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#1069 knight

"Not a member of the Jin Dynasty, nor a bodyguard?"

The messenger frowned and asked, "Then who is he?"

"This person is dressed all in black, has his face covered, and is wearing an eyepatch. I think he must be the black man who has been causing a lot of trouble recently." The expert explained.

The messenger didn't think about Heixia at first, but now that the master said this, isn't it Heixia?

"Heixia is a charlatan, why do you want to interfere in our affairs?" The messenger asked with a toothache.

"The knights of the Central Plains have always liked to gain fame. They probably want to kill us and accumulate fame!" said the master.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. The martial arts culture of the Central Plains has a long history, and there are many knights with high martial arts skills hidden among the people.

These knights don't like to be restrained, and like to travel alone in the world and enjoy revenge.

Perhaps in order to gain fame, or perhaps out of patriotism, in short, every time the Eastern Barbarians invaded the Central Plains, someone would always die at the hands of these knights.

Some time ago, the black knights went around killing wealthy people and causing a huge uproar. The style of these knights from the Central Plains was very similar.

The Eastern Barbarian envoys are all wearing prairie clothes. If the black knight spots them, he will definitely follow them.

"Heixia is a chivalrous man from the Central Plains. How come he has the Palm Mine from Zhenyuan Escort Agency?" asked the guard who recognized the grenade.

"The Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has also been fighting in the Central Plains. We can get it in the palm of our hands. What's weird about the Central Plains knights having one in their hands?" said the expert.

"It doesn't matter how the black man got the grenade, as long as he wasn't from the Zhenyuan Escort Agency or King Jin."

The messenger asked: "Find another carrier pigeon and quickly deliver the message to the king."

"Sir, we have used up all the carrier pigeons we brought." The guard in charge of raising pigeons said with his head lowered.

There are fewer pigeons on the grassland, and even fewer pigeons have been tamed.

Some time ago, in order to encourage the King of Jin to attack Weizhou City, the envoy sent several messages to Shan Yu for instructions, and the carrier pigeons were used very quickly.

The one that Qin'er shot down just now was the last one they took!

"It's finished!" The messenger glared: "What should we do? This letter must be sent to the king as soon as possible!"

The guard responsible for raising the pigeons lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

"Trash, I'll settle the score with you when I get back!"

The envoy kicked the pigeon guard and turned to look at the remaining master: "Go prepare your horse and follow me to Ruanzhou City!"

Ruanzhou City is not far from the City of King Jin. It is one of the very important cities under King Jin. King Jin deployed a large number of troops here.

This is also one of the cities that the Eastern Barbarians have focused on infiltrating.

Before coming to Jin, the Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians gave the envoy an address and a password, telling him that if there was an emergency, he could go to the Dongman Xizuo in Ruanzhou City for help.

It is not easy to install a spy in Ruanzhou City. The Eastern Barbarian envoy originally did not plan to use him, but now that his carrier pigeons have been used up, and the news must be sent back to the Eastern Barbarians as soon as possible, it is impossible not to use the spy.

After a while, the Eastern Barbarian envoy left the valley with his master and two guards, and headed straight for Ruanzhou City along the official road.

Although the King of Jin deliberately ignored the Eastern Barbarian envoys, it did not mean that he did not care.

On the contrary, the King of Jin took this matter very seriously and kept asking the prime minister about the progress.

But the prime minister was speechless because he couldn't find where the Dongman envoy was!

The Eastern Barbarian envoy has disappeared since he got rid of his pursuers at the West City Gate!

Now the Eagle, with dozens of airships, keeps dropping leaflets all day long, and has already spread leaflets in two counties in just two days.

If it continues to be delayed, I'm afraid it will spread to a county within a few days.

The King of Jin ignored the Eastern Barbarian envoy and deliberately made four conditions to disgust the other party. It was not that he really did not want to negotiate, but he just wanted to suppress the other party.

Who knew that the other party had disappeared.

This made the King of Jin and the Prime Minister very anxious, and they quickly sent people out to look for the envoy.

But this place is too close to Weizhou City, and airships can arrive at any time. The prime minister did not dare to use too much force, so he could only send people to search secretly.

However, the land of Jin was so large, and the King of Jin did not dare to send out his troops, so he secretly sent people to search for him for three days, but found no news from the envoys. Instead, he found out another news.

The cemetery in Weizhou City has been repaired.

Tieniu drove the prisoners of the Jin-Barbarian coalition to bury the remains of the Fan family soldiers in the cemetery, and then ordered all the prisoners to be hanged!

Not to mention, Tieniu actually ordered people to tie the corpses of prisoners outside in a kneeling position. After freezing, he asked craftsmen to pour cement into the package and make a kneeling sculpture around the cemetery, which meant that the Jin-Barbarian coalition forces would never die.

Kneel here and repent to Fan Jiajun!

In addition, Tieniu also asked craftsmen to use cement to build a sculpture of General Fan at the main gate of the cemetery. Under the sculpture, there is an empty cement platform.

Tieniu has already spoken, this stage is prepared for King Jin.

After capturing King Jin, he will be poured into cement forever like other Jin barbarian captives to apologize to General Fan!

When King Jin heard the news, he was so angry that he overturned the table again.

But the second news that came right after him was like pouring a basin of cold water on Prince Jin's head, making him calm down all of a sudden.

In recent days, people have been rushing to Weizhou City to confirm the authenticity of the contents on the flyers.

Although they are common people in Jin, every time there is a war, many people around them will take their families and hide in Weizhou City, using the strong city walls to escape.

Therefore, many people in the surrounding area respect General Fan and Fan Jiajun.

After learning that things were exactly as stated in the leaflet, the people of Jin were furious!

Even many veterans who had retired from the direct lineage of King Jin could not accept King Jin's actions.

Without Tieniu's encouragement, these people spontaneously spread what they saw after returning home.

The policy of targeting local tycoons and allocating their land to Zhenyuan Escort Bureau also spread.

On the one hand, there are beasts who collude with the Eastern Barbarians to massacre their own people, and on the other hand, there are bodyguards who help the common people fight against the local tyrants, and then allocate their lands to their own people. It is self-evident how the people will choose.

In just a few days, the situation in several counties around Weizhou City has already begun to spiral out of control.

If this continues, I'm afraid these counties will belong to Jin Feng without the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau sending out any soldiers!

This made the King of Jin feel on pins and needles, and no longer bothered to show off to the Eastern Barbarian envoys.

On the day he learned that the Eastern Barbarian envoys were in Ruanzhou City, the King of Jin immediately sent his prime minister to negotiate!

In fact, not only the King of Jin was worried, but also the Eastern Barbarian envoys became anxious after they were attacked by Qin'er.

Although everyone speculates that Heixia is a knight from the Central Plains, not a member of King Jin or Jin Feng.

But Black Man used a grenade, what if they guessed wrong?

The King of Jin and the Prime Minister doubted whether the Eastern Barbarian envoys had seen through their plans, and the Eastern Barbarian envoys were also worried that the Jin King would really defect to Jin Feng.

Even if they can destroy Jin Feng's airship by then, it will be difficult to snatch Yuguan City from Liu Tie's hands.

The Chanyu of the Eastern Barbarians also had this worry, so he sent an order and gave the envoy extremely high authority.

With such a consensus, no one spoke loudly, and the subsequent negotiations became much smoother.

This chapter has been completed!
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