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Chapter 881 Doomsday Countdown

Chapter 881 Countdown to Doomsday

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 881 Countdown to Doomsday

"I'm afraid it was driven by Zhixing Niang." Xu Yang asked Xu Cheng to come over.

She sat on the table and swayed her little feet.

"Weaver Star Niang is just an idiot, she can't drive as well as me." Xu Cheng fiddled with his fingers. She was full of energy and was at her most energetic age. Children of this age seemed to have endless energy.

"Did you go to bed early and get up early? Exercise?" Xu Yang felt like a nagging old father.

"Yes." Xu Cheng prevaricates casually. In fact, she does as she pleases, turning day and night upside down, often causing mischief and ruining Bubbles.

"Dad is really worried that you won't be able to stand on your own in the future." Xu Yang said. He really felt that Xu Cheng might become a very troublesome girl in the future.

"Tch, I don't know how to pinch! And there is Bubble with me." Xu Cheng said confidently.

"Can Bubble control you?" Xu Yang said helplessly.

"Hey." Xu Cheng said it self-explanatory.

"Do you want to move out and live alone? Leave home, leave the Shenhui, or even leave the bubble." Xu Yang asked.

"Leave Paopao? No! Anything else is fine. Let Paopao and I live a free life, wander and explore!" Xu Cheng said enthusiastically.

Xu Yang thought for a while.

"What kind of person do you want to be when you grow up?" Xu Yang asked. Xu Cheng has unlimited potential and an unlimited future.

"I want to be as powerful as my father!" Xu Cheng stood up on the table.

Xu Yang suddenly had a vision of a long time ago, when Xu Cheng was just a little fool, only a little older.

Her favorite thing to do back then was to lie on Xu Yang's shoulder without moving. Then wherever Xu Yang went, the little fool would follow him, staring straight at other people or other things with her big eyes.

Don't look away.

Her only food is milk, and her only collection is milk.

Six years later, the little fool has grown up, and she has a dignified name: Xu Cheng. But Xu Yang still misses that poor and cute little fool very much.

"In the past, you would stay on dad's shoulders." Xu Yang said with a little longing.

"Not now." Xu Cheng clapped his hands, "I'm too tall and too big."

Yes. Xu Yang thought silently. He knew from the beginning that one day the little fool would grow up and be unable to sit on his father's shoulders.

She will definitely be happier and brighter when she grows up, and become an amazing witch.

"Daddy will give you whatever you want." Xu Yang patted Xu Cheng's hair and expressed his affection, "You are my best child. There may not be anything I can do anymore, but when I think about you, you will continue to grow.

I feel proud and satisfied.”

"Quack." Xu Cheng hugged her father and nestled in his arms, feeling the warmth and security. Her little hands grabbed Xu Yang's skirt.

Xu Yang said nothing, feeling this rare time, just him and his daughter.

He slowly told Xu Cheng about the past, and together they recalled every detail of the little fool.

However, as time passed by, he felt that Falosa could not wait any longer and had to make a prophecy.

He leaned his body and felt Xu Cheng trembling in his arms, as if he didn't want to leave.

Xu Cheng looked up at his father's face and suddenly felt a great sadness, as if everything in front of him was like a dream, and the days of staying with his father like this would never happen again.

"It's time to go." Xu Yang put Xu Cheng down.

"Well...!" Xu Cheng jumped down and left without taking anything.

She has grown up.

Xu Yang brought the spices back to Falosa and prepared for her to take them, and then received a deeper prophecy in the vision.

Farosa is smart, capable, mysterious, seductive, manipulative, and ruthless. However, under Xu Yang's upbringing, Farosa gradually changed her gender and revealed more and more of her gentle side. Xu Yang still didn't understand this.

Is it the result of acquired upbringing, or is Falosa born this way?

Is Falosha inherently friendly? But Xu Yang has always believed that Falosha is born bad and extremely evil.

"Bring it up quickly." Falosa sat in the pool in the secret room, the hot steam floating in the air, the scenery was endless.

"What you saw last time was very ominous. In my opinion, what you predicted this time is pretty much the same." Xu Yang said.

"Obviously, the thing above our heads is swimming, and it may land here at any time. Yanduo's hometown was destroyed by it, and it is not a bad thing to look at it more. But we all know that this

Such a powerful external life will never be as weak and bully as the indigenous gods on this planet." Farosha closed her eyes.

Xu Yang handed the purple spice to Falosa. She took out an ivory pipe, lit the spice, and took a sip carefully.

She closed her eyes and examined what fate had in store for her.

