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Chapter 983 Set foot on a new planet

Chapter 983 Set foot on a new planet

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 983 Set foot on a new planet

Go through the stargate!

In just a moment, many of them didn't even notice it, they had arrived at Proxima Centauri. The entire crew of the Pioneer was shocked.

"The plan is a complete success. Dear crew members, we have arrived at Proxima Centauri. This petite red dwarf star is right outside our window. Here, we can view the same sea of ​​stars with the people in our hometown, even though we are 4.5 miles apart.

Light years." Xu Yang said with a satisfied tone.

"Very good!"

"This is really the first time in human history..."

"We're leaving Terra!"

"As expected of me...!"

“Everyone’s efforts have been in vain!”

"Finally successful!" The crew members of the Pioneer were extremely excited, and many of them cried with joy.

Having successfully reached its target, the Pioneer proudly cruised slowly in deep space and left the stargate in the orbit of Proxima Centauri.

No matter what, they have accomplished breathtaking and magnificent feats.

Behind it, the space cracks in the star gate were still shaking, and eventually dimmed and disappeared.

Xu Yang knew well that this star gate also needed to extract the light energy of the Proxima Galaxy to activate it and send them home. But with the experience from the last time, it will be much easier this time.

Xu Yang checked the status of the spacecraft, adjusted the orbit entry status, and immediately began to scan the Centauri galaxy to check whether there were any traces of technical signals beyond Proxima Centauri-B.

"Fortunately, the other party has not deployed any satellites or weapons in space, nor has it hijacked the star gate." Xu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

It has to be said that if those robbers block the star gate, the Pioneer will face a very harsh space battle as soon as it enters.

But now there is none, everything is calm, which shows that the "robbers" may still only be stationed on Proxima Centauri-B, and their technology and resources are quite limited and not enough to control space.

He is not in a hurry to continue deploying orders. This time is reserved for everyone to be excited.

"Compared with the sun, Proxima Centauri is really much redder." Qianshu observed carefully and saw that Proxima Centauri itself was emitting scarlet light and was much darker than the sun.

On the other side, there is Proxima Centauri-B, a planet with an atmosphere. Its appearance is rust-colored, like a rusty iron ball, and it is not at all like the interweaving blue and green of its hometown.

"This is the new space home we want to colonize? It looks dirty." Leila pressed her face against the porthole. At this time, the Pioneer was facing it sideways, and the appearance of Proxima Centauri was unobstructed.

People hold their breath and stare at Proxima Centauri-B silently, imagining mankind's future development plans for it.

New homes, new cities, new resources, new tourist attractions, new ecosystems... Such a complete earth-like planet is simply too precious to them!

They are almost like standing at the gate of a gold mine!

"...Indeed, as long as you find the right direction, the space bridge can connect two very distant endpoints..." Bubble said to herself, and she was particularly sober during the process of crossing the star gate.

Xu Cheng stares at an unfamiliar planet. Like the pioneers in the Age of Discovery, people will re-measure the land and learn all its secrets.

Their hometown alone has countless magnificent scenery, but what exotic scenery will there be on Proxima-B?

"Now, the dream is within reach." Xu Cheng announced in a low voice, just like her father.

Xu Yang also nodded.

Finally! He was excited in his heart and couldn't help but clench his hands. To be honest, this expedition was quite risky. Fortunately, no accidents have happened so far, and everything went smoothly according to plan.

"Then, the next step is to investigate Proxima Centauri-B and find those who were teleported here. It seems that as soon as they were teleported here, they were abducted by some interstellar kidnappers. But those 'kidnappers'

There is no weapon platform deployed in the interstellar, which is very strange, as if they do not have the ability to travel between interstellar." Xu Yang pondered.

"These are the rich people who completed the 'transfer' in the New Taixi Continent battle five years ago? They even transferred their bodies, leaving only empty tubes." Laila was surprised.

Back then, when she used her laser eyes to blast open the blast doors, there were only 100,000 silent dormant chambers in front of her, and people had fled.

Due to the huge scale of the God War, the entire base itself collapsed quickly, and there was no time to track it down.

The whereabouts of these 100,000 Xintai Xizhou social elites have always been a concern for people. Unexpectedly, the golden cicada escaped from its shell and was teleported to Proxima Centauri-B!

"We used the Law of Reply to retrieve some of the plan files. They also deployed corresponding receiving facilities on this planet. However, because the scale is small, it can only be transmitted in one direction. People in New Taixi Continent are indeed sending themselves

Now that we're here, no matter what, we can only understand what's going on inside by conducting on-site inspections." Xu Yang said.

"Okay, I also want to see how these 'human elites' will perform on this wild planet." Laila nodded fiercely.

