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154 They are all about appearance.

Everyone looked at it.

The young man wore a purple robe and carried a sword around his waist. He walked from the path between the men's and women's seats, and his black boots embroidered with gold threads stepped on the hibiscus petals left on the ground by the dancer.

Under the gaze of everyone, the young man with a cold aura raised his hand to salute the Holy Emperor.

"It turns out Cui Qing has arrived." The Holy Book Emperor said with a gentle smile.

No matter where the visitor comes from, his weight is too important for people to ignore. With his talent, even the matter of Prince Rong’s proposal to marry can only be put aside for the time being——

This is almost the consensus of everyone present.

Therefore, Emperor Shengce asked: "I wonder what Cui Qing is asking for?"

The young man stood with his hands lowered and turned his head slightly to look at Crown Prince Rong to one side. There was always an inaccessible solemnity in his voice: "What I asked for is the same thing as Crown Prince Rong asked."

Touching those deep and cold eyes, Crown Prince Rong could not help but be stunned.

Everyone around was also stunned.

Same thing?

"Does Cui Qing... also need me to confer marriage?" The Holy Emperor smiled slightly.

"Yes." Cui Jing said: "I also have someone I like, and I want to ask a saint to help him."

Mingluo, who was standing next to the Holy Emperor, suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Cui Jing after hearing this.

Surprised discussions arose during the banquet.

This Governor Cui actually came to ask for marriage?

What kind of girl could make Governor Cui fall in love?

But...Prince Rong's affairs are not over yet. Everything must come first and come later. Isn't Cui Ling'an's behavior too overbearing?


You can't...!

Someone had a surprising guess in their mind.

"It's quite lively tonight... It seems that my flower party is really not in vain." The Holy Book Emperor looked at Cui Jing: "I just don't know who Cui Qing likes?"

"The person Cui Jing likes and the person Prince Rong likes are the same person."

The voice of young people is clear and powerful.

There was an uproar and shaking all around.

——I want the same thing!

——The person you like is the same person!

With this overwhelming smell of gunpowder, I'm afraid a fight might just start!


Cui Lang, who was sitting there, swayed and almost fell. The wine bottle in his hand was accidentally knocked over and rolled down.

He rubbed his eyes violently.

He is really the eldest brother, so he got it right!

Then he pinched his thigh violently——

A pot screamed.

Cui Lang was even more shocked.

A pot will hurt, so it’s not a dream!

The eldest brother actually came to steal his master!

There was an uproar at the table, but the moon was bright and quiet.

The moonlight complemented the lights at the banquet. The autumn night breeze blew, and the shadows of the lights and moon swayed.

As the light and shadow shook, Cui Jing looked at the girl standing there.

The moonlight cast a faint radiance on her body, seeming to isolate her from the noise.

Looking at each other, he said: "Cui Jing has been attracted to the wife of the Chang family for a long time, but because of the heavy rules in the clan, he has not been able to mention the marriage. I suddenly heard about what happened at the banquet tonight, and I knew that I would not be with you at that time.

, can’t delay any longer——”

The iron-blooded young general who has been on the battlefield since he was twelve years old and has not even mentioned the slightest rumor about the affairs between men and women for many years, let alone marrying a wife, suddenly expresses his feelings in front of others, which is really untrue. feel.

Precisely because of this, his request for marriage at this time was even more shocking than what Prince Rong had just done when he asked for marriage.

Many people failed to respond.

Mingluo looked at Cui Jing almost in disbelief.

She had long noticed that he treated Chang Sui Ning differently... but how did it get to this point?

He actually said such words and did such things in front of others for Chang Sui Ning. He knew that the saint intended Chang Sui Ning to be the crown prince. He clearly saw that Prince Rong's determination to marry him was very strong... How could this belong to him? Behavior?

Yes, of course he doesn't need to be afraid of anything, but he has always disliked trouble, disdain to be involved in right and wrong, and is so reticent that he never explains everything... At the moment, it doesn't seem like something he can do.

Or...she didn't have the chance to know what he looked like in the past?

Did he actually like someone like this?

So, do you really like it?

Mingluo looked at Cui Jing intently, feeling that the eyes he was looking at Chang Sui Ning at this moment could no longer be called innocent.

Will it be an act?

She took advantage of this lucky idea to force herself to suppress the surging dissatisfaction so that she would not show any signs of losing her composure.

Prince Rong did not expect such a situation. For a moment, he seemed to not know how to deal with it, so he quietly clenched the slender white palms in his sleeves.

There were countless whispers among the women's tables.

"This isn't going to start a fight..."

"It's over..." Duan murmured in a low voice: "There are more and more discerning men in Beijing..."

