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Chapter 1011 Redress

"So much gold, it's really dazzling!"

The escort looked at the gold nuggets in the box and sighed.

Escorts are human beings too, and their hearts beat faster when they see so much gold.

But the escorts and dozens of bandits in the dark were watching, so it was impossible for him to be greedy for the money.

When Liang Chong saw that there was something going on, he quickly said: "I also have money in other places. As long as you let me go, I, Liang Chong, will definitely get rich rewards!"

"Stop talking, stop talking, if you keep talking, I might really be tempted!"

The bodyguard took off a rope from his waist and threw it to the ground, then pointed at the two nearest bandits: "Come here, you two, and tie up your boss!"

"Which one of you dares?" Liang Chong turned his head and glared at the bandit: "Why are you still standing there? Come on! He is only one person, and there are dozens of us. He can't stop him!"

In Liang Chong's heart, no one in this world is greedy for money, so just now he was lucky and intended to use gold and silver to bribe the bodyguard.

But now he has taken out all the gold and silver he brought, but the bodyguard is still unwilling to let him go.

Liang Chong understood that he had no chance, so he prepared to make a desperate struggle.

"Who dares to move?"

The escort shouted coldly.

The bodyguard hiding in the dark also cooperated and activated the heavy crossbow again.


The heavy crossbow arrow flew past the edge of the crowd and nailed to the mountain wall with a bang!

The tail end of the arrow vibrated violently and made a low buzzing sound!

There were a few minions who were ready to make a move, but they were immediately restrained!

"Have you given up now?"

The escort kicked Liang Chong in the face: "It's so shameless! If you really don't want to go, I'll take your body there, too!"

For a big bandit like Liang Chong, participating in the trial meeting was just a formality.

The only result waiting for him is the death penalty, and it is to be executed immediately!

So the escort didn't let anything slip in this move.

The soles of the boots inlaid with iron plates directly broke the bridge of Liang Chong's nose!

"You two come here and tie him up!"

The escort changed his gentle tone and his tone became stern: "Don't let me say it a third time!"

The two men appointed by the escort hesitated for a moment, but finally came over, dragged Liang Chong out from under the dead horse, and tied him up with a rope.

In fact, it made no difference whether he was tied up or not. Liang Chong had already been kicked unconscious by the bodyguard.

"The policy of our Zhenyuan Escort Bureau in dealing with bandits has always been to be lenient when surrendering and strict when resisting!"

The bodyguard raised his tin trumpet and shouted at the bandits: "Now I give you a chance to show yourselves and fight for leniency! Throw away your weapons first!"

You guys, look at me, I look at you, and throw down your weapons resignedly.

"very good!"

The escort snapped his fingers behind him, and an escort emerged from the grass, carrying a large bundle of hemp rope on his shoulders.

Ten minutes later, the gangsters' hands were tied.

Then four more bodyguards walked out of the grass, two of them carrying a portable heavy crossbow.

Dozens of bandits, driven by six bodyguards, headed towards the entrance of the town.

When they rushed over, the squad leader happened to come over with Huang Lingquan and the housekeeper and his son.

"Bring them up!"

Han Feng said with a cold face.

The squad leader escorted Huang Lingquan, the housekeeper and his son, and Liang Chong, who was still in a coma, onto the big millstone.

"Kneel down!"

The squad leader kicked Huang Lingquan in the leg.

Huang Lingquan knelt down on the millstone with a thud.

The housekeeper and his son also received the same treatment.

"Mr. Han, I asked on the road just now. The bandits said that they still have more than 200 people in the mountains on the other side of the Blackfish River. Do we want to send people to exterminate them?"

The escort escorting the bandit gangster asked for instructions.

"I have just sent a team of people there," Han Feng called the squad leader: "Just leave this to Afen and the others. You go to the west to find the second platoon leader and help him guard the intersection going down the mountain!"

It was just incidental to conquer the local tyrants to divide their land. Han Feng did not forget what their real mission was.

So the people who stayed here were basically female escorts, and he sent all the male escorts out to guard the way down the mountain.

There are many places to go down the mountain in the north, and there are too many places to guard.

After the squad leader led the people away, Han Feng cleared his throat, stood up high with a tin trumpet, and asked: "Look, are you Mr. Huang and the bandit leader?"

"Yes, he is Huang Papi!"

"The unconscious one is Demon Liang from Heiyu River!"

"Master Jun, and that man named Ah Fu are yellow-skinned bastards. My son was beaten to death by him!"

The people shouted in all directions.

"Since the arrest was correct, the trial will begin now!"

Han Feng said: "If you have any grievances, you can come forward and tell us now. Our Zhenyuan Escort Bureau will make the decision for you! If Huang Lingquan really did something outrageous, we will judge him!"

The people who were excited just now suddenly became quiet now.

Huang Lingquan and the bandits have been entrenched in Yonglin Town for decades, and they have accumulated too much power!

Even with the support of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, the common people only dared to get together and shout. If anyone really wants to stand alone on stage to accuse Huang Lingquan and Liang Chong, for a while, no common people really had the courage.

This situation not only occurs in Yonglin Town, but also often occurs in other places.

Usually when encountering this kind of situation, the Zhongming team will find one or two sitters to come on stage in advance.

As long as someone takes the lead, the rest of the people will have nothing to worry about.

But Han Feng and the others came suddenly, and the decision to arrest Huang Lingquan and the bandits was made on the spur of the moment, and they had no time to look for the nurse.

However, Han Feng had guessed the outcome before he decided to arrest people and had already been prepared.

He raised his loudspeaker and shouted: "Don't be afraid, everyone. Those who have been wronged can just come to the stage to redress their grievances. Our Zhenyuan Escort Bureau will absolutely protect everyone's safety. If anyone is worried, after the redress of grievances is over, they can come back to Jinchuan to live with us!"

Hearing Han Feng's assurance, many people showed signs of excitement, but still did not dare to come on stage.

After waiting for about three or four minutes, just when Han Feng was about to continue talking, an old woman with a hunched back slowly walked out.

"Since you don't dare, let me tell you, old lady. I should have died long ago anyway!"

The old woman walked up to the millstone tremblingly, glared at Huang Lingquan with gritted teeth, and then knelt down to Han Feng: "Please ask the military master of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau to make the decision for this old woman!"

"Mom, wake up quickly!"

Han Feng quickly signaled to the female escort to help the old woman up: "Madam, if you have any grievances, just tell me!"

"Huang Lingquan killed my whole family..."

The old woman burst into tears and accused Huang Lingquan of his crimes.

After talking for more than ten minutes, the old woman fainted because she was so excited and had not eaten a serious meal in several days.

But if someone takes the lead, others will soon follow.

The trial conference lasted for more than two hours, with no sign of ending. On the contrary, it became more and more lively. More and more people were willing to come to the stage to accuse and testify for the accusers.

Just as the trial meeting was in full swing, a sharp whistling sound suddenly came from the west!

Han Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and turned his head to look over!

This chapter has been completed!
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