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Chapter 923 Five Invoices from the Front Line

Chapter 923 Five cargo lists on the front line

Author: Xiao Xisui

Edith fell, the march was unimpeded

Falosa came back from the front line, her figure shining like a shooting star, dazzling people.


"That's Falosa, the God of Witches!"

"It's great to have a character like this on our side!"

"Dad! Mom! I finally have the chance to enter New Taixi Continent and avenge you!"

"What a pleasure! Breaking through the bloody battle for the first time in six years!"

People were excited.

She will rule the entire next era. Xu Cheng looked up and knew that many people thought the same as her.

Nestor's war machines and the synthetic human army formed a new force and continued to advance towards New Taipei.

Without Falosa to open the way, this war would be protracted and suffer heavy losses. Therefore, the heads of each unit paid high respect to Falosa and did not question her authority and strength!

When Falosa returned, the technical staff, staff officers and medical soldiers in the rear spontaneously gathered to greet the great Witch God with enthusiastic applause and cheers.


"Welcome back!"

“That’s amazing!”

Xu Cheng also clapped with his little hands, wondering if Falosa could hear him.

Falosa glanced at the crowd coldly, and then walked quickly to her own field palace.

The entire giant palace is made of colored glaze and ebony wood. It looks particularly awkward in the entire military camp, but it is in line with Falosa's power and position.

"Quack..." Xu Cheng ran over.

Didn't Falosha say she wanted to be her own mother? Then she should at least hug herself again.

"?" Falosa was about to enter her palace, and the two witch guards had extended their hands to greet her, but Xu Cheng ran up to her halfway.

"Hug!" Xu Cheng innocently opened his arms to Falosa.

Mother Farosha, give me a hug!

After defeating Edith, Falosa's thoughts were like a turbulent flood, while Xu Cheng's existence was like a pebble, swept away by the current in an instant.

Falosa is considering victory, loss and the next march plan, but who does Xu Cheng mean?

She didn't pay attention to Xu Cheng, but passed through the beaded door curtain and completely disappeared into her temporary palace.

Xu Cheng was greatly disappointed.

The powerful Farosha is busy with many affairs. She needs to rest, heal her wounds, and use the law of recovery to restore the dead and damaged machinery. She is very busy. Xu Cheng feels that she is not worth mentioning. She is like a small drop of water in this unprecedented decisive battle.

Not worthy of Falosa's concern.

She looked around, but no one cared about her, Bubble was not there, and Bubble was still far away. Then she could only live alone.

There were rumbling sounds all around, and a large number of troops were moving forward. Many new troops in the rear received orders to change defenses and were redeploying. Special operations troops and heavy armored legionnaires wearing nano armor were advancing steadily.

Countless people and vehicles passed through the Anchorage Isthmus and landed on the mainland of New Taipei. These great achievements can be praised for generations.

Xu Cheng felt like she was being carried away, caught by this marching torrent! So she scratched her head and returned to her work.

Everyone is for me, I am for everyone!

It doesn't matter, she will go to work.

Xu Cheng went to Bunker Hill, which is a supply base, where the Shenhui and the new supplies sent by his father were.

She needs to follow instructions carefully along the way, because the surrounding environment has been bombed, and one-fifth of the nearby area is contaminated by nuclear radiation.

When the New Taipei people retreated, they detonated many nuclear mines buried in the ground. The commune rangers went out with Geiger counters. The equipment kept ringing along the way, which made people break into cold sweats.

Arriving at the supply station, Xu Cheng opened the supply box that Xu Yang sent her, took out a radiation mask and put it on, adjusted the throttle, hoping that she would be healthy and not get sick during the post-war examination.


Dad also sent new clothes, and Xu Cheng put them on happily. After all, he was not a wild child that no one wanted.

"Hoo ho..." Xu Cheng put on new clothes and new shoes in the changing room of the site. The other girls and witches here were all very tall, and Xu Cheng could only envy them.

