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Chapter 80 The Infinite Sakura Witch in Kyoto

——The "Cloud Beast" self-test program is starting——

Cumulative irradiated area: 65%

Estimated mass loss: 7 kg

…Cleaning up…

…Cleaning completed…

——Exit the platform——

Xu Yang connected to the intelligent CNC interface of the Yunzhong Beast, and the "nano factory" on the armor smashed and discarded the radiated area components to create new nanorobots.

They are busy weaving, like diligent worker bees, sacrificing themselves for the health of the armor, replacing the nanofibers on the armor, and purifying the nanomail into new ones. Then, they ruthlessly crush those companions who have lost their use value, turning them into irrecyclable materials.

of dust.

After some processes, the armor successfully got rid of the influence of radioactive materials, but the internal spare metal has been exhausted. It needs to be supplemented with high-quality metal to make new nanorobots, and the built-in power supply system is also beginning to run out. Now, including Xu Yang's own implants

Everything inside needs to be charged properly.

"Back to the burrito hat." Xu Yang boarded the Anonymous. Lila had already set a route and turned around to evacuate.

He sat on his seat, found a charging cable, and borrowed the shuttle's power generation equipment to replenish energy.

The electric current entered the nano-armor and then into his body. A slight electric current flowed up and down along the nerve bundles on the spine. It felt like someone was gently spinning a feather on his back, and it was tickling. Too many modified humans were implanted.

You will suffer from charging addiction and enjoy the feeling of being blasted with strong current into your body.

Xu Yang closed his eyes and rested his mind.

It is difficult to forget all the bloodshed and destruction he saw in the Shenkong Building, which gave Xu Yang a new understanding of the madness and ruthlessness of the Black Fire Innovation.

They are neither afraid nor scrupulous about what they do, causing the most pain and casualties. As the world's largest arms supplier, its military power is also outstanding.

They must be uprooted and completely crushed in their lifetime to comfort all the souls who died in this disaster. In addition to the countless humans and ratmen who died in the initial explosion, this radioactive dust will kill more people.

At this point, the cloud of corporate war is approaching.

Since the Witch War, frequent corporate civil wars have become a major focus. There is never a day without war. Through constant conflicts, it can not only consume the excess population, but also promote domestic demand, expand production, and test company technology.

If one were to measure major corporations in terms of military size and military armament, Blackfire Innovation would undoubtedly be second to none.

In the future, we can count the military shuttle cluster of Kyushu, the nano armor force of Tianshu Manufacturing, the power armor force of Northern Military Industry, the ground armor force of Suweihui Metal, and the near-future army under the Lighthouse Core, which have been equipped with a large number of cutting-edge technologies.

Be armed.

Not to mention the large number of war witches and reality manipulators controlled by giant corporations. Once a corporate war breaks out, they will become the key to the battle situation.

Despite Eve Anak's successful case, major giant corporations still dare not let go of cultivating reality manipulators. Not only do they fear each other, but they also impose restrictions on their respective cultivation activities. Once the cultivation fails, the witch will go berserk.

In the hands of a sufficiently powerful reality manipulator, the history of the world may come to an end. It was for this reason that Eve Anak was imprisoned until her death after her first official use.

In this way, Falosa is also an important threat to mankind. She has never given up her contempt for mankind, and she will not give up her pursuit of power and dominance.

Xu Yang looked at Falosa. She was touching one of the most beautiful synthetic women. The latter had long snow-white hair, heterochromatic pupils, blue left eye, bright red right eye, slender figure, and was wearing a

The torn black tights were now folding her knees indifferently, sitting upright, unmoved by Farossa's touch. Her temperament was also different from other female synths, appearing more solemn.


In Falosa's eyes, there is no difference between synthetics and humans. She usually does the same thing with new little witches in the church. She gets used to them first and then gets familiar with them. Physical contact can enhance the relationship to the greatest extent.

"What's your name?" Falosa asked gently.

"'Miying' type 156ba." The silver-haired female synthesizer reported her model number, "The naming ceremony and fingerprint confirmation can unlock more of my functions."

"Fingerprint confirmation? Where is it?" Falosa was very interested.

"On the tongue." She stuck out her tongue, causing Falosa's face to blush slightly.

"These synthetics were created to satisfy people's base desires," Falosa turned her head, "They won't do anything else."

"Actually, that's not the case. They are all third-generation AI." Xu Yang checked the model number. "The third-generation AI already has the ability to learn new things, but it just doesn't have real emotions yet. Miying... What do you feel about something?

Where are you interested?"

"Fight." Miying clenched his right fist, "I have been violently invaded, and now I just want to have the ability to protect myself and other companions."

The other female synthetics were not as resolute in their fighting spirit as Miying. They lazily stayed in their seats and waited for customers to come and take them away according to the established action logic.

"Am I a synthetic human?" Lila turned to ask Xu Yang, "I was identified as an artificial intelligence in the intelligence test. The artificial intelligence is installed on a mechanical body, so I must be a synthetic human."

"You are brand new." Xu Yang suddenly understood the source of Lila's doubts, "Don't be afraid, Lila, don't constrain yourself with the old definitions. People, witches, synthetics, robots, artificial intelligence... these things

The definition does not apply to you, because you are brand new to this world, a unique and extraordinary existence, look at yourself... Lila, with both witch ability and technical mind, this world should create a new term

Come to greet you."

