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Chapter 89 My magic is inkjet

Xu Yang took Falosa away from Suzuki Spring and back to the shuttle.

"Although the huge magic power fluctuation only lasts for a moment, it will definitely arouse the alert of the company alliance. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time." Lila controlled the shuttle to evacuate.

"There seems to be false news." Xu Yang searched the daily news and found that although it had been deleted, some news reports about the detection of super-abnormal magic readings were eventually confirmed to be misunderstandings and rumors.

"Farosha has the ability to cover up fluctuations, but some people will connect this matter with the unearthing of the ancient witch." Lila analyzed, "After being confused at the beginning, they will soon realize the fact of Farosha's existence, and they will

The two things were connected, and finally the focus was focused here."

"Prepare for war." Farossa said briefly, knowing that open guns and hidden arrows from all corners were about to arrive.

"How far can your restored power be extended?" Xu Yang asked, "Erase all life in the world? Or move the entire world back a thousand years?"

"That kind of requires preparation in advance." Farosha said, "If it's just regular power, it can be said that I already have inexhaustible magic power."

Falosa's divine power is like an amplifier or catalyst, which can greatly multiply the effectiveness of magical power. However, if you want to truly utilize your divine power reserve, you must go through a series of complex rituals. After all, she is not a god herself, so she cannot use it flexibly.

"Let's go to the quarry first. We still have an agreement to fulfill." Xu Yang said, "Detect the situation along the way to see if anyone else can get there first."

"Yes." Lila drove the shuttle and quickly headed to the Bronze Titan excavation site.

"Little Lila, how do people nowadays divide the power levels of witches?" Falosa asked.

"Why do you call me that?" Lila was troubled.

"I am the big witch and you are little Lila." Falosa said confidently, "I will be the leader of all witches in the future and the new president of the council. Think carefully about the weight of this position."

"It turns out that you are not just a destroyer, but you actually have some constructive ideas." Xu Yang couldn't help but said, "What are the plans of the new council? How to arrange the future of the witch?"

"I don't know," Falosa felt a headache, "I have never thought about this problem." She just likes to give orders and be aloof.

"As far as the witch level is concerned, the weakest ones are called cubs," Lila said. "The company will then evaluate the magic power. According to the witch's familiarity with her own power and the level of exertion, she is divided into lower-level witches, upper-level witches and domination witches.

or three levels.”

"I've also heard," Xu Yang recalled, "Most witches are low-level witches and cubs. It's great to be rated as a high-level witch, let alone a ruler."

"That's right." Falosa found that nothing had changed. "The following ones are roughly similar, except that there are levels stronger than yours, namely cub, inferior, superior, ruler, supreme and queen, a total of six levels."

"After you regained your strength from God, what level did you reach?" Xu Yang was curious.

"No one can match it," Farosha said mysteriously.

In fact, according to her own assessment, she is currently at the level of the Supreme Witch. If she uses the amplification effect of divine power, she is the Queen level. It is also rare in the entire history. Only about 1 to 3 Queens will exist at the same time.

Usually becomes the leader of the council.

"So you still have to act cautiously to avoid drawing the company's attention prematurely," Xu Yang reminded.

"I'm not stupid." Falosa has already attracted the attention of all the ancient mystics, and now she doesn't want to provoke the company's siege again.

"The so-called supreme witch," Lila said, "has no existence after entering the corporate era. As for the ruler witch, according to the privacy and evaluation policies of different companies, there are currently about 10 to 15 in the world. As for what you are talking about

The 'Queen' witch mentioned is only mentioned in a few files, and is a level that can be achieved theoretically."

"The Supreme Witch was the threshold of the Council in the past," Falosa whispered. "Ah, the witches today are so weak. I can only find allies among those weak rulers. What a tragedy."

"I was only a low-level witch at the peak of my career. It's really unfortunate." Lila said.

The biggest reason why she was retired was because she had become highly prosthetic and lost the possibility of improving her magic power. She had no further opportunities and her value had been exhausted.

"It's already outstanding." Xu Yang nodded.

"The low-level witch can't even maximize her own power," Farossa mocked, "just like a silly child wielding a sharp sword. What is frightening is the obvious superficial power, not the user itself."

"Even so, a low-level witch who has undergone military training can also defeat some strong men who consider themselves supreme witches in close combat." Lila said.

She knew that she could still defeat the improved Farosha, who would fall down when she got excited.

"I graciously allow you to feel proud of this." Falosa said in a relaxed tone. She suddenly wanted to make friends with Lila. Behind the coldness on the surface, Lila's hesitation and pain were as much as what she felt.

Returning to the excavation site, this is Xu Yang's third visit to this place.

Xu Yang and Lila inspected the quarry and found that a large number of drones were patrolling and filming the area.

