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Chapter 961

Chapter 961 The end of Noriko Honma

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 961 The end of Noriko Honma

Noriko Honma trudged in the snow.

Her breathing was rapid, her breath turned into frost, and every step she took was slow and exhausted.

Expensive socks are stuck to the wet and torn shoes, clothes are stained with snowflakes and ice crystals, and uncared for hair is hanging down, like a savage.

Shaojun followed his mother with difficulty.

As soon as the God War ended, they quickly escaped from the bunker, took the same emergency shuttle with their mother, and retreated to the tundra area in northern New Taipei.

Being in constant panic all day long.

Noriko Honma can hear her son's footsteps, and she knows how scared her son is now without even looking.

His pale cheeks must have been stained with tears, and his thin body was shaking violently.

They haven't eaten anything more nutritious than tree bark for many days.

Has one hundred and fifty years of hard work come to an ugly end like this? All the carefully crafted plans are now in chaos.

The information was stolen and the army was defeated. Many people were killed and injured, the survivors scattered like birds and beasts, and countless people fell. The situation was over, and no one dared to help Noriko Honma.

Xu Yang and Farosha. Noriko Honma has nightmares when she thinks of these two people. Is it them?

How is that possible? How could they get to where they are today?

The northern archipelago, Jialongpo, Taiya Islands, Reshuzhou, and the Near East are filled with their minions step by step.

Successively defeated Xisheng Group, Blackfire Innovation, River Goddess, Frost Titan and Hades Titan, Edith, Lighthouse Core, Seven Seals, and even the projections of Dirnai and the Star Messengers were defeated!

What are the giant corporations, what are the gods, what are the obstacles and strife? They are already on an equal footing with the stars.

Nothing can be done.

Noriko Honma could only survive on the tundra, shrinking in the severe cold.

Go on...

"There is an outpost ahead, an old military supplies warehouse, 5 kilometers away." She made a hoarse voice.

Speaking in human language made her realize that she had not degenerated into an animal and joined the ranks of wild boars.

"Yes!" Shaojun replied from behind her.

Xisheng's children once flourished, but now only Honma Shaojun, her youngest son, is left by her side, which makes Honma Noriko feel even more desolate.

So much words and deeds, so much education, so much investment!

Shaojun was supposed to wear decent clothes, stand at the top of the world's power, become a popular media figure, and his daily diet and daily life could be used as headline material, and become a true human leader, much more qualified than Xu Yang.

Just imagine, if elites lead civilization, wouldn’t it be much better than the upstart Xu Yang?

Now Shaojun is like a dog, stumbling along behind his mother. Noriko Honma feels sad.

The icy cold wind raged in the wasteland in the northern part of Xintai Xizhou, eroding Noriko Honma's body.

Plop - when she heard the sound of falling, she immediately turned around and helped Shaojun up.

"Are you okay?" Noriko Honma asked with concern.

Shaojun slipped and fell, his cheeks were covered with dirty ice and snow. He was shivering, his face was stained with frosty snot and tears, and he was afraid of his mother's scolding.

In the past, Noriko Honma would have scolded Shaojun for his weakness, but at this moment, she only felt sad from the bottom of her heart.

Disappear into the snow with his last son in obscurity?

Noriko Honma never thought of this ending.

This history will make her name infamous. Noriko Honma sighed.

She picked up Shaojun. His son was as light as a small iron box.

She first appeased Shaojun's fear, cheek to cheek, and treated him with an unprecedented cordiality.

"I'm sorry," Noriko Honma apologized. "It was me who brought you to this point. Your mother is a fool... But in the end, I want you to know that I love you very much."

"...Yeah!" Mr. Honma agreed hoarsely.

"Among Xisheng's children, the men are all cowards and losers, and the women are all geniuses and experts, but you are different. You can truly inherit my bloodline." Noriko Honma held her son across the snow, "Let's go first.

Find the warehouse, recover your strength, and then we will find a ship from the east coast to take you to Taixi Continent."

"There is also sister Kana Kurokawa in Taixizhou." Mr. Honma said.

"No, Kurokawa Kana is extremely cruel. You have to hide. With your talents, you can make a fortune from scratch even in a state of extreme poverty. Don't tell anyone that you are the son of Noriko Honma. You have to hide and establish yourself.

When you are strong enough to compete with Nisto Company in your career, they will be afraid if you call yourself Xisheng." Noriko Honma said.

"Okay!" Mr. Honma buried his head on his mother's shoulder, feeling the complete anger, despair and ambition.

Noriko Honma is such a proud woman, and as a son, he must also take responsibility.

The vast tundra stretches in all directions, seemingly endless.

Noriko Honma was still trudging on the snow with her son, and the footprints were quickly covered by the wind and snow.

This is not a tomb, absolutely not, and Noriko Honma refuses to stay.

She was born in an extremely neglected suburb. Under strict zoning control, she was not qualified to receive a good education. She should have become a cheap labor force for giant companies like everyone else around her.

