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Chapter 929 Falosa Transformed into a Butterfly

Chapter 929 Falosa transforms into a butterfly

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 929 Falosa transforms into a butterfly

This is slavery and blasphemy to the witches. Falosa closed her eyes.

As her rage and determination continued to grow, the killing magic gathered in her hands became stronger and stronger.

Gray magic energy pulsed at her fingertips, and the next second it overflowed into a giant blade.

For them, death equals liberation, death equals salvation - then, Farosha is here.

Be free!

Falosa raised her sharp edge, slashed, and slashed again!

Looking around, several arcs passed through the densely placed witch brain jars.

Falosa's powerful magic power formed pure and concentrated energy, boiling the biological solution in the tank, and the control equipment was also ignited, then short-circuited and exploded!

In an instant, without warning, every jar shattered at the same time!

There was a loud crackling sound - as if a glass mountain exploded from it, and the brains spilled out, being killed in an instant and turned into pieces of flesh.

The brains and flesh that imprisoned them, imprisoned the free will of these 1.8 million witches, are now all destroyed.

They drifted mercifully to death, and the souls of the witches went up to the stars instead of down to the underworld.

The center of the black wall was in constant turmoil, with the sound of glass exploding, the sound of pieces of meat and blood flowing, the sound of electronic coils burning and exploding... one after another.

With a trembling breath, Falosa took back her strength, slowly clenched her right hand, and then released it.

Looking around, the center of this completely destroyed black wall seemed to be a small solace.

It's all over.

These tortured lives have received mercy and salvation, and they will return to the endless and long orbit of the stars, finding peace in their drifting and sailing.

Xu Yang had just escaped Falosa's execution. He stood beside Falosa and shared this heavy moment with her.

"I came too late." Falosa nodded tiredly. Her only mercy was to let these witches who had endured generations of cruel torture escape from the lightless black room of consciousness and go to the universe.

Fly, witches, fly and return to the universe. Farosha looked sadly at the top of the dome. The gray metal dome could not trap the invisible soul.

The universe is very big, so big that it makes people feel small. It is much bigger than these cylindrical brain containers.

Facilities that torture witches like the "Black Wall" will never appear again, and will never appear again in this world. Falosa closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Xu Yang saw fragments of glass and metal in all directions. The jars containing the witches' brains had been broken, and all the equipment had been overloaded and burned. Farossa rescued countless witches with a very kind and neat attitude.

A vague sound of sadness came from nowhere, like the collective sigh of countless prisoners after finally being released from prison.

Looking at it now, the center of the entire black wall is full of dark circular hollows, which seem to be able to hold millions of skulls.

This thinking matrix, which relies on squeezing the brain power of witches, is now broken, but its remains are still terrifying. The preservation of this place allows people to remember the mutual poisoning between humans and witches. Xu Yang thought silently.

Xu Yang suddenly noticed something strange around him.

"Look, Falosa..." Xu Yang raised his head.

Falosa took a deep breath. She smelled the bloody smell, which was coming from the broken witch's mind. It was pungent and annoying. But she felt something more.

"There is a sound... there is a breath..." Farosha walked in the circular open space in the center of the black wall.

She could feel the echoes of endless pain filling this place. The brains of those disembodied witches had endured desperate pain, and now their spirits could finally float freely.

And when Falosa was walking, she realized that the souls of the witches around her, those souls who had been liberated by a merciful death, were flying towards Falosa.

"You...you are here to help me..." Falosa opened her arms. She didn't use any of her strength, but she was slowly rising.

Was lifted up.

The souls of countless witches gathered together and lifted Falosa to a high place, very high, even higher!

Falosa took a deep breath and let this tangible cohesion wash over her. The relief, gratitude and worship of countless witches after receiving the gift of rest, converged into an immeasurable force that supported her to reach higher places.

One after another, sparkling bright spots appeared.

They gathered together in a mighty manner, passing through Falosa's body like a comet ascending to the sky in reverse direction. They merged into stars and returned to the sky.

"Thank you!"


"Let's go!"

"Thank you! Thank you!"

"We're going back to the stars!"

"Thank you!" Countless voices rang in Falosa's soul.

Falosa's vision actually penetrated the dome.

She saw that the sky outside had darkened and turned into an abnormal, lightless darkness, and a witch, a huge witch, was drifting and sleeping in the sea of ​​stars. Her appearance was like the aggregation of countless witches, each witch

You can see your own reflection on her face.

Who does she look like? Falosa thought hazily. She looks like herself, like Lila, like Pan Ruiyi, like 101, like 102, Lila, little fool, Yoshioka Mizuro, Qianmeng, Du Qianqian,

Kazama Miyari...she looks similar to them.

No...it's because we are all like her, she is the Galaxy Witch, the one Xu Yang told himself, the Galaxy Witch who once galloped across the sky.

