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Chapter 10 Advance Team

 20 days later.

A wormhole emerged in the Proxima Galaxy, and a fleet of ten thousand battleships arrived.


As soon as the fleet arrived, the maximum power energy shield was activated.

Fortunately, there was no movement around and they were not attacked.

"Very good, it looks like we were the first to arrive!"

Ques glanced around and looked at the empty universe with a smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the gravitational wave detector was turned on and scanned the entire Proxima Galaxy. Apart from them, there was no other celestial body that looked like a spaceship.

However, he did not relax his vigilance and quickly said: "Let the reconnaissance troops spread out and search every planet..."

Naturally, nothing was found. With their level of technology, it was difficult to find the whale army that had been hidden in advance.

Ques was very satisfied and issued the same order as Dugo, letting the entire fleet hide nearby in the planet.

The universe became quiet again.

They didn't know that while the fleet was hiding, the Whale Legion had secretly marked their spaceship.

A month later, another fleet appeared in the Proxima Galaxy.

Like the Great Whale Legion and the Fire Fleet that arrived first, he believed that his own fleet arrived first and did not directly enter the solar system. Instead, he chose to hide.

The tiny Proxima Centauri actually hides three fleets of different civilizations at the same time.

"Haha, this fleet thought they were the first to come, but they were also hiding on this planet..."

Ques stayed in the newly built underground hidden base and laughed endlessly.

As everyone knows, not far from their hidden base, the people of the Great Whale Corps are also laughing at them.

Time passes bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

In the solar system, 2 million kilometers away from the wormhole, there is a military base built on Pluto fragments.

Zhao Yu was lying on a sofa, bored and asked: "How many people are there?"

It has been more than half a year since he came to the wormhole, and he was still very nervous at first, worried that he would be destroyed.

Who knew that no fleet had come in for so many days, which made him feel a little idle.

"Including level 3 civilization, Proxima Centauri has entered a total of 7 waves of fleets. According to the time of their arrival, they should not be together..."

Colonel Chu said with a smile, his expression no longer as nervous as before.

After more than half a year of development, they are now confident enough to deal with any attack from level 2 civilization.

Moreover, during this period, I also thought of how to delay time and delay the time for Level 3 civilization to attack them.

After Pluto exploded, millions of meteorites were formed, most of which were converted into military bases by Zhao Yu.

Countless warships have been produced, and even 20 sets of laser defense systems have been built.

Ensure that after one set is destroyed, a second set can be quickly replenished.

"Didi didi~~~!"

At this moment, the base's alarm sounded, and the two quickly stood up and entered the command center.

Inside, several staff officers were standing in front of the equipment with serious faces.

Seeing them coming in, he hurriedly greeted them, "Something happened, a fleet came out from Proxima Centauri..."

Zhao Yu turned to look at the screen. Sure enough, in the originally empty universe of the next galaxy, some larger battleships appeared not far away.

The distance between each battleship is equal, and there should be a large number of small battleships in the middle that they cannot see.

"Are they finally going to take action?!"

Zhao Yu regained his energy and prepared for more than half a year. The plan is finally about to begin.


Proxima Centauri.

"Damn it, our civilization won't be the last to come, right?!"

On a command ship, an intelligent being cursed and said.

"It has been so long since the two stars exploded, and there is no movement at all..."

"Could it be that within this 1,000 light-year range, we are the only civilization that dares to come here?!"

"It's possible, but I prefer that a fleet has already gone in and is waiting for us inside..."

"Captain Kotai, why don't you send a team in to take a look?!"

The counselors turned their heads and looked at the leader.

Kotai touched his beard, nodded slightly and said: "Then send a small team to go in and check the situation..."

Soon, a small team of ten battleships left the main force and came to the vicinity of the wormhole. After activating the wormhole, they traveled through it instantly.


"What are they doing?!"

Zhao Yu was a little confused. Over in the Proxima Galaxy, the fleet that left the planet was doing something unknown and was circling back and forth in one place.

"Sir, there should be a wormhole in the Proxima Galaxy. They should be building military fortifications around the wormhole..."

Colonel Chu heard a lot of robots calling Zhao Yu, and gradually started calling him that way.

Suddenly, he thought of another possibility and said quickly: "Is it possible that they have sent a spaceship over?!"

"It's possible. You can record the time and see how long it will take to travel through a wormhole at a distance of 4 light years..."

Zhao Yu nodded slightly.

These days, there are seven fleets arriving at Proxima Centauri, and each time they appear, they are at the same location, so they have basically locked the location of Proxima Centauri's wormhole.

Just as they thought, one day later, ten battleships appeared in the solar system.

"Enemy attack~~!"

Although this team came with the idea of ​​​​exploring a path, they felt that there was a high probability that there would be no other civilizations in the solar system.

Who knew, there might actually be an ambush here!

Countless lasers were fired at them from all directions.

"Quickly, activate the wormhole!!!"

"There's no way, it's a downward passage now, we have to wait for the wormhole to disappear before it can be activated again..."

The energy shields on the surface of the ten battleships have been opened to the limit, trying to survive this period of time.

Unfortunately, there are too many lasers, and they are 1,000 kilometers away from the wormhole, so there is no way to dodge them.

After a while, the energy shields of the ten battleships were breached.

"Damn it, blow it up!"


As a bright firework exploded, the reconnaissance team, which had traveled to the solar system for more than a minute, completely disappeared.

Also taken away was the first laser defense system.

"Quickly, replenish the second set of laser defense lines!"

At a military base 2 million kilometers away, Zhao Yu quickly sent an engineering ship to install a second set of defense lines.

In fact, there is more than one line of defense outside the wormhole. Under the advice of the staff group, Zhao Yu set up a total of three layers of defense.

The first layer of defense is 1,000 kilometers away from the wormhole. It has the smallest range and requires few base points, but the defense effect is very good and gives the enemy almost no chance to escape.

Apart from being killed by laser rays or the alien spacecraft exploding, there is no third way.

The second layer of defense is 800,000 kilometers away from the wormhole. This is an emergency defense line to prevent the enemy from coming in in batches and the first batch of fleets to self-destruct, leaving the first layer of defense with no time to replenish.

The third layer of defense is 1.5 million kilometers away. This is the last layer of defense within the safe distance of the temporary base.

If this layer is also broken, Zhao Yu and others will consider escaping from here on a shuttle ship.

"It took a total of about 29 hours from the time they traveled to our solar system..."

Colonel Chu also finished the calculation and said: "Currently, through the wormhole, one hour can travel a distance of 0.13 light years, and one day is 3.3 light years..."

Zhao Yu nodded and said with a smile: "Looking at it this way, they will know about the disappearance of their fleet tomorrow..."

"Not necessarily. If they agree on a return time in advance, they may not know it until three to five days or a week later..." Colonel Chu also laughed. From the current point of view, all the enemy's actions are within their expectations.
If this continues for three to five years, there will be no problem at all. By then, the high technology of Pangu civilization should be transmitted.

This chapter has been completed!
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