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Chapter 928: 1.8 million echoes

Chapter 928 1.8 million echoes

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 928 1.8 million echoes

The trail leading to the core area of ​​the laboratory is paved with black asphalt, like black tape stuck on the desert.

Xu Cheng turned around and saw a large area of ​​strange plants growing among tangled shrubs, motionless in the dim sunlight.

"I have seen these alien plants in Italia." Xu Cheng said to Laila, "Maybe this place has also been transformed by aliens."

"They want to make our home theirs, and we will never allow it." Laila said sternly.

They walked for at least 15 minutes and soon saw a super giant circular dome facility, completely dark, like a perfect handicraft upside down on the earth.

"What is that dome for?" Xu Cheng raised his finger.

"The largest 'black wall' in the Western Hemisphere." The soldier hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"What is a black wall?" Xu Cheng tilted his head.

"..." The soldier stopped talking, as if to avoid scaring them.

No matter how Xu Cheng asked, the soldiers never mentioned anything about the black wall.

Finally, there is the main building of the laboratory.

The soldier passed the five-level verification, the door opened, and he motioned Xu Cheng and Laila to go in.

"Go straight and take the elevator to the seventh floor underground." The soldier stayed outside the door and stood guard.

"It's so mysterious." Xu Cheng walked forward.

The lights in the laboratory were bright, reminding Xu Cheng of a laboratory he once broke into alone. The surroundings were quiet, as if they were the only two people there.

"..." Laila remained silent as she looked around.

The laboratory is both exquisite and strange, as if only a few capable people have always been working here.

Maybe it's because the research here is so high-end that the funders of the project don't have any hope, and it's a bit laissez-faire? Xu Cheng muttered.

Following the soldier's instructions, Xu Cheng entered the elevator. She looked down from above and found that the names of each floor were marked in different languages ​​on the elevator.

"What's this slang?" Laila saw that each floor of the laboratory was marked in three languages.

"The first is the common language we speak, and the second is the secret text." Xu Cheng can understand the secret text, "I don't know the third one."

"Do the secret texts and common language express the same content?" Laila felt that they were inconsistent in length, as if they expressed completely different contents.

Xu Cheng checked carefully.

Underground Level: Garden (Secret Text: Alien Sky Plant Science Level)

Second underground floor: Pineal Gland Club (Secret text: Witch Brain Anatomy Field and Witch Physiology Research Institute)

Third underground floor: Meditation Room (Secret Text: Sample Psionics, Memory and Magic Analysis Institute)

Fourth underground floor: Cell Science Classroom (Secret Text: Synthesis Laboratory of Unknown Atomized Biological Components)

Fifth underground floor: Animation projection room (Secret text: Organic and inorganic implant enhanced test site)

Sixth underground floor: Stadium (secret text: Flesh Foundry; Unnatural Form Biological Design Institute)

Seventh underground floor: Corridor (Secret text: Yusi Homecoming Experimental Base/Yusi Containment Facility)

Xu Cheng swallowed and pressed the button on the seventh underground floor.

The elevator made a faint buzzing sound and sent them to the bottom of the laboratory.

After the door opened, Xu Cheng felt that it was very cold here. The severe cold underground in the cryogenic laboratory made her feel a little nervous.

Laila was not so considerate this time, she was just curious about everything. Following Laila's gaze, Xu Cheng saw many strange warnings on the walls, preventing them from walking around at will. Most areas required very high-level permissions and access cards.

In and out.

Xu Cheng and Laila walked along the only visitor passage open to them, and finally entered a secret laboratory.

Xu Yang and Falosa stood next to a huge glass container, carefully examining the contents of the glass.

"Quack..." Xu Cheng looked up and saw the glass container, and was a little shocked.

Suspended in the sickly purple solution is a grotesque creature.

Its main body is roughly cylindrical, with pairs of irregular slender appendages growing randomly where there should not be limbs. The pincers are covered with carapace, and the eyes are slender cylindrical eyes, like insects or ants.

It has many photosensitive organs used to assist detection, as well as special tentacles that grow from the bottom of its moist sheath, dragging long flagella. Each flagellum trembles, as if sucking in the surrounding air.