Countless witch souls lifted Farosha mightily, passed through her body and returned to the starry sky. These released souls flew to unknown orbits, broke into the lightless void, and drew a shining trajectory.

The long-forgotten starry sky is calling them home, and they want to go home, back to where they came from.

The center of the entire black wall shook violently, and glass fragments, metal debris, brains, flesh and blood were all rattling, and then began to float in the gravityless space.

The witch returns home.

Falosa curled up her body, like a galaxy witch, just like she was in her mother's womb. She knew that these rescued witches would find long-lost tranquility in the galaxy that was beyond the reach and understanding of mortals.

And Falosa herself was finally raised up by their faith and wish to become a god. The true god of witches.

She weakly opened her eyes and felt that everything about her was being reconstructed.

Falosa looked at Xu Yang, her lips moving slightly.

for all this.

Thank you.

Xu Yang witnessed everything, he nodded calmly and smiled in return.

So she closed her eyes and entered the final stage of transformation, the second transformation of becoming a god.

How long will it take for Falosa to finally turn into a butterfly? Xu Yang doesn't know, but it doesn't matter, Falosa has been waiting for him for six years.

Take your time and wait as long as you want.

The center of this black wall is already empty. Huge tragedies and magnificent miracles have happened here. Xu Yang walked, and every step was like stepping on the blood and tears of a witch. When the lighthouse core people withdrew their troops, they didn’t even want to shut down the place.

Using matrices to calculate complex information, he sent it to the airship Tianguo in the center of the continent, the final fortress of Dernai.

Xu Yang looked at Falosa, who was now wrapped in golden dewdrops, as if she was sleeping in a huge diamond.

He could probably sense what was happening - Falosa's soul transcended the fragile constraints of this realm, she was completely awakened, and climbed to a higher place.

Material restraints have no meaning to the current Falosha. Her perception can penetrate the veil of dimensions and comprehend the hidden secrets since the creation of the world.

Xu Yang saw two forces.

From high in the sky, the revelations of the Galaxy Witch came down, and from below, the visions of countless witches supported her.

Farosha is like floating in the boundless sea, like a feather, being taken beyond the edge of time and space and joining the path to true awakening.

By then, Farosha will be the true God of Witches, connecting the souls of every witch in the world.

Regardless of the Galaxy Witch, the Star Gods or the Yusians, they all collapsed and were destroyed under the invasion of the Star Messengers.

Then, Falosa will now transform into a god, becoming a being who once stood side by side with the ancient beings, saving his own civilization from the pressure of the messengers of the stars.

Give it a try.

Xu Yang left the Black Wall Center and walked out of the desert military base. The research data on the Yous people in the Lighthouse Center were very valuable. He selected, digested, analyzed and properly stored them one by one.

After the new physical enhancement surgery and advanced implant modification, Xu Yang's power has now reached an unpredictable level, far more powerful than six years ago. If he were to drive Hyperion now, he would be able to

You will see hundreds of times more things than when you first opened it.

He set off to find Xu Cheng and Laila.

The pungent smell of blood in the center of the black wall gradually disappeared, and the stench of burning electronic components and chemicals also disappeared, replaced by the dry wind of the desert under the dark sky.

The Mojave Desert is sparsely populated, and soldiers have been mobilized to defense stations. In the silent dunes, only Xu Cheng and Laila are left. They have set up a small bonfire, each sitting on a metal folding stool, holding their hands.

Shit, chatting non-stop.

"Tell me, will there still be school after all this is over?" Xu Cheng swung his two little feet.

"Why is there no school? There will always be a school." Laila's voice became louder. "Schools in the past were reserved for fools, those who were diligent and diligent. After graduation, they would be for those who neither worked hard nor were diligent."

Work and make a lot of money for them. But now the school is reserved for myself. I read books every day and learn new knowledge every day. I still want to go back to school, and you can too."

"I can do that too?" Xu Cheng thought.

Xu Yang came over and waved his hand, activating his new control power.

The drones advanced behind him like a phalanx, projecting a translucent blueprint in the air: sand-proof tents, woven sleeping bags, inflatable mattresses, electric stoves, pot sets, kettles, camp lamps, fuel and supply boxes,

Surround Xu Cheng and Laila and place them around them.

The autonomous and modular nanorobots started working, taking materials from the nearest site, crushing them, breaking them down and then reassembling them to piece together the objects needed in the plan, just like creating things out of thin air!

"Wow..." Xu Cheng turned his head and suddenly saw that this place started to be constructed automatically out of thin air.

This was so amazing. She couldn't take her eyes off it. Dad seemed to be getting stronger again.

The drones flew up and down, working amidst the buzzing of sounds and the movement of motors, building various objects in the plan, just like printing supplies, manufacturing all the items they needed for the night.

Xu Yang drives them easily, like a technological god, a creator who exerts his power through instructions, calculations and photoelectric signals!

(End of chapter)

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