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Chapter 784 From blueprint to practice

Before starting work, Xu Yang took the note and went to the prison to arrest him.

Park Yong-cheol, the chief engineer of the Qiongjeong system, was the first to design the Qiongjeong system, intending to include everyone in North Silla into the automatic economic system. In the future, he also wants to radiate it to the whole world, so that humans can bathe in the benefits brought by the Qiongjeong system.


After General Yoon Chang-min usurped power, Park Yong-cheol and other intellectuals wrote a fierce joint letter criticizing him.

After that, Park Yongzhe was detained until today.

He and a group of other intellectuals were imprisoned and were forced to draft documents praising General Yin Changmin day and night to make up for the serious crime of jointly criticizing the general.

"Chief Engineer Park Yongzhe..." Xu Yang muttered, preparing to meet this legendary scientist and lead a team to develop the Qiongting System. Such talents are rare.

North Silla was rescued from Yoon Chang-min's dictatorship overnight, leaving Park Yong-cheol unsure whether he was safe.

When he came out of the cell, he was holding a different document in each hand.

If the other party is Yoon Changmin, hand over the poem on your right hand, if not, hand over the document on your left hand.

"Mr. Park, as soon as I opened the Qiongting system, I saw your signature on it. Was it you who led the entire project?" Xu Yang said.

"Yes." Park Yongzhe said cautiously.

His face was so thin that it was full of wrinkles, as if there was a force behind the bridge of his nose that was pulling his entire face in. He was also wearing a pale prison uniform, and he was as stooped as a snake. His black hair was hanging down. There was not even a barber in the prison.

Paired with Park Yong-cheol.

Now 58 years old, Park Yongzhe was born in a small fishing village on the North Silla coast. He was later recommended to study abroad because of his excellent grades.

If the information Xu Yang checked is true, Park Yongzhe received a PhD in artificial intelligence from the San Francisco Institute of Technology in 2013. He later worked at the Artificial Intelligence and Terminal Research Institute on the West Coast and published a large number of cutting-edge papers.

Xu Yang speculates that today's "Garden of Eden" quantum computer and "All-seeing Eye" super artificial intelligence are all related to Park Yongzhe's research.

After the Silla Civil War, Park Yong-chul enthusiastically returned to Northern Silla to build up his impoverished homeland. As a result, he was severely beaten and starved in General Yoon Chang-min's prison for two years. It was really a huge waste of his scientific and technological talents.

"Professor Park, the interim management has decided that we will continue to complete the research on the Qiongting system." Xu Yang said.

"Qiong, Qiongting system..." Pu Yongzhe lowered his head in pain and sighed deeply.

"What's wrong? Is there any difficulty? I have the equipment here. You can write a note for the other staff and I will bring them in." Xu Yang consoled him.

"The rest doesn't matter. Please release all the people in prison. They were all arrested because they disobeyed Yin Changmin." Park Yongzhe said hurriedly.

"This still needs to be screened. Some were imprisoned after breaking the law under Yin Changmin's rule, and some were framed. In short, you come with me first, and I will arrange the matter clearly. Don't worry." Xu Yang said.

Xu Yang treated Park Yongzhe to a warm meal and placed a full food box on the cold iron table in the prison cafeteria, including roast chicken, stewed rice, kimchi and drinks.

Park Yongzhe ate voraciously. He had not eaten anything more nutritious than steamed buns for two years. He was very weak. The kimchi from his hometown made him cry.

Finally came to life...

"We want to make sure that you are healthy and energetic, because we have to complete the Qiongting Plan and rebuild Northern Xinluo, which is in ruins and waiting to be revitalized." Xu Yang said.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Yang took Park Yongzhe to the infirmary for a checkup.

The automatic medical robot sent by Nisto Company examined Park Yongzhe. There are more and more robots from Nisto Company, passing through North Silla without any hindrance, supporting various basic tasks.

"North Silla does not have these advanced drones, but everyone overseas has them. When will North Silla develop as well as them? Everything can be built!" Park Yongzhe accepted its scan, and what he was thinking was

The future of the entire Northern Silla.

"I'm afraid it's difficult to 'build everything' because it's a small place, so at most some of its technologies can catch up with the world's top. At this stage, it's best to find ways to maintain people's food and clothing first," Xu Yang said.

