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Chapter 982 Beyond Limit Light

Chapter 982 Beyond the Limit of Light

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 982 Beyond the Limit of Light

"You don't know? What will happen to this ship if we fail?" Qian Shu said hurriedly.

"Then drive back the way we came." Xu Yang said.

"Ahh——!" Qian Shu felt nervous.

"Don't worry, it will work in 99% of cases, because it was powered by sunlight before." Xu Yang started.

"Sun?" Qianshu was confused, but seeing Xu Cheng passing by, she followed suit. Laila and Paopao couldn't miss the opportunity and hurriedly set off together.

Xu Cheng piloted a small shuttle to leave the Pioneer. The Pioneer itself was gradually slowing down, but they could see from the outside that the Pioneer was moving straight forward and would pass through the star gate in 12 hours. If

At that time, the Star Gate was still empty, so it was too late.

"Look, this is our gateway to deep space." Xu Yang pointed at the star gate, "Originally we might have to use generation spaceships to get to other stars, but now we only need to enter from the center of the star gate."

"Then how to open it?" Qianshu asked anxiously.

"Let's go there." Xu Yang pointed to the engineering core on the top of the Stargate building, "That is the Stargate's main control room and energy supply center."

Xu Cheng drove the spaceship over, and Qianshu watched with fear in his heart as the terrifying star gate passed below them, while the spacecraft gradually approached the cold and dark star gate engineering station and connected with its docking port.

This shuttle has been specially designed to connect with the old project. Its side door fits tightly at the parking entrance of the project center. When the shuttle's side door is opened, no air can escape.

"Let's go in." Xu Yang changed into protective clothing and entered the Stargate Engineering Center with a gun.


The largest number are the corpses of old people. Their bodies are much larger than humans, so they are particularly eye-catching.

These corpses have turned into frozen skeletons over time, and microorganisms and germs have happily multiplied on their corpses for decades, until they themselves also became extinct under the baptism of thousands of years.

Qian Shu shuddered and realized that all his imagination was true. These old people who were left in the deep space went crazy in despair, killing each other and completely collapsed.

Their home planet and civilization also declined, unable to help. Witches continued to be born in the delivery rooms of the old people, one after another. Countless witches who were infertile caused the entire race to be wiped out. The surviving old people hid in the giant tower.

Inside, they are as degraded as cavemen. Their eyesight has declined, their skin has turned white, and they are crazy. They have changed from a nation that once galloped across the sea of ​​stars to a jinchuriki under the giant tower today.

They walked through the towering passages, and each room was not prepared for the human body, making them feel extremely small.

The main control room was empty. The desperate old interstellar engineers gave up the unused stargate at the last moment of their lives and spent the rest of their lives in their own carnival style, leaving behind a complex data system.

Xu Yang carefully cracked the star gate control station, and Qianshu was delighted to see the surrounding automatic doors opening one after another, and the lights turning on one after another, indicating that his father had really begun to control the star gate.

"Such a vast building, just to open a star gate?" Laila looked at the engineering center in amazement. It itself was as vast as a quarter of the star gate and controlled its various operations.

Paopao looked at the parameters on the data platform with admiration. The old drawings gave her a lot of inspiration, and their complex designs awakened intuitive understanding.

"In this way, we can travel through 4 light years and 36 trillion kilometers in one second, which is amazing!" Laila was very excited.

We are going to Proxima Centauri-B! We are going soon! Our new home suddenly becomes so close, which is enough to make Qian Shu's heart beat fast.

"Dad, when will it be ready?" Qianshu asked anxiously.

"Hmm... It seems to be a bit troublesome." Xu Yang hacked into 80% of the base's functions.

He entered the engineering core of the stargate and examined every unfamiliar component of the interstellar space-time device. In its center was a tunnel generator, which was the key engine used to open the space gate—however, it required a huge amount of energy.

"A stargate of this size is designed to maximize the use of solar energy, and we haven't been able to collect that much yet," Xu Yang thought.

"Sunshine?" Xu Cheng asked.

"Yes, the old people used to have a Dyson ring, which is a huge structure that surrounds the sun and is used to absorb energy. It could have been used to power the star gate. Without a Dyson ring or similar powerful power supply, the star gate would be overloaded.

The danger of operation." Xu Yang said.

"Then we don't have one, so we can't open the star gate!" Qianshu was startled. She really wanted to wave to the Pioneer and turn back! This is not a gate!

"How long does it take to build a Dyson ring?" Xu Cheng asked.

"One generation." Xu Yang said.

"Then let's go back and tell everyone now that we're sorry, the star gate can't be opened, and we have to wait another generation?!" Laila felt incredible.

"Dad, think of a way!" Qianshu begged.

"..." Xu Yang stared at the tunnel generator system thoughtfully. The old architects were far-sighted and their mastery of cosmic energy was very high. This structure is far beyond humankind's current understanding.

"We're not going to leave the Star Gate and go back. I don't want to. That would be embarrassing." Laila said again.

Go back? Qianshu is scared. Will Stargate always be just a monument to alien scenes, and they have to go back and announce to everyone: at least for this generation, they can't leave their home yet!

Xu Yang stared at the Stargate site with a keen and evaluative eye.

His daughters, Xu Cheng, Paopao, Laila and Qianshu, hugged each other and crowded around, caught between curiosity and fear, to see if their father could bring about a miracle.

Finally, Xu Yang nodded.

"Build a solar array, do it now." Xu Yang said.


"But the Pioneer is coming in in 12 hours!"

"Is it too late? Do you want the Pioneer to stop first?" Qianshu asked.

