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Chapter 786 Farewell after the gunfire

The time of reckoning has come.

Xu Yang took Park Yongzhe to the temporary detention center to see Yin Changmin for the last time.

Yin Changmin lay down on his own medical bed. The gunshot wound had not yet healed. Some people suggested that the general should be completely cured before he was shot.

Park Yongzhe looked at Yoon Changmin carefully and lamented the sudden change in fate.

Two years ago, General Yin Changmin gave an order to throw Park Yongzhe into prison like garbage.

Now, Park Yong-cheol is preparing to add fuel to the flames, put General Yoon Chang-min on trial and shoot him.

"General Yin!" Park Yongzhe said, "Do you still remember me?"

Yin Changmin looked at Park Yongzhe with blurred vision.

He has seen too many people in his life, and Park Yongzhe is really insignificant.

"What do you want to do?" Yin Changmin said softly.

For three years, Yin Changmin has been calling the shots in Northern Silla. An order can kill people, and an opinion can change the law. However, now he is just a dying man, waiting for the final trial.

Things are changing.

Xu Yang looked at Yin Changmin. He felt a power of will, as if there was an ax gathered from the anger of many people, ready to cut the man in front of him into two pieces.

"You bastard, a beast worse than a pig or a dog." Park Yongzhe began to scold Yin Changmin, "How many people have been harmed by you. Your sycophants follow you and carry out your cruel orders... A document makes people disappear, and a

Paper arrangements have ruined the futures of countless people. The reason North Silla is like this is all because of you!"

"You-" Yin Changmin said angrily, but he couldn't get up because he was too injured.

Yin Changmin stared at Park Yongzhe, as if he wanted to kill him, just like in the past.

But there was nothing he could do, Yin Changmin had no means.

In North Silla, daily operations are in the hands of the Transitional Management Committee and the Gyeongjeong System, and security is controlled by the powerful military of Nisto Company.

The power of Nisto Corporation penetrates into every corner of North Silla, and drones, synthetics, and security personnel operate unhindered within North Silla.

Even here, Xu Yang can summon 12 micro drones within 500 meters. They are everywhere like mosquitoes and operate silently.

Glory is a thing of the past. No matter how strong Yoon Changmin was in the past, he is very fragile now.

Park Yongzhe is getting more and more excited.

"We will sentence you to death, and all of your accomplices will die," Park Yongzhe said.

Yin Changmin closed his eyes and did not answer.

"It's almost done." Xu Yang saw that Yin Changmin was so angry that he stood up and walked out, followed closely by Park Yongzhe.

The staff was taking Yoon Changmin's portrait off the wall and throwing it away, as if removing a historical stain.

The public trial will be held on Saturday afternoon, and the venue will be Xincheng Stadium.

Because the court was still being renovated, a stage in the open air could only be set up for the trial of Yin Changmin.

Many people were very interested and came to observe how Yin Changmin met his end.

"His death is also very important, marking the end of an era." Xu Yang sat in the stands, leaning forward and resting his hands on the metal railings.

Park Yongzhe sat next to him.

"When I was in prison, I just dreamed, fantasized, and kept thinking that someone would drive this self-righteous guy out. Today, it really came true." Park Yongzhe sighed with emotion.

The presiding judge is the highly respected North Silla jurist Kim Gil-ho. When he entered the court, people applauded thunderously, because Kim Gil-ho was also imprisoned for opposing Yin Changmin. Today, he has the opportunity to personally preside over the trial of Yin Changmin and his subordinates.

An unforgettable revenge.

Kim Ji-ho followed the procedure, and people were eagerly waiting to hear him read out Yoon Chang-min's crimes.

Many witnesses were brought to the stage to identify Yoon Changmin, who was full of evildoers.

Murder, torture, kidnapping, frame-up... and countless evil deeds. In the nearly three years since he was in charge of North Silla, Yoon Chang-min has done countless things as he pleased.

Yin Changmin was sitting on a bench, his hands were cuffed, and he was located in the middle of the stadium, being stared at by people.

