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Chapter 882 Uncovering the Seven Seals

Chapter 882 The Unveiling of the Seven Seals

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 882 The Unveiling of the Seven Seals

"You deceived me too. You didn't contact us until the substitute failed. It took us a long time to understand your idea." Roisio said with a smile.

"The key to this matter is not deception, but choice. I took the initiative to upload my personality and created a substitute, but my company and assets were indeed handed over to her - that ignorant substitute. The substitute was as I expected.

Likewise, those who are obsessed with assets cannot compete with Nisto, and comedians are just clowns. I don’t need money and assets. I feel very free in New Taipei, and I have surpassed myself in the past." Noriko Honma said.

"But you also took the trouble to prepare for this meeting." Luvasio said.

Noriko Honma now has nothing, no property to her name, it has been handed over to a substitute, and everything was transferred away by Kojima Leaf, but Noriko Honma seems not to care, she is extremely free and easy.

"Because I am a member of Seven Seals, I must fulfill my rights and consider the future of Seven Seals," Noriko Honma said.

Roisio nodded and retreated.

Noriko Honma walked through the glass door and went to meet the senior members of Qiyin.

The Chaosao Island Building where she is located is located on the east coast of Xintai Xizhou. It was invested and built by Noriko Honma herself 100 years ago. Choosing to hold meetings here made her feel quite at ease.

The Pale Legion of New Taixi Continent are responsible for security activities. They despise outsiders like Noriko Honma, and Noriko Honma despises their ignorance even more.

Before entering, the maids sprayed Noriko Honma with expensive perfume. The complex compound contained neurocorrosives, which was enough to make a mentally fragile person fascinated by Noriko Honma.

As soon as she entered the narrow venue, Noriko Honma could feel people's eyes focused on her. Most people showed seriousness and nervousness, while a small number of people focused on Noriko Honma's young and flawless figure.

She is tall, tall, and extremely beautiful. It was her appearance that attracted the wealthy nobles who came to Beijing.

A good skin is neither expensive nor rare, but it is like a basic stepping stone, so that she can have the opportunity to show her amazing wisdom and talent to others. She believes that ugly people have no chance to climb up, and Noriko Honma

Such a woman who has risen from abject poverty to the top of the world has an alluring appearance that she was born with.

"We are losing ground." Noriko Honma explained the reality softly.

"...Yes." Bizos, the president of Fuyin Global Investment Group, said that his bald head disgusted Noriko Honma, and his weird white beard made her feel like a clump of weeds. Everyone in Qiyin was disgusted.

They have their own quirks, and they are so powerful that they act independently.

"Do you have any way to defeat Nestor Company?" Noriko Honma turned around.

"The way? They have Farossa and God-killing weapons. Ishtar has also defected to their side. Endo of the Sun and Mondstadt of the Moon are their staunch allies. The northern archipelago is their fortress and Xia is theirs.

Business partners, from Jialongpo to the Spice Coast are their industrial parks. Great Northern has a cooperative relationship with them. Tequilan Island, our back garden, was also invaded by the colonel's troops, and Reshu Island was in a mess.

." sighs Nemesis billionaire James Warren.

He was wearing a gray formal suit and a red tie. In the news, he always appeared with a smile and a kind appearance. But now in this building, he looked particularly angry, surrounded by many beautiful women, and he

It goes against the sober-minded life advocated by the public.

Others sighed in silence.

Noriko Honma is wearing a yukata, looking at the fragile and vulnerable members of the Seven Seals in her eyes.

They are all elites in global companies. In addition, there are many New Zealanders who claim to be perfect, but their genes are clearly different from those of the general public, and they have become "advanced humans."

Some people will try their best to whitewash the differences between upper-class people and lower-class people, but Noriko Honma understands the differences between humans and pigs very clearly.

Pigs are almost illiterate, scum, greedy and selfish, just slaves driven by genes.

Noriko Honma was willing to be loyal to the Seven Seals in order to investigate the "elites among the pigs". However, the performance of these elites also made Noriko Honma increasingly disappointed.

It seems that pigs are pigs after all, and Noriko Honma has difficulty finding similar pigs.

She can only find another way to win.

"What about you?" Noriko Honma looked at Dirnai and Edith.

They are extraordinary creatures, and they are not ordinary extraordinary creatures. They are the two top beings closest to God. She hopes to learn from these creatures.

"Unless we start a war today, our chances of winning will gradually shrink," Dirnay said.

Her voice had a faint echo in the field, constantly reverberating in people's souls, like thousands of questions.

"I want to fight." Edith said. He was unruly and wanted to tear Falosa into pieces. This hatred will last forever.

