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Chapter 826 Find a way for Lu Jing

Chapter 826 Find a way for Lu Jing

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 826 Find a way for Lu Jing

Nestor is so big that it feels small.

Xu Yang can understand Katsuragi Asa's concerns. The number of employees of Nisto Company has increased to 12 million. Now this company has a heavy organizational charter, endless meetings and a sophisticated operating paradigm. Every employee has to work hard every day.

Even the amount of tasks per minute is clearly defined.

For the citizens of the northern archipelago, today's Nisto company has covered their lives. From the cradle to the grave, every product used by people comes from the manufacturing department of Nisto company.

Working in such a company, employees feel proud from the bottom of their hearts and are satisfied with the company's achievements. Every indicator of the company is as important as their lifeline, and every honor of the company is as critical as their personal reputation.

But Nestor Company is like an infinitely spreading corridor, trapping ambitious people to death, leaving them with only endless obstacles and loops.

Since Katsuragi Asa couldn't lift the ceiling above his head, he could only find another way overseas, like a dragon returning to the sea.

"What about your tobacco and alcohol import and export business?" Xu Yang asked.

In the past two years, Katsuragi Asa's trade routes have grown bigger and bigger, expanding from the port of Shangjing to Hongkong City and Jialongpo. Even the wineries in the Etienne Valley are connected to her, like a new rising star.

Business Kingdom. But for such a big business, if you don't want it, just don't want it, and abandon it like worn out shoes.

"Give it to my brother. He came back from studying abroad in Taixizhou and changed his mind. Have you seen his photo? He has oily hair and pink face, but he is much more decent than me." Katsuragi Ao nodded.

"That's fine, fly away... You don't want him to have anything to do with your 'other business'." Xu Yang recalled Katsuragi Asa's red-haired brother named Nakano Haru.

"The last thing I want is for my family to get hurt, so I will never let him get involved in anything related to this place. He has been very thoughtful since he was little and refuses to tell me anything." Katsuragi Asa said sternly.

"He must have caused you a lot of trouble since you were young," Xu Yang said.

Katsuragi Asa wanted to say something, but suddenly stood up and looked outside.

Some armed men with different hairstyles and simple armors came over, including heavy soldiers wearing homemade street power armor with the four characters "Red Blooded Crew" printed on it.

"I've met Boss Katsuragi!" the leading man said, cupping his fists.

"I've met Boss Katsuragi!" The gang members behind him all nodded.

"Come on, let me introduce to you. These are the 'Western Waves People'. The gangs in the Eastern Hemisphere were dispersed one after another, and finally they gathered here." Katsuragi Asa introduced these brave and fierce street people to Xu Yang.

Ronin, they are like a group of aggressive bulls, aggressive and ready to fight at any time.

"You are really capable of taking root in a place like the west coast." Xu Yang said.

He scanned their files at the same time, and the results were quite scary. They were all stained with blood, committed numerous crimes, and carried bounties of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. In the Night City, those mercenaries who wanted to become legends often connected to the police channel.

cases, trying to hunt them down in exchange for bounties.

"Excuse me, we are just surviving in the cracks."

"Shangjing is such a peaceful place. I will definitely retire here in the future."

"The cherry blossoms in my hometown are blooming..."

"No one dares to say that they can 'take down roots' on the West Coast. That city is full of crises." They couldn't help but sigh.

The free west coast is like a giant melting pot, full of mud and sand. It is very different from the atmosphere in Shangjing. Xu Yang secretly thought, Shangjing has not seen such vicious gangsters for several years. They entered Shangjing like a pack of wolves entering the peaceful city.

sheep pen.

The way of survival that Asa Katsuragi pursues can only be realized on the west coast. Now that her gang has set sail to join them, the people of the Western Waves will surely take advantage of the situation to rise.

"The 'Eastern Street' on the west coast is an area inhabited by Xia people, Island people, Silla people, Taiya people and Nanyu people. There used to be many gangs, but now only the Xilang people are left. This time it will continue to expand.

The scale of East Street will give some support to our compatriots who are struggling to make a living on the West Coast." Asagi Katsuragi packed up his luggage and put on a huge military backpack.

