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Chapter 787 Rebuilding the Anti-riot Mobile Squad

Xu Yang returned to the headquarters.

On the strategic table, the current situation is very clear.

With the successful completion of the operation in North Silla, Hyundai Entertainment Company has been locked in the narrow land of South Silla, showing a situation of being surrounded.

There is no place to expand, Li Minhuan Xu Yang said secretly.

"We have settled the last unresolved disputed area in the Eastern Hemisphere." Lila announced.

"Fortunately, we took action in time. If North Silla was penetrated by modern entertainment, the entire peninsula would stab into our hearts like a sharp sword." Xu Yang observed.

If Lee Min-hwan unifies the peninsula, he will become a threat that cannot be underestimated. The closest point of the Silla Peninsula to the northern archipelago is less than 200 kilometers.

Xia is currently seeking to challenge the hegemony of the Western Hemisphere. He does not want to fight at home and maintains a neutral attitude. His strategic preference is also to cooperate with Nisto Company.

As for the new president of Hyundai Entertainment Company, Lee Min-hwan, he is an ambitious leader. Since the war three years ago, he has been determined to regain the peninsula and then develop his grand plans. When the time comes, he will definitely point the finger at Nisto Company.

South Silla has technological and financial strength, while North Silla has population and mineral deposits.

The only battlefield in the world is probably Tequila Island, which is protected by the "Bolivar Barrier" electromagnetic interference array. No one originally knew about the fierce conflict that took place inside.

This is also the upper limit.

If there were no huge changes in the world, I am afraid that none of the three parties would be able to do anything to the other.

"Our drilling rigs have been deployed to the mountainous areas of North Silla. According to a series of economic agreements, we can directly exchange food and building materials for local rare metal mining rights." Lila reported.

"Probably just make money as hard as you can, make money as hard as you can...until the financial structure strives to improve again and the corporate world becomes prosperous again." Xu Yang looked at the invitation from the Eastern Hemisphere United Organization.

Not long after, a bright red firelight approached from a distance, and a witch with flaming wings flew over and greeted Jin Yuxiu, Pan Ruiyi and the others.

All fragile companies have collapsed, leaving only the strongest and most ferocious companies, and the economic crisis can no longer curb their development potential.

It rose from humble beginnings and has now managed to reach one of the three poles of the world through constant competition.

Riot control mobile teams, assemble!

There will be no more conflict between the three "giants".

The Nesto Company's interference in Northern Silla represented their strong influence on overseas affairs.

Being able to intervene in the internal disputes of a region at any time, or to send warships directly to the target's doorstep to carry out shock operations, is the best in the world.

"With these additional metal deposits, the cost of our synthetic human product line will be reduced by another 4%, which means a larger advantageous price range. Originally, some emerging technology companies planned to imitate synthetic humans and compete with us in the market.

Now they can't keep up with our production, and their prices have no advantage." Lila observed the changes in the data.

In any case, Nisto Company finally decided to sign a trade treaty with the Eastern Hemisphere United Organization.

By working together to devour the legacy of the Blackfire Innovation, Nisto Corporation and Xia's company survived.

Xu Yang couldn't help but feel amazing when he saw the rising trend of global stock markets.

If a force can only be tyrannical on its own territory, it cannot influence the world situation, and it will only act as a tyrant in its own territory.

At present, the most important resource support of Nisto Company can be said to be the moon. Due to the support of the lunar dragon clan, a steady stream of minerals is imported into Nisto Company's factory from the portal.

Previously, Nisto Corporation established a five-year peace agreement with the West Coast Treaty after a cyber war.

Xu Yang leaned back and lay on his chair.

The intention is also very obvious. After the five-year peace period is over, the winner will be decided with the West Coast Treaty Organization and the ownership of this planet will be decided once and for all.

"Ocean Engineering Company, Amelia McLean - come and report!" She shouted to the witches, while spinning rapidly in the air, bursts of flame pillars erupted from her body, just like setting off fireworks, attracting

The citizens below were intrigued. Her magic was extremely powerful and pure fire control.