"His position was just being watched by everyone, and he could hear everyone cursing and insulting him." Xu Yang looked over.

"He deserves it!" Park Yongzhe said, then stood up and joined the condemnation team.

"Go to hell!"




The once majestic general was now insulted by thousands of people present. His betrayal of the Northern Silla cause and the harm he caused to people were all listed one by one today.

The people were very loud, and Yin Changmin tried to defend himself, but his voice was completely covered by the noise from all directions.

Judge Jin Jihao was also very straightforward and knocked down the wooden hammer in his hand.

"Guilty: shot!" Jin Jihao announced.

People burst into cheers, and the entire stadium and temporary court became a sea of ​​joy!

Finally! Yoon Changmin is dying!

Very good!

The atmosphere was warm, cheerful and moving.

"In this way, the era when Northern Xinluo was controlled by warlords has ended forever, and it can be considered a good thing..." Xu Yang raised his hand.

After the verdict was announced, Yin Changmin stood up and turned around. Everyone glared at him and punched the air with their fists, as if they wanted to kill him from a few hundred meters away.

There is nothing more so-called "public enemy" than this.

"I was just pushed out!" he yelled.

But his voice was drowned in the voices of more people, like a drop of water swallowed up by the waves of history.

The next day, when Yin Changmin was pushed to the execution ground, he couldn't help but recall the afternoon when his father took him to see the shuttle exhibition.

Some businessmen brought overseas shuttles imported from southern ports. Each one costs 19 million and has a top speed of 500 kilometers per hour.

At that time, he vowed to buy one when he grew up, but before his dream came true, he was about to be shot.

There were twice as many people watching the execution as there were people watching the trial.

Yin Changmin was pushed to the execution ground, but the firing squad did not kill him first, but started with several other accomplices.

"Prisoner Jin Xuguo, shoot him!"

"Prisoner Cui Xuanting, shoot him!"

"Prisoner He Zaixian, shoot him!" These people are Yin Changmin's deputies and have done a lot of things for him.

Gunshot, gunshot, gunshot.

The body fell to the ground.

The person who examined the body declared that the death penalty was valid, and then pushed Yin Changmin himself up.

The former Northern Silla general Yoon Chang-min faced the wall and knelt down to the blank wall.

What would he think of when he looked at that wall? Xu Yang witnessed this scene.

Yin Changmin, who was forced to the end of his rope, looked particularly calm.

The people watching the excitement stood on tiptoe.

For them, this is an execution they will never forget in their lifetime.

The countdown to Yoon Changmin's death has begun.

The soldier who fired the gun, wearing a red star medal, aimed his gun at the back of Yin Changmin's heart.

Pull the trigger.


A wisp of smoke rose.

A chest was opened from behind.

Yin Changmin's body trembled.

He threw himself forward and stopped moving.

Looking at his body, people maintained the greatest degree of restraint and were not as excited as they were yesterday.

Because they were already excited on the way here, in their fantasy.

Now, with expressions of great satisfaction on their faces, they dispersed one after another, talking about what happened today, or taking pictures with cameras and mobile phones to commemorate the execution of Yin Changmin.

The old days are gone, and the world is moving forward.

Xu Yang packed up his things and left, talking to Pu Yongzhe about other things about the Qiongting system.

"The system cannot predict people's various needs, so we must always pay attention to this," Xu Yang said.

"Weird needs?"

"There are many, such as the need to read various comics and novels. This kind of thing cannot be anticipated by the Qiongting system, and it can only be nurtured in a large enough market environment. So I think it is better to let the planning go to

Planning, let the market return to the market." Xu Yang explained.

"Hiss..." Park Yongzhe pondered, "I haven't thought about this because I don't like reading comics."

"So this is the wonderful thing about companies. Companies can go out of their way to make people believe that they need 'new clothes', 'new electronic devices', 'new flavors of drinks', which has also created the colorful world today. So that we don't have to wear

Clothes with limited styles, using electronic products with a limited variety, living on drinking water... Diversified needs, consider everyone's free choice." Xu Yang said.