"Hey——" Pu Yongzhe knew that what Xu Yang said was the truth.

He handed the crumpled document in his left hand to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang opened it and was surprised to see that it was the Qiongting system development record written by Park Yongzhe with a broken pen tip in prison!

Bits and pieces, but the little adds up to something. In prison, Park Yongzhe was still thinking about the Qiongjeong system day and night, eager to build it day and night, replace the corrupt officials and short-sighted strategies, and take over the management of the North Silla economy.

What he holds in his right hand is a seven-line poem praising Yoon Changmin's contribution, which is now thrown into the trash.

"I have lived on the west coast, the freest place in the world, and in North Silla, the most authoritarian place in the world. I have a deep understanding of both places," he said.

"What?" Xu Yang was curious.

"The new free market brings unemployment, polarization between rich and poor, and corporate wars. Authoritarianism leads to individual worship, rampant bureaucracy, and personal aphasia." Park Yongzhe explained his thoughts to Xu Yang.

"Then how can we use the Qiongting system to learn from each other's strengths?" Xu Yang asked.

"Materially, it uses artificial intelligence and distributed differential algorithm planning; spiritually, it allows people to enjoy unlimited freedom of thought and speech." Park Yongzhe said.

Northern Xinluo was small and poor, lacked food and population, and had a very poor foundation. Although it had good ideas, it could only start little by little.

Pu Yongzhe put on thick cotton clothes and was taken outside the prison by Xu Yang.

Looking at Xincheng covered in blizzard, it was completely dark in front of my eyes, the sky was also covered with darkness, and I could only see some white light passing through the sky.

"Those are shuttles?" Park Yongzhe listened to their roar with weak ears.

"The machines sent by Nisto Company transport supplies between various places and rescue people in danger." Xu Yang said.

"What? Nisto company...? Security company? Thank you very much for going through all the trouble to help. I'm really sorry for bothering you. It's not easy to send so many drones." Park Yongzhe sighed.

His impression was still in the early days, when Nisto was founded.

"By the way, let me update you on the current world situation - Nisto Company is already very powerful."

"In that case, there will be a conflict with Xi Sheng. If there is any need, the troops from Northern Silla will help!" Park Yongzhe said hurriedly.

"We have defeated Xisheng and unified the entire northern archipelago." Xu Yang said.

"It's amazing - we will definitely fight against the Black Fire Innovation. Although our navy is weak, we can still help patrol the sea area." Park Yongzhe was surprised at first, and then said solemnly.

"We have also defeated the hegemony of Black Fire Innovation, and Black Fire Innovation no longer exists." Xu Yang said casually.

"What?" Park Yongzhe was really shocked now.

"In short, now that Taiya Islands and Jialongpo are also under our control, Nisto Company is on the same level as a giant enterprise." Xu Yang said to Park Yongzhe.

Park Yongzhe's body trembled and he almost fell in the snow.


He raised his head and watched thousands of light spots densely passing through the sky, and then dispersed in uniform formations like a flock of birds, heading to various parts of Northern Silla, as if a meteor shower had passed through them.

Those are all shuttles and transportation equipment sent by Nisto Company to adjust the situation. They are vast and endless!

At least tens of thousands of tons of supplies were imported into Northern Silla, which really put Park Yongzhe to shame.

It will take a long time for the people of Northern Silla to repay such a favor.

"Giant Enterprise Nisto Company"! This concept also deeply shocked Park Yongzhe.

One company dominates the Northern Islands, Tai Ya Islands and Gialong Po at the same time? Once it can do this, it will be regarded as the top power in the world.

The three places combined have immeasurable natural resources, economic foundation and industrial strength, and a population of close to 1 billion. To the tiny Northern Silla, they are like gods!

With the help of such a company, I am afraid that the Qiongting Plan can finally be put into reality.

"I really want to start construction, but the computing terminal center in North Silla has been in dust for many years." Park Yongzhe took a deep breath and waited for Xu Yang's further arrangements.

"Go build it on my ship." Xu Yang found his Zifeng.

The Purple Wind landed on the ground. This shuttle was elegant and luxurious, injecting a hint of the extravagance of the corporate world into the simple North Silla.