The Western world united and formed the West Coast Treaty, which ended the "funding" system that had been in place for more than 100 years, issued the "Thailand Dollar", and used monetary strategies to save the economy from decline.

The cold wind blew down Northern Military Industry, Qianhu Electronics, Burrito Hat... giant companies collapsed in the economic crisis.

"The most powerful witches have gathered again - cheers!" Jin Yuxiu arrived first, spread her golden wings, hovered in the sky, looked down at the two people on the platform below, and kept waving to them.

"Rebuild..." Kyoko Takahashi put on her battle uniform, and a pair of slender steel wings unfolded from her back.

Xu Yang has witnessed the drastic changes in the corporate world in recent years.

Nisto Company mainly occupied the Taiya Islands, and Xia mainly expanded to the "Southern Territory" area adjacent to the land, gaining control over 2 million square kilometers of the Southern Territory world.

Can't fight!

"Dragon-Slaying Conference"?

What exactly is it trying to kill? Xu Yang couldn't figure it out.

First, it fell from the peak to the trough, and the prestige of "company alliance" was lost step by step, and eventually it became unpopular.

The age of peace has come.

Another support is the Taiya Islands. After defeating the Blackfire Revolution, most of the local rich oil and gas, rubber, minerals and timber fell into the hands of the Nisto Company.

Companies quickly responded and rebuilt the War Witch organization, which represented the prosperity and stability of the company world.

Xu Yang has seen the changes and new adaptation strategies of various companies.

All are done by stand-ins and AI.

A series of drastic changes and a series of means of survival.

Nisto Company also has the support of the Chaoyuan offshore oil and gas field. After repeated expansion and construction, a large amount of crude oil is sent to Shangjing or Jialongpo for processing every day. "Every day makes money" is not enough to describe the speed of making money in the oil industry.

Lu Sizhou...it was as if he had disappeared from the world.

Not only that, Resuzhou and Agave Island secretly affiliated with Nisto Company, and the final dispute in the Silla Peninsula was also decided.

All in all - fortunately, this practice was carried out, this invisible crisis was perfectly resolved, and North Silla was completely brought into our side.

Lila understood.

"Countless priceless mineral deposits are hidden in the mountains..." Xu Yang checked the resource distribution map.

Since she didn't say anything, the other companies below didn't make any big moves, they just did some work such as maintaining trade relations.

As long as there are more raw materials, Nisto Company can produce more high-quality and cheap products and sell them all over the world, making huge profits from overseas users.

As soon as the news came out, global financial markets surged because even the last trace of "instability" was eliminated.

Nisto is also happy to maintain cooperation with Xia.

If Nisto and Xia's companies continue to suppress and take away the shipbuilding, automobile, mobile phone and entertainment idol businesses from modern entertainment, it is very likely that they will become a second-rate company.

"We seem to have truly gained the status of 'overlord' now." Xu Yang observed the situation.

She extended an invitation to businesses in the Eastern Hemisphere to rebuild mobile riot squads.

Commonly known as the "Seventy Articles of Trade Resolution".

Projecting influence is the key to measuring power.

The "Seventy Articles" determine the mutually beneficial trade policy of both parties in the next five years, reduce transaction costs, and allow a certain degree of exchange of scientific and technological blueprints.

If the north and the south merge into one, Nisto will have a formidable opponent on its doorstep.

The Gia Long Slope Index rose by 6%, the West Coast stock market rose by 7%, and the prices of various companies in the West Coast rose generally... If people seize the time and enter the market now, they will make a lot of money in a few years.

For at least five years, there will be no war or conflict. Each side will recuperate and accumulate strength.

The covert actions of Nisto Company were like a scalpel cutting off Li Minhuan's brain nerves, preventing him from ever having access to Northern Silla's manpower and resources, and blocking Li Minhuan's strategic steps.

Lu Sizhou is the supreme "leader" of the Eastern Hemisphere United Organization.

There is no doubt that the world is officially divided into three forces: the Eastern Hemisphere United Organization, the West Coast Treaty and the Nesto Corporation.

"What! It's really been rebuilt!" Pan Ruiyi came to the platform of Nisto headquarters and waited for the arrival of other old teammates.

As for people elsewhere, they can enjoy a peaceful and stable environment.