Especially Governor Cui, he is not inferior to her son at all!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Duan looked at her son again and felt that she could really lift her son off now.

People who are better than him have worked harder than him, so what does he have to do with it?

Wei Miaoqing wished she could run up to her brother who was silent at this moment, open his eyes, and tell him to take a good look.

Yao Xia, who was sitting in the back, cracked melon seeds - it was okay to fight, as long as it didn't hurt her sister Chang. She liked to read this when reading the storybook, it looked good, she loved it!

There are always a few people who are in the mood to watch the excitement. Looking at the young man at this moment, the Holy Book Emperor asked: "What Cui Qing said...is it true?"

"Every word Cui Jing said comes from the sincerity, and there is absolutely no half-word joke." Cui Jing raised his hand again: "I have nothing else to ask for. I only ask for this. I hope the saint will make it happen."

It has to be said that Prince Rong's sudden marriage proposal brought the plan forward, but it also made his "temporary move" more reasonable and minimized the emperor's suspicion.

Some officials looked at each other in confusion.

These words that grab people's attention... are as tough as they sound.

Although this person does have a strong foundation...

If the saint's promise of marriage to Crown Prince Rong just now was out of dignity and could not be refused, then the weight of the sudden appearance of Governor Cui at this moment was clearly evident——

Which one is more important is almost clear at a glance.

But even so, due to various reasons, it was impossible for the Holy Emperor to show his preference for Cui Jing immediately.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Emperor Shengzhi looked thoughtful, and several officials of the Cui family who held important positions in the court were about to faint from anger.

The Crown Prince Rong seemed to be devoid of desire, and had only been with the music for many years, but in the blink of an eye he became obsessed with the girl from the Chang family!

The careless elder man in their family has always been very careful not to get close to strangers, and he even swore in the ancestral hall that he would never marry. What was the result?

One moment I swear in the ancestral hall that I will never take a wife, and the next moment I am here asking the saint to fulfill my promise!

It turns out that the so-called not being close to women is all because the women cannot catch his eye. The faces of those girls in the past did not reach his heart!

To put it bluntly, these two are all based on appearance!

What kind of high-mindedness...are you just pretending!

"The original oath that I vowed never to take a wife is just for dogs to listen to!" A Cui family official gritted his teeth and lowered his voice and said something that was degrading to the gentlemen.

The tribesman on the side reminded him in a complicated tone: "Although, but... it is for us to listen to."

The person who spoke in front choked, and his face became even more ugly: "...You guys would like to say something useful! Is it possible that we can just let him make trouble like this?"

Although the Cui family's rule of not marrying outside the four major families was well known to everyone, they couldn't act blindly in front of the emperor at this time - they were not the eldest son, and they were not that strong-minded!

What's more, this was proposed by Dalang himself. Judging from the posture of Zhuzi, it was clear that he wanted to use his power to suppress others, force Prince Rong to give up, and make the saint have to fulfill him... What a lustful person!

"It would be inappropriate for you and me to come forward at this time, and we need to let the clan's wife speak up to stop this matter." One of them suggested: "The clan's wife is Da Lang's aunt after all, so she has to make the final decision on the marriage."

Several people then looked at Mr. Lu who was sitting among the ladies.

This is indeed true, and it is reasonable and reasonable for the clan wife to speak.


"...Why does the clan wife smile so happily?" Some tribesmen frowned.

Some people shook their heads in disgust: "A little bit of scheming is written all over the face, how superficial..."

Mrs. Lu is a stepmother, and she has Liulang, her biological son, at her knees. It is just that she cannot see Dalang living in harmony with the clan.

Dalang's behavior is tantamount to provoking clan rules, and the Lu family is naturally happy to see it.

But with so many people here, even for the sake of appearance, she should at least cover up the face of this vicious stepmother!

"What she thinks is her business, but as the clan's wife, she has the responsibility to stop Dalang from doing such ridiculous things..." One of the tribesmen quietly called a nearby servant: "Have someone send a message to the clan's wife, let her

Be sure to give Da Lang some advice!"

The servant agreed and quickly found Lu's female envoy, who conveyed the original words to Lu.

Lu, who was very happy, felt very unlucky when he heard this sentence, but when he received the gazes of those tribesmen, he also acted obediently, nodded, and said to the female envoy in a gentle voice: "Tell your uncles, I

I will definitely give you some good advice."

The reply quickly reached the ears of Cui's officials, and they were finally reassured.

However, before they could speak, they heard the voice of the Holy Emperor -

After thinking about it, Emperor Shengce said: "Cui Qing has been fighting for the great prosperity and the imperial court over the years, and has made countless military exploits. It is really a great achievement for her hard work. It is because of this that she has delayed important events in her life. I often feel guilty for it...