She looked at herself in the mirror, wearing a bomber jacket, off-road boots, and overalls. She looked so cool. Her father was so kind! His father never chose clothes for himself, but he would choose clothes for Xu Cheng.

Wasp used her magic power to tamper with reality to protect Falosa. Can she be undefeated from now on? Xu Cheng thought as he walked to the freight yard and opened the back compartment of the Shenhui.

Robots are loading new goods one after another, including medicines, repair parts, guns and ammunition...all of which are urgently needed at frontline sites.

Xu Cheng is delivering goods again!

Xu Yang attached a letter not to allow her to participate in the deadly battle on the front line. She could only resume her old career in the rear and continue to use the Shenhui to transport supplies.

Xu Cheng took the shipping list and counted the goods. One item, two items, and three items... were all in order.

The chief of Bunker Mountain came over and looked a little anxious at Xu Cheng, who was less than 1.6 meters tall.

"There are five stops in total. Be careful on the way. Can you do that?" He greeted Xu Cheng, hoping that the other party would act with caution.

He had seen messengers before, but never one so young.

Isn't this still a child?

Although he has witnessed a catastrophe that only happens once in ten thousand years and has experienced such a long bloody battle, he still subconsciously believes that children of this age should grow up in classrooms and be well protected by their families.

As for the bloody battle on the Isthmus of Anchorage...that's for the adults!

And even for adults, in this terrifying environment where supernatural forces interact, the survival rate is appallingly low.

"Quack!" Xu Cheng saluted the commander of Bunker Mountain, indicating that she was brave and professional and had nothing to worry about.

She had to show respect. Xu Cheng was only a second-class soldier, while the other party was at least a second lieutenant.

In order to unify the dispatch, all participating units in the bloody battle had the same epaulettes, regardless of their origin or company.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Cheng drove the Shenhui and started delivering goods.

The first site is the Fairbanks Repair Station, which specializes in repairing damaged broken robots.

Xu Cheng sent a ton of electronic components, coils, circuit boards and alloy spare parts here.

The bloody battle brought a lot of trouble to the Eastern Hemisphere coalition forces. While the strong were dueling in the sky, the Army was also using its lives to open up a path and fight to the death with the powerful defense units at the core of the lighthouse.

The repair station was filled with messy robots, mechas and polymer composite fragments. During the seventy-two hours of bloody battle, more than 30,000 robots were beaten to pieces on more than ten fronts, which made Xu Cheng feel spectacular.

Xu Cheng felt like he had walked into a robot graveyard, with the trademark and model QR code being its only epitaph.

Mechanical bodies belonging to various regions and companies in the Eastern Hemisphere are mixed here, and the conflicts and feuds between the various companies have been completely put aside.

"It stinks so much," said Zhixingniang.

"Quack." Xu Cheng struggled to control the Shenhui, letting the large black droplet-like shuttle float across the sky above the broken body and scrap pile, looking for the person in charge of the Fairbanks maintenance station.

She eventually found a stocky woman, alone, trying to weld cracks in the composite's metal casing.

Xu Cheng jumped down, took out the list and asked her to sign it.

"Can you receive the goods?" Xu Cheng asked.

The woman raised her head, glanced at the unique Shenhui, and then lowered her head to focus on the work at hand.

"Are you a frontline courier?" She said without raising her head. "The supplies are piled in the warehouse marked 'C', and the key components and fuel cells are placed in the warehouse marked '2'."

"I need the cargo robot to help me. I can't move it alone." Xu Cheng said.

"Do you think this site has redundant maintenance robots?" The woman said angrily, "Forget it, let's find a way to unload the goods together."

Xu Cheng rubbed his head, and then worked with her for an hour, transporting all the goods needed by the Fairbanks maintenance station from the shuttle. Xu Cheng's scalp was numb from exhaustion.

In order to support the battle, the more than 50 hours of daylight ended. The benevolent Yanduo left the sky, leaving behind boundless darkness.

The woman pressed a button and turned on the lights in the Fairbanks maintenance station, and the entire maintenance station lit up with a warm white glow.

