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Chapter 11 Reputation skyrockets!

"It's been two days, why haven't the investigation team come back yet?"

Ketai was a little puzzled and checked the gravitational wave detector carefully. There was silence in the solar system, and there was nothing like fortifications or battleships.

At this distance, the gravitational wave detector can only see objects with mass over 50 kilometers in diameter, so it is naturally impossible to see the situation clearly.

After waiting for another three or four days, Kotai became a little irritable and simply sent out another investigation team.


[Destroy an enemy warship and gain 1 technology point.]

[Destroy an enemy warship and gain 1 technology point.]


Ten prompts sounded in succession, and a smile appeared on Zhao Yu's face.

A battleship provides 1 technology point, which is really good news. As long as you destroy enough battleships, you may be able to quickly increase the civilization level.

The only thing we need to worry about is that the fleet of six Level 2 civilizations hidden in the Proxima Galaxy is not large enough.

While Zhao Yu was happily receiving technology points, the second laser defense system in the base had been re-arranged.

It only took half a day's work to arrange it successfully.


One week later.

Near the Proxima Centauri wormhole.

"What is there on the other side of the wormhole?!"

"Why didn't our two investigation teams come back?!"

Kotai frowned and asked the counselors below.

"Captain, is it possible that there is a trap on the other side of the wormhole, and a fleet has already passed through it in advance?!"

"Or maybe the two-star explosion was a trap from the beginning, to attract us..."

After thinking for a moment, Kotai said: "Suppose there is a trap on the other side of the wormhole, do you have a solution?!"


One person stood up and said: "We can send a warship over and explode directly. In this way, no matter what mechanisms are around, at least the traps within 500,000 kilometers will be cleared..."

"The warships clearing traps can move ten minutes ahead of the main force. This way they will not inadvertently injure their own people, and there will be no time for potential enemies to rearrange traps..."

At this time, someone else interjected: "There is no need for the large forces to follow. You can wait for the warships that have cleared the trap to pass by, and then send a small team to check the situation. No matter what the situation is inside, a warship must return quickly to report the situation."


Ketai nodded slightly, thinking this was a good idea, and discussed the details with everyone before giving the order to let one battleship go first, and another team of thirty battleships to cross the wormhole in ten minutes.


[Destroy 10 enemy warships and obtain 10 technology points.]

The second wave of enemies came very quickly, coming only a few days later.

Naturally, he could not escape the disaster. With the self-destruction, the second laser defense system deployed by Zhao Yuxin was also taken away.

"Next, the enemy should send warships to clear the trap..."

Colonel Chu said confidently: "After clearing the trap, there should be another team following closely behind. We can have the 88th fleet parked at 500,000 kilometers on standby, and we can quickly surround them when the aftermath is over..."


Zhao Yu nodded. Colonel Chu had predicted the first two waves of enemies correctly. He had to see with his own eyes whether the next third wave would be what he said.

"Just, are you sure you don't need to deploy the third laser defense system?!"

"It's not necessary. This third wave must be warships clearing traps. The instructions they received must be to explode as soon as they exit the wormhole. Therefore, we only need to put dozens of warships near the wormhole..."

The cost of a wormhole laser defense system is 50 million Blue Moon equivalent resources, which can be used to build 5,000 warships.

What dozens of warships can do, there is really no need to replace it with a laser defense system.

Zhao Yu thought for a while, even if Colonel Chu's prediction was wrong, there are still two layers of defense behind him, and the enemy cannot leave here. There is still room for remedy.

The next thing to do is to wait. Colonel Chu and others are watching the situation on the front line, while Zhao Yu returns to the room.

I opened the message from Uncle Da, it was about Bell's Comet.

"Sir, 8 billion humans are divided into 10,000 transport ships, with an average of 800,000 people per transport ship..."

"Nowadays, fights occur on every transport ship, and the total number of casualties has exceeded 100,000..."

"The temporary prison can no longer hold people. Councilor Zhou suggested that we could develop a few games to consume the energy of these young people?!"

Seeing this news, Zhao Yu was speechless for a while, "Humans are really an energetic race..."

Although these eight billion people were far away from home and went to Bell's Comet, they brought enough supplies with them to survive for fifty years.