"But our forces cannot cooperate. There is a peace agreement between the West Coast Treaty and the Nisto Company. There can be no war for at least 5 years. Maybe we can launch some proxy wars, but it will not be enough to shake the foundation of the Nisto Company." Special envoy Rovasio is wise.


Noriko Honma found a chair and sat down. She spoke in a lazy tone: "We have just heard some news about current affairs, but we still need to clarify more news: Because Xia Quanquan cooperates with Nisto Company

, Wanjiade United Group lost its investment targets and suffered continuous losses; 70% of the security business of Nemisis Group was seized by Nisto Company; my Xisheng has collapsed and surrendered completely; the giant enterprise exists in name only; the corporate alliance still refuses to cooperate with us

.The Seven Seals are becoming ridiculous.”

"You can't criticize us as if Seven Seals can't do anything," billionaire James Warren said.

"This is difficult for you. I know very well that if it were me, I would also feel like a thorn in my back, because I know this is true. Nisto Company and Falosa are already too powerful, and today they are completely

If you defeat us, we must admit: we are the weaker side." Noriko Honma rubbed her forehead, her nails were all painted white.

The atmosphere in the venue became more serious.

"We can still fight with Nisto." Bizos said that he still has at least 20 trillion in funds to use.

"Of course we can continue to fight. We can be like those companies that are doing useless work, Blackfire Innovation, or my previous Xisheng Company, and continue to send very limited troops, or risk letting our 'great' transcendent appear, and eventually be defeated

Falosa was slaughtered with a god-killing weapon. There is no difference between the two - we have lost, we are already too weak, and even the New Taixi Island: Lighthouse core is not present. What on earth do we have left in the Seven Seals? We spent

It's a lot of money, but we didn't spend it in the right place. Blackfire Innovation spent 100 million to find Falosha. If they spent 10 billion, our history would be completely rewritten. Falosha slipped through our fingertips and grew.

Today, she has become a witch in the cyber era." Noriko Honma said.

The members of Qiyin looked ugly. Their fortunes can be seen from the changes in the stock market. Many members are actually secretly investing in Nisto Company and its related industries. Although they are investors, they have nothing to do. Only in this way can they make money.

Qian Qiyin’s original basic base has become smaller and smaller.

"Then what are you going to do?" Edith looked at Noriko Honma curiously.

"There will be no problem if you do as I say." Noriko Honma supported her cheek with one hand, "Our connection with the Star Messenger is increasing day by day. 200 years ago, the Corporate Alliance only borrowed a little bit of power from it.

They easily evened the gap with the Witch Council."

"So you want to break the giant tower and summon the messengers of the stars." Edith leaned forward and narrowed his eyes.

"I knew you understood." Noriko Honma smiled.

"This is impossible, never possible! None of us know, but this is the bottom line that cannot be broken!" Edith's expression suddenly changed and he raised his voice.

Once his power is released, it can instantly detonate the heads of everyone present, but his movement was stopped by Dirnai, and a white wing stopped Edith's movement.

"We have reason to use all possible forces to stop Falosa," Dirnai declared.

"You are so charming, Lord Dirnai." Noriko Honma took a deep breath, "Let us reorganize the timeline: 200 years ago, the Company Alliance investigated the seven towers of the ancient Old Man and learned about these seven giant towers.

The connection and meaning of the witch, and ventured through the giant tower, came to the outside world, and reached contact with the Star Messenger. The Star Messenger was willing to destroy the remnants of the witch civilization and destroy the witch's poison on this planet. Under the guidance of the Star Messenger, the Alliance finally

Found Eve Anak and trained her to become the world's strongest reality manipulator. All this was done under the guidance of the Star Messengers - in order to clean up the witch, this is the same as your idea, Eve


Edith clenched his fists. The scar on his forehead caused by Yan Duo was still quite clear, but his attitude was particularly harsh.

"The selfish witches invaded the maternity ward of our people, and eventually all the old people could only give birth to witches. They used the bodies of our women as a refuge, so we used giant towers to isolate the connection between the entire world and the universe.

But this is not the reason for you to leave the tower for the second time." He said.

Edith wanted to leave, but Dernai wanted to stop him. Noriko Honma raised her hand and said, "Can you give me some time to talk to the old god alone?"

Dernai acquiesced.

Noriko Honma and Edith walked to the terrace.

"You are so sensible." Noriko Honma said.

"Thank you." Edith looked down at Noriko Honma. Like all the old people, Edith was much taller than today's humans.

"You know very well that once we summon the Star Messengers, we will fall into madness and half the world will be razed to the ground." Noriko Honma said.

"Yes, our scientists have calculated this result. When my civilization was prosperous, we had contact with it, and the end was extremely sad. The witch's power once spread across the galaxy, but it was also devoured by it. It will bring

This is the end of everything." Edith warned.

