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Chapter 1337 Seeing the light of day again

"Captain, they let the falcon go, what should we do?"

A Tielin Army company commander covered in blood ran to the high ground and asked.

The Tielin Army has pledged allegiance to Sichuan and Shu, and the team has been reorganized according to the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau's organization.

The person ordered to command this ambush was the most elite first regiment of the Tielin Army.

"Once the falcon takes off, not even the gentleman can do anything about it, otherwise we wouldn't have to be here."

The leader sighed helplessly, and then said: "Let them fly, let's just keep the falconer!"

"Keep the falconer?" The company commander's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Yes, the falcon flew too high and too fast, and there was nothing they could do about it, but the falconer couldn't fly. As long as the falconer was killed, there would be no one to command the falcon, and the falcon would either fly away or fly back to the place where it was born.


But no matter which one, it can be considered as a solution to the dilemma of Bongzhuanggou.

It will take at least another month or two for the party members to send the falcons over again, and by then Jin Feng will have already returned to Sichuan.

Following the commander's order, the Tielin Army launched another charge, seizing the enemy's headquarters in one fell swoop and killing all the party generals and falconers hiding inside!

The regiment leader ordered the Tielin Army to clear the battlefield, collect the bodies of their comrades, and then stab each enemy in the neck.

"Commander, where are the fallen comrades buried?"

The company commander came over to ask for instructions.

Although the Tielin Army ambushed in advance, and although they had weapons and terrain advantages, the party's Yulin Army responded very quickly. After the battle, the Tielin Army still lost more than 200 people.

"You can't bury it," the regiment leader shook his head and said, "Qinghou received a secret letter from His Majesty some time ago. The letter said that His Majesty would advise you to temporarily abandon Qin and return to Qin to develop before you join Xiang Dongman's party and send the brothers to Xiang Dongman."

Stay here, what if we leave and the party digs the grave?

The brothers have already sacrificed their lives. We can no longer leave their bodies in the wilderness to suffer from the cold. Blow up the catapults and free up the carts to pull up the brothers."

"Where to take him?" the company commander asked.

"First pull them to Zhuangzigou, and if possible, pull them back to Sichuan and Shu." the regiment leader replied.

"Yes!" The company commander saluted, turned around and ran over.

Subsequently, the catapults set up in the valley were blown up one by one, and the company commander and his subordinates carried the corpses one by one onto the carts.

Because the pallets are limited, the corpses can only be stacked in several layers like cargo.

Even so, there were still dozens of corpses that could not be pulled out in the end, so the company commander asked people to carry them on their backs and follow the team.

Falcons hovered above them, neighing blankly from time to time, waiting for the falconer's call.

Unfortunately, all the falconers were shot dead. The wind in the sky was strong and cold, and the falcons were also cold and tired. Finally, they turned their heads and flew to the north.

Brass trench.

Tielin Jun drove the hot air balloon up to the clouds, but failed to find a suitable wind layer, so he had to land.

For a time, the Brass Trench was filled with huge hot air balloons.

Li Lingrui immediately realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to counterattack and immediately issued an order.

"The hot air balloon of the Tielin Army has fallen. This is the best time to attack. Quickly clear the Brass Valley for me!"

At this time, the first group of party Xiang Nanzheng troops to escape had already fled to Tongqiankou.

But waiting here is still the nightmare hot air balloon.

Moreover, the hot-air balloon at Tongqiankou is tied to the ground with a rope. When the hot-air balloon flies from the north to the south, the soldiers on the ground will use the winch to pull the hot-air balloon back for a second round of attacks.

This is also the only way for hot air balloons to fight against the wind. However, this method is suitable for defensive warfare and cannot be used when reinforcing the Brass Trench because the front line of the Brass Trench is too long.

From the food and grass team of Dangxiang's Southern Expedition Army in the north to the food and grass team of King Qin's army in the south, it is dozens of miles long. The Tielin Army could not find such a long rope, and even if it found it, the hot air balloon would not be able to carry it like this.

Heavy rope.

But the copper coin mouth is only a few hundred meters long, so this method can be used.

At this time, the remnants of Dangxiang's army finally realized that they could not escape, so after receiving Li Lingrui's order, they started to gather again.

At this moment, the roar of a steam engine came from the brass ditch.

Then, an airship slowly took off.

This airship was the one that went to bomb Wutou Mountain. Later, when the hot air balloon and the falcon were exchanged, this airship did not participate, but was kept by Jin Feng for emergency purposes.

Li Lingrui still had the falcon in his hand before, and there was not much kerosene and ammunition left in the brass ditch, so Zhang Liang never used the airship.

Now that the Tielin Army has brought a large amount of kerosene and ammunition, Dangxiang's falcons have also been killed, and the airship can finally see the light of day again.

The idea of ​​counterattack that Li Lingrui had just raised was extinguished the moment he saw the airship.

If the war had just broken out, the Southern Expeditionary Army might still have been able to break through the airship blockade, but at this time the morale of the Southern Expeditionary Army had been shattered, and this airship was enough to change the situation of the war!

"My lord, if you leave the green hills behind, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood. We will fight back sooner or later! Let's go, otherwise we won't be able to leave when the airship finds us!"

The intelligence chief ran over and said.

Zhang Liang and others prepared an escape route for Jin Feng, and the party intelligence chief also prepared one for Li Lingrui.

The deputy general had previously ridiculed the intelligence chief, saying he was unnecessary and said it was an ominous move.

Unexpectedly, Li Lingrui would use this escape route so quickly.

Li Lingrui looked up at the sky again and followed the intelligence leader into a small ravine.

Part of Dangxiang's remnant army had already assembled, but when they gathered, they discovered that Li Lingrui was missing.

The party's remnant army, whose morale had already hit rock bottom, suddenly collapsed.

Many soldiers even threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground to surrender.

They have all heard that the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau does not kill prisoners, and the last southern expedition also proved this.

At that time, Jin Feng led the Tielin Army and captured tens of thousands of Dangxiang's southern expedition troops in Qingshui Valley. Finally, through negotiations between Dangxiang and Dakang, these prisoners were all returned.

In politics, chips can be exchanged.

They thought this time would be like the last Southern Expedition, surrendering, and just waiting for Dangxiang to negotiate with Jin Feng to exchange them back.

Unfortunately, they thought wrong. Jin Feng was not Chen Ji, and he did not want to use prisoners in exchange for anything with Dang Xiang, so they had no intention of keeping prisoners at all.

The escort in the gondola of the airship ignored the surrender of the remnants of the party, and when he saw someone on the ground, he threw a grenade down.

After meeting Qinghuai, Jin Feng returned to the stone house and continued making bullets, handing over the on-site command to Zhang Liang.

According to Zhang Liang's plan, he planned to plow the brass ditch, but when he actually implemented it, he found that it was unrealistic.

This chapter has been completed!
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