"Are you the first group to explore the mysterious Proxima Centauri? Will it be dangerous? And there are probably unknown hostile forces there." Qianshu was curious.

"Yes, so I have to find the best pilot." Xu Yang turned around.

He saw Xu Cheng already standing in front of him.

"Quack!" Xu Cheng put his feet together, raised his right hand to his forehead, and saluted Xu Yang!

"You want to go?" Xu Yang felt bad, "We still don't know anything about the situation there. There might be anti-aircraft firepower. What if we blow you down?"


"do not go!"

"It's too dangerous!" Qianshu was worried about Xu Cheng's safety.

Xu Cheng turned his head and nodded calmly to them.

On her chest, rows of pilot medals sparkled under the star Proxima Centauri.

"I have what I should do." Xu Cheng said.

They were all fascinated.

So a plan was formulated. Xu Cheng would personally take action to uncover the mystery of Proxima Centauri-B and find those New Taixi Islanders from the mysterious bandits.

The staff of the Pioneer inspected Xu Cheng's car, the Shenhui, and debugged it.

The shuttle's weapons and defensive equipment have been fully optimized and upgraded, and it even has a light deflection shield that makes it completely invisible.

"Be careful!"

"Withstand pressure!"

“As easy as flying in our hometown!”

"We have fixed it for you, feel free to take off!" People in the hangar shouted and applauded enthusiastically when they saw Xu Cheng coming.

Xu Cheng delivered supplies, evacuated the wounded, and saved many people during the Battle of Xintai Xizhou.

At this time, Xu Cheng saluted them one by one, and people's concern also made her feel supported.

She logged into the hatch and sat down in her familiar driving seat.

"Here I come!" Weaver Star Girl floated out from the bridge and took shape with the support of the light and shadow stance system.

If AI imaging technology is lost, people in the future will regard Weaver Star Niang as the soul of the Shenhui.

"As always." Xu Cheng began to warm up the Shenhui's power engine and check the control system.

Through the window, she saw that the ground crew outside had begun to clear the runway and clear the environment, allowing the Shenhui to leave the spacecraft and head to the universe.

"You are so brave. People will say that you are the first pilot to enter Proxima Centauri-B." Star Weaver said movedly.

"I will not let you down. I will find those people and take them home one by one. I will give them gold bars at home," Xu Cheng said.

"Let's go!" Zhixingniang assisted in tuning the Shenhui.

Xu Cheng pulled down the joystick, guided the spacecraft to rise and leave from the taxiway, and flew out of the Pioneer.

She is ready to fall into the unknown world alone.

"Wow, we have entered the universe!" Star Weaver shouted happily.

"There is no wind assistance here. We have to descend into the atmosphere as soon as possible. We land vertically and pretend to be a meteorite. Even if the enemy has a detection device, we can still disguise it." Xu Cheng let the Shenhui penetrate into the atmosphere, and it descended at high speed.

Like a fireball.

"Yes!" Zhixingniang admired Xu Cheng's attentiveness. Yes, if it flew down directly, it would be easily scanned, but if it was pretended to be a meteorite falling into the sea, the enemy wouldn't pay too much attention.

The Shenhui dragged its flame tail, slid into the rust-colored atmosphere, and rushed towards the sea of ​​Proxima Centauri-B.

Only half of its surface is covered with oceans, and its climate is not humid, more like a wild dry desert planet.

The Shenhui was shining violently due to friction with the atmosphere. From a distance, it looked exactly like a meteor. It was heading straight towards the ocean. Just when it was about to hit the sea, Xu Cheng immediately asked the Shenhui to raise its head and change its direction to avoid diving headlong into the sea.

In the water!

Pull up!

Immediately afterwards, it activated the invisibility device, like putting on an entire invisibility cloak. Invisibility paint was also used on the surface of the shuttle to avoid electromagnetic wave detection devices.

Smooth entry into Proxima Centauri-B.

Xu Cheng took a deep breath.

Her fingers gripped the joysticks, they were like her weapons.

She had never thought that she would become a pilot, but being a pilot suited her very well. She didn't have to communicate too much with others, and she could hide in her own small room and watch others, as if her childhood would never end.

By the way, there's also milk.

Zhi Xing Niang used electromagnetic force to deliver the milk. Xu Cheng took a sip and continued working.

"How's it going? Are you in position?" Xu Yang's voice came from the communicator.

"Of course." Xu Cheng was mentally prepared to overcome all difficulties. A person has his own skills and has a job where he can use his talents. This is the best state of a person.

"Be careful down there and wait for you to come back." Xu Yang said.

"Quack." Xu Cheng said confidently.

Investigation operation begins!

(End of chapter)

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