Xu Cheng saw a slow, undulating pulse swimming through the translucent skin under its carapace, as if dozens of bugs were crawling under its skin every second.

Xu Cheng felt like vomiting.

"Uh-huh..." Xu Cheng bent down.

"Oh, here we come." Xu Yang turned around and saw Xu Cheng, reaching out to call her over.

"Dad?" Xu Cheng raised his head. Xu Yang seemed to have grown taller.

"I've had a lot of strengthening surgeries in the past few weeks, and I seem to be stronger now than before." Xu Yang lifted Xu Cheng up with one hand and let her sit on his strong wrist.

"What is that?" Xu Cheng leaned into his father's strong arms, feeling much more at ease, "I've seen it before."

"'Yousi Man'. Where have you seen it?" Xu Yang was curious.

"One time, I saw a very large monster. Falosa's mother said it was a 'climber'. Then I felt strange and was sucked into a jar. There were many, many such monsters around me." Xu Cheng

Tell your dad about the thrilling experiences you had when delivering express delivery in the past.

"That's too dangerous." Xu Yang became alert, "The Yousi people have built a very huge data center in the Bant Highlands of Baixiang Continent. The data computer rooms there are connected to the whole world. They steal technology there and engage in some of the most dangerous activities.

Dangerous research...you might have been caught there."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Xu Cheng understood where he was being taken after hearing the explanation.

But it's okay as long as her father is here. She hugged her father and then turned to look at Laila.

Laila originally wanted to ask about her biological parents, but when she turned around and saw the great Farosha standing next to her, she suddenly couldn't say a word and just acted solemn and noble.

Destiny, please let me be Falosa's daughter instead of a baby picked up from the garbage dump... Laila prayed silently.

"Are the Yos people the masterminds behind the invasion?" Laila took a deep breath and asked.

"Most of the extraterrestrial disasters caused by the natural disaster were realized by these Yous people." Xu Yang said, "But I'm afraid the Yous people are not the real masterminds behind the scenes. They are just a slave race that was enslaved and driven. They are

They once had their own advanced civilization, but now, they have become some kind of advance army, assisting the Star Messengers in completing their conquest."

"This is?" Xu Cheng pointed at the monster in the jar.

"What you see is a Yous entity captured by the core of the lighthouse long before the catastrophe. They have learned a lot from the Yous people. No wonder their technology is far more advanced than others." Xu Yang explained.

"Wow." Xu Cheng became bolder.

She pressed her face against the transparent wall of the glass container and carefully observed the Yossi entity.

Its flagellum trembled in the purple solution, and then hit the barrier very quickly, making Xu Cheng jump back in fright.

"Hey, it's alive!" Xu Cheng pointed out.

"It's alive, but very complicated. The scientists at the core of the lighthouse have learned a lot from this Yousi man, and the Yousi man's request is: let him go." Xu Yang observed the Yousi man in front of him.

The Yusians once roamed the universe like the witch race and the Star Gods.

They may well contain the secret to the final defeat of the Starbringer.

"...Isn't it still here now?" Laila asked, "Does it mean that the people at the core of the lighthouse broke their promise?"

"Yes and no." Xu Yang turned to Laila and said, "The Yousi people taught the lighthouse core how to convert brain nerve signals into photoelectric signals, thereby uploading all scans of the human brain into electronic codes and disk programs. Yes.

It is said that the Yusi inspired the digital mind and all consciousness uploading technologies. And the final project of this Yusi is to scan and upload its own consciousness, and then go to another world!"

"To another world?" Laila didn't understand.

"Time travel!" Xu Cheng was a little happy, "Didn't he get hit by a truck, explore in the wild, and touch the switch?"

"There are some gaps. The intelligence and psychological abilities of the Yusi people are very powerful, or far beyond what we humans can understand. In short - this Yusi person exchanged his 'thoughts' to another world and bewitched the people there.

An intelligent creature, I don’t know what price it offered, but it exchanged the intelligence of both parties. In this way, it can go to the new world with its own wisdom and psychological energy, while the unlucky guy from the other world is transferred here."

Xu Yang said.

He tapped the glass container.