Since the company alliance awarded the ancient witch to the Lighthouse Core, the arrogant Lighthouse Core asked Kyoto Infinite to stop interfering in related incidents. They did not want to quarrel with the New Taixi Islanders at this juncture, so they had to temporarily back down and only sent a large number of reconnaissance.

Drones are used to survey the conditions of the quarry for reference in subsequent plans.

The movement trajectories of these drones can be traced. Xu Yang hacked into the array of two of the drones, manipulated the data captured and recorded by them to prevent his whereabouts from being discovered, and then opened the anonymous account

Enter the quarry and recover the body parts of Bacchus.

Such a mysterious method of resurrecting the dead has many future application scenarios and huge benefits. What's more, Falosa's strength has now been restored, and this "miracle" is no burden to her.

There is also the body of Mateo Unit 1! The people in Kyoto Unlimited didn't even recover it, after all, it had been blown to pieces. But this thing is still useful, Xu Yang also tried his best to bring the shuttle back. Then the two Mateos

Aodu was resurrected and put into an iron cage that blocked contact with the outside world to see which one was stronger.

Afterwards, they left quickly, and the drones floated in the air, failing to capture any trace of the Anonymous.

"This is..." Lila doesn't understand Bacchus yet.

"A person we said we would resurrect." Xu Yang placed Bacchus's torn body on the ground.

"I thought you were just talking carelessly." Falosa was curious, "I didn't expect you are a guy who sticks to your word."

"It's only been three days in total." Xu Yang said, "It should be fine."

"The Law of Restoration." Farosha releases her magic power.

-Part of the world begins to retreat.

The red light flashes, and Bacchus returns to the world.

She shook her body and soon fell to the ground again. Xu Yang quickly helped her up.

"Wha-what?" Bacchus said hoarsely, "What-where is this? What...what happened to me?"

"You have been resurrected." Xu Yang explained.

"That's the witch we captured... ah... this is our shuttle, where's Mateo -" Bacchus looked around in fear, "What happened to me? Why? I'm not - I'm dead


"If you don't keep quiet, I will kill you again." Falosa raised her hand.

Bacchus' face was filled with fear, and he shrank like a frightened animal.

The surrounding underground space was wide and rugged. Lila looked for a suitable location, drove the shuttle to the inside of a large hidden rock crevice, turned off the engine, blocked the signal, and restored silence.

"It has been more than three days since your death," Xu Yang said, "Bacchus... they said this was just your code name. What is your real name?"

"I don't have a name, I don't know." Bacchus lay on the seat, curled up, and her hair fell down, covering her face.

She wanted to hide her thoughts. No wonder, dying and coming back to life is difficult for most people to accept. Moreover, Xu Yang didn't know whether her mind and memory had been damaged to some extent.

Falosa claims that her magic has no side effects, but no one knows what it feels like except the person who was resurrected. Maybe the person who was resurrected still retains the memory of his death, but just doesn't want to think about it.

Bacchus's hair had purple highlights, which were quite bright, but she didn't care for them. She stretched out her hands to pull them out, as if she wanted to pull them all out. She grabbed harder and harder, intending to cause pain to distract herself.


The Bodhisattva tattoo on her right arm glowed slightly in the dark. It must have been painted with fluorescent paint. Now it looked like a ghost, no longer compassionate, as if it had gone through the afterlife like Bacchus himself.

"What about...the others?" Bacchus couldn't help but say, "The other people in the team...Mateo actually...is it possible..."

"Mateo and your team have all died in the battle." Xu Yang sighed.

"Then..." Bacchus raised his head, "Can everyone come back too?"

"I will not resurrect irrelevant people." Farosha sneered, "I only resurrected you because we mentioned this matter a long time ago and we have not forgotten it."

"We are just asking for a living," Bacchus murmured, "We don't want to die either, please... Since you can resurrect me, I can also resurrect everyone."

"Xu Yang said you are a witch." Falosa walked up to her, pulled her hand away from her head, pushed back Bacchus' hair, and stared into her eyes, "What is your magic power?"

"My magic power has been sealed." Bacchus raised his hand and drew some ink from his palm.

"Inkjet, are you an octopus?" Falosa mocked, "The person Xu Yang wanted me to save turned out to be an octopus witch."

"..." Bacchus looked dim.

"But I can increase your power." Farossa grabbed Bacchus' shoulders and stared into her eyes, "...Swear to obey me with your life, little cuttlefish, and then you will find that your power will be far away.

Far from these pitiful inks, your magic will rise from the ground, be reborn, and reach into the sky."

"Power..." Bacchus's body trembled slightly, "You...who are you?"

"I used to be a wandering prisoner, and now I am a ruler who brings a new order. Think carefully about what you should do with your second life." Falosa slowly let go, "Think carefully."

This chapter has been completed!
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