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Chapter 252 How to open the 'Hungry Ghost Apocalypse' invaders

Thalia was surprised to see from the surveillance camera that the armored vehicle was empty.

Jiang Qian is missing.

At that time, she locked the door of the armored vehicle herself, and the other party was indeed inside the vehicle when the door was closed! During the trip, there was no warning that the armored vehicle body was damaged or the door body was open, so why did the person disappear?

She personally ran to the armored vehicle, and with the help of the mechanical combat soldiers, she opened up the ammunition boxes and sundries lying in the vehicle. She was still in disbelief.

Victor also followed over, patted Talia on the shoulder despite her injury and comforted her: "It's good that we can come back safely!"

After a long while, Thalia nodded reluctantly. But she was still frightened and her eyes were complicated.

The scene was quickly handed over to the defense department, and a new round of search and defense was launched.

Thalia and Victor were escorted back to the Investigation Operations Department to complete the unfinished work: feeding back the investigation intelligence from the front line.

This part of the information is very urgent and important, and will have an important impact on the frontline defense and combat plans of the joint defense forces.

The two of them had just finished their report when a harsh alarm sounded from inside the military fortress!

The Internal Order Unit requested support from the Operations Department to suppress the "new mutant group" that suddenly appeared in the Medical Security Department!

Within the Ministry of Medical Security at this time.

The sick and injured patients who originally gathered in the corridor to demand fair evacuation no longer showed their previous violent tempers and retreated to the protection of the security personnel.

Because the even more unreasonable "new variant" suddenly attacked from the corridor.

Their heads and backs were covered in scaly armor, and their claws were tough. They killed multiple internal security personnel in an instant, and were intercepted by mechanical combatants as they continued to go deeper.

"Where did they come in from?! Can you find out?"

"It is being detected. It is a damaged wall somewhere deep underground. Our people are approaching the field to investigate..."

"The data has been sent back! There are traces of deliberate sabotage on the outside of the barrier. Damn it, the traces of the excavation look like they have just been visited by a hundred well-trained pangolins!"

Due to the sudden emergence of a new variant inside the fortress, Thalia and Victor were temporarily transferred to a reconnaissance team responsible for detecting attacks by new variants in various districts through internal monitoring, and dispatching manpower for counterattacks or rescue operations.

Although there was a certain degree of chaos inside the fortress due to changes in evacuation matters, security measures and emergency plans were being implemented in accordance with procedures.

Thalia, Victor and others visually monitored multiple screens displaying intrusion warning signs in the center, and began to record and synchronize information with frontline operators.

Of course, these are mainly done by Talia and others.

Victor was regarded as a wounded patient and was placed at the door to act as deputy.

He retreated behind everyone and stared at the surveillance screen of the medical security area with a steady gaze. After Talia finished a round of reporting, he quietly walked forward, pointed at a bloated man in a white coat on the screen and said:

"Do you think this man is strange? What is that bulge under his white coat?"

After hearing the sound, Thalia and other observers looked in the direction of Victor's finger.

In the picture, a man in a white coat was hiding behind the security personnel. Instead of evacuating to the safe area where the patients were hiding, he was eagerly looking in the direction of the conflict between the new mutants and the mechanical combatants. He seemed to be extremely concerned about the battle situation.

The strangest thing is that behind his back, the body part covered by the white coat has an unusually obvious bulging outline. If you look closely, it looks like a tail with nowhere to place it...

Thalia's pupils condensed: "Who is this guy?!"

"The legendary founder of the ethnic group..."

"The body is the body!"

The white coat was quickly tagged and sent to the on-site mechanical combatants and security personnel through information channels. At the same time, the newly reinforced security team also arrived at the scene in time.

The new variant crisis in the medical security area is gradually under control.

Not long after, other locations under attack quickly received reinforcements. This round of new variants did not take much advantage in the fight with the mechanical combatants.

After all, compared with the super-species players themselves, the transformed "human servants" are originally fakes and can at best be called quasi-uniform cognitive bodies.

