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Chapter 19 Video exposed!

 "We have obtained a total of five space agency-related vulnerabilities..."

"But now there is a question, that is when do we use these vulnerabilities?!"

"After all, the official is not just a freeloader. Every loophole will be blocked in half an hour at most..."

In four days, the Ghost Eye organization collected five loopholes that could ensure that they could invade the space agencies of the four major countries.

However, time is limited, and each invasion can only last up to half an hour.

But the lunar exploration plan is measured in days or even months. In the half hour they invaded, they may miss key content.

"The timing of the invasion is very important. We have to choose the most suitable time when they just discover something..."

"How do you know what they found?!"

"I have a way!"

Ghost Eye Four sent out a line of code and said with a smile: "I found an agreement. The four major countries signed an agreement to share intelligence..."

"This means that no matter which country discovers something, it must contact the other three countries..."

Guiyan San's eyes lit up, "You mean, as long as you keep an eye on their communication and close communication behavior, when they are most frequent, there will definitely be major news!"

"That's right!"

To directly hack into the space agency, you must use loopholes, but if you just monitor whether there are communications between the four major countries, it is still very easy.

"Hey, hey, hey, have you noticed that their communication is quite frequent now?!" Guiyanba interjected and casually sent out the frequency of communication between the four major countries in the last hour and the frequency of communication in the past four days.
Above, the frequency of communication in the last hour has been dozens or hundreds of times that of the past four days. In addition to official communications, there is a steady stream of signals sent from the space agencies of the four major countries to all parts of the world.

"Let's do it, they must have found something!"

"Which vulnerability should be used first?!"

"Don't use those from Daxia. They are the most troublesome. Don't touch them again at the end..."

"Then the Five Eyes Country?"

Many top hackers have easily penetrated into the Wuyan State Space Agency if they have vulnerabilities.

On a row of monitors, photos taken by the lunar rover began to appear.

"Holy shit, what are these?!"

Ghost Eye Three was startled. On the monitor next to him, there was an object that looked like an alien spacecraft, floating in mid-air.

"It's really alien technology..."

Naturally, other people saw it too, and they were all shocked.

Over the years, rumors of aliens have been circulating on the Internet, but they have never found them because there is no precise information in this regard within the major countries.

They finally understood why so many organizations spent a lot of money to buy this inside information. It is conceivable that once this kind of thing is exposed, it will definitely shock the world.


"Isn't it possible to mass-produce the Star Destroyer Cannon?!"

In the lunar base, Zhao Yu had a headache. After finally saving up technology points for so long, he finally got the technology line for the Star Destroyer Cannon.

After it was manufactured, it was discovered that there was no way to mass-produce it.

"The resources of our planet are too scarce. In a few years, we have only collected a portion of the rare earths needed for construction. In addition, we still lack some necessary mineral elements..."

This is not the first time that we have been trapped by resources.

When Zhao Yu first started his business, he excitedly built a nuclear fusion power plant. However, he was told that this was only the first generation of nuclear fusion, and the raw materials needed were deuterium and tritium. The exploration team collected them for more than half a year, but only found a small amount.

Of deuterium, no tritium was found.

Later, Zhao Yu endured hunger and saved a lot of technology points to upgrade the technology of nuclear fusion power plant to the second generation.

The raw materials required for nuclear fusion have become deuterium and helium 3. Although there is not much deuterium, you can find some, and helium 3 is very abundant.

Zhao Yu does know a place where there is a large amount of deuterium and tritium, that is, the earth's oceans. One-tenth of a ton of sea water is hydrogen, and deuterium, deuterium and tritium happen to be isotopes of hydrogen, which can be said to be inexhaustible.


But at that time, he thought he was in deep space, so he naturally didn't think about going to other planets to collect resources.

"We are so close to the earth now. If we send a mine cart there..."

Zhao Yu looked around and found that the existing mine carts were all used underground and on the ground, and could not go to space at all.

"It seems that we have to find a way to build a spaceship and go to the earth to mine..."

With limited technology points, Zhao Yu focused all his attention on the base and deployed various defensive measures in the past.

There is very little research on spaceships, but as long as he has the technology, it shouldn't be difficult for him to build a spaceship that is not noticed by the earth in a short time.


"This is the Lunar Intelligence Station. I am the anchor Juejue. Dear viewers, at the beginning of the video, we will play a thirty-second video..."

"The first angle of view we are seeing now is the lens of a lunar exploration rover from Wuyan State. In front of it, you can see another lunar exploration rover..."

"Besides, what else did you see?!"

"In the upper left corner of the video, there is a flying stone!"

"When I saw this stone for the first time, I was also surprised. Why can the stone fly?!"

"But if you look carefully, you will find that this is a stone disguised as an alien machine..."

As the anchor narrated, in the picture, the stone floating in mid-air was approaching the lunar rover in front, and a large number of nanorobots were released from it.

"Did you see it? This small spaceship disguised as a stone began to capture the exploration vehicle..."

"This is not over yet. At the end of the video, it will also capture the exploration vehicle we are in..."

The host Jue Jue’s words no longer mattered. Everyone who saw this video stared at the screen with their eyes wide open.

Under the stone, nanorobots full of technology have fully explained the truth.

Aliens really exist!

This chapter has been completed!
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