As a result, some people are still restless, and there are always fights and fights out of jealousy every day.

In addition, there are many new and old grudges that are settled together.

In the previous information sent back by Uncle Da, the identities of the attacker and the beaten were mentioned many times. They used to have a superior-subordinate relationship at Blue Star, or a teacher-student relationship.

Originally, in Blue Star, everyone had a different social background, resulting in different behavioral logics. There were some conflicts between each other, and the weaker party could only keep it in his stomach.

But at Bell's Comet, everyone lives in small cubicles, receives the same meals every day, and has the same activity area.

Without the existence of privilege, the relationship between money and power changes instantly and becomes a fist-fist relationship. Whoever has a stronger fist is more powerful.

Although there is mediation by robots, the programming does not allow harm to humans. This allows humans who are familiar with the spacecraft environment and rules to start a new reorganization of social relationships.

Zhao Yu thought for a while and recorded the screen: "Don't humans have a group of soldiers who use virtual reality technology to learn to control spaceships?"

"Just make a virtual reality game based on how you control a spaceship for space battles, make more of this equipment, and give them one set..."

"The game content can be divided into basic driver's license, intermediate driver's license and advanced driver's license according to the level of control of the spacecraft..."

"Different levels of driver's licenses unlock different functions..."

"Only a premium driver's license can fully unlock game features..."

"In this way, we can not only train spacecraft pilots, but also consume their energy..."

"It would be best to add a leveling mechanism. Rank the ladder according to the level of controlling a spaceship in space battles. Those with high rankings will be rewarded..."

Zhao Yu touched his chin and said: "Aren't there senior Penguins on Bell's Comet? They are good at these things, and we can let them participate in the design..."

After thinking about it, pure game rewards are a bit empty. Zhao Yu added: "In addition to game rewards, getting a junior driver's license, intermediate driver's license and advanced driver's license will also provide some benefits that can be obtained in reality..."

Zhao Yu paused again. He still had to think about this kind of thing by himself. Uncle Da couldn't understand it.

After thinking for a moment, he continued: "There are a few entertainment facilities on the spaceship. Let's rebuild some transport ships and build some swimming pools or other types of entertainment projects..."

"The driver's license level determines the entertainment authority. The game rewards you with blue moon coins. Only with blue moon coins can you go to the entertainment boat..."

"In addition, the medical system has also been opened up. People with junior driver's licenses can take up to one person to the hospital ship and spend Blue Moon coins to scan the whole body..."

"Every disease has a price tag, it can't be too high or too low..."

The medical machine developed a year ago can cure almost all diseases suffered by human beings, but before it could be popularized, a series of things happened. Except for some seriously ill patients who received medical assistance, ordinary people did not know about this.


Now it can be used as a benefit to earn Blue Moon Coins from the game and enter the medical machine to treat hidden diseases.

According to the instructions, almost all human beings who have been treated by medical machines can live until the end of their lives.

Once popularization spreads, the average age of human beings can directly increase by a quarter, reaching 100 years old.

Zhao Yu thought for a while and then said: "If there is a serious condition that will die if not saved, you can treat and save the person first, and the cost will be paid in installments after the person survives..."

I have been reading management books recently, and Zhao Yu is very clear that money must be collected. To collect money for medical treatment, you must either not collect it at all, or collect it all.

Some people accept money, but some people just don't accept it because they look pitiful. This is not okay, nor is it okay to be emotional, nor is it okay to benefit mankind unconditionally. Fighting for favors and enmity will create a deformed society.

A key point is mentioned in many management books. If you want to manage a civilization well, the most important thing is to be orderly and reward and punish appropriately.

There is a story about Zigong, a student of Confucius who did good deeds but refused state compensation and rewards.

Confucius felt that Zigong was wrong. This incident would greatly increase Zigong's reputation, but it would make it difficult for other ordinary people to follow him and do good deeds.

This is equivalent to raising a moral standard that everyone can achieve to a level that is difficult for most people to reach. In the end, people will have no motivation to do good things.

As a result, things that can be done by most people will become things that only a few people can do.

In the past six months, as long as it was news about Bell's Comet, it was basically no good. Zhao Yu was tired of hearing it and decided to solve the problem once and for all.