"There is computing equipment in this shuttle?" Park Yongzhe was surprised.

It has a slender and stylish appearance, and it looks like the kind of thing a wealthy man would drive to a university or a bar to find women.

"Using cloud terminal technology to work on the ship, the actual data is transmitted back to the Shangjing computing center. The delay may be 2 to 3 milliseconds. Let's make do with it." Xu Yang and Park Yongzhe started working together to improve the Qiongting system.

Because the pioneering practice has been suffering setbacks, people gradually lost hope in it.

Xu Yang planned to test the quality of Qiongting's system to see if it could replace the company's popular marketing plan.

Not long after the construction started, Park Yongzhe was deeply impressed by the technical support provided by Xu Yang.

It's so advanced, this network specialist's equipment.

He never imagined that yesterday he was waiting for death in a mud pit, but today he would be able to use Nisto's data terminal to connect with the most powerful Northern Islands team.

While Park Yong-cheol was in prison, the scientific landscape of the entire world was constantly changing, forcing him to continue learning and applying new technologies.

Starting from reading the latest journals, Park Yongzhe chose to understand the research and development results of overseas colleagues first, so as not to reinvent the wheel here.

When engaging in science and technology, academic exchanges are a top priority. At Park Yong-cheol's level, scientific research cannot be done behind closed doors. It must be communicated with top intellectuals from the West Coast, Shangjing, Xin'anfu, Lundenim, Letania and other places.

Xu Yang also stayed here to develop and solve the difficulties with Park Yongzhe.

Due to the development of cloud networks, there is no longer a need to build a giant computing center in North Silla. All that is required is to roll out network base stations, and all interactive data will be merged into Nisto's Sea of ​​Seas.

Connecting people to the Internet is Xu Yang's main task.

Cloud network technology has become very advanced and can even be said to be a bit outdated, but it is suitable for use here.

The so-called cloud technology is to forward storage, processing power and software applications through the Internet. They are hosted on servers in the northern archipelago, but can be accessed by Silla people online here.

In this way, locals do not need to spend money to configure terminals, graphics cards, and processors. They only need a network cable and a monitor to complete the calculation in one step. The calculation is completed in the northern archipelago, but it is displayed on the local equipment.

If not, just grab a mobile phone.

As long as the Internet speed is normal, playing games and watching movies will be smooth.

Using cloud technology, North Silla people can keep up with modern consumer civilization in the cheapest way.

"I've got it done here." Xu Yang finished helping people access the Internet and looked back at Park Yongzhe.

"Fortunately, the production system we left behind is still running. Collective industries and cooperative farms are all treasures left by the past era. Data from various workshops and agricultural facilities have been recorded and stored in files, which just became the Qiongting system.

Analysis materials." Park Yongzhe planned his system and was very excited.

After the efforts of countless Silla researchers, the system itself is almost complete. What Park Yongzhe has to do is to prevent people's efforts from being in vain.

It will collect economic data, including production efficiency, inventory levels and consumer demand conditions, and then calculate production and distribution plans for goods and services, optimize resource utilization efficiency, and maximize fairness.

After Xu Yang finished laying out the network site, he helped design the distributed algorithm.

He controlled drones to build huge data information collection centers and Sea of ​​Hillis sites in various areas of North Silla. These were all unmanned and automatically constructed, reducing the harm of human influence.

"It may also be influenced by the 'big data' of commercial companies." He observed the algorithm designed by Park Yongzhe, which can collect information, then speculate and analyze people's needs.

"Yes, it's like the data departments of those companies, working day and night. But they are optimized to put people into information cocoons, push interesting things, make people more and more stupid, and cater to business traffic. They also

Using big data to predict market data and optimize supply chain and warehousing logistics conditions are all tricks of the market. In the Qiongting system, these data and algorithms will perform better." Park Yongzhe said solemnly.

"As long as the people who use this data have no selfish motives or malice..." Xu Yang observed the files compiled in the Qiongting system. Many entries recorded the life of a North Silla person, just like the user portraits collected by the company.

What will it look like when the Great Dao is implemented? The world is shared by all people. AI will have no selfish motives and will present fair plans to mankind.

This chapter has been completed!
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