"Everything is already over." Noriko Honma said with a smile, "We have nothing to do with the expansion of Nisto Company. We have lost, defeated, and it is over. They will get a happy ending, for them

Said, from weak to strong, from nothing to having everything, they got the best ending. And we were swept away like dust. Your biggest enemy Farosha will marry Xu Yang and live a carefree life.

Your life is like a fairy tale. But you will also have a bright future."

"A bright future?" Edith frowned.

"Your biggest responsibility is to save your people, those old people who have perished. I see that you have always cared about the old people very much." Noriko Honma said.

"I am their last emperor. I failed to save my civilization. This is my knot. What are you going to say?" Edith shook his head.

"We have lost, and you can submit and surrender to Falosa. I guarantee that she will use the law of recovery to redeem your people." Noriko Honma said.

Noriko Honma knew that what she said had an effect, Edith's eyes changed, and her spiritual pressure hit Noriko Honma like a mountain, and she stepped back.

"It only takes you 1 second to kill me, but remember, the same goes for Falosa." Noriko Honma said.

"My people can't come back," Edith said.

"Yes. Yes." Noriko Honma said.

After Edith returned to the meeting place, he no longer stopped their plan.

Roisio was about to speak, but Noriko Honma beat him to it.

"Those who agree with summoning the messengers of the stars, please raise your hands." Noriko Honma said, and then raised her hand first.

Dienai and Edis both raised their hands in agreement. Roisio thought for a moment and raised his hands as well. Others agreed one after another. Then, the senior officials of Qiyin basically voted in favor. Honma Ji

Seeing their hesitant and confused expressions, Zizi saw that many people had begun to evacuate quietly, or were secretly contacting the outside world.

"Then, let's take action." Luvasio said, "But the Company Alliance locked the giant tower with the Key Light and Key Darkness, making it impossible for us to use its power to contact the Star Messengers. They knew that their actions were very dangerous.

, so we built another seven towers to strengthen the power of the giant tower and prevent our world from being invaded."

"We don't need to use the 'Tower Key' to enter the giant tower. We can just use the destiny weapon to blow up one of the giant towers. In that kind of violent situation, our planet will shine like a beacon, summoning the messengers from the stars to come."

Jian Jizi said.

"Blow up which one?" Bizos asked.

"Of course, we spent a month preparing the company alliance tower to ensure it is perfect," said Noriko Honma.

The attendees dispersed one after another. Noriko Honma and Dirnai walked away alone.

"I'm impressed by your performance," Dilnai said.

"This is why we invented voting, and now they share the same responsibility with us, and no one can forgive us," said Noriko Homma.

"But it cannot be destroyed. The giant tower is extremely tightly guarded, and the launch of destiny weapons also takes time. What on earth are you planning? Once the corporate alliance realizes this, it will launch a counterattack against the Seven Seals," Diernai said.

"Yes, and they are informing. It won't be long before people like Xu Yang and Falosa will hear the news from their own reports and take countermeasures. As a result, we will not even be able to realize the final big plan.

" Noriko Honma said.

"You know everything." Dirnai turned to Noriko Honma.

"So what we want to destroy is not the Company Alliance Tower, but the Great Clock Tower of Lundenim. It is easier to destroy. Once it falls, there will be a gap in the long wall of the Giant Tower Plan, and the power of the Star Messengers will sweep the world,

Your archenemy Falosa will also be hit hard." Noriko Honma said.

"It requires the most powerful force to directly destroy a giant tower. How can you convince the weapons of destiny to bomb Lundenim? Then you are taking everyone too naive." Dilnai sneered.

"So instead of attacking with the weapons of destiny, I ask you to take action personally." Noriko Honma crossed Diernai and said, "Our plan is doomed to fail. Only you can judge Falosa."

Noriko Honma faced forward and felt that the pressure from Diernai behind her suddenly disappeared, and Diernai was gone.

She nodded, went to the tea room at the top of Chaosao Island Building, and started pruning a flower arrangement.

The seven seals have been opened, the final day of judgment has come, and the doomsday battlefield where good and evil battle is approaching.

Britannia time, at 23:00 at night, the city of Londenim was completely destroyed by Dirnai and his angel army. 6850 witches died defending their homeland, including 2 rulers, the Great Lord Lundenim.

The bell was destroyed by its roots. 11,000,373 people were killed. The Company Alliance issued a doomsday evacuation announcement and an E-1 biological extinction warning.

At 0:06 in the morning, the messenger of the stars descended for 2 minutes and 55 seconds, 432,020,4070 people were killed, and 255,036,000 square kilometers of land and ocean were polluted.

(End of chapter)

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