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153 Even more annoying

Seeing Li Lu kneeling down and making a gesture of supplication, the Holy Book Emperor asked with a smile: "Which family is the girl from?"

Everyone at the table was also very curious.

This Prince Rong has not married for a long time, but now he suddenly claims that he has someone he likes. I wonder who it could be?

During the banquet of the female family members, a young girl looked at Prince Rong kneeling there with a look of astonishment on her face.

They met more than once in the music hall. She was attracted by the sound of his flute. She was also a lover of music. His flute music was clearly filled with a sense of loneliness, and he clearly did not look like he had a sweetheart...

Did you fall in love with a girl from a certain family at the hibiscus flower banquet?

The pair of chopsticks in the girl's hands had already fallen off a moment ago. It was only because everyone was attracted by Prince Rong's actions that no one noticed anything strange about her.

But the Ma family's maid beside her saw it. Seeing the girl's demeanor, she asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with the girl?"

Ma Wan seemed not to have heard the maid's voice, but only looked at the figure of Prince Rong.

She had talked about music with him, but he had never asked her about her identity. Out of the reserve of her daughter's family, she had never taken the initiative to ask about his identity... But she never thought that when they met again, he would become the crown prince of Rong, and he was already married.

I have someone I like.

What kind of woman does he like?

He is like the bright moon, and the person he likes must be as graceful as the breeze. He should have the same preferences and resonance with him. Only in this way can he be considered a good match, right?

Thinking of this, a secret expectation suddenly rose uncontrollably in the girl's heart...

They talked happily and had a tacit understanding of music, didn't they?

Looking at that figure, Ma Wan almost held her breath.

"Back to Saint, my nephew has been in love with a girl from the Chang family for a long time."

Prince Rong's voice came clearly to everyone's ears.

The atmosphere suddenly became stagnant.

As if he did not dare to raise his head to see the reaction of the Holy Emperor for a moment, Prince Rong said in a courageous tone: "... Lu knew that he was mediocre and incompetent. Although he was a descendant of the Li family, he had never been able to share the worries of the saint and the court.

, I shouldn’t have spoken so rashly, causing the saint to suffer..."

Some officials secretly exchanged glances.

So, does this mean that he knows and admits that he is "robbing people" from the saint by doing this?

"Lu Ben should have put away this delusion. Until today when Mrs. Chang rescued her on the racecourse, I seemed to feel that there was guidance from God. If I missed it, I would regret it for the rest of my life, so I took the courage..."

Chang Suining, who was stared at by countless eyes: "..."

Providence guidance?

God’s will would not be so troublesome.

She also looked at the Prince Rong whom she rescued today.

She was also deeply surprised by the other party's sudden proposal to marry him.

But her intuition was not trustworthy when it came to her favorite words.

At least not entirely trustworthy.

Faced with this sudden situation and everyone's gaze and inquiry, the girl looked calmly, but she looked in the direction of the Holy Book Emperor.

Now the ball was not passed to her, but to the saint. We might as well see how the opponent plans to play it first.

The faint smile on the Holy Book Emperor's face is still there.

The candidate mentioned by Li Lu also surprised her.

Li Lu always wanted to marry a wife. Instead of marrying a daughter from another family, under her eyes, the Chang family, which looked respectable but had no real power, was a good choice... In the past, she would not have

There is too much hesitation.

But it's different now.

Emperor Shengsi first thought of what Master Tianjing said, that girl's horoscope was very strange, and there was an unclear connection with her horoscope...

With such preconceived scruples, Prince Rong's proposal to marry him at this moment inevitably made her hesitate.

Furthermore, Chang Suining was her chosen candidate for the crown princess. Once something unexpected happened, it would affect her plan. She couldn't just take Li Lu's intention of doing this at face value.

During the day, Li Lu once told her about the rescue at the racecourse. When he talked about the Chang family girl, he was grateful and admired...

Now I am drinking to strengthen my courage, and I dare to say this just now. I really look like a young man who is carried away by love.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, the other party is the Crown Prince of Rong and has lived in the capital for a long time and has been alone. Officials have long hinted that her actions are no different from taking people as hostages, and there are many people who use this to make a fuss——

And if it is really said that it is a hostage, Li Lu has indeed been a qualified hostage over the years.

He never participated in government affairs and never made friends with officials. Although he was mediocre, he kept his discretion.

This is the first time such an unmeasured action has been taken today.

But because of this, what the other party wants now is like a poor child who has been well-behaved and sensible since he was a child. One day he mustered up the courage to ask for a piece of candy he likes——

As the emperor, she was also his elder. No matter what she thought in her heart, she could not refuse this request in front of the public, both emotionally and rationally.

