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Chapter 962 Frost White Bloodstains

Chapter 962 Frost-white Bloodstains

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 962 Frost-white Bloodstains

Boom, boom.

A slight sound.

Mr. Honma was startled and got out of his sleeping bag, while Noriko Honma looked calm.

"Someone...!" Mr. Honma said in a low voice.

"That's not a human being." Noriko Honma's face didn't change. She has seen too many things in the human world. "That's an animal. The wind outside blew away the sound. It's an animal."

"Animal?" Honma Shaojun asked.

"Yes, maybe a wolf followed us. It's not a human. Don't worry, I can still tell the difference between humans and animals." Noriko Honma hugged her legs, "Shaojun, we are carrying a huge burden on our backs."

secret, or others may say that we, mother and son, bear the sins of history. But don’t care what others say, give full play to your talents and ambitions.”

"Mom means." Shaojun stood up straight, "You want me to kill that animal."

"Yes." Noriko Honma nodded, "I will teach you many things in this wasteland. This is the first lesson."

Shaojun nodded silently. He knew that his mother's teachings were precious and valuable.

Seeing Shaojun walking towards the door, Noriko Honma felt very happy.

Maybe her life was very rough, but in the end, she still cultivated a decent successor, a man who could inherit Xisheng.

In this case, she has no regrets.

Shaojun opened the door.

As expected, there was a wolf covered in fur outside the door. It was surprised by the opening of the mechanical door and immediately jumped back.

Shaojun fired at it, and the bullet penetrated its hind legs, spurting out blood and dyeing its hair red.

"Ouch--" The wolf retreated, limping.

Shaojun chased and fought fiercely. He followed him out and fired two more shots at it. The wolf's body fell down and curled up on the ground.

After swallowing, he walked over, put his gun against the wolf's neck and shot.


After one shot, the wolf stopped making noise.

Shaojun looked around to make sure everything was safe, then quickly dragged the wolf back to the military supplies warehouse and closed the door.

"Mom, I, I did it!" Shaojun's face turned red and he dragged the wolf's hind legs with his hands.

"...Yes, I always thought you could do it, because you are my son, the most outstanding son, and I am more satisfied than those rebellious daughters." Noriko Honma sat with her back against the wall and closed her eyes.

"Hehe." Shaojun smiled sheepishly. He saw the wolf's body, "What should we do?"

"Find a tarp large enough to dispose of the wolf's remains, take out the internal organs, peel off the skin, cut off the flesh, and then burn the rest." Noriko Honma ordered.

Shaojun carefully did the work ordered by his mother. He was focused and serious, as if he was completing a sacred mission.

Noriko Honma took off her shoes and lay on the blanket. Now she could finally relax.

Exhaustion seeped into her muscles and bones, and she fell asleep quickly.

She dreams about many things.

She was once a girl who was too poor to buy sanitary products, a salesperson who ran around the streets of Shangjing looking for business opportunities, an entrepreneur who rose to fame, the president of Xisheng, an old man, and a witch...

Time flies, and now I have returned to an ordinary identity - mother.

The past was like a silhouette, and when she woke up, she found tears in the corners of her eyes.

My career has collapsed, and now I just hope that Shaojun will be safe and sound.

She took a nap and slept longer than Shaojun.

At this time, Shaojun had already processed the remains of the wolf, and they were very beautiful, with enough skin, flesh, and bones separated, so there was no need to worry about rot.

Noriko Honma yawned. The sleep was good, but not enough, far from enough.

She has been sleep deprived since the defeat of the God War, and she needs more time to replenish her energy.

"Mom, are you still sleepy?" Shaojun's morale was high and his hands and feet were nimble. He installed a scope and an intelligent auxiliary aiming chip on his pistol, and he also had more bullets.

"Yes, I still need to rest for 2 hours." Noriko Honma was drowsy.

Yesterday's trek had left her exhausted. She had overstretched her strength before, and now she needed double the amount of sleep as a price, just like a loan that had to be repaid.

