times higher than you!" Pan Ruiyi laughed. She now earns about 10 million a year, which may be a hundred times that of Qingyao.

"Huh..." Qingyao couldn't stand Pan Ruiyi.

Vulgar, barbaric, lazy, and rude, no matter which man meets her, it will definitely be miserable.

She lay on Pan Ruiyi's shoulder, closed her eyes, hoping that it would all end soon.

It turns out that Qingyao is here to discuss business, but the big bosses probably don’t like the mosquito meat of North Xinluo, so they probably plan to buy some ginseng to take back to supplement it. Pan Ruiyi thought to himself. Looking at it this way, it’s really hard for him to beat up Qingyao.

I feel sorry for her.

The entire North Silla economy is only a few hundred billion, which is actually about the same as a county in Xia.

To be honest, this is too pitiful.

The total economic output of South Silla is a hundred times that of North Silla, so it can be considered a serious business partner. After suffering this loss, I'm afraid they won't let it go.

On the other side, the temporary managers of Xincheng held a general affairs meeting, hoping to rebuild North Silla as soon as possible.

"The top priority is to restore economic operations and find ways to bring hungry people back from the food and clothing line."

"The snowstorm continues, many villages have been cut off from human settlement, many mines have been closed, and half of the roads in the northern mountainous area are impassable..."

"If this continues, large-scale famine and plague will become epidemic!" The temporary representatives of Northern Silla exchanged nervously.

Long-term natural and man-made disasters have turned Northern Silla into a hopelessly cold and impoverished place.

Many of them received an emergency notice and rushed to Xincheng Hall to help, pooling their efforts to help establish a transitional government.

These people themselves are not professional managers or politicians, they are all farm owners, factory workshop directors, etc. They have been excluded from Yin Changmin's circle for a long time, and now they must decide the fate of North Silla.

"Probably like this." Xu Yang said, "Nisto Company's opinion is to use your 20-year export rights of ore, coal and other materials as collateral in exchange for ready food, medicine, building materials and cash. This is what we

The company proposed it on the basis of its interests and no loss, and I hope you can also support the work of Nisto Company."

"It can only be this way!"

"We believe in the reputation of the Nisto Company, so let's do it. Our iron and coal will be turned into the hoes, hammers and shovels used by the Nisto Company to work and transform the world! That's not bad!"

"All the resources we produce will be sold to the Nisto Company." They embraced the support of the Nisto Company and chose to supply most of their output to the Nisto Company in the next 20 years in exchange for the urgently needed reconstruction materials.

"The second is to renew the peace treaty with Modern Entertainment Company, reduce the size of the army, and allow demobilized soldiers to return to production and life. Nisto Company will provide security services during the transitional period to ensure that no one will rebel or mutiny." Xu Yang


"Ah! Great!"

"It should have been like this a long time ago..."


"It is really inappropriate for our poor economy to support such a large army."

"Our people are afraid of war and long for a few generations of respite. We should let those unruly soldiers stay away from guns and return to farmland and factories, let them put down their guns and go to production. That's good!" They all are very happy!


With the force guarantee of Nisto Company, even if North Silla troops are reduced, those disbanded soldiers will not be able to cause trouble. North Silla cannot afford large-scale retired soldiers.

"The last step is to deploy the Qiongting system. I plan to make an attempt." Xu Yang said.

"What attempt?"

"I want to rebuild Xincheng in the coordination and planning of the Qiongting system. If the entire system can quickly and accurately allocate manpower and material resources to build the unfinished Xincheng, it means that the Qiongting system has great applications.

Prospects. Everyone, North Silla will be the world's first...'testing ground' to test how an economic system completely controlled by AI, algorithms and computer terminals will work. If you are willing, I will personally optimize Qiong

Pavilion system, and then use it to build Xincheng." Xu Yang said seriously.

"The Qiongting system... is an idea that our scientists have proposed before."

"I heard it on the radio back then. It was said that once it is realized, everyone will be truly fair and united."

"There is no need for invisible hands, only visible hands!" the representatives discussed.

Previously, the Qiongting System also had the potential to be deployed, but it was arbitrarily restricted by Yin Changmin's army for three years. Now they are piecing together the fragments from their memories and thinking about the original promise of the Qiongting System.

"……Try it."

"The Qiongting Project is a great thing that was researched by a research team of several hundred people! We no longer need financial scientists and companies, computers will choose it, and artificial intelligence will allocate it!"

"Let's give it a try - treat North Silla as a test field. If our results prove that the economy of terminals and machine calculations is better than the company's market system... we will be considered to have contributed to all mankind! If we fail... we will

How can you be so poor?" one representative said generously.

These people were sallow and skinny, but they had great morale. They still held the glorious ideals of the Northern Silla people during the uprising. At this time, they all set their sights on Xu Yang.

"Then... give it a try!" Xu Yang understood.

He wants to personally optimize the Qiongting system.

An unprecedented test to see whether the economy of human society can be completely controlled by machines and AI.

This chapter has been completed!
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