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Chapter 50 Harassment Operation Plan!

 "I want to do a simple battle situation analysis..."

Colonel Chu was the first to speak. The Moon asked them to come over and participate in the war. This was a big breakthrough and he had to grasp it.

Zhao Yu nodded, "You say it!"

"The current situation is that the enemy is mainly attacking and we are mainly defending..."

"There are 93 enemy warships left, some of which are stationed near the wormhole of Pluto, and some of which are stationed in the asteroid belt between the wood and fire..."

"We have more than 220,000 warships..."

"In terms of battleships, both sides have the same speed, but our attack methods are slightly worse, but most of the attacks can be intercepted. The only more dangerous attack is the particle black hole collapse bomb..."

"The particle black hole collapse bomb can only be released at close range with a spacecraft, which means that we cannot let them break through to within 500,000 kilometers of the Blue Star..."

Colonel Chu paused and asked: "What is our battleship production speed?"

Zhao Yu thought for a while and felt that this was not a secret, so he said: "With sufficient resources, we can produce about 10,000 warships every day..."

Compared with before, the output has increased again. During this period, Uncle Da has been constantly expanding the production line.

Colonel Chu nodded and said: "Now, the enemy has three advantages. First, they come from other galaxies. What arrived in the solar system is only a Moro fleet, which is more flexible..."

"The second is that they possess powerful particle black hole collapse weapons. Apart from restricting their spacecraft to a safe line, there is no other way to intercept this attack..."

"Third, their energy conversion efficiency is 20 times higher than ours. The same attack, both in terms of power and energy consumption, is far better than ours..."

"We also have two advantages..."

"First, we sit on Blue Star and the Moon, and have a large number of supplies and spacecraft manufacturing production lines. We are much better than them in terms of supplies..."

Having said this, Colonel Chu asked again: "Is our spacecraft controlled by robots?"

After reading the previous information, he vaguely guessed that all spaceships may not have living people, but are controlled by robots.

"That's right, all battleships are currently controlled by robots!" Zhao Yu nodded.

"So, our second advantage is that we can use robot-controlled spaceships to replace enemy warships..."

Colonel Chu smiled and said: "The high energy conversion efficiency does not mean that their spacecraft does not require resources at all..."

"So, my idea is to dispatch a fleet equipped with the latest propellers to take the initiative and conduct harassment operations..."

"Harassment combat?!"

Zhao Yu became interested and quickly asked for details.

Colonel Chu nodded and said: "No matter what raw materials are needed for the enemy's particle black hole transformation, the fuel carried on their supply ships must be limited, and they must be supplied from the planets in the solar system..."

"So, we can send warships away from the Mars defense line, some of them go to Pluto to harass their rear, and some of them go to the Wood Fire asteroid belt to harass the temporary base where they are currently stationed..."

"Our attacks, whether they dodge or intercept, all consume energy. When the energy is about to be exhausted, it must be replenished..."

"If supplies are to enter an asteroid or a planet, a temporary defense base must be set up. At that time, we can take advantage of having more battleships than them and bombard them non-stop..."

"As a result, the enemy will inevitably be unable to attack with all its strength, and will need to allocate troops and brainpower to deal with the harassing troops..."

Zhao Yu thought about it carefully and felt that it was really interesting.

The two sides' spaceships are now at the same speed. As long as they keep a safe distance, the other side can't do anything about his spaceship.

"In the cosmic environment, according to the enemy's currently disclosed methods and conventional attacks, our fleet can dodge or intercept..."

"To destroy our fleet, they need to let the shuttle ship get closer to within 500,000 kilometers of our fleet and self-destruct..."

"So, our harassment troops don't need more..."

"Each fleet only needs 50 warships. It is flexible and does not worry that the other side will sacrifice a shuttle ship to wipe out the entire fleet..."

"I think it's worth exchanging 50 battleships for one of their shuttle ships. After all, their total number of spaceships is only 93..."

"Besides, they have shuttle ships, and so do we. If the speeds are not much different, we can have five shuttle ships collide with one of the enemy's shuttle ships..."

"The most important thing is that we are not afraid of sacrifice, but they are. If this continues, they will inevitably become timid and it won't be long before they retreat..."

There are many additional points that need to be added to this strategy, such as whether the enemy has backup troops, whether the enemy will also use robots, or whether there are more powerful weapons, etc., but right now, we are not talking about these.


"Very good, just do as you say!"

A smile appeared on Zhao Yu's face. He had never thought about it before. Now it seems that he did the right thing by recruiting a group of wise advisers from Blue Star.

After Zhao Yu finished speaking, he counted the number of people again. There were 19 staff members in total, and said: "In this way, you will divide yourselves into three squads to ensure that there are people at the headquarters at all times. At other times, you can move freely..."<


Then, he looked at Colonel Chu and pronounced his last name with a long sound. He didn't know what to call him.

"My name is Colonel Chu..."

Colonel Chu explained: "My father worked hard in the army all his life before he could reach the level of colonel. He could not go any further before he died. Just when I was born, he named me colonel. I hope I can make up for it.

His regret..."

Zhao Yu nodded slightly and said: "In this case, Colonel Chu is responsible for arranging other people's working hours. In addition, there are twenty maglev cars parked downstairs. You can drive to the house in Yue'an City to rest. The permissions have been recorded...


After saying that, Zhao Yu hurriedly left and returned to the moon base. According to the plan provided by Colonel Chu, Uncle Da asked Uncle Da to re-produce the warship according to the proportion.

After Zhao Yu left, Colonel Chu and others wandered around the headquarters.

"Congressman Chu, come and see, this is the gravitational wave detector. I have already seen the battleships on the Mars defense line..."

After going around, everyone discovered that apart from the fact that the headquarters was empty, it had all the necessary facilities.

Not only can the situation of the Mars defense line be detected, but even the enemy fleet as far away as Pluto can be seen clearly.

"Gravitational wave detector, real-time detection, this is amazing..."

Colonel Chu briefly familiarized himself with the equipment, and then divided the people into three groups according to what Zhao Yu said, with an 8-hour working day to ensure that someone was at the command center at all times.

"One group will stay with me, while the second and third groups will rest. They can stay in the dormitory, or they can go to Yue'an City and move around freely..."

This chapter has been completed!
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