"Perhaps it is necessary to set up a special demand department to study people's differential preferences." Park Yongzhe thought.

"Everyone wants to do whatever they want. If the Qiongting system stands against the majority of people, things will be bad. Some people may be beaten to death in public trials like Yin Changmin. On the contrary, if the Qiongting system always insists on giving the majority of people

If it brings benefits, they will protect it to the death." Xu Yang explained.

"I understand." Pu Yongzhe was eager to learn.

Although Xu Yang is very young to him, Pu Yongzhe has discovered many advantages of Xu Yang after getting along with him for this period of time. Pu Yongzhe admires his wisdom, talent and calm attitude.

Not long after, when it was time to leave, people from the Transitional Committee awarded Xu Yang a medal.

"Commissioner Xu, thank you for providing a large amount of assistance to North Silla on behalf of Nisto Company." Cui Taining, the former chairman of North Silla, took out a medal tremblingly and presented it to Xu Yang in person.

This is the highest honor of Northern Silla, the "Order of the Big Red Star", which is specially awarded to those who have truly made meritorious services to ensure that they receive medals commensurate with their merits.

As its name suggests, this medal is a red star hung with a delicate ribbon.

"Thank you very much... I hope both parties can work together in the future." Xu Yang shook hands with Cui Taining.

Are things in Silla finally coming to an end? Xu Yang secretly thought. The Qiongting system has unlimited potential, at least enough to change Northern Silla for the better little by little.

As for what will happen next, it depends on the joint efforts of the people here.

"Without your support, we may soon fall into division." Cui Taining sighed, "But now we have hope. We plan to deploy a five-year plan to rebuild North Silla's production capacity."

"I hope it will continue... The most important thing is that many people will live in the Qiongting system from now on. If they grow up in this model from childhood, what will people become in the future? Five generations will have passed in one hundred years,

How are the five generations of people who grew up in the Qiongting system different from those in the corporate world? These are all worth looking forward to." Xu Yang said.

Will it be purer and more confident?

"I'm afraid I won't be able to see that day." Cui Taining smiled bitterly, "Let young people discover the future."

Xu Yang took a special plane back to the northern archipelago. He saw Che Xinchi at the airport coming to see him off.

That is to say, it was Cha Xinchi who first went to the northern archipelago to ask for help from Nisto Company. Now that Yin Changmin had been shot, Cha Xinchi dared to show up.

"Commissioner Xu, have a nice journey." Che Xinchi bid farewell to Xu Yang with full respect.

"Thank you, I wish you all the best here." Xu Yang greeted Che Xinchi and left.

Che Xinchi watched Xu Yang's flight fly away.

He looked around with a smile and was surprised to see how much the faces around him had changed.

Is this still the homeland he is familiar with?

In today's Northern Silla, drones and flying machines of Nisto Corporation are cruising in the sky.

Before the corpses of Yin Changmin and his unit commanders were cold, the local police force and security forces were transformed into "soldier" synthetics procured from the northern archipelago, and bunkers and military outposts were also replaced with new control nodes.

The fortifications on the ceasefire line must have also been taken over. It is no longer the cheap artillery of the North Silla people targeting Yidu City, but the giant heavy artillery and anti-missile base of Nisto Company to deter the peninsula, with far more destructive power than before.

There are Internet sites for the Sea of ​​Hillis everywhere, and the information here is organized and sent to Shangjing.

The selection of new management is about to take place, and the mentors sent by Nisto have already been put in place.

Everything is changing silently.

Rumor has it that Nisto will sell the synths all over the world.

When the time is right, they use the built-in program to trigger the combat mode of all synths, so that the West Coast, the Pacific and even the rest of the world will be captured by the Nisto Corporation overnight.

In a daze, Che Xinchi felt that North Silla had become a puzzle piece, embedded in the huge territory of Nisto Company.

This chapter has been completed!
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