The Yousi people inside maintained a certain silence and stagnation, just like specimens.

"He should be able to move, but it is obvious that he cannot control the strange body of the Yus, or even adapt to the complex brain of the Yus. Maybe the Yus will be called 'devils' or 'devils' in other worlds"

, offers invitations and deals to mortals, and if the mortals sign their names, they will be transferred into the ugly body of the Yous people, while the Yous people calmly change into a free body and continue to penetrate and influence other worlds. It is really weird.

Race." Falosa murmured.

"It's also...the advanced civilization that once occupied countless river systems, the civilization that summoned the messengers of the stars..." Xu Yang said.

"It's like transferring your brain into the body of a bug, and the poor bug's intelligence has been transferred to a human body, so it can't control the human limbs because humans are too complex for bugs." Laila


"You are right." Farosha agreed, "She is indeed my daughter."

Laila nodded with satisfaction, then asked another question.

"But for humans, wouldn't it be sad if a human's brain was transferred to a bug? So much wisdom and knowledge cannot be used in a bug's body," Laila said.

"Yes, then, why does this Yusi man try his best to find another 'world' to survive? Every world has its own universe. Why does it escape from this universe?" Farosha stared at it.


"..." Laila took a deep breath, "In order to...escape from the Messenger of the Stars."

"The technology of the Yusi people allows them to escape, while we stay here to face the dangers of the stars, and there is nowhere to escape but to face it. There are enough classes today. You can go and rest." Xu

Yang put Xu Cheng down.

"What is that?" Xu Cheng saw a complex terminal connected to the end of the glass device, but the screen was already black. There were thousands of pipelines connected behind it.

"That... is a useless thing. We will dismantle it in a moment." Xu Yang said, "Go and have a rest."

"See you tomorrow." Laila greeted Farosha and Xu Yang respectively, "Mom, dad, goodbye!"

"Goodbye, dad!" Xu Cheng also ran away.

After the children left, Xu Yang and Falosa looked at each other and nodded.

"There are approximately more than 1,200 Yos people who have invaded our planet. They personally made those fog monsters, and collected a large number of living people as samples and slaves to concentrate our technology. What exactly are they going to do?" Falosa pondered.

"We have to find a way to defeat these Yusi people who have parasitized into our world. The civilization of the Yusi people is of great help to us in understanding the reality of the starry sky... Their consciousness is vast and boundless. If our mind is a page, then

Their consciousness is an entire library." Xu Yang sighed.

"...Let's go, the lighthouse core is used to control and calculate everything in Yousi technology, and we can't use it." Falosa said lightly.

With a heavy heart, she left the secret passage with Xu Yang and headed to the "big dome" next to the research institute.

After climbing the steps, Falosa raised her head tiredly and painfully, staring at the dense and boundless witch brain matrix around her.

This is the largest "black wall" ever created.

The horrific afterimage of the structural witch massacre, with huge tanks extending on the vast walls in all directions, with a living brain floating in each tank.

Without the protection of hair and skull, all the folds and grooves are clearly visible. Thick translucent liquid fills every jar, and countless electrodes and cables penetrate every corner of the spherical brain. There is no more terrifying shackles than this.

Their spirits have been weakened, stripped away, and reduced to tools for processing data.

Since the establishment of the company here, 1.8 million witch brains have been harvested alive to form the black wall terminal at the core of the lighthouse, providing vast computing power.

In New Taipei, witches have their eyes and ears plucked out when they are less than a year old, so that they can "adapt" to light and soundlessness, and then their brains are dug out to become part of the computing unit. They have never been lucky enough to... have the luck to live...

All this will come to an end.

"I will rescue you... right now..." Falosa raised her hand sadly.

They had cried out in unison for Falosa's salvation, and now she was here.

"...I will save 1.8 million witches, and let this great achievement help me become the true witch god! Please, everyone." Falosa looked around, closed her eyes, and heard their prayers.

Harmony. Countless burning candles, countless shapeless teardrops, and countless empty echoes.

Lady Falosa...


Free us...


The gray edge of the Law of Killing condensed in Falosa's hands.

Goodbye, all torture.

(End of chapter)

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