Mechanical combat soldiers are not living beings. They are naturally immune to some mental attacks, and their bodies are made of super-tough alloy materials. They have no fear or pain after being injured, and will only continue to move forward bravely until they "die" in battle.

Mechanical combat soldiers can be regarded as the most powerful trump card that mankind has retained in times of species crisis.

Seeing that everything was under effective control, Thalia breathed a sigh of relief, took off her headphones, and looked at her partner next to her...

But Victor is no longer there.

"Where's Victor?"

She asked her colleague beside her in confusion.

"I don't know, maybe I went to the bathroom?"

"I didn't notice it either, it was there just now."

"Oh, thank you……"

Talia did not continue to dwell on this matter. As the new task was issued, she devoted herself to the current observation task.

The sky above the Twin Markets at this time.

A helicopter took off steadily, carrying six players from the Guardian camp and flying towards the seaside military barrier in the "Center of the Whirlpool".

Among these six people, naturally include the lobbyists Gu Gu Lao Liu and Northeast Home Cooking.

As well as the four members of the Nordic Drag Brother team who had reached an agreement. The attitude of the remaining few people was not clear, so they were arranged by Drag Brother to stay at their original place as a backup.

On the helicopter, Canyon Lao Liu put his hand into his pocket from time to time to feel the temperature of the pages of his exploration notes.

When he put his hand into his pocket for the fourth time, Northeastern Home Cooking couldn't help but ask: "Brother Monkey, what's going on?"

"It's been a long time since Dr. Hemet's clues were sent to him, and there has been no reply." Canyon Lao Liu said solemnly.

On the way to find the helicopter, Canyon Laoliu made a special trip to the former residence of Dr. Hemet in the Twin Cities.

He sent some suspicious clues he found to Jiang Qian on the spot using the "burn after reading" function, but did not receive a reply from the other party.

"I don't know what's going on with him."

"Is something going to happen?" Northeast Home Cooking had a worried look on his face.

When he said this, the Nordic brother's eyes focused sharply: "Is it the advance team?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Hearing the Northeastern home-cooked food, I was startled.

"Nothing will happen to our advance team." Canyon Lao Liuyan said firmly, "The war ahead is complex and ever-changing, and you can't expect them to respond to messages in time."

"Yeah." Brother Yan nodded in agreement and asked, "What clues did you find in the city?"

Canyon Lao Liu clicked on his earphones and informed Brother La of the situation about Hemet.

There are four findings as follows:

First: Dr. Hermet is a more dedicated Frankenstein than Dr. Kate. He lives alone all his life, has no wife, no children, and almost no close friends.

Second: He once underwent jaw surgery due to a trauma, and took medical aesthetic repair measures for facial injuries.

Third: He works for the Empire's special scientific research institution.

The fourth, and the most important clue that Canyon Lao Liu thinks is: Hemet once founded a mysterious non-governmental organization that believed in the North Sea sea monster.

The so-called "North Sea Sea Monster" is the Kraken that Jiang Qian has been searching for. Canyon Lao Liu found the same pattern logo in Hemet's home.

At this point, Canyon No. 6 couldn't help but complain about the Tyrannosaurus team and put all the pressure on Dr. Kate to unlock the Twin Cities branch line, but turned a blind eye to Dr. Hemet's clues.

He didn't believe the information was meaningless.

But to reveal the key, we may have to wait for the judgment of Jiang Qian, the "information center".

After hearing this information of unknown meaning, Nordic Brother felt that his mind was protesting.

He folded his arms and pondered for a while, then sighed: "The capacity of this copy is really not a chess game that can be managed by two people's efforts."

"Well," Canyon Lao Liu also agreed, and followed suit, "This dungeon is afraid of reliable partners like us!"

"indeed so!"

Both sides looked at each other and smiled, seeing the same thing!

It was at this moment that the exploration notebook in Canyon Lao Liu's pocket reacted.

"The news is coming!"

He took out the page with excitement.


Typos and flaws will be corrected first and then corrected.

This chapter has been completed!
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