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Chapter 88: Catch you to me

The ancient mystics had their own plans and disappeared from the secret realm of supersensory experience one by one. In Farosha's consciousness, it was like the candles around her were extinguished one after another, and all the light and fire that belonged to them was lost.

The darkness fades.

In the end, there were only three people left.

The Lord of the Forest appeared in an amorphous state, and it was not until he was observed by Farosha that his current posture was determined.

Now it looks like a huge beast covered in multiple furs, holding a frozen stag in its mouth with long and curved horns. The numerous furs on its body do not belong to itself, but to thousands of different mammals, including white bears and mammoths.

With the ancient cow, it took the furs of those beasts to protect itself from the cold, which shows how cold the place it is currently located is.

"Thanks to you, I still have the miracle of the oath to use. I thought you would be the first to fall." Falosa observed the Lord of the Forest carefully.

As soon as Falosa joined the oath, the Lord of the Forest knew the fact that she had returned from resuscitation. It had prepared for this meeting for a long time, mobilizing the remaining power to make a small sound.


"It's the northernmost point of the Cold Plains. You still have a long time to live there." Falosa mocked, "Save your energy in speaking."

"The weight of the oath... is still very heavy."

"This is the basis of our cooperation." Farosha looked meaningfully at the old, huge beast, "The oath can help me accomplish many things."

"Severe cold... and humans, they..." The Lord of the Forest also wanted to share his current situation and talk about the scientific research stations built on his body, but it was too cold and painful, and it soon left Faro.

disappeared from Lisa's senses.

It was a really desolate evening scene. Falosa turned to the next light that had not left, and her face changed slightly.

It was a faceless angel wearing armor, with six wings, and a plump body. It was called Dirnai the Jealous, holding a sword in one hand and holding its pet viper in the other. The viper had a torch in its mouth.

In the past, she was a bad woman who was good at sowing discord among the ancient mystics, and even Falosa felt quite disgusted, or rather feared.

"Why, is there anything else?" Falosa asked softly. Even Falosa did not want to attract the attention of this being.

"It seems that you still know a bit of awe." Dilnai teased, "After eating that weakened old god, I thought you had gotten carried away."

Its voice came from behind the mouthless face, and it was like the echo of the abyss in Farosha's heart, which never stopped for a long time.

"Your domain is New Taipei, I guess." Falosa recalled, "After the fall of the gods, people have developed a lot on the land you own. Don't you hate it at all?"

"I enjoy it. Previously, only the sea separated my land. Now they have taken the initiative to cut off the external shielding and built quite good works of art and pleasing cities. My avatars are treated as the same kind by them and enjoy preferential treatment."

Dernai sneered again and again.

"Stop enjoying it. Only by killing them all can you get the chance to become a god."

"On the contrary, I will not let you drive me, little witch. I will capture you to my side and see how you behave." Dilnai disappeared from Farossa's mind.

Damn bad woman. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. So shameless! Why can’t everyone be kind to others?

The last spot of light that stayed in Falosa's consciousness was very familiar to her.

"Yenduo, Yanduo..." Sun Yanduo is a huge and constantly burning giant, shining like the sun. As a member of the outside race, he landed on the planet a long time ago and lived near the archipelago.

, "Yan Duo, Yan Duo..."

Falosa discerned its intentions from its whispers. She had communicated with Yando a thousand years ago.

"You mean you were imprisoned? Hit in the head with depth charges every day? And someone mined you for minerals?"

"Yanduo! Yanduo... Yanduo?"

"I will rescue you when I have time." Falosa said casually.

"Yanduo! Yanduo!" It was very satisfied and left immediately.

It was a waste of time to deal with these rats. Falosa opened her eyes and returned to reality.

Now, she could feel the weight of her muscles and bones again, hear the slight movements from every corner, and her chest began to rise and fall again.

The nerve-wracking things happened one after another. Falosa was delighted with her new strength, but also felt almost collapsed by the sudden sense of responsibility and pressure. She needed some time to reconcile her thoughts.

After devouring the gods, the memories about the gods were also used by her. However, the consciousness of the gods was like the sea itself. Instead, Falosa's thoughts became a small palace suppressed thousands of meters under the sea. Once touched outside, it would be infinite.

Swallowed by darkness and water pressure.

However, after having done this, it is impossible to spit out this sea of ​​memory. It must be reconciled, although in the process of reconciliation, it must fight against the huge will of this dead thing.

