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Chapter 12 Give me a message when you see an alien

 "Adjust the propulsion system..."

"Cheng'e 3, preparing for the last mission..."

"Start landing!"


On the big screen, Chang'e-3 was descending rapidly. When it was completely captured by the moon's gravity, gas began to eject from the bottom, slowing down its descent.

Seeing that the decline speed was not slowing down significantly, Engineer Yang quickly said: "Increase the thrust..."

Under his remote control, Chang'e-3 adjusted five times before finally reaching the appropriate landing speed.


Chang'e 3 successfully landed without making any sound, but those present felt that there should be some noise here.

"Adjust the camera as I said..." Colonel Chu didn't wait for everyone to feel sad, and immediately stated the new request.

Soon, the big screen was divided into eight pieces, each of which independently displayed a picture.

"Everyone is watching carefully. If there is any abnormal situation, report it as soon as possible!"

Colonel Chu said loudly, his eyes fixed on the third screen, which is the direction of the White Rabbit No. 9 landing point.

"Is this really useful?!"

Chief Engineer Yang felt that even if there were really aliens, they wouldn't be so stupid. How could people fall for such an obvious trap?!

Moreover, this time Chang'e-3 is a purely electronic device with no life breath, so it may not be able to attract aliens.

Although he did not hold out hope for this operation, Chief Engineer Yang still looked at the fifth big screen dutifully. This lens was tilted upward. A small half of the screen was dark outer space, and the corresponding horizon that could be seen was longer.


Thirty minutes have passed.

"My eyes are sore..."

"How long do we have to watch?!"

The staff were energetic at first, but as time went by and there was no change in the picture, they began to feel a little tired.

Colonel Chu frowned slightly, as if he was dissatisfied with these people. Without taking his eyes off the screen, he said: "If you persist for another half hour, if there is no change, I will ask someone to take over this place..."

At this moment, Chief Engineer Yang suddenly felt that the scene in front of him seemed to be moving.

"If necessary, look at the fifth screen!"

He yelled and stared attentively.

When the others heard this, they were all attracted and looked at the fifth screen.

On this screen, where outer space and the ground meet, there is an additional black spot, which seems to be moving.

"What is that?!"

Colonel Chu adjusted his glasses, took a few steps closer, and stared at the screen for fear of missing key information.

After more than thirty seconds, the black dot on the screen finally grew to the size of a green bean, allowing everyone to see its true face.


Chief Engineer Yang was a little confused. The black dots rolling out in the picture were just a piece of stone, nothing special.

Assistant Xiao Wang murmured: "It should be a meteorite that was just sucked into the ground..."

There is no wind on the moon, so the boulders moving like this must be affected by gravity.

"It shouldn't be a meteorite. I kept staring at the picture. It didn't appear from outer space, but from the horizon..."

Chief Engineer Yang denied the theory of meteorites and said directly: "The typical lunar rockfall phenomenon should be the movement of rocks caused by lunar earthquakes..."

After knowing that it was just a rock, he was a little disappointed. After all, as a staff member of the space agency, he had seen many such moving lunar rocks.


Colonel Chu didn't believe it, and stared at the screen without blinking.

In the picture, the stone is getting bigger and bigger, so big that it occupies one-fifth of the area of ​​the lens, but it is still some distance away from the lens.

Only then did people realize that this was a huge stone, with a diameter of at least ten meters.

"Wait, what is that?!"

At this time, someone suddenly pointed at the screen and said with a look of horror.

Not only him, but everyone looking at the fifth screen at this moment noticed something abnormal.

In the lens of Chang'e-3, a very neat square gap suddenly appeared on the surface of the boulder.

Immediately afterwards, something like a tentacle stretched out from the gap.


A faint red light shook the lens, and the next second, all eight screens turned black.

"What's going on?!"

"Why did it turn black?!"

Colonel Chu immediately looked at Chief Engineer Yang and found that the other man's face was filled with astonishment just like his.

"This should be something that blocks the signal?!"

Chief Engineer Yang asked in disbelief.

Colonel Chu nodded, the look of horror on his face disappeared, replaced by excitement.

"All the video data captured by Chang'e-3 will be backed up and sent to this USB flash drive..."

As he spoke, he paused, looked at the audience, and said loudly: "Let me declare in advance that everything you see today must not be spread to outsiders..."

It didn't seem safe to do so, so he took out his old-fashioned push-button cell phone, dialed a button, and the call was connected.

"Come and seal it!"

I just said three words and hung up the phone. I believe someone will come later to sign a confidentiality agreement with someone from the space agency.

The power behind Colonel Chu was very powerful. Within a few minutes of hanging up the phone, a large number of people rushed in and blocked the scene.

Looking at the murderous people around him, Mr. Yang understood that this matter was serious.

He was a little worried and asked: "Colonel Chu, if it is confirmed that it is an alien, what should we do?!"

"You don't have to worry about these..."

Colonel Chu thought for a while and then said: "How many spacecrafts are there on the ground that can carry people to the moon?!"


Chief Engineer Yang was shocked and said: "Only the White Rabbit No. 9 is officially in service. In addition, there is a backup test machine. It is not sure whether it can go to heaven..."

Colonel Chu nodded, patted Chief Engineer Yang's arm, and said with enthusiasm in his eyes: "Debug this test machine, find two astronauts who can operate the equipment, and be ready for launch at any time..."


Foreman Yang is already a big man. Outer space missions like this need to be planned a year or even a few years in advance. How can it be possible to fly temporarily?!

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Suddenly, he realized something.

"Wait a minute, you don't want to go up in person, do you? There's no news yet from the three people on White Rabbit No. 9!!!"

"If you have the opportunity to negotiate with aliens, why not?!" Colonel Chu's lips raised, as if he didn't care about his own life or death at all.

This is a life-threatening madman!

The conversation was not congenial, and both parties were speechless for a moment.

Halfway through the sealing work, Chief Engineer Yang was silent for a long time, and couldn't help but ask again: "Aliens, shouldn't it be just our Daxia country's matter, should other countries be notified?!"

"Not yet!"

Colonel Chu's mood has returned to normal and he said calmly: "After I talk to the aliens, I will decide whether to notify other countries..."

"But, what if you disappear after you go up there?!" Chief Engineer Yang said worriedly.


Colonel Chu smiled slightly and said: "This is a signal whether to notify other countries!"

Chief Engineer Yang was startled for a moment and quickly realized the meaning of Chu University’s words.

Colonel Chu wants to go to the moon first to communicate with aliens. If he can succeed, he will gain huge benefits for Daxia.

If it doesn't work out, the worst plan is to disappear completely from everyone's sight like Zhang Tao and the others.

This also means that Colonel Chu wants to bet his life to determine whether the aliens appearing on the moon are opportunities or dangers for Daxia.

Chief Engineer Yang's emotions were a bit complicated, and he looked at Colonel Chu with a hint of admiration.

After a long time, he said: "If you meet Zhang Tao at the alien base, please give me a message..."

Colonel Chu couldn't help but be curious when he heard this, and asked: "What are you saying?!"

"Zhang Tao, there's something I want to tell you. The guy you want to break his leg...that guy who climbed onto your balcony to have a secret meeting with your daughter, he is my son..."

This chapter has been completed!
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