Now the Eastern Hemisphere United Organization has also extended an olive branch and plans to sign a new mutual trade treaty with Nisto!

Even Lu Sizhou himself has left the operation center of the company's affairs, so the Dragon Slaying Conference is too important.

In this way, two of the three poles are getting closer to each other.

Only a few people can see this, but they will not expose it, but secretly analyze Lu Sizhou's intentions.

In comparison, Nisto has reached its expansion limit and can only stop and slowly digest the fruits of victory.

"We are missing one - she can't come!" A witch wearing "Pixiu" legendary nano-armor finally arrived. She was carrying a pair of steel wings equipped with advanced engines.

How important is the Dragon Slaying Conference that Lu Sizhou can't even care about the Eastern Hemisphere United Organization?

Peace, development and prosperity will be the main axis.

Lila attended the meeting online and signed as the president of Nisto.

The most important thing is... "Seven Seals" can easily win over Lee Min-hwan to their side.

Covering the Eastern Hemisphere like an octopus, countless ships sail the oceans, transporting large quantities of production raw materials to the industrial parks of the islands.

They divided up the interests of the Southern Territory and the Taia Islands.

Based on Lee Min-hwan's position, he will not hesitate to accept funding from external forces and then attack Nisto Corporation.

The bottom has been reached, and then they will usher in the prosperity after the depression and the next economic cycle.

In the next 10 years, it will be difficult for modern entertainment companies to achieve anything, and their last hope of turning around has been shattered.

Most companies in Xia hope to do business with Nisto and exchange technical drawings.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the backbone of modern entertainment was broken with one stick. Lee Min-hwan will never be able to cross the ceasefire line in his life.

There is no reconciliation between two-dimensional entertainment and three-dimensional entertainment!

"She probably has her own great things to do." Lila could guess.

With the fall of Heesung and the rise of Nisto Company, a new social shape emerged in the northern archipelago and Northern Silla.

Its name is Yan Huairou, and it belongs to Tianshu.

"Then -" Xu Yang pressed his temple, "Let's rebuild the riot control mobile team."

"Master, they really want to open up the markets on both sides, because the residents of the northern archipelago have strong spending power." Lila said.

When the five-year plan is completed, the residents of North Silla will no longer be left behind and will have a new social look. Xu Yang secretly thought. By then, the Qiongting system will probably calculate people's new needs and enter the economic cycle normally.

Now, the struggling stage is gradually passing, and the trough period is coming to an end.

No matter what is done, it must be approved by one of the three before it can be implemented, otherwise it will lead to interference. Each force must seek support from one of these three camps, otherwise it will be squeezed out of the world.

Pan Ruiyi was the most excited when he heard the news.

A delicate balance is reached between the three.

"Lu Sizhou didn't attend." Xu Yang discovered that Lu Sizhou himself had not appeared in business or social events for a long time.

The other witches are all reckless, but Jin Yuxiu is the only one who is reasonable and resourceful, so she has always been the captain of the riot squad.

"Yes, Master, now every force understands that Nisto Company has truly become one of the three poles in the world." Lila said calmly.

The era of weakened companies and setbacks will be over, and in the future they will only continue to expand their power and double their assets.

Now they can more stably obtain the coal, rare earths and metals produced in North Silla!

In this way, Nisto's production capacity security has been greatly improved, which is indeed a blessing.

Her magic power is very strange, it is a special rule called "paper-cutting", and she can use the strange power called "shearing force" to break down and cut open the target at will.

Ivana, the witch from the Northern Military Industrial Company, could not arrive. Ivana was a member of the old riot control mobile team. She had long been overwhelmed by the blizzard that blew overnight, and no news about her had been heard for many years.

"The riot control mobile team should have six people! What a pity!" Jin Yuxiu shouted.

"Then - count me in! I'm not weaker than you!" A female voice shouted to them, and a gust of wind blew up from the ground.

Storm Queen!

"That's it!" Pan Ruiyi jumped into the air, spread his wings and flew, drawing beautiful airflow trajectories in the air, and shouted loudly, "This world needs heroes!"

This chapter has been completed!
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