The worst thing is that the ancient evil woman Dilnai has probably secretly infiltrated the core of the lighthouse. Its current achievements are indispensable for its help. And if it hunts Falosa now, she will not be able to handle it in a short while.


She pushed the door out, and the light outside was a bit dazzling.

"Farosa." Xu Yang greeted her, "How do you feel?"

Falosa didn't speak, she just kept laughing. She gave Xu Yang a different feeling. She was a bit crazy and arrogant before, but now she feels unfathomable.

"Together, we can accomplish a lot." Farosha said slowly, "A lot."

"Your strength has been fully restored, so congratulations." Xu Yang said.

"Yes." Falosa walked towards a rat corpse on the side corridor.

It was very large, with jet-black fur, highly decomposed, and emitted a disgusting smell. Its internal organs were exposed and covered with maggots. Corpse water flowed out of its abdominal cavity. Its blood dried up, its tail was stiff, its eyes had turned into pits, and the sharp wounds on its body were shocking.

, it seems that he was killed by a knife.

Falosa raised her hand.

"The law of reply," she said.

In an instant, the rat man returned to a living state, resurrected on the spot, shaking off the maggots and poisonous eggs all over his body.

It had thick fur, a slightly stooped body, bared its teeth, stared at its bright yellow eyes, looked around in confusion, and made a sharp and hoarse voice, as if it still couldn't accept the fact that it was reborn.

"Harvest life," Falosa said.

The next second, the black-haired rat-man was blasted away, as if a force came from the front, causing it to hit the wall behind it. At the moment of the collision, its body was torn apart and turned into seven or eight limp corpses.

The block fell to the ground, and blood spurted out, gurgling on the ground, overlapping with the dried blood stains left by the death of other ratmen.

Seeing this scene, Falosa burst out laughing, almost laughing so hard that she couldn't stand upright.

A monster, a monster from thousands of years ago, was buried underground by her kind, causing it to sleep forever and never wake up. But all the processes were interrupted, and the monster came back.

The door of the shrine was opened. Xu Yang walked to the door and looked at the scene inside. He saw that the shrine was very small and could only accommodate one statue. Now it was empty, with the wooden backboard left behind, and it gave off a strange smell from the past.

I really don’t know how Falosa got in before.

"Are you afraid of me?" Falosa asked quietly from behind Xu Yang.

"I'm not afraid at all," Xu Yang said, "We share the oath."

"What if my power exceeds my oath?"

"I believe you can't. No matter how powerful your power is, it is limited. If you were truly omnipotent, you would not be sealed underground, but would build a thousand-year empire until today."

"The oath has no binding force on me now. You should fear me."

"I already know that you are very good at lying. I won't believe you." Xu Yang closed the door of the shrine, "How could you do something to me?"

Before he turned around, Falosa hugged him tightly from behind, pressed against his back, and rubbed Xu Yang's ears.

"Stay with me," she said with a strong desire in her tone, "I want you to accompany me. You said you know what to do, and you know there is a better way, then you have to teach me."

"I understand." Xu Yang turned around and kissed Falosa, "I will be responsible for solving the things you can't do."

Her heartbeat is very fast.

"I heard that the corporate alliance has a global monitoring system to monitor magic power fluctuations," Xu Yang said, "You must have been noticed. If you really return to an extremely strong level, I'm afraid the whole world will be shocked."

"I guessed that something like that would happen," Falosa said, "so I covered my breath."

"Isn't this one of the miracles you can do?"

"This is a little trick that witches rely on for a living. I always have new ways, and God has taught me a lot."

"It seems that you and your god are very familiar."

"Oh, I know so much about God. The brief contact with Him just now is enough to make me happy. In fact, God is very generous and has shared with me a lot of power and wisdom. I get all of this from His generous and huge body.

Found it..."

Falosa suddenly burst into tears.

"Why are you crying..."

"The things we will encounter next will be more difficult, and the crises we will encounter will be more terrifying..." she said, "I don't want to face it alone again like in the past."

"If you go all the way with your temper, no one will be by your side."

"I really have a lot of things I want to do. I want to be a completely different version of myself. I can't do all this on my own... Help me become a better Farosha, okay?"

"I understand." Xu Yang comforted Falosa, "Although I know you are lying again."

"This is her factory setting." Lila shook her head.

"The next words are not lying - I do have a certain attachment to you." Falosa looked at Xu Yang with soft eyes. Xu Yang's existence filled her long-term emotional void, a feeling she had felt since childhood.

There is an emotion that she has been pursuing until now. What it is specifically, she cannot say.

This chapter has been completed!
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