It just so happens that after half a year of transformation, Blue Star has taken on a completely new look. When the war is over, the humans who have adapted to the rules on the spacecraft will be transferred back to Blue Star, and they will be able to travel seamlessly.

Zhao Yu recounted everything he had learned during this period. He stopped recording when his mouth was dry, packed them together and sent them back to the moon.


"The gravitational waves are abnormal near the wormhole. There should be a battleship coming through..."

Zhao Yu was reading a book when he suddenly received the news and hurried to the command center.

On the screen, the gravitational fluctuations near the wormhole began to expand.

"It's really amazing. It is known that gravitational waves only appear on celestial bodies with mass, but wormholes also bring their own gravitational waves when they appear. After the passage is completed, the gravitational waves disappear again..."

Colonel Chu was a little surprised, and there was no trace of nervousness at all.

Zhao Yu was affected by this and became much more relaxed.


After a while, the gravitational waves changed, and a curve that looked like a battleship appeared.

Just when the two were about to say something, the battleship disappeared in an instant, and the gravitational waves instantly became chaotic and spread in all directions.

Zhao Yu and Colonel Chu looked at each other. This familiar fluctuation was undoubtedly the situation after the battleship activated the particle black hole collapse bomb.

"It really exploded..."

Zhao Yu turned his head and glanced at Colonel Chu, and found that he was unfazed and staring half a million kilometers away, waiting for the aftershocks to end.

Seeing this, he didn't say much.

Soon, the aftershocks ended, and Colonel Chu hurriedly said: "Now, we can send the fleet over..."

Upon seeing this, Zhao Yu quickly ordered.

The 88th Fleet, waiting at a distance of 500,000 kilometers, turned on its power and flew towards the wormhole.

In less than three minutes, the 88th Fleet had already arrived near the wormhole and surrounded it.

After another seven minutes, the wormhole gravitational waves spread again.

"It's really here!"

Zhao Yu was a little surprised that Colonel Chu's prediction was so accurate and that the enemy really adopted this kind of attack method.

After a while, more than thirty warships appeared.

Without waiting for their reaction, the 88th Fleet opened fire directly according to established procedures.

"How is this possible?!"

The reconnaissance fleet was completely shocked. Wasn't the trap cleared?

Why are there still enemies?!

Without any time to think, they quickly changed their formation and began to defend and counterattack.

"Hold on until the wormhole is restored, and we can withdraw!"

The recovery time of the wormhole is very short, only 10 minutes, which is why Cotai Advisor recommends teleporting at 10-minute intervals.

But these 10 minutes were carefully calculated by Colonel Chu to ensure that the 88th Fleet could destroy the enemy before the time was up.

There was a fierce battle between the two sides. Limited by attack efficiency and power, the battleships belonging to the 88th Fleet fell very quickly, but they could not sustain enough numbers.

Often after the enemy destroys one warship, another one will replace it, and the attack never stops.

Finally, at the seventh minute, the enemy's 30 warships were reduced to two remaining.

By now, they also know that they can no longer escape.

"It's a pity that we can't tell the captain what happened to us..."

With the emergence of the micro black hole, the war ended, and the star field 500,000 kilometers outside the wormhole was cleared again.

All 30 enemy warships and thousands of warships from our own 88th Fleet were killed.

Seeing this, Colonel Chu smiled slightly and said: "Okay, the third laser defense system can enter the scene!"


Zhao Yu gave him a thumbs up.

I also have greater confidence in the follow-up plan. If it continues like this, it might really be delayed for three to five years.

[Destroy 30 enemy warships and obtain 30 technology points.]

In addition to this prompt sound, Zhao Yu was shocked to find that the reputation node had been broken through again.

[Mihui Civilization (Level 1): 8.9%, activate 5% nodes, gain 100 reputation.]

[Skybat Civilization (Level 1): 9.5%, activate 5% nodes, gain 100 reputation.]


Among the 13 level 1 civilizations, 6 reputation nodes suddenly began to skyrocket. After quickly exceeding 5%, they are still growing upwards.

Seeing that he was about to break through the 10% node, Zhao Yu glanced at the reputation exchange list and found that the place that originally showed nothing suddenly changed to [Redeemable Technology: 1.]

This chapter has been completed!
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