But Noriko Honma will not succumb to fate. Her own family has never given her help. Her starting point is lower than most ordinary people, but she has enough willpower to win the one-in-a-billion possibility.


It's the same now.

She was determined to strive for the smallest possibility and make a comeback, placing her hopes on her youngest son Shaojun.

Courage does not come from body or strength, but from the will of the heart. This will is not the so-called "will to survive", but a powerful, extremely powerful will.

She is just a thin figure in the frosty wind, but she can walk on unwaveringly because of her strong will.

"We're almost there." Noriko Honma patted Shaojun on the back.

Shaojun silently learned valuable lessons from his mother.

He is willing to work hard like his mother. Noriko Honma is the greatest mother he has ever seen, omnipotent and unyielding.

Keep going! Never give up!

Noriko Honma has changed many bodies. This body has both excellent qualities and moderate transformation, so she moved her soul into it.

She knew she could hold on for a long time.

She looked up, the sky was getting dark, and the stars were shining in the dusk, like a few diamonds inlaid on a velvet carpet.

But the starlight is not beautiful, but looks like a ruthless gaze. Noriko Honma knows that they are just celestial bodies hanging high in the galaxy, staring at everything in the world indifferently.

Tears fell from Shaojun's face from time to time, like burning marks on Noriko Honma's skin.

She had reached the pinnacle of power and had nothing to contend with, but at this juncture in her life, her youngest son's talent reignited a fire in Noriko Honma's heart.

She must at least take Shaojun out and prepare chips for him to fight for future power and glory.

Every movement was a painful effort, and Noriko Honma walked for nearly an hour. Fortunately, when her thoughts focused on Shaojun, all the boredom was lost.

At least Shaojun is still there, and hope still exists, which seems to embody Noriko Honma's broken dreams, her pride and great nature. This is the responsibility she still has to fulfill, her youngest son.

Every step feels like the last.

Noriko Honma had a vision before her eyes, as if she had returned to the path she had taken to go to school in her childhood.

She was still afraid of that road at that time, because there were teachers in the school who were tampering with her, juvenile delinquents who were waiting to bully and humiliate her, and traffickers who were observing their targets and scavengers who traded organs along the street.

Going from poor to rich is very difficult.

——But there is nothing to be afraid of. Noriko Honma has already suffered all kinds of suffering in the world. Now it is just another hardship, not more terrifying than before.

Shaojun suddenly raised his hand: "Mom! Look!"

Looking in the direction Shaojun pointed, Noriko Honma saw the military warehouse planned in her memory in the deserted northern wasteland. Its entrance was quite hidden, with only a circular bunker visible on the ground.

"Good eyesight." Noriko Honma praised. Then, she did not speed up her pace due to impatience and excitement, but walked to the door of the warehouse in an orderly manner.

She entered the key, and the warehouse opened as if welcoming the owner home. The bunker opened, and there was a slope inside, leading to the material factory below.

The electric heater began to hum, raising the room temperature, and the smooth metal floor was riveted and there was no snow or frost.

This place can allow them to survive for a period of time. Although the area is not large, they only have two people, a young woman and a child. How much can they consume? Here they can slowly plan.

Noriko Honma put Shaojun down and walked to the shelves, searching for cans and warm clothes as best he could.

This is the first step in revenge. Noriko Honma took a deep breath and searched the place with Shaojun. They closed and locked the door, collected blankets and clothes and placed them on the ground.

Honma Shaojun opened bags of biscuits and drank them with purified water. Then he counted the types of food here and was delighted to find that they could greatly improve his life.

After a miraculous trek on the tundra, Noriko Honma was in urgent need of regaining her strength. She knew what was best to eat at this time, so she put a strip of milky white nutritious paste into her mouth and chewed it.

Pig food, she thought.

"What's in your hand?" Noriko Honma looked at Shaojun.

"A gun." Shaojun picked up the pistol and excitedly showed it to Noriko Honma. He found this on another shelf and there were enough bullets.

"This way, even if we encounter savages and scavengers, we will be able to fight." Noriko Honma nodded.

Shaojun knew how to use a gun. He checked the safety and then got into the sleeping bag. Noriko Honma looked at Shaojun carefully. His cheeks were originally whitened by the cold wind, but now they gradually regained their color. His smile made Honma

Noriko was pleased. After going through the ordeal, he grew up.

"We can prepare well here." Noriko Honma said, "Prepare a new route, scout what may happen outside, and then clear a path to the seaside. I will change clothes and change my appearance. In the most extreme

In this case, you may have your face burned off. So will you."

"Yes!" Mr. Honma nodded. He did not hesitate at all, which made Noriko Honma happy.

"We can easily repair our faces, don't be afraid of flames." Noriko Honma comforted her.

This is just a small test, Noriko Honma sat next to her son, thinking silently. This is a test of talent in adversity. God will give great responsibilities to these people, and this will be the case. They will eventually be able to get from this.

Recover from great misfortune.

Noriko Honma took a deep breath, and now she only asked for the mercy of fate. No, fate was already kind enough.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the warehouse.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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