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Chapter 960 There is no more mouse in the world

Chapter 960 There is no more rat in the world

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 960 There is no more rat in the world

Sally stood up, her clothes ragged.

A deformed large horn grew on the top of her head, bone spurs spread all the way to her back, her tail was slender, and her limbs were strong.

She walked up to Farosha and bowed deeply, revealing her dirty fur and segmented paws.

"The fate of the rat people is also decided here," Falosa said. "You can turn all the rat people back into humans."

"But you will also lose your divine power and have nothing." Xu Yang reminded.

"What does it matter?" Sally shook her head and smiled.

"It's not easy for you to get the love of all the rat people. After six years of hard work, you have the support of the rat people all over the world. The whole world! Millions of rat people are by your side. You have become a group like never before.

, a systematic race, with its own culture and technology, and will protect you and love you unswervingly. And you say 'what does it matter'?" Falosa asked.

"But it's what I have to do," Sally said.

"..." Falosa pondered, "So you decided to join the new order, and the law you promulgated is..."

"Let all the Skaven return to their human form," Sally said.

It's loud and clear.

Reversal of the fate of all ratmen!

Xu Yang looked at Sally, her eyes burning with firm belief, which made him feel heartbroken.

Falosa also fell silent.

Seeing their reactions, Sally continued unwaveringly:

"Please promise me. I, Sally, the Saint of the Rat Tribe, the Queen of the Rat Tribe, the Goddess of the Rat Tribe, and the Rat Demon God, hereby solemnly request permission from Lord Falosa. I want to promulgate my first law: Let

All wererats returned to human form."

Falosa looked at Sally with a sympathetic and puzzled look.

"Do you really understand? What you said is that you have to sacrifice all your power and all your worshipers. Although our new order is powerful enough to restore all the twisted souls of the rat people to humans, when they become

When you return to human form, you will disappear, and no mouse will call you 'Saint' again."

"I understand." Sally said.

"This is too strange, just like I will never promulgate the law of the God of Witches: all witches will turn back into women." Farosha felt quite ridiculous, "All the divine power you have now will be gone, why on earth do you

To make such a sacrifice? In my eyes you are more like a mouse than a witch."

Sally smiled, her smile looking strange in her furry, fanged mouth.

"In every rat-man's chest, a human heart beats." Sally said.

"They want to change back." Xu Yang said.

"Yes, yes. What's the point of my power if I run counter to everyone's common wishes?" Sally said softly, "As for the so-called 'worship', I don't care at all; my rule

It doesn't matter whether it's long or short. I just want to see all the rat people walking on two legs instead of four again! I want to see everyone lose their fluff, stand up straight, and return to human society.


"Then... enact your law." Falosa sighed, "Anyway, we have transformed society and nature to perfection, and people will not become new rats in the future, and will live their lives with their heads held high.


"Thank you, thank you! Thank you!" Sally nodded excitedly to Falosa and Xu Yang.

She opened her claws toward the new order, releasing the ultimate vision and great laws of the Rat God.

"All ratmen, turn back into humans!" Sally proudly promulgated her new law!

Just like what other gods did before, Sally's orders have also become the basic laws of the new world!

The shock wave of divine power swept across the world.

All the ratmen... have turned back into humans, and there are no more ratmen in the world!

At this time, the rat people all over the world were also shocked by the drastic changes in themselves!

"What! What is this? My hand... why did it become like this! My claws, where are my claws!"

"I have no hair on my body! Someone stripped me naked!"

"Zhizhizhi! I'm cursed! Help!"

"Damn it, will you no longer be able to live in the sewers?"

"The sky... is so dazzling..."

"My brain feels so itchy, do I need to get smarter?"

"Speaking more eloquently? Yes, yes!"

"The cow has grown bigger! The tail is missing! What's going on!"

"If I were still a mouse, I could pick up trash and eat it, but now do I have to go to work?"

Countless rat people were immersed in this huge change and suffered a double blow both physically and mentally.

At the same time, the link between them and Sally was also cut off, and the "pheromone" that circulated among the rat people was completely dissipated!

Turn a mouse into a human!

In the throne space, Sally collapsed to the ground.

She turned back into a witch, with her slender legs clearly visible, her huge mouse ears missing, her long hair disheveled, and her posture weak, not as scary as the Rat Demon God.

Xu Yang felt uncomfortable looking at Sally like this, but he was proud of Sally.

"You have nothing now, Sally." Falosa and Xu Yang walked to Sally.

Sally raised her head and opened her eyes tiredly. Her bright yellow eyes were so clean and clear that it made people feel sympathy.

"Yes, everyone has left me." Sally said tiredly, "The Rat Clan no longer exists. But everyone has changed back. It doesn't matter, that's fine."