The emperor does not always act according to his will. On the contrary, just because he is an emperor, he has to worry about more trade-offs and sometimes has to make some concessions.

The choice of whether to compromise or not depends solely on the balance between gains and losses.

"Over the years, I have often worried about your marriage. Now that you have the person of your choice, I am very happy and consider myself to be complete."

Chang Kuo almost stood up when he heard this.

But he was secretly stopped by Yao Yi on the side, who signaled Chang Kuo to calm down with his eyes - I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious yet.

"However, when it comes to marriage, we must abide by the orders of our parents. Your father is still in Yizhou, so I can't make the decision alone." Emperor Shengce said with a smile: "I will send a message to ask about your father's wishes soon.

, if he agrees, I will marry you two today, what do you think?"

It would take some time to send letters to and from Yizhou, and there was still a lot of room for maneuver in how King Rong would reply.

Prince Rong looked grateful and his eyes lit up on his sickly face: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your support!"

Then, a smile appeared on his face: "To be honest, Your Majesty, as early as two months ago, my nephew had sent a letter back to Yizhou to express his feelings to his father. Before the Hibiscus Flower Party, my father's reply to the letter had arrived..."

"My father has no objection to this matter. He only said that he is now in the capital and everything must be obeyed by His Majesty."

"My nephew originally planned to use this flower party to express his feelings to His Majesty, so he brought his father's reply with him."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After saying that, he took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it over with both hands: "Your Majesty, please take a look."

The eyes of the Holy Book Emperor flashed slightly.

I came prepared.

It's just that he came prepared, and rather than using it to disrupt her plan, it seems more like being dizzy simply because of love.

Amidst the noise all around, the chamberlain took the letter and presented it to the Holy Emperor.

While the Holy Emperor was reading the letter, there was constant discussion around him.

"Girl..." Xi'er was really worried now.

The saint had just said that as long as King Rong had no objections, he would marry Prince Rong, but he did not care about or consider the wishes of the girl and the Chang family at all.

Changsui Ning doesn't notice any difference.

The emperor never asked about the wishes of the Chang family from beginning to end. Although this was to show that he would not hesitate to shirk what Prince Rong wanted, it was also a true reflection of the emperor's heart.

The wishes of ordinary people are never within the scope of the emperor's consideration.

Whether he recommends her to be the Crown Princess or agrees to Prince Rong's request to marry her as Crown Princess, the only things that affect the emperor's decision are pros and cons.

Her weight was too light, and the emperor had no need to worry about her wishes. Even if he had "concerns", it was only out of pros and cons.

Of course, from what the emperor said just now, it can be seen that he has no intention of pushing her out to become the crown prince's concubine——

Prince Kerong did not obey and insisted on doing so, and even took out the letter at the most appropriate time.

With this letter and the promise just now, "If King Rong agrees, I will grant you a marriage," it is hard to say what will happen to the Holy Emperor next.

"Lu'er seems to be serious about it." Emperor Shengce put down the letter.

"My nephew is weak and useless, and has no great ambitions. He just wants to spend this life with his sweetheart." Li Lu kowtowed his head, grateful and sincere: "Today I have been blessed by the saint, and my nephew is willing to stay in the capital forever and live by the saint's side.

filial piety."

The Holy Emperor smiled noncommittally and proactively promised to stay in the capital forever to fulfill his filial piety. Was this an exchange of conditions with her?

She didn't rush to say it clearly, she just said: "You are not in good health, how can you kneel for a long time? Get up and talk first."

"Yes, thank you Your Majesty."

Seeing Crown Prince Rong standing up in this room, Wei Shuyi said with a smile: "Prince Rong's infatuation can be seen from the moon, which is really impressive."

After a slight pause, he said: "It's just that marriage is not only about the fate of the parents, but also about the good relationship between the two surnames, and the word 'good' is indispensable for the two people to be happy..."

While Wei Shuyi was speaking, he looked at the female seat opposite and asked with a smile: "I wonder if Madam Chang's thoughts are the same as those of the Crown Prince?"

It is not convenient for the saint to say these words, otherwise it will appear to be a refusal, and it seems to imply that the woman refuses.

If the saint can't say it, let him, a minister, tell it - he often plays such a role in the court.

The premise is that he can clearly see the holy meaning.

But at this moment, he asked himself, after Prince Rong's several "offensives", he was not sure what the saint was thinking at the moment.

But he said it anyway.

Wei Shuyi looked at the girl.

He thought that she needed a chance to speak.

He may not necessarily need to give her this opportunity. When she really wants to talk, no one can stop her, but... just think of him as being troublesome. Who makes him want to try to be troublesome at this moment?

