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Chapter 13 Aliens are coming

 "Lao Yang, this is a test machine, do you really plan to let it fly into the sky?"

The director of a certain space base said with a look of disbelief.

"This is not what I have the final say..."

Chief Engineer Yang shook his head and said, "Don't ask any more questions, just hurry up and get it done."

The spacecraft was fine. Even if it disappeared on the moon, he wouldn't feel bad. After all, this experimental machine had completed its mission, and based on it, White Rabbit No. 9 was created.

What worries Chief Engineer Yang now is the selection of the other two astronauts who will launch with Colonel Chu.

The only ones who can control the spacecraft are his group of professional astronauts.

Who should be sent to do this kind of thing with no return?

No matter who the person who went there was, he felt uneasy.

He doesn't need to worry too much about the testing machine. Naturally, there are many people to modify it.

Chief Engineer Yang went to the aerospace training base alone.

I asked the chief instructor for a list, as well as the family information of all regular members and reserve members.

Sitting in the office, he looked at the information with a sad face, worrying about who to let go.

Three hours later, Chief Engineer Yang selected four people from among the many astronauts.

Just when he was about to call the four people, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in!"

A group of people broke in.

"General Engineer Yang, I heard that the experimental machine is going to the moon again. I want to go!"

"Wang Dongdong is my good friend, I want to go up and find him!"

The people who came in were all astronauts.

Chief Engineer Yang frowned and asked, "Who told you that the testing machine was going to go to heaven?"

"Assistant Xiao Wang, she said she would choose two people to go to heaven..."

This guy Xiao Wang!

Manager Yang was a little angry, but also a little helpless.

Looking at the group of people in front of him, he said solemnly:

"This mission is different from the previous one, with a narrow escape..."

The astronauts looked at each other and laughed.

"General Engineer Yang, we have chosen to become astronauts, and we have long been prepared to dedicate ourselves to our cause!"

"Let me tell you, I have been training here for eighteen years and have never been to space once. You must choose me this time!"

"Old Wang, forget it now. Your son is getting married soon. Let me go!"

"Xiao Liu, your wife is just pregnant. The child cannot live without a father. Let me go. I have no partner."

"Brother Sun, you better forget it. You are the only child in your family. You will be miserable without your parents. Let me go. I am an orphan..."

Seeing the scene of people scrambling to get to the sky, Mr. Yang's eyes were a little moist.

The four candidates he was interested in included the orphan named Ye Fan.

Although I feel sorry for him, his ties are indeed the least.

If I didn’t have a son, Zhang Tao, Liu Ning and Wang Dongdong’s family to take care of, at this time, I would definitely take the lead...

The personnel were finally identified, a single-parent family and an orphan.

Unexpectedly, the two of them received the news not even half a day after training.

The moon landing plan has been cancelled!

Daxia National Space Administration.

In an office, Chief Engineer Yang and Colonel Chu sat opposite each other.

"Why was it cancelled?" There was a hint of joy in Mr. Yang's tone.

The flight cancellation meant that he didn't need to send those two people to their deaths.

Colonel Chu looked a little lonely. He smoked a cigarette and blew out four or five clouds of smoke before he said:

"The superiors don't allow me to go up!"

"Experts have analyzed it and it is unwise to send me up there."

Chief Engineer Yang was a little curious and quickly asked the reason. He also thought about comforting Colonel Chu for a while.

Colonel Chu shook his lips and spoke slowly, "According to analysis, there are two types of aliens appearing on the moon."

"The first type is that they have arrived on the moon a long time ago and have begun to observe the lives and habits of human beings on the earth."

"Second, they just arrived on the moon!"

"If it's the first type, they have no reason to arrest White Rabbit No. 9, as this will expose themselves!"

"Even if they want to communicate with the people on Earth, they will go directly to the capital. Even if that is not possible, it is enough to go through the mouths of the three astronauts on White Rabbit 9."

"But now, we have not received any news from extraterrestrial sources, including other countries, and the three astronauts have not appeared again."

"According to the analysis of colleagues, the aliens on the moon are likely to have just arrived here and are not familiar with the earth!"

In addition, there are many more profound analysis reports that he did not mention.

For example, aliens on the moon may have come on a spaceship.

For another example, the alien spacecraft may have lost its detection capabilities.

Chief Engineer Yang frowned and said, "You mean, when they just arrived on the moon, are Zhang Tao and the other three still alive?"

"The possibility of death is unlikely. The aliens realize that they have broken into the realm of another civilization, and they should be tortured to extract confessions from them at this moment..."

"They haven't shown up for three days, which means there are two possibilities."

"First, the aliens feel that the earth's civilization is backward and not worthy of attention. They will leave on their own once their spacecraft is repaired."

"Second, the aliens are not much stronger than us. They thought we didn't know their details, so they hid the three of them in an attempt to delay their exposure. If that didn't work, they could use the three of them as hostages."

Chief Engineer Yang scratched his head and said: "Colonel Chu, according to your thinking, which possibility do you think they will survive?"

"Second type!"

Colonel Chu affirmed: "If it is the first type, the aliens believe in their own strength and are not afraid of our retaliation, so naturally they will not raise three earthlings who waste food."

Chief Engineer Yang listened around and found that there was nothing wrong with it. The only thing that made Colonel Chu unhappy seemed to be the cancellation of the moon landing plan.

He couldn't help but be a little confused and asked.

Colonel Chu sighed and said: "My original plan was for Daxia to contact the aliens on our own. We would fight the risks ourselves and swallow the benefits ourselves..."

"But after evaluating the pros and cons, the higher authorities decided to notify international organizations and work with all people on earth to respond to this incident."

After Chief Engineer Yang heard this, he immediately understood Colonel Chu.

He comforted: "The decision above is normal. After all, analysis is just analysis. If the aliens are very powerful and we provoke them, no one can bear the consequences!"

"The top is still too stable..."

Colonel Chu actually has selfish motives.

If he can land on the moon and meet aliens this time, no matter whether he lives or dies, or whether he succeeds or not, he will leave his mark in history.

It's a pity that if he missed this opportunity, he could only contact aliens with other people in the name of a certain group.

"In addition to telling you to cancel the moon landing plan, I am here this time to tell you something else..."

Chief Engineer Yang had some suspicions and said: "You told me so many secrets about aliens, are you trying to get me to join the gang?"

Colonel Chu smiled slightly and said: "You guessed it right, you and I will represent Daxia and be fully responsible for matters related to aliens."

"Now, the first thing to do is to notify other countries..."

"Aliens are coming!"

This chapter has been completed!
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