It must be lit up elsewhere, Anchorage...

Xu Cheng looked into the distance and saw that the Anchorage Isthmus was quiet after the battle. The Xintaixi natives were either running away or hiding.

Different stations glow slightly under the night sky, maintaining a state that can both provide illumination and avoid being bombed by enemy aircraft, like a series of haloes spread on the hills.

"Drink some tea and take a rest." The woman quickly heated up a pot of boiling water and sprinkled tea powder bags and flocculent caffeine tablets into it to refresh herself.

Xu Cheng held the tea cup in his hand and sipped it, turning to look at the piles of battle-damaged robots. They stepped across the line of fire for human soldiers, stepped on landmines, withstood electromagnetic interference waves, resisted bullets, and blocked flames, saving countless human lives.

Their brands - Tianshu Manufacturing, Yinlong Technology, Juling Industry, Longxiang Manufacturing, Modern Entertainment, Yezixi Sheng, Nisto, Chiba City Second Tractor Factory, Novosibirsk Machinery Commune Second,

Vivina Company in Hongkong City... were mixed together, and Xu Cheng could distinguish the manufacturing styles and painting styles of different companies.

Companies in the Eastern Hemisphere used to compete with each other, but now the products they produce are piled together, and they can't tell each other clearly. Xu Cheng thought silently.

And now we are stepping on the land of Xintai Xizhou, where people invented the concept of companies, enterprises, employment, networks, groups, chaebols... Xu Cheng thought dimly.

She turned her head. The woman at the Fairbanks maintenance station was sitting at the table drinking tea. At such a close distance, Xu Cheng suddenly saw a series of serial numbers engraved under her hairline. They were engraved on the metal surface with a laser.

Carved on it.

Only now did Xu Cheng discover that she was a synthesizer, a synthesizer responsible for repairing robots.

She wanted to ask which company produced the other party, was it Nisto? Or was it Tianshu Manufacturing? Silla's company? Ye Zi's company? But she saw the piles of company machine wreckage that were difficult to distinguish from each other. Xu

Cheng felt that there was no need to ask anymore.

"Quack." Xu Cheng finished her tea cup and returned to her shuttle.

"Be careful on the road." The woman waved to Xu Cheng, who nodded vigorously.

Synths and humans live together, making it difficult to tell them apart. Xu Cheng used to be a little nervous when he thought about this kind of thing, but now he feels it is acceptable. If you don't pay close attention, who can tell the difference between synthetics so clearly today?

Just like Jialongpo, no one knows who will be replaced on which day.

Everything was wonderful. Xu Cheng launched the Shenhui and left the hill of damaged robots and drones at the Fairbanks maintenance station behind him, heading to the next site.

She quickly crossed the rugged land and headed for Buckland Crossing, which was a gathering place for the war witches. The emblem of the witch god Falosa was printed on the flag, fluttering in the wind in the night sky.

During the retreat of the New Taipei Army, because Delaney also left the battle, the magic blockade disappeared. The War Witch Force was able to attack the rear guard at the core of the lighthouse, severely injuring them, and returned with a full load. Now they are resting at Buckland Crossing.

"Quack." Xu Cheng delivered boxes of food, medicine, fuel and medical supplies here, and the Shenhui landed on the tarmac with a roar.

One after another, the heroic war witches walked out of the barracks and happily received the goods. One of the experienced witch captains signed the cargo list for Xu Cheng. Xu Cheng felt that this trip was much more convenient. The witches were smart and strong, and they were very happy.

It is easy to unload all the goods.

"You sent the Witch Potion and the Steel Wings fuel cell? That's great! We just need it." A clear voice sounded.

Xu Cheng turned his head and saw a familiar figure.

The opponent had his brown hair cut short and was wearing a compact witch armor. He had a pretty face and a confident smile. He had a medal hanging on his chest and held a handsome helmet in his hand. The helmet had a pair of special bright red eyepieces, which were obviously used to control the release of magic power.

Laila Madusa!

This chapter has been completed!
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