These words allowed Chang Suining to stand up naturally.

Prince Rong looked at her with an uncomfortable look on his face, but it was also full of sincerity: "I treat Mrs. Chang from the bottom of my heart..."

The girl looked at him: "But I have no intention of treating the prince."

The girl's calm tone caused a sudden change in the atmosphere.

This could no longer be refused outright, which made Prince Rong stunned for a moment.

"The prince's proposal to marry today was never mentioned to me in advance. I never even knew that the prince was interested in me." Chang Sui Ning said: "If you ask me if I have any intention, I really have no intention. Moreover, the prince's move will It troubles me very much - if this is the case, do you still have to force yourself?"

There were surprised gasps from all around.

What the lady of the Chang family said was too disrespectful to Prince Rong!

The sickly young man stood there with a look of embarrassment hiding in his eyes.

Chang Sui would rather remain unmoved than feel that what he did or said was wrong.

She has never been hostile to Prince Rong, and even has a natural affection for him because of his father, but this does not mean that she can accept such an inappropriate arrangement from him——

Yes, that's the arrangement.

He had already discussed this matter with King Rong, and he took the risk to seek help from the saints. He chose today's opportunity and occasion, every word and every step was just right, and he carefully arranged everything.

Compared with the little embarrassment he feels at the moment, the trouble and dilemma she suffered because of it is the most practical - compared with the plan she agreed with Cui Jing, Prince Rong's actions tonight have similarities, but there are differences. The reason is that Prince Rong's move gave her almost no room to refuse, and the ultimate goal was to let the saint grant the marriage.

This might make her unable to become the Crown Princess, but she would be caught to be the Crown Princess of Prince Rong. For her, there is really not much difference between the two.

She didn't want to be a crown princess, let alone a royal concubine. No matter whether the other party liked her or had other plans, it was all at her mercy.

The Holy Emperor was shaken, but she couldn't.

She will never accept being manipulated.

Faced with her words, "If this is the case, do you still have to force yourself?", Prince Rong remained silent for a moment.

The atmosphere around him froze for a moment due to embarrassment.

An official said with a smile to lighten the atmosphere: "It doesn't matter if you don't have feelings for the moment, but they can be cultivated in the future."

Someone quickly answered: "That's right..."

"It's so rare for Prince Rong to be so sincere... Wouldn't it be a pity to miss him?"

The official who was closer to Chang Kuo sighed and said, "General Chang should also give Madam Chang some advice. As the saying goes..."

There was a soft "pop" sound, and Chang Kuo crushed the wine cup in his hand.

"..." The rest of the official's words were stuck in his throat.

The thick calluses in the palm of his hand prevented Chang Kuo from breaking even the skin. As he picked off the debris in his palm, he frowned and asked Yao Yi: "Old Yao, you said this cup is so easy to handle."

The official opened his mouth and silently moved his body away from Chang Kuo.

But the persuasion from elsewhere continued.

Some women even followed their husbands who had spoken to persuade Chang Suining: "It is easy to get priceless treasures, but it is rare to find a lover..."

Just like during the Qiqiao Festival, if a man boldly expresses his feelings, the onlookers will try to persuade the woman to accept his wishes, even if they do not recognize them or know anything else.

But the situation is different now. Chang Sui Ning doesn't have to look at them one by one, but he can also know that most of the people who open their mouths to persuade them must be from the left-wing Prime Minister Sun's party.

There are not many idle people sitting here. Who cares whether Prince Rong is embarrassed or not? Who would try to conciliate and persuade her just for the sake of a mere atmosphere? In the final analysis, they are just using this name to push her away from the future crown princess.

That’s all.

Under such circumstances, if the Sacred Heart deviates, a marriage grant will be enough to settle the matter. If she no longer resists, maybe the matter will become a good story if word spreads, and the world will praise Prince Rong for his deep affection. As for the

Her words of "unintentional" will not be remembered by others.

Perhaps this atmosphere gave Prince Rong the courage. He looked at Chang Sui Ning and promised seriously: "The heart I have for Mrs. Chang is not just superficial love, but also appreciation and respect. If I can be fulfilled by a saint today, I will make my wish."

Stay with Mrs. Chang alone, and you will never take a concubine in this life."

There were sounds of surprise and envy all around.

The only son of a dignified and honored king, promised in public that he would never take concubines. How dedicated and sincere is this?

This shows even more affection!

Chang Sui Ning felt that this person was even more annoying.

There wasn't even a single word of inquiry in the words, only the sentence "If the saint becomes perfect."

"Cui Jing also wants to ask the saint to help him with something -"

At this time, a young man's voice sounded.

This chapter has been completed!
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