Lila lowered her head, and many troubled endless loops were solved one after another in the compiler. Face the new future without any worries, the master is always supporting her.

"Now it's time to praise me," Falosa shook Xu Yang's arm, "Where's my part?"

"We'll talk about it later." Xu Yang couldn't satisfy Falosa's unreasonable request at will.

He got up and searched for suitable fabrics and clothes from the shuttle's storage compartment to put the female composites into them to avoid unsightly situations.

Anonymous continues towards the Burrito Hat.

At the same time, the Aizu City Citizen Service Company and the Anku City Municipal Corporation began to urgently mobilize teams to carry out rescue operations for the Kamikora Building. However, there were differences between the companies regarding the follow-up treatment of the Kamikora Building, and all parties could not reach an agreement.


They originally planned to cast a cement coffin to completely seal the Shenkong Building and block the spread of radioactive materials. However, doing so would be extremely ugly and leave an ugly cement pillar in Anjiu City that can never be pulled out, affecting forever.

The commercial value of the entire city is like an infinite pillar of shame in Kyoto, reminding everyone of the huge disaster caused by their lack of control.

The other method costs a lot of money, that is, sending a large number of robots to clean and repair them, including robots for large-scale excavation and transportation, as well as nano-robots that can decompose and destroy radioactive materials, thereby thoroughly cleaning the atmosphere and soil.

and building debris. This process costs about 27 billion, which is twenty times as much as the coffin plan, but it is also fast. With current technology, it can be processed without leaving any consequences in one to two weeks.

Decisions were uploaded layer by layer, circulated around the decision-making level of Kyoto Infinite, and then written into copies and handed over to Xisheng Capital.

Behind the giant beast of Kyoto Mugen, there is a pair of bigger hands supporting it, namely Nozomi.

Its influence does not stop there, it also controls the operations of other giant companies in the Eastern Hemisphere. Behind the Black Fire Innovation, Xisheng Group also has a stake. Corporate war is like using your left hand to fight your right hand. It can control the outbreak of war.

You can also control its ending.

Kojima Yezi stood in the luxury restaurant on the 160th floor of the Huayin Tower in Shangjing City, gently pressing his hand against the glass.

The destruction of the Aizu City Kamikora Building naturally reached her ears. She kept thinking about Xu Yang and the others, and about the black unmarked shuttle. These things were lingering in her mind, more so than she had been thinking about them all day.

The investment knowledge you download still has weight.

Standing next to her is Kirino Reiyo. She is the Sakura Witch who has served seven generations of presidents within Kyoto Mugen. She is wearing a cyan fox mask, long black hair tied up, and a light pink lace-up uniform without shoes.

, the delicate feet seemed to have some kind of magic power, Ye Zi didn't dare to look at them again after taking a first look at them.

"The stock price has collapsed, the market value has evaporated, Kyoto Infinite is powerless against the explosion of the Kamikora Building, how are you going to solve it!" Kojima Yezi learned to speak in a majestic tone.

She was sent here as Xisheng's messenger to convey the great will from her mother. After she came back, she never saw her mother. All communication was completed through her biological father, and her mother's other husbands also helped. They are all mothers.

Servant and counselor, while satisfying that part of the mother that can still be called a living thing.

"Kyoto has endured more terrifying crises." A pleasant voice came from under the cyan fox mask, and there was a shaking temptation hidden in Sakura Witch's words, "However, we have survived it time and time again, and it is the same this time."

"It's different, that's Anjiu City. Anjiu City was bombed like that..." Ye Zi felt strongly worried when he thought that Xu Yang was probably still struggling there.

Pan Ruiyi has been swallowed up by the need for pleasure ever since she got a promotion. She overspent all her vacations in the next five years and planned to sleep for two months. All her promises disappeared without a trace, leaving her alone.

"Why are you so concerned?" Kirino Reiyo looked at Ye Zi's frail figure through the mask, "Only mediocre people and rats will be destroyed. Investors who are frightened will realize the unlimited potential value of Kyoto in the future."

I'm wondering if you have any worries there?"

Ye Zi's eyes turned from the scene outside the window to Kirino Reiyo.

"No...no." Ye Zi shook his head slightly, "What I thought was that you have embarrassed Xisheng."


"Xisheng needs new sources of wealth growth, and we don't have the patience to wait for you to turn losses into profits." Ye Zi said in a cold tone, "I have seen your development plan for the past three years, and I couldn't arouse Xisheng's interest in the first place. Based on your current situation,

Judging from the performance, it’s better to go back and rewrite it all!”

"Yes." Kirino Reiyo bowed in greeting, "Now, please allow me to leave for a moment. Our artificial intelligence is re-adjusting the company's development strategy and will get new results soon. We will heal Anku City as soon as possible.

The chaos proved to the world Kyoto’s unlimited capabilities.”

"I hope that as soon as possible, I will personally transfer your strategic plan to my mother, but I am not sure about her specific attitude. In addition, I don't like people talking to me wearing masks, even the Sakura Witch."

"Yes." Kirino Reiyo took off his fox mask. Kojima Yezi would never tell others what she saw.

She put the mask back on, sticking it tightly to her face, and then left again, escorted by many high-ranking samurai along the way.

After Kirino Reiyo left, Ye Zi poked the window gently with one finger.

I can never go back...Xu Yang.

Chapter 80 The Sakura Witch of Kyoto Infinity

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