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Chapter 805 The Mystery of the Longmen Mansion

Chapter 805 The Mystery of Longmen Mansion

When Lu Jing woke up, Jiao's body was already far behind him.

She turned around and took a look. It was torn into pieces. The huge body was abandoned on the ground like garbage. The scales were broken and the flesh and blood appeared to be in pieces due to being bitten.

It is hard to imagine that it took a lot of effort to catch this dragon, but now it is dead worthless.

Lu Jing turned to look at his two teammates, Wang Jingxuan and Li Qingyan. Neither of them dared to look at Lu Jing.

"Who killed that dragon?" Lu Jing asked.

"You." Wang Jingxuan said.

It was the power of longevity sugar. Lu Jing came back to his senses. It made him stronger.

She felt that the magic circuits in her body expanded several times, as if what she had swallowed was not a sugar pill, but decades of hard work.

"Qingyan, have you eaten its meat? You can't eat everything." Lu Jing turned to joke with Li Qingyan.

Li Qingyan shook his head and gently touched the scarred wound on his right arm with his left hand. The wound was somewhat swollen.

The Baiyan Trail is winding and winding, connecting several nearby rooms. Lu Jing inspected each room one by one. Each room was equipped with furniture. One of the bedrooms had a wooden bed, a five-corner cabinet, a bamboo screen, a mirror stand, a red lacquer chair, and huanghuali wood.

A table and an ebony longevity-patterned throne are all available, and the bed is also covered with silk mattresses and silk quilts.

They probably saw Lu Jing killing the dragon, so they were afraid and did not dare to show up. They just kept climbing and peeping.

She walked out of the study, but the sound of music and the sound of claws lingering still lingered, as if they were the background music of Longmen Mansion that could never be shaken off.

She has to lead the team. She is the only one who can still stay sane after eating three pieces of longevity candy. She knows that she has a tough mind that can surprise the researchers in the laboratory.

Her fingertips passed through hundreds of classics and historical collections, like turning over the history of Xia Dynasty, and the hard work of countless historians, scribes and poets trembled at her fingertips.

She rested her pillow on the quilt and smelled the scent of the sachet.

Wang Jingxuan shuddered and looked even more frightened.

"Come on." Lu Jing encouraged Wang Jingxuan.

Lu Jing hurried to the mirror and took a look at her current self. Her appearance had become so withered, as if she had aged 50 years overnight, and half of her hair had turned white. No wonder Wang Jingxuan was so scared.

I don’t know who used silk and bamboo strings to produce such a soft sound, like the sound of a clear spring. It is also accompanied by the graceful singing of a female voice, as if I am trapped in a music palace.

Although Li Qingyan did not speak, the wound on her right arm that was cut by the deformed armor was still visible and seemed to be getting worse, which was unfortunate news for the team that lacked medical treatment.

"The seedlings of the stars are here... flowing in Kunlun like a prisoner. My clothes are red, my hair is white..."

She was probably like this before, sometimes falling asleep and sometimes waking up from the pain of her own wounds.

"What happened? You seem to have changed overnight." Lu Jing shook his head.

"But...I'm so tired..." Wang Jingxuan was scared, tired, and exhausted.

Turning off the recorder, Lu Jing gradually fell asleep.

Lu Jing turned to Longmen Mansion.

Music was always accompanying them, and Lu Jing knew that they were probably just a street away, or separated by a wall, and didn't want to show up.

However, Lu Jing could not let go and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Longmen Mansion. She could hear many small sounds.

"You are right here..." Lu Jing kept crying.

Lu Jing turned on the recorder and recorded in a low voice.

Lu Jing helped Wang Jingxuan rest under a rose-red redbud tree, which was several meters high. Its petals were as red as blood and would never fade.

This was very pleasant, because the music played and the songs were very soft, making them feel relaxed and peaceful like never before.

She pressed her forehead against the wall, feeling that the music was particularly close and intimate, and the singing was still in her ears.

Their team doctor's head was cut off by the sudden appearance of a giant crab with pliers within ten minutes of entering Longmen Mansion, otherwise the others would not have died so quickly.

The female singing voice stopped abruptly.

"We can't get out of Longmen Mansion alive." Lu Jing announced painfully.

Lu Jing wanted to find the source of the music, but the second floor of Longmen Mansion was still the same as before, with endless corridors, gardens and pavilions.

Lu Jing was lying in the fully furnished bedroom.

In the woodshed, there are neat piles of firewood, and the burdens used to carry firewood are scattered on the ground, as if the firewood seller was standing here a few seconds ago, bargaining with the servants.

"Let's go." Lu Jing staggered forward.

"...It's more useful to you..." Li Qingyan's voice was weak and breathless.

Wang Jingxuan was trembling and his eyes were wandering, as if he had seen a great disaster in the world.

Longmen Mansion is always gray, with neither bright sunny days nor dark twilight.

"Send the message." Wang Jingxuan said firmly. She seemed to have changed. She was very decisive in doing things.

