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Chapter 922 The Rainbow of Gravity

Chapter 922 The Rainbow of Gravity

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 922 The Rainbow of Gravity

"What's that?" Farossa lowered her head and observed Edith. She had never seen this guy enter this form before.

"Roar——" Weiyue Yue let out an uneasy dragon roar.

In this state, he can't get close, and even if he wins, both sides will suffer losses, which is not conducive to the subsequent fight against Dirnai.

"Fly to high places." Farosha thought thoughtfully, and quickly ordered Weiyueyue, and then, it carried Farosha and flew straight towards the broken starry sky.

Edith let out a long roar and flew high into the sky to pursue his mortal enemy, leaving a long trail of psychic flames behind him.

The clouds, air currents and strong winds were all torn apart in their tracks, leaving a striking path between heaven and earth.

"Why fly to such a high place?" Wei Shiyue asked with difficulty. Flying here reminded her of sad things.

"I can only use magic power if I stay away from the ground that is distorted by reality." Farosha laid out her plan carefully.

Falosa glanced down quickly.

Now Edith's strength has been greatly strengthened. She feels that she is at war with the will of the planet itself. Is the power of the old people so unique that it can directly summon the resonance of the planet?

Not long after, they had already flown to the Broken Star Dome.

Due to the influence of the Star Messengers, the observation of the starry sky has been suspended. It is covered with broken stardust. The background of the universe is dark and evil, turning into a chaotic place that completely loses rational meaning.

The air is thin, the space is damaged, and the stars are colorful. Although the messenger of the stars has left, the terrifying echoes it left behind still remain here.

Wei Shiyue struggled to fly in the strange broken star dome. At this height, she could still see some "continents", which were unfortunate areas that were twisted to such high altitudes by the folding of the world. The only remaining living people either suffocated and died.

Die, or be frozen into ice sculptures, and finally be swallowed up by the mysterious power of the stars, turning into monsters or food.

Edith pursues this point. His strength is close to some kind of terrifying supernatural aggregation of will, and he directly sends a giant fission wave with a radius of 10,000 meters to Micro October. A psychic blast of this size is enough to kill Falosa and Micro October together.


The extremely fast-flying Micro October was affected by the energy wave driven by the fission wave. The ethereal giant mouth opened and closed with difficulty. There were many mindless souls screaming in its ghostly body, as if death itself would also be in the fission wave.


The omen alone is so terrifying, if it is hit directly, it will be completely defeated.

Falosa tightly hugged the back of Micro-October's materialized body, and it flew downwards rapidly, trying its best to avoid the fission wave, while the giant fission wave flew into the distance, shattering asteroids along the way and turning them into countless rubbles.

, all falling to the ground, forming a terrifying shower of meteorites.

At this time, Falosa and Weiyueyue could barely return to the front and looked at the ultimate Edith.

He hovered on the storm vortex formed by spiritual energy, with a strange and terrifying form. The emperor who once laughed at them, despised them, and once ruled the entire old empire seemed to have disappeared, leaving only absolute chaos, evil and entropy itself.

His psychic energy was so powerful that it seemed that the last power of the entire old civilization was inherited by Edith, and he released this power.

What we are facing now is not Edith, but the spiritual aggregation of billions of survivors of the old civilization. Falosa observed carefully and silently analyzed the current situation.

Weiyueyue flew rapidly to avoid the pursuit of Edith. The misty wings of the undead fought against the dark fluid in the broken star dome, showing vague creases. It used its wings to fan out every corner during its flight.

The one-inch movement trajectory is clearly identifiable.

"Let this world and our civilization be buried together." Edith spoke, like the loud chorus of millions of people. The tone covered all the sound ranges, enough to leave echoes in the deep space and vibrate the thin air.

Immediately afterwards, Edith summoned the black flames used to kill the witch, and they formed a giant flame vortex, surrounding it.

"Stop hiding behind your people, come and fight with me!" Falosa observed the battlefield carefully, and then she controlled Micro-October, no longer escaping, but chose to return to fight with Edith.

Edith's voice changed from thousands of choruses back to his own voice, but there were still countless voices following and resonating with him.

"I know your tricks." Edith transformed the black fire vortex into a spear and flew towards Falosa. "You flew to such a high place to escape from the forbidden magic field created by Delani on the ground.

.You want to unleash your magic here!"

Wei Shiyue was surprised. Falosa's plan was seen through. What should we do?

After her plan was read, Falosa continued to move forward.

"But your magic power is not enough. With your power at the level of the Supreme Witch, how can you have the slightest chance?" Edith roared.

"I am already the queen!" Farossa stood up from Wei Yueyue's back and crossed the god-killing weapon with the Star Controller. The powerful emperor-level magic overflowed and bloomed, and the huge power was like the star system itself.

Rosa is fully summoned!

Endless magic burst out from her soul instantly, and the entire Broken Star Vault trembled, as if the stars were also echoing Falosa's great power.

Falosa's bloodthirsty red magic streaked across the starry sky, covering half of the world!

At this time, people in countless lands suddenly felt that the sky turned red, which was blocked by Falosa's imperial magic power!

Queen-level magic!

Go through it!

The immeasurable magic light hit Edith directly!