"I'm going to patrol outside. There may be wolf companions nearby." Shaojun volunteered.

It's very dangerous outside. Noriko Honma thought to herself. But this is the first time in Shaojun's life that he has gone out independently for practice.

There is no need for him to hide under his wings for the rest of his life, and besides, it is impossible for him to take care of him for much longer.

If there is a way to escape, Noriko Honma will commit suicide as soon as possible. In this way, the enemies will focus on finding her body, and Shaojun can leave quietly.

"Don't worry, Mom, I'm an adult." Shaojun gently helped the haggard Noriko Honma arrange the blanket.

Noriko Honma sighed and closed her eyes. She felt tired and empty, as if there were thousands of hands scratching her conscious mind, trying to drag her back to her dream.

So Noriko Honma's breathing slowed down and became deeper. She lay on the ground and watched Shaojun leave. For the first time in her life, she left her mother and worked independently.

Inner peace and warmth enveloped Noriko Honma, and she fell into a deep sleep, breathing evenly and her body completely relaxed.

——Click, click.

Noriko Honma's dream this time was dark, and even this monotonous dream was suddenly broken.

She heard rhythmic footsteps that made her shudder.

Those were not the footsteps of Shaojun, but the footsteps of an adult man.

Who is coming?

She quickly got up from the blanket.

The door of the warehouse opened, and a tall figure stood at the entrance. The sunlight cast a shadow on his slender body.

Noriko Honma opened her eyes wide.

She saw Xu Yang standing in front of her.

There was no emotion on his face, and rows of drones followed behind him, holding Honma Shaojun in his right hand.

Shaojun collapsed in Xu Yang's big hand, saying nothing, closing his eyes, and seemed to have fainted.

A hoarse cry came from Noriko Honma's throat, and her maternal instinct burst out.

"No!" Noriko Honma rushed over, grabbed Xu Yang's arm, and tried to snatch Mr. Honma out of his arms!

Xu Yang's eyes turned to Noriko Honma's pale face and messy clothes.

Noriko Honma could see no pity or hesitation in his eyes. Is he still human?

"Let him go - let go of the child -" Noriko Honma pulled Xu Yang's arm in vain.

Her lips moved, and hundreds of curses or pleading words surged through her mind.

"It's been delayed for too long. It's time to hit the road." Xu Yang said. His tone was matter-of-fact.

Every word is like a cold knife, piercing into the heart of Noriko Honma.

She looked at Shaojun's comatose state with fear, and realized that Xu Yang only had a heart of stone at this moment, and was indifferent to all sorrow and protest.

He can find this, of course, he is Xu Yang, his hands and eyes are astute.

He has quietly developed a power that is unparalleled in the world, and he controls everything secretly. He seems to be tolerant and compromising, but in fact he has used the most ruthless method to gain control of everything in the entire world.

He is the highest end of cybernetics that Noriko Honma originally aspired to achieve, a data god and a digital life.

Now, I am trembling in front of such a "big man", as if I have nothing.

The fate of himself and his son will be decided in a few seconds.

"I can..." Noriko Honma overcame her shame. After all, she would do whatever it takes, "...I can accompany you, whatever you want me to do."

She took a tentative step forward.

Pulling down her collar, Noriko Honma knew that her charm was unstoppable. She was very beautiful and had returned to youth. If Xu Yang loved Kojima Ye Zi, there was no reason to look down on Noriko Honma. Ye Zi was not as good as her.

"Follow me." Xu Yang put Shaojun into Noriko Honma's arms.

"...Okay..." A glimmer of hope ignited in Noriko Honma's heart. She hugged Shaojun and followed Xu Yang closely. She was extremely flattering and gentle, "I agree to whatever you say."

Shaojun woke up soon.

"Mom?" Shaojun lowered his voice.

"Don't be afraid." Noriko Honma stroked Shaojun's hair, "Don't be afraid, mother will save you."

After leaving the warehouse and walking 700 meters, Xu Yang escorted Honjian Noriko and Honjian Shaojun to a secluded place.