"Awake? That's great." Wang Jingxuan said happily.

"What's there to hesitate about? All eight doors should be opened from the start." Wang Jingxuan said firmly.

After waiting for a long time, the sound like landslides and earth shattering ended.

Li Qingyan closed her eyes tiredly, as if she had expected such a result, and fell asleep under the tree.

Lu Jing immediately used his body to cover Li Qingyan, and at the same time activated the Fuyao Sword to split flying rocks with tricky flight paths to prevent them from hurting his teammates.

It has eight doors in total, and each door is engraved with strange characters.

Li Qingyan opened her eyes and lay motionless under the tree.

This time she didn't dare to ask for help, so she sent one copy to Xu Yang's studio and the other to Lu Sizhou's camp.

In addition to the sound of music, Lu Jing also vaguely heard the sound of claws scratching across the palace. This was the creepy part, which meant that the dragon or the descendants of the dragon people were still entrenched on the second floor of Longmen Mansion, preventing them from entering Panyuan's dormant place.

Wang Jingxuan was about to cry but had no tears, and followed Lu Jing cautiously forward.

Many of these stones fell into Longmen Mansion, destroying countless walls and gardens.

After about a few minutes, Li Qingyan fell asleep again.

Longmen Mansion is not replicating itself, it is growing.

But within a few seconds, the female musicians started singing along with the music again.

She took out one of the books and flipped through it. It was "The Book of Tiangong", which recorded all the science and technology of that era. The AI ​​"Tiangong" in Gaoge Kyushu was based on its meaning.

"Secret text?" Lu Jing walked back and forth among the eight secret doors to observe.

She looked straight at the wall on the side of the bed. Behind it was the palace street that served as a corridor. They must all be there, singing to Lu Jing through the wall. It was a pity that she couldn't rush out of the mansion to find them.

Lu Jing noticed that the sound of sharp claws scratching across the palace and monsters preparing to move in the dark could be heard again.

They arrived at the second floor of Longmen Mansion.

I am so proficient in using the Bagua code that I have forgotten that all eight doors open from the open door.

She stared at the load for a moment, then walked away.

The bamboo slips and silk books record the mottos of various schools of thought; the roll-bound books and butterfly-bound books contain stories of strange things, mysterious prayers and historical legends; the thread-bound books talk about love, imperial examinations and merchant stories.

"The second floor of Longmen Mansion is a very wealthy place with infinite furniture and books. The music here is very strange, as if it is right next to you. There are also some monsters with scales and claws crawling in the distance, but they never dare to

Show up..." She silently recorded her audio so that even if she died, people would know what happened later.

Once, she was 100% sure that the music was on her right. When she quickly turned into the garden on the right, she did not see the person playing the music, but the sound of the music and singing were still distant and looming. No matter what, she could not see the person playing the music.


The most important thing for Lu Jing is longevity candy. If they show up, Lu Jing will kill them.

Lu Jing didn't know where her happiness came from. Later she realized that maybe it was the effect of music. The background music of Longmen Mansion, this tranquil silk and bamboo music, could really calm people's minds.

Wang Jingxuan blinked and checked the eight doors.

She walked into other rooms connected to the courtyard, and soon saw the kitchen and woodshed. In the kitchen, there was a large pot on the stone stove, and large iron tongs for clamping wood and sawdust were leaning against the wall. The wall behind the pot was covered with

The fireworks were blackened.


The magic barrier was destroyed by Lu Jing's "anti-magic", leaving a smooth path, and other doors also burst apart in unison, and rubble flew everywhere, as if a rain of rocks fell from all directions.

Only 3 minutes later, both channels lit up and responded at the same time, making Lu Jing even more surprised.

Wang Jingxuan's body trembled even more.

They left the courtyard and continued to move along the weak current of water above their heads.

Her eyes fell on the surrounding corridors and the endless new courtyards. There were also the same villas, courtyards and large houses with three entrances and three exits.

She walked outside to meet Wang Jingxuan on duty, and suddenly saw Wang Jingxuan with high morale and a friendly attitude to greet her.

"We have to pick a door to break. Behind these barriers is the same road." Lu Jing inspected the eight doors. "The question is whether to kill the door or open the door."

But now, it was Wang Jingxuan's turn to face the danger on her own. She had no other choice but to bear it all with all her heart and gallbladder.

Wang Jingxuan always hides at the end.

Lu Jing held her breath. She felt like these female immortal musicians were singing to Lu Jing from across the wall.

Lu Jing asked Wang Jingxuan to give Li Qingyan a pill of antibiotics. Wang Jingxuan found a small bottle of medicine from the bag on his body. The supply was running low.

"It's okay, I still have a lot of longevity sugar." Lu Jing fed Li Qingyan antibiotics and applied antibacterial medicine to her wounds.

"Did I do something impulsive?" Lu Jing asked.

She quickly wrote down the secret texts on the eight doors and spread them out using the Eight Diagrams code.