"One queen cannot kill me! I have killed many queens!" Edith's voice echoed the angry roars of thousands of old people.

Infinite primitive spiritual energy bloomed from it, and it also blasted away at Farossa's Queen's magic power.

Two energies collide in the sky!

A short magic stick whirled behind Edith, and then, a figure with brown hair and red eyes jumped out of it!

"Here... there are two queens!" Ishtar adjusted her royal magic power and aimed it behind Edith.


Royal explosion!

Edith violently waved her other hand, using half of her strength to resist the explosive magic of Queen Ishtar.

Two waves of heaven-destroying emperor-level magic power pressed toward Edith!

"This is the power of the witch, Edith, defeat me!" Falosa ordered loudly.

Edith struggled to hold on, and the original spiritual energy that made up his new body was consumed at a high speed. This is his soul, and there are enough memories in his soul - the memories of his ancient nation. At this time, in order to resist the two queens

During the siege, he watched in horror as the remaining fragments of his old people collapsed, no longer able to support the ancient memories of his old empire.

Two boundless and powerful magic powers continue to destroy Edith. Farosha looks decisive, Ishtar's eyes are bright, and Edith's immortal body is being burned and destroyed.

Edith tried to capture the lost memory of his family, but he couldn't! The entire nation, the entire empire, the ancient civilization that once spread across the galaxy, and he himself were worn away bit by bit!

In an instant, with a shocking explosion, shock waves spread in all directions.

Ishtar quickly retreated, and Falosa also distanced herself. She saw Edith being beaten back to his original form, returning from the incarnation of his endless power, just like turning into a speck of dust, cooling into form in the black silence of the starry sky.


Falosa flew down and landed.

The world trembles at her arrival!


"The witch is back!"

"Is Edith defeated?"

"Run away—run away—"

Falosa was ruthless and waved the god-killing weapon towards the third line of defense of New Taixi Continent, which had lost the protection of Edith.

Cut! Cut! Cut!

Even Edith was defeated, and the mortal army instantly exploded under the destructive power of the god-killing weapon!

Several space carriers lost control instantly, crashed downwards rapidly, and were destroyed in earth-shattering explosions.

The roar of October echoed in the dilapidated Anchorage Isthmus. The Eastern Hemisphere coalition forces reorganized their formations and continued to advance. Countless tanks and drones gathered again, advancing in a uniform schedule, occupying one important stronghold after another.

, firmly grasp the key position of Anchorage Isthmus in your own hands!

Across the bloody battle! The first major victory in six years!

The morale of Xintai Xizhou's airship force dropped sharply, and Commander Sebastian issued a retreat order and quickly retreated.

Without the support and protection of the air force, the fortification area built by the Lighthouse Core at a huge expense was suddenly oversaturated with bombing. At least 1,000 missiles bombed the Lighthouse Core's fortresses, bunkers and airports within 20 minutes, ensuring that their

The defense line was blown to pieces, and then the ground troops were allowed to advance with confidence.

The Xintaixizhou coalition forces rushed to the front line. The vanguard formed a torrent of steel and violently blasted into the border of Xintaixizhou. They occupied the entire Anchorage Isthmus in one go and quickly deployed various long-range artillery positions, airports and missile launch sites here. As long as

The important cities in New Taipei and Western Continent are all within the sighting range of the missiles of the Eastern Hemisphere coalition forces. They have nothing to ask for except surrender.

The soldiers at the core of the lighthouse hurriedly retreated and fled. They continued to lament, long for, and pray for Dirnai's strength. Their admiration and admiration for Dirnai continued to rise in their hearts. To this day, only Diilnai remains.

Only by Ernai's personal participation in the battle was he able to stop the Eastern Hemisphere coalition forces and save New Taipei and Western Continent from the bloody disaster of annihilation.

Falosa flew over the battlefield and landed on a barren hilltop. This place should have been green and grassy, ​​but after the damage of the war, all the green grass had been replaced by deathly silence.

"We won!" Wei Yueyu transformed into a human form and came to Farosha. She was very surprised by Farosha's power.

"Sister!" Ishta rushed over, jumped into Farosha's arms, and happily put her head on Farosha's shoulder. Although they are not related by blood, Ishta has always regarded Farosha as her sister.

Falosa nodded. Her tactics have always been very clear, and she cannot lack the help of Ishtar. Otherwise, she alone will not be able to defeat Edith. After all, this guy is still too powerful.

The Lord of the Forest stepped onto the hill, leaving green ribbons wherever he passed. He seemed to be the only being who could heal the wounds of the earth. He was also full of awe of Falosa's victory. The once arrogant Edith

, has now also been deposed.

Then, the final enemy is right in front of us - Dirnai, the goddess of good and evil. She has swallowed up the extremely strong trust of the New Taixi people now, and I don't know how terrifying she will be.

Falosa was thoughtful, all her purpose was to dedicate the victory to Xu Yang and celebrate Xu Yang's return. But now is not the time, she wants to conquer the entire New Taixi continent, from the west coast to the east coast.

With Anchorage in their hands, the New Taipei people were undoubtedly extremely horrified, so the next step was to deal with the huge harvest so far.

(End of chapter)

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