She is exploring the deep secrets of the whole world. Xu Yang secretly thought. This kind of spying on the secrets of the world is always "harmful to the peace of heaven" as the saying goes, but we have defeated everything. It has always been our fashion to be arrogant, even to death.

The laws of the world are in our hands, and it is not so extraordinary to have a glimpse of the unknown future.

Falosa exhaled a puff of purple mist, and the contents of the pipe disappeared. She seemed a little nervous, and raised her fingertips. Xu Yang added more purple spices to Falosa, spices transported from the spice coast.

There are as many as you want.

She continued to consume spices to fulfill the prophecy, and her body slowly sank, as if she was drowning.

During this process, Xu Yang also breathed in the overflowing scent of purple spices. It was as if he was eating and drinking with Falosa. Thinking that they were already indistinguishable from each other, it didn't hurt. What's more, the purple spices made Xu Yang feel more energetic.

, active thinking, ethereal consciousness.

Farosha sighed longly. She took a last sip of purple spices and consumed almost all the spices worth 100 million. When she opened her eyes, her eyes were wide open and covered with bloodshot eyes. She crawled out

In the pool, her skin was pale and cold, and water drops kept flowing. She smiled at first, and then became frightened and confused, as if she had seen something terrible.

She muttered incoherently for a while, then turned to look at Xu Yang, her eyes gentle and frightened.

"What?" Xu Yang was worried that what Farosha saw was beyond her mental endurance. He worried too much, and soon Farosha's expression became calm, a kind of dead calm.

"——I saw something. It... was a dark and twisted entity, wandering outside. It had no shape, or we couldn't see its shape. It was a terrifying thing that swallowed the world and vomited out madness.

." Falosa said softly.

As she spoke, the surrounding space began to distort, and some unknown translucent objects began to form. Just talking about and describing such things would cause its interference. Falosa also wisely stopped talking and stopped talking.

"Where is our planet?" Xu Yang asked.

Falosa shook her head.

"It's even crazier. Can you believe that the whole world is fragmented but strangely coupled together? The moon and the ground are almost touching, but the sea water can surge normally. The whole world is like a piece of paper crushed by big hands.

Yes, this metaphor is good. Think about it, you live on a piece of white paper and the ground is flat. At this time, a hand reaches over and crumples the white paper. You will not fall off or fall off the white paper.

Go down, but look at it, the paper is full of creases and shrunk. This is our future state." Falosa said.

"We have to issue a warning." Xu Yang said immediately.

"No one will believe it. You care too much about all the living beings in this world. But just like the death curse that is spreading now and the laws we designed for death, people will randomly die tragically, get sick, and eventually fill up the underworld.

It was so overcrowded that even I had no time to save it. I couldn't appear in every corner, and I couldn't stop the terrible curse that Pomeretti made when he died. He almost cursed the entire world. In the future, the average life span of people will be greatly reduced, at least 20 years.

Years." Falosa said calmly.

"Then we should find ways to build many shelters." Xu Yang said quickly, "At least save as many people as possible when the disaster strikes! We have large shelters in many cities, and most of them

The important Nanggong Island can be used to store key supplies and personnel. If the disaster you predicted arrives in the future, at least we will not be helpless."

"Then we have to hurry up." Farosha stood up and put on the faded neon cloak, "Our time is very limited."

"You saw the time when the disaster was coming? That's great, we can prepare under very precise conditions." Xu Yang was curious.

"Yeah." Falosa nodded.



Xintai Xizhou, an ideal city on the east coast.

Noriko Honma was swimming in a blue infinity pool. Her young and energetic figure was as light as a swimming fish. She wore a tailor-made swimsuit and floated freely in the sun.

She swam to the end of the swimming pool, climbed ashore, and climbed out of the water. She was surrounded by several huge buildings in the ideal city, where the people of New Taipei and Xizhou lived a carefree and luxurious life, and her status was extremely noble, so she could be with these.

The citizens of New Taipei and Western countries are on an equal footing.

Noriko Honma walked to the lounge chair, and the robot handed her champagne at a suitable temperature. She took a sip of the cool drink, put on her sunglasses, and felt relaxed and happy. She has been here most of the time, and has become accustomed to her young body and hair.

A burden-free life.

Luvasio, the special envoy of the Seven Seals, came to the top of the building to meet Noriko Honma.

"Madam," he said politely, "everyone is here, and Edith is here too."

"Yes." Noriko Honma held the wine in hand and smiled slightly, "Your last event was in Safale City."

"Yes, we almost couldn't get back." Roisio sighed.

"I really envy you." Noriko Honma changed into casual clothes, "I have never been to the Spice Coast."

(End of chapter)

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