It will clear up here soon. These are the last few days of frost and wind.

His footsteps left a series of deep footprints, which were soon filled up one by one with snowflakes and disappeared with the wind.

He came to a frosty glacier, surrounded by some natural boulders, like pale sentinels covered with snow, staring blankly at the wilderness itself.

Next to these huge rocks, Xu Yang stopped, quickly inspected the rocks, and then nodded.

"Put Shaojun up." Xu Yang ordered.

"What are you going to do?" Noriko Honma trembled all over.

"Put it up." Xu Yang repeated.

He took out a large-caliber plasma shotgun from under his windbreaker and filled the slot with a golden energy block. Once the trigger was pulled, the hot melt block would burn the person until he died tragically.

"No!" Noriko Honma screamed, "Don't you want to be Ye Zi's husband? You are also a member of this family, why do you want to-"

The drone behind Xu Yang emitted a restraining light, restraining Noriko Honma's hands and feet.

She involuntarily let go of her hands, and Xu Yang snatched Shaojun over and placed him on the rock.

"Mom——!" Shaojun screamed at Noriko Honma.

Noriko Honma resisted with all her strength, and her hands and feet were bruised and bloody.

"You let him go! Xu Yang! You let him go! You let him go! Please!" Noriko Honma screamed heartbreakingly.

"..." Xu Yang picked up the rifle in his hand and aimed it at Shaojun.

"You are not such a person! Xu Yang! I know you, I have known you from the beginning, you will not do something to an innocent child! You must have some conscience! Please! No one will do something to a child!" Honma

Noriko begged.

"I'm willing to bear the consequences."

Xu Yang pulled the trigger.


Noriko Honma's eyes were completely cracked.

She let out a bone-chilling howl.

Any form of torture could not compare to the despair in her heart at this moment.

Lost, everything is lost——

Noriko Honma's heart was cracked, her body was twisted, and she shrank violently.

No, no, no, no, no, please, Xu Yang - don't -

Noriko Honma's teeth were broken, blood flowed from her mouth, and everything was gone.

Shaojun, her hope is now only the embers burned by the hot melt.

Regret choked her throat.

It's fake, all of this is fake. Noriko Honma's twisted heart was shattered.

She closed her eyes and opened them again, and a miracle happened!

——No, there was nothing, only his own flesh and blood being smashed into pieces.

Xisheng Group, her building, and all her dreams were torn apart piece by piece, smashed, and trampled under her feet by Xu Yang who climbed up from the bottom.

"It's your turn. Your flesh will be repaired and sent to the breeding farm. But your soul must go down to see them first. I'm here to put an end to you and let you be punished." Xu Yang said.

"Them?" Noriko Honma asked vaguely.

"Everyone has been waiting for you for a long time." Xu Yang aimed his gun at Noriko Honma.

Who? Noriko Honma raised her head blankly.


She fell to the ground suddenly, burning in flames.

The extreme pain lingered around her, and Noriko Honma was now heartbroken.

She died, and her soul sank.

Noriko Honma floats in the dark ocean, passing through the barrier of life and death.

Everything is fleeing, moving away, collapsing into distant specks.

Fall into the netherworld.

"Young Master?" There was nothing. Noriko Honma looked around. It was so dark here. She tried hard to understand the rules of light and shadow here.

In the thick ink-like void, she gradually adapted and saw her surroundings clearly.

She saw it.

Groups of dead people gathered around silently, covered in blood, staring at her.

Noriko Honma looked at them in horror.

Blood-stained body, twisted appearance, bony hands, shabby clothes.

Billions of dead souls, there is no end in sight, and there will never be one.

Their eyes burned with hatred, a hatred that had accumulated countless times over the years.

Noriko Honma trembled under the tremendous pressure.

"No, no, don't - I'm sorry!" Noriko Honma screamed.

"You're here, we've been waiting for you for a long time."

Ghosts swarmed up and Noriko Honma was doomed.

(End of chapter)

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