"Come and help me from now on." Falosa helped Sally up. "When you were a dirty mouse, I didn't even look at you, but now you can come and help us do good things. The council needs

People with your personality make selfless contributions, so other selfish people can enjoy the benefits."

Sally wanted to say something else, but she fainted. Her strength had been overdrawn.

Rat Demon Sally.

She once became a god because of the love of all the rat people. Now, she returns her love to all the rat people and has lost her status as a god.

From now on, there will be no more rat-men in the world.

After Sally passed out, Suzukawa Kii, who had tricked Sally, dared to show up.

"Lord Falosa," Suzukawa Kii said, "I can be considered a god who inherited the 'dreams' of many people."

"Indeed, you are an immortal who has drunk dew drops. You have performed well these years. You can be called a demigod and serve the new order." Falosa nodded.

"I have mastered people's dreams. I want to use the power of dreams so that all those who send me money can make their dreams come true, and at least have a good dream at night." Suzukawa Kii said. She raised her hands.

arms, the golden dust of dreams scattered from the sleeves.

"People need sweet dreams, and it doesn't hurt to spend a little money." Falosa thought it was okay.

"Yes, applying for the card and charging it will buy you a night of good dreams. Being on board means that you will have good dreams every month. If you are a governor, there will be additional benefits, and you may even get better luck." Suzukawa Kii was in high spirits.

Falosa nodded.

For a long time, people have needed beautiful illusions, because life is too painful, and everyone longs to live in happiness and temporarily escape the harsh reality.

Suzukawa Kii should be able to provide people with spiritual support, which is also the original intention of her work.

Escape the painful truth and join the beautiful dreams provided by Suzukawa Kii!

"How good are the dreams you offer?" Falosa asked.

"It is the best - Lord Falosha, people's imagination is not restricted, and they can freely enjoy dreams full of adventure, mystery and romantic stories. When they wake up, the joy lingers, although the details will always disappear

, but it feels very beautiful." Suzukawa Kii said.

"You have caused too much trouble to others, and now it is time to repay you by punishing you for continuing to be a live broadcaster in Kyoto and making money for your uncle and aunt," Falosa said.

"Okay then." Suzukawa Yui transformed into her cute new leather case: a pink-haired baby with Down's Syndrome, with bunny girl, regular clothes, wedding dress and dress variations, focusing on live broadcasting.

"You can promulgate laws." Falosa agreed to Suzukawa Yui's reincarnation and change of leather sheath.

Suzukawa Kii declares the law of dreams in a brisk voice, which seems to relieve the tired heart of mankind.

"Follow Suzukawa Kii, nya, follow Suzukawa Kii, thank you, nya." Suzukawa Kii said.

Afterwards, Suzukawa Yui was sent away by Falosa and went down to the human world to live broadcast.

"What about you?" Xu Yang asked Falosa, "You are the god of witches, so you should promulgate the laws of witches."

"I haven't thought about it yet." Falosa sat back on the throne. Only she and Xu Yang were left here, "You go first, your power has increased, and you are also the god of machinery and technology. I believe you said

It will have repercussions in the new order."

"I'll try." Xu Yang had never thought about this kind of thing, but he found that he had unknowingly gained people's trust, as well as the support of mechanical and photoelectric signals.

He walked towards the illusory new order of the God's Throne. Under the compilation of the gods, it had formed a new canon, and each god left his own modifications.

Xu Yang waved his hand, and algorithms and codes rolled endlessly on its surface. He felt that he did have the ability to issue some meaningful laws.

"There must be a universal machine. It is a morally neutral AI program that serves individuals wholeheartedly. It connects all knowledge bases on the Internet. It is free and open to everyone. People can learn knowledge from it without any hindrance.

Learn everything and understand all human culture. With its existence, there will no longer be obstacles to human development and self-improvement. All mysteries can be solved by it. You can also get help from it when you are emotionally depressed. Human beings gain

The difficulty of knowledge and experience has never been so low." Xu Yang said.

In an instant, the "Universal Magic Machine" was sent to every terminal in the world. It connects open, transparent and shared infinite human knowledge, data and culture, and becomes everyone's personal assistant and partner.

If you put your mind to it, you can learn, grow, and improve yourself. Nothing can stop a person from becoming better. People can learn the experience, knowledge and skills of the entire civilization without leaving home, and then achieve free and fair results in this way.

Education for all.

After doing all this, Xu Yang felt extremely exhausted. At the same time, he saw new progress on a project and stood up immediately.

"It's time to rest." Falosa said softly.

"No..." Xu Yang shook his head, "Wait a little longer. Falosa, we finally found Noriko Honma, and I want to kill her."

(End of chapter)

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