"I wish you good luck. Nisto's office on the west coast will support you at any time." Xu Yang said goodbye to Katsuragi Asa.

"Well, goodbye." Katsuragi Qian bowed slightly to Xu Yang.

She took the backbone of her gang and left from the door together with the Xilang people who came to meet her.

Not long after, they disappeared into the port together and set sail away with the sound of the heavy ship's whistle.

"How cool, I want to fight my way out too." A40 has high morale.

"She left in a hurry. Did she really like the filthy place on the west coast?" Linyin looked from a distance.

"...In fact, Nisto Company has launched a reconnaissance on her brothers. Now is the last window to leave. If she doesn't leave, many of Katsuragi Asa's brothers will go to jail." Xu Yang murmured. Over the years

, Katsuragi Asa's subordinates are not all honest and they are still infected with bad habits.

"In the end, is it all about the illusory 'morality'? I don't know if there is a market for that kind of thing on the West Coast." Linyin took a puff of cigarette and looked up at Xu Yang, "Hey."


"This old warehouse is very big, with many rooms in the back." Linyin threw away the cigarette.

"I understand." Xu Yang came to feel it.

"That iron sheet..."

"A40, go to this address to buy some groceries and go back." Xu Yang sent a message to A40.

"Okay." Although it didn't understand why it had to run 10 kilometers away, it turned around and left honestly.

As soon as A40 left, Xu Yang carried Lin Yin into the back room, and an impulse took over.

Kissing and hugging were only a small part of it. He kissed Lin Yin, and she expressed her thoughts in a hurry, proving his attraction in her eyes and deepening this connection into every sense.

In this atmosphere, they did not get carried away. Instead, they paid careful attention to the sense of proportion, tried on each other, tried hard to pursue happiness, satisfaction and warmth, and repeated "I love you" in each other's ears tirelessly, as if to explore

That subtlety will never give up until you reach the peak.

Hundreds of rivers flowed across it, and all the old furniture in the old warehouse was cleaned.

Linyin's pupils were dilated for a moment.

She was silent for a while, then spoke.

"——Good boy Lu Jing——I'm afraid she will never come again." Linyin said.

"Hey... in this situation... don't say other women's names." Xu Yang put his hands on the ground.

"I don't want to give up just now." Linyin looked up, her neck was covered with glistening beads of sweat, and there was a trace of confusion in her eyes. I don't know if it was because of Xu Yang or something else.

"Then go find her." Xu Yang said shortly.

"She is in a high position now, how can I find her?" Linyin lowered her voice, "I might as well leave Nisto Company."

"That makes it even more impossible to meet her. You don't know how strict the security is, and how many troops are protecting Lu Jing. You don't have a legal identity, and you can't even get in through the door of her company building." Xu Yang stood up, and everyone

Everything worth mentioning was left in her belly.

"My head hurts." Linyin turned her head, "..."


"... Like in the past, going out to drink with Lu Jing and asking her to drink a pink non-alcoholic drink seems to have become as impossible as a dream... Lu Jing and I are no longer friends. We were disciples back then.

The team has been shattered long ago." Linyin raised his hand, his eyes falling on his pale fingertips.

"The disciple team was inherited by the Secret Guard Bureau." Xu Yang said, "The Secret Guard Bureau..."

"Boss!" A40's voice came from afar, "We've bought everything! It's not very civilized to ask your brothers to run errands."

They packed up in a hurry and walked out in a panic. A40 glanced at them from afar, returned to the Shenhui, and put the purchased items on the sofa.

Zhi Xing Niang used the magnanimity of a eldest lady to order A40 to quickly pick them up and add them to different cargo holds of the Shenhui.

"There's always a chance." Xu Yang drank a cup of "Sweet Dash" from the beverage machine. Two parts of pink sweet soda pop and one part of lemon juice made up such a lovely non-alcoholic drink.

Linyin was sitting in her position, her knees were not raised slightly. She could only put her elbows on one knee, holding a narrow cup with her fingertips, and the pink soda water was shaking in the cup, like a gradually melting glass.