"Cui Qing has this request now, and I take it upon myself to fulfill it." The Holy Emperor seemed helpless and looked at Prince Rong: "However, what happened today is obvious to all. There is only one girl in the Chang family, and I don't want to do anything like this."

Good things turn into enemies..."

"I shouldn't have too much involvement in the marriage of my children. Since it is a good thing for both families, I should first listen to the wishes of General Chang and the girls of the Chang family - what do Cui Qing think?"

Cui Jing: "That's right."

Emperor Shengce then looked at Chang Kuo with a smile.

I often sigh from the bottom of my heart.

When Crown Prince Rong proposed for marriage just now, the saint never had any intention of asking the father and daughter about their thoughts... Now that they have encountered a problem, and if they want to resolve the current conflict decently, they know how to ask them about the "wishes" of the Chang family.


No matter what he thought in his heart, there was no strange look on Chang Kuo's face. At this moment, he stood up and replied with a hearty smile: "... Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. As long as my daughter is happy, she can marry whomever she wants!"

This speech, which was without any level of depth, caused many civil servants to laugh secretly.

But the same words fell into the ears of many girls, making them feel envious.

How many people can make the decision on a woman’s marriage?

So, at this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Chang Sui Ning, including Cui Jing.

Looking at the girl, Crown Prince Rong had a look of self-mockery in his eyes.

What the sage said about letting the Chang family's wife choose her own sounds fair, but just now the Chang family's wife had clearly rejected him...

No matter how Mrs. Chang will answer next, it has nothing to do with him.

But he was still a little curious, curious about how she would answer——

Chang Suining looked at Cui Jing: "Thank you very much, Governor Cui, for your kindness, but I regard Governor Cui as a good friend and a family member, and I have no other intention."

This was considered a prearranged agreement between her and him.

Everything is quiet.

When the wind blew over the corner of the young man's robe, it also picked up the petals of the hibiscus at his feet. At this moment, people only felt that the girl's words were like a cold wind blowing, blowing away the flowers that had finally bloomed on the iron tree.

The child was ruthlessly blown away.

So... Governor Cui was also rejected!

In their lifetime, how could they possibly be able to see Governor Cui of the Xuance Mansion open his peacock tail but be refused!

The sense of crisis is too strong, and those who are commonly known as persecution paranoia have begun to worry - after seeing this scene, is there still a chance to escape alive?

A very complicated laugh rang out from the bottom of Mingluo's heart. Ridiculous, puzzled, unbelievable, and many other emotions overflowed her chest.

Mingluo looked at Chang Sui Ning and felt that this scene was full of boundless absurdity.

If the word "marriage" is mentioned, the current saint is the empress. Some people may think that marrying into the East Palace and becoming the princess is the most supreme marriage in the world.

Some people may also think that marrying into the Ming family, the saint's mother clan, and becoming a concubine of the Ming family is the best destination.

But these are just superficial and ignorant thoughts...

She knows better than anyone else that if she wants to marry, only Cui Jing can be worthy of the word "best".

He comes from the direct lineage of the Cui family and has the best education and family background; he is in charge of the Xuance Army and holds the most significant military power in Dasheng; he has been in the army since he was young, and has forged a strong character and ability that is unmatched by others——

Standing with such people can be said to be standing on a truly high place.

It was already unbelievable that such a person would do what he did today, but at this moment, Chang Sui Ning did not hesitate to say no...

Does she really know what she is rejecting?

Mingluo looked at the girl standing quietly and sneered in his heart.

She should have felt lucky that the other person was so ignorant and unappreciative, but at the moment she just felt ridiculous, and this sense of absurdity overshadowed all other emotions.

Yuan Xiang, who came not far away with his chief governor, almost had his hand bitten open.

What did he hear?

The Governor... is he real or fake?!

Yuan Xiang bit his hand tightly.

How could the strong and clear friendship of the Grand Governor...have deteriorated?

Just change, it's not impossible for both of them to change together, but the only one who has changed is the Governor!

God, this is too tragic!

The Lu family also felt that Cui Jing was miserable.

She now stood up as a mother.

"...It's so good that Mrs. Chang considers Dalang her family!" Mrs. Lu persuaded with a smile on her face: "You must know that couples in this world who can grow old together only treat each other as family members. This kind of family affection

, is the best destination for the word marriage!"

Chang Suining was stunned for a moment and looked at Cui Jing subconsciously.

Is this also... a planned arrangement?

Cui Jing: "..." Obviously not.

Several members of the Cui clan looked at each other in confusion - who asked her to persuade her like this?

His wife, the Cui clan, is so heartbroken and crazy!

This chapter has been completed!
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