Xu Yang checked the sturdiness of the stargate and the integrity of the battery, and considered the feasibility of the plan.

If there is really strong sunlight, it won't take long, just a dozen seconds. On a star gate of this size, there will be hundreds of billions of joules of light energy every second...

"No need to waste fuel, that's it, we have time." Xu Yang turned around and said, "We need enough solar panels and pipes to utilize solar energy and guide its energy directly to the tunnel generator, so that the star gate can be opened for about a day.

In one year, we will complete the work on Proxima Centauri-B and then return."

They started working immediately.

Xu Yang gave orders directly at the Star Gate Engineering Center. Qianshu looked outside and found that one after another huge solar panels suddenly appeared rhythmically on the edge of the Star Gate one by one, forming its leaves like a sunflower.

"Why did the solar panels suddenly appear?" Qianshu was shocked, but she realized after a few seconds that it was 101. She teleported a few times and sent the engineering materials to the designated location!

The huge solar array was formed under the guidance of Xu Yang and the support of the Witch. Countless small shuttles left the Pioneer to assist in transporting and reinforcing engineering materials.

With united efforts and people trying their best to speed up the construction, huge solar panel blades stretched out around the star gate, forming a magnificent outline to capture the huge energy projected by the sun into the void.

Ten hours later, the Stargate's solar array was completed.

"The Pioneer is coming in 2 hours, Dad! But how can we get enough sunshine with this little sunshine?" Qianshu raised his head.

"Yes, at this charging rate, it will take about two years to fully charge." Xu Yang said.

"How come it's too late!"

"It's a waste of time!"

"Wait two more years!" they shouted one after another.

Xu Yang patted them. Although they had grown taller, they were still daughters.

"After Yan Duo left, I inherited the power. As I brought hope and support, I was able to receive the blessings of stellar blessings and support. I asked myself, have I done enough so far? Now is the time for the test.

, if the sun recognizes me, it will obey my orders." Xu Yang raised his hand and faced the sun 700 million kilometers away.

His eyes were focused, he clenched his fists and then released them.

"Come and light up the star gate!" He said solemnly.

Although it is still far away, Xu Yang has now summoned the power of the sun and evoked light!

He closed his eyes and felt the subtle experience.

In the lightless universe, the sun wakes up at his silent call, sending light precisely like it responds to an ancient covenant.


Xu Yang turned around and quickly took his daughters on board.

"Dad! The sun is not responding!" Qianshu shouted.

"It's too far. The sun won't reach here until forty minutes!" Xu Yang led them away.

Returning to the Pioneer, time passed by minute by minute.

"Okay ah!"

"It's almost time!"

"We're going to hit the stargate!"

Xu Yang and his four daughters were sitting on the viewing room. They had done everything they could, and the solar array was built at all costs, just to see if the shining sunlight could come as expected.

They stared at the starry sky. Although they were confused, they believed that Xu Yang's vision spanned infinity and could bring miracles. They stood in the Pioneer spacecraft, waiting wholeheartedly for the arrival of the sun's fire.

Time stretches out minute by minute, and hope gradually shrinks, until finally——

"Look!" Xu Cheng, who was in Xu Yang's arms, suddenly sat up.

"what is that--"


"It seems like a...golden dump truck hit us!"

Xu Yang's blood boiled! He stood up suddenly and lifted Xu Cheng high.

Xu Cheng kicked her feet in the air. She had grown taller and still had to be lifted up by her father.


The sun's beams come across 700 million kilometers!

It passed through the star gate with a bang, shining on the solar array, as if the entire star gate was burning. People opened their eyes in shock, watching this alien ring wake up, and saw the golden dawn rising clearly.

The stargate is lit!

Bright sun flames pierced the darkness like spears, and sunlight rays thousands of kilometers wide shone fiercely on the star gate, falling on its solar array like sunflower petals.

The entire star gate...is fully charged!

Even with the protection of the Pioneer bulkhead and light-proof glass, Xu Yang's eyes were still illuminated, shining with golden light, and the flames of the sun penetrated half of the galaxy, like a jet blasting through.

The light suddenly disappeared. In this suffocating moment, everything seemed to be on the edge of a knife. After receiving sufficient energy supply, the tunnel generator operated rapidly, and the huge cosmic power made a sound again.


Turn on!

A shining crack appeared from the center of the entire star gate! Connecting to the other side of Proxima Centauri-B!

Xu Yang stood up and stared in front of him, his heart pounding. The entire Pioneer spacecraft suddenly turned into a sea of ​​joy, with screams and shouts coming and going, tears and laughter intertwined. In addition to being moved, he was shocked!


"Dad is great!" They shouted around Xu Yang, as if they were still children, or in fact they were still children in front of their father. Qian Shu's eyes filled with tears.

Xu Yang smiled and felt the tension disappear from his body. At this moment, the star gate rift was flowing in front of them! He connected to the star gate engineering center to ensure that the coordinates were correct, and at the same time found that it had withstood a greater degree of energy supply from the old civilization.

, the huge battery pack inside is still intact, and now it only has energy that can be used for about 14 months.

Sailing forward.

Get out of bounds!

Under the sunlight, the Pioneer advanced rapidly and approached the star gate in a straight line.

The portal is vaguely visible, and the radiance of nothingness shines in its center, making it dazzling.

The crew members returned to the safe area, prepared, eyes wide open, and concentration, not wanting to miss the subtle feelings passing through the impulse, facing the vast unknown and strange future. Come on... come on... come on...


As if yawning, there was a flash of light, and the Stargate swallowed up the entire Pioneer.

(End of chapter)

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