Sweet dreams.

"Do you think she is happy?" Linyin asked, "You said there are two world lines. Do you think Lu Jing in this world line is happy?"

"I don't know." Xu Yang had to admit, "But she will soon inherit the entire huge company and become an amazing female entrepreneur. In the future, she is likely to stand on the same side as Nisto Company and share the joys and sorrows."

"But she seems to have no friends." Linyin fell on the sofa and covered her face with a pillow, "I want Lu Jing to be surrounded by laughter and good people. But she only has those nervous maids in blue around her.


"We need to meet Lu Jing once and get her out of the red tape in Tianshu's artifacts," Xu Yang said.

"Yes! If I can't talk to Lu Jing again in this life, I will regret it for the rest of my life." Linyin said eagerly.

"It's not difficult. It just requires... holding a business meeting, but it must be well-founded to invite a big shot like Lu Jing." Xu Yang thought.

The latest news was played on the hanging smart screen in the cabin. Nisto's rocket carried a large number of satellites to the sky.

They will be deployed in orbits at different altitudes, carrying planet scanning, communication and other functions, representing a powerful step towards the sky for Nisto.

"... Look... Another progress... After we unify the world, there will be no disputes... Will everyone's ideals be realized? There will be no more conflicts and wars, and all enemies will be defeated..." Rinne stared at the screen.

In the case of rockets going to the sky, they are almost as if they are going to the moon, but they are not yet, they are just deploying orbits in space.

She seemed to be imagining the day when the final victory would come, when all enemies would be swept away, and they would share the final victory, just like taking off the laurel crown from the sky. The fantasy was so real that Rinyin raised her hand slightly


"Yes, it will definitely happen... then all regrets will be eliminated and all our dreams will come true." Xu Yang comforted her.

Even if Xu Yang's real answer is that he doesn't know, he doesn't know that the truth revealed in the dragon-telling conference is extremely cruel. They should all be buried in another world line, and the chance of winning is really slim.

Xu Cheng and Paopao got up and went to class in the virtual learning cabin of the Shenhui to learn knowledge. Baby Lila also woke up and looked at Linyin warily.

"We have to go see Hosoda Yoshiyuki." Rinne murmured, then lifted baby Lila onto her lap.

The people in the disciple team once lived and died together, but now they are far apart.

Today, Yoshiyuki Hosoda is working at a construction site. Like most modified people, prosthetic modification allows them to work more efficiently.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda worked at full capacity, carrying stones and prefabricated pieces of different sizes amidst the roar of rockets, and piecing them together into buildings of different sizes.

Rinne stood outside the shuttle and waved to him. Hosoda Yoshiyuki saw her, but had no additional reaction and continued flying in the sky.

"The 'soul' is gone and I'm afraid he has been reincarnated." Xu Yang said, "But the mechanical thinking files in his implants and prosthetics have replaced his will, allowing Yoshiyuki Hosoda to continue to exist in a sense."

"So this is the answer left by those mechanical will documents: move bricks?" Linyin sighed.

"This is in line with the logic of his behavior. Even if Hosoda Yoshiyuki is alive, he will really return to the people after the Jialongpo War and become an honest producer." Xu Yang said.

Linyin went to the shuttle and mixed up a strong cocktail called "Straight to the Liver", which was very alcoholic.

She came outside and raised her wine glass in the direction of Hosoda Yoshiyuki: "I brought the wine you like!"

Yoshiyuki Hosoda said nothing. He saw Rinne and her wine glass, but made no additional movements and continued to do the work at hand, like a diligent worker bee.

"This is not Yoshiyuki Hosoda." Rinne shook his head.

"It's very similar... very similar, but you're right, it's not him." Xu Yang said. Those highly alienated mechanical mind files are left in the implant to form a neural circuit, but it can't do anything unexpected.

Things are like an actor who relies on a script.

Linyin showed a bitter smile.

She poured the wine on the ground and gave it to the earth, then slowly raised her hand to the level of her forehead, paying tribute to Hosoda Yoshiyuki, for that unforgettable memory.

(End of chapter)

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