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Chapter 51 Leave the defense line and counterattack!

"Captain, even if you want to support the front line, you can't leave the mothership here alone..."

"Yes, the mothership is our core, we can't do it without the escort fleet..."

"No need!"

Moro shook his head and said: "The enemy cannot leave the Hellfire line now. You can go to the front line to support and act according to my plan..."

Seeing his resolute attitude, the others stopped trying to persuade him and returned to the spacecraft, slowly sailing away from Pluto.

The 32 warships, except the mothership, set off together and flew towards the asteroid belt in the middle of the wood fire.


"Commander, good news, Captain Moro has asked the other three fleets to come for support. They have already set off and are expected to arrive in 24 days..."

"Very good!"

Seth nodded and said excitedly: "You have all seen the captain's plan. This time, if we take down the Blue Star, we will definitely succeed..."

"Now, just waiting for them to arrive, it will be the end of Pangu civilization..."

Milo was a little worried, "If my brother sends all the fleet away, will there be any danger..."

"Master Milo is overly worried. The mothership's combat effectiveness is not weak. Besides, Captain Moro and the others are staying near the wormhole. Even if something happens, they can retreat in time..."


Seven days later.

Moon base.

After a week of production, 70,000 latest warships were parked together.

"Sir, the 70,000 warships are divided into 1,400 formations, each with 50 warships..."

Uncle Da was reporting to Zhao Yu in front of the battleship, "There are 1,100 fleets going to the asteroid belt, and 300 fleets going to Pluto..."

"Each fleet has also been programmed. The fleet heading to Pluto will be stationed near Neptune and take turns attacking the enemy mothership..."

"The fleet heading to the asteroid belt will return to the first line of defense to resupply when the energy remaining is 10%..."

Once the fleet is away from the first line of defense, it is difficult to control it. It can only operate according to the established procedures set in advance.

With Uncle Da's computing power, it took him a whole week to finish it all.

Zhao Yu nodded and said with satisfaction: "Well done, let's go now!"

Following Zhao Yu's order, 70,000 warships all took off and flew towards the Mars defense line.


"Report, it has been detected that 70,000 warships have left the enemy's lunar military base and are rushing to the Hades Fire Line..."

As soon as Zhao Yu made a move, Seth detected it.

"This time, they no longer concealed the speed of the spacecraft. Every battleship rushed to the Hellfire line at Nagy's speed..."

"Estimated to arrive at the front line in 4 hours..."

"Backing up again..."

Seth and others looked very solemn, "The enemy's production line is too strong. In such a short period of time, another 70,000 warships have been added..."

"Last time we just destroyed more than 30,000 warships, and this time we made up for it all at once..."

During the recent period, they have been strictly following Moro's instructions, maintaining the gap near the Hades Fire Line, and preventing the enemy from successfully repairing it.

But now, with the addition of 70,000 new warships, it will be difficult to hold on to the gap.

"Commander, I just made a calculation. With the addition of these 70,000 warships, it will be difficult for us to maintain the gap..."

"Must hold on!"

Seth said firmly: "The support force will arrive in 17 days. Before they arrive, even if the resources reserved during this period are exhausted, we must hold on..."

The 70,000 warships dispatched by Zhao Yu put a lot of pressure on the front line, especially since the enemy is no longer equipped, and each warship is extremely fast. As usual, a few attacks can destroy a warship.

It rarely appears anymore.

Just when Seth and others thought that the 70,000 battleships were supporting the Hades Fire Line.

The content displayed by the detection equipment made them a little stunned.

"According to detection, not all of the 70,000 warships went to the Hell Fire Line. Only 5,000 went to the Hell Fire Line. Most of the others went to the enemy's other four nearby military bases..."

The entire orbital defense line around Mars has a total of 12 military bases, which they have already discovered.

Now, both sides are limited by gravitational wave detectors and have basically given up the desire to attack from other points.

Seventy thousand warships dispersed and rushed to other bases, which immediately aroused Seth's vigilance.

"Continue to monitor and send this information back to the mothership..."

Four hours later.

"Commander, this is bad!"

"The enemy warship has left the defense line!!"


Seth was shocked and quickly stepped forward to check.

On several screens monitoring the military bases within the Mars defense line, 70,000 warships all left the defense line.

"Where are they going?"

"This is the first time they have left the defense line in so many days..."

All the captains started discussing.

After a while, someone calculated the trajectories of the 70,000 warships.

"Commander, more than half of their 70,000 warships are heading for our current temporary base, and the remaining half have bypassed the asteroid belt and chosen a higher dimension. They seem to be detouring to Pluto..."


Milo was shocked, "We can't let them go to Pluto, the mothership is there!"

He exclaimed: "Quick, send a fleet to intercept them, we can't let them leave..."

The other captains looked at each other in confusion. When encountering an unexpected situation, they really didn't know whether to take the initiative to intercept it or continue to follow Moro's instructions and act as planned.

Compared to the mothership, Seth was more worried about the more than 50,000 warships rushing to them.

"There is no time to intercept them. Our top priority now is to deal with these more than 50,000 warships..."

Before Seth could finish speaking, Milo shouted, "My brother is still on the mothership, and the captain is in danger, can't you see that?!"

Seth frowned and said solemnly: "There are only more than 10,000 warships suspected of looking for the mothership. Even if it goes to Pluto, it will take more than twenty days. The mothership will deal with it if it finds it. Besides, there are other ships on the way.

The three major fleets..."

"Now, we should be the ones who feel the danger..."

"If these 50,000 warships are of the same technological level as our warships, if even one of them breaks into within 500,000 kilometers of us, we will be doomed..."

Seth was too lazy to explain to Milo and directly ordered: "Notify the ground that all personnel board the ship quickly and evacuate in 3 minutes..."

Their location is on an asteroid near Mars in the asteroid belt, and a complete mining area has been built.

But now, we can only abandon this base.

"Commander, won't we keep it?"

"What the hell, if the enemy's warships are comparable to ours, how can you defend them with your head?!"

Seth cursed angrily. He never thought that the enemy would leave the defense line and launch a counterattack.

"But, the captain ordered us to station here..."

"Stop talking nonsense. Even if the captain is here now, he will make the same decision as me. Now, I am issuing an order in the name of the commander, and everyone is quickly preparing to retreat!"

After saying that, he said nothing more and walked out of the base directly, boarding the command ship not far away.

The others saw this and after hesitating for a moment, they followed.

Compared with Moro's instructions, saving one's own life is obviously more important. Moreover, even if Moro blames it, it was Seth who gave the order, and they were just following orders.

Thanks to Mo Qing for the reward of 100,

This chapter has been completed!
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