The wall tiles are inlaid with gold and jewels, making Longmen Mansion itself like a treasure house that has been stored for many years. The corridors are connected above their heads, and the half-open wooden windows are full of auspicious carvings of dragons and phoenixes, which heralds the wealth and prosperity of this place.

She waved the Bafang Zhenjin and broke open the door with the secret text "Open" painted on it.

She wandered into the study and continued to read.

Lu Jing reached out and pinched a lock of hair on the side of his forehead to his eyes.

"Nothing, I'm going to bed first, bye!" Wang Jingxuan walked into another room to rest.

Li Qingyan sat on the ground, motionless.

"Cloth me with silkworms... Decorate me with horns. Crown me with scales, in search of eternal life..." A sad female voice echoed in the room.

"We have gone deeper, and the signal may be...not..." Lu Jing took out the communicator, only to find that its signal was full, stronger than ever before.

She flipped through the engraving. The fish tail at the center of the page, the red seal of the engraving workshop at the end of the page, the date, and the name of the bookstore were all available. The font was the font of a famous artist at that time. She knew very well that this was the genuine original engraving.

It was as if the music officials were nymphs who had cast illusions on their bodies, specially coming to comfort them so that they would not be completely discouraged.

The eight secret messages on the eight doors are very concise:


Lu Jing knew that Wang Jingxuan was timid, and that was why Wang Jingxuan was still alive today, unlike several other team members who had already died.

Lu Jing came to the study room. There were rolls of bamboo slips and engravings and printed books from different eras stacked on the shelf.

"...Yes." Lu Jing sighed secretly.

The strange thing is that when she sleeps, the sounds of the dragons climbing, peeping, and the scales whispering disappear, as if they also abide by martial ethics and will never attack them while they are resting.

"You..." Wang Jingxuan said hesitantly, "you have gray hair."

The music and singing continued. Lu Jing closed her eyes and found that she could almost hear the lyrics clearly.

No matter where they go, they can hear the continuous sound of music. If the weak water is not still hanging high, there is a risk of roaring and collapse at any time, they may even feel like they are taking a spring outing in a garden.

It is frosty white and dry, like remnants attached to a corpse.

However, she also needs to take sedatives to suppress the side effects of longevity sugar to prevent her from going crazy.

Attached is the deciphering result with exactly the same content.

"Are you here?" Lu Jing asked, lying on his back.

"Come, let's rest in this garden and take turns keeping vigil." Lu Jing led Li Qingyan and Wang Jingxuan into a garden.

Just like the music that is nowhere to be found, the monster hidden in the palace cannot be found.

Unlike the first floor guarded by shrimp soldiers, crab generals and dragon monsters, the second floor looks safer.

The sound of crawling claws has not been heard for a long time. The enemy may have lost the position of Lu Jing and the others.

When she woke up, she felt energetic and calm.

Lu Jing pushed her and she blinked tiredly. The wound on her right arm had swollen into something like a tumor. Lu Jing took out the last few medicines from his pocket and gave them to Li Qingyan. They were originally intended for

Rescue yourself.

Wang Jingxuan slept very lightly and woke up after about an hour.

The garden where they rest is the same as the rest of the maze, with a grand and antique style.

"Let's go." Seeing that his companion was fine, Lu Jing nodded.

All the books here are genuine. As long as they are taken out on the ground, they will definitely be bid for by cultural relics exhibition companies, book associations or overseas collectors. So many books are enough to restore the original appearance of Xia's history and culture. Once they are released, they will surely shock the world.

Is she possessed? Lu Jing secretly thought.

"Did you hear it...the scales were rubbing against each other, and the claws were skimming against the rock and soil..." Lu Jing murmured, "We have to find the dragons who are ambushing us. I'm afraid they are the key to us getting through this level."

Li Qingyan took a deep breath and then followed Lu Jing.

First is the music.

After physically walking for at least 10 kilometers, Lu Jing and the others found the next magic barrier in the infinitely extending Longmen Mansion.

A delicate crocodile handkerchief was folded on the bedside. Lu Jing picked it up and put it into his pocket. It was very light, as if it had no weight.

Lu Jing closed her eyes and shed tears slowly. The musicians seemed to be inspiring her with these sad songs, but they just didn't want to show up.

"Conduct me by the waterside...conquer me thousands of miles away. How could the sun and moon last forever, drown me in the weak water..." The female voice sang sadly.

Not far away, the truth about Longmen Mansion is already very close.

Lu Jing could almost see the end of the weak water waterfall. There was a roaring sound underneath, as if it had fallen into a deep pool. In other words, it was about to reach the bottom of the weak water.

Now, the sounds of music on the second floor of Longmen Mansion, the plaintive singing of women, the strange crawling sounds of sharp claws, the scraping of scales, and the whispering sounds have nothing to do with Lu Jing.

She breathed a sigh of relief and looked back subconsciously, and found that many walls of Longmen Mansion were broken into pieces. Those walls were connected to each other, and each wall was hollow and wide enough for people to walk around inside.

(End of chapter)

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