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Chapter 20 Launch nuclear bombs to destroy aliens!

 "We want the truth!"

"We have the right to know!"

On the exotic streets, countless men and women wore camouflage makeup, held posters and banners, and raised their hands in protest.

Colonel Chu watched several videos in a row. The contents were all similar, and he lost interest in continuing to watch them.

"Damn it, who the bastard leaked the lunar rover video?!"

General Manager Yang was a little angry and agreed to hide it from the public, but now it has become a global sensation.

"Looking at the style of the lunar rover, it should be Wuyanbang..."

Colonel Chu shook his head and said: "Now is not the time to talk about this. We have been asked to find ways to reduce the impact. What can you do?!"

"What can I do? As a scientific researcher, how can I understand this?!" Chief Engineer Yang spread his hands helplessly.

"In this case, let me tell you my method..."

Colonel Chu smiled slightly and said: "The video has been exposed and is popular all over the world. It is difficult to delete it and it cannot be blocked..."

"As the saying goes, it is better to block than to open up. Instead of blocking, it is better to guide..."

Chief Engineer Yang was a little curious and quickly said: "What are you going to do?!"

"I have contacted my friends in Zhudian and found a crew that has filmed moon-themed movies and asked them to shoot a similar video, but many loopholes were added to it..."


"Yes, for example, there is wind on the moon..."

"For another example, the moon has a sound..."

"Of course, these loopholes will be made very obscure. On the surface, they are similar to the videos that have been circulated. They only differ in details..."

Chief Engineer Yang was a little confused, "Is this possible?"

Colonel Chu raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's absolutely no problem. What people want is not the truth, but the sense of superiority that one has more than ordinary people..."

"Ahem, let's not talk nonsense. I have contacted most of the Internet trolls and asked them to take the lead and guide the video in the direction of some alien enthusiasts sensationalizing..."

"Internet trolls, will they do it?!"

"If you dare not do it, replace the group of people leading them..."


Chief Engineer Yang was speechless. He was backed by a violent organization and his words were different. Becoming a teammate with such a person...how to say, it was a bit cool.

He originally thought that Colonel Chu would focus most of his energy on this matter, but who knew, he just made a few phone calls and everything was settled.

I still have some free time to inspect the expert building next door.

Looking at Colonel Chu's back, Chief Engineer Yang sighed that this man was so handsome.


"How about it, have you figured it out? Does the alien aircraft rely on anti-gravity or magnetic levitation?!"

As soon as he entered the door, Colonel Chu asked straight to the point.

Compared to the secondary technology of nanorobots, the higher-ups want to obtain the technology of low-altitude levitation of alien spacecraft.

"Well, it should be magnetic levitation..."

An old man stood up as a representative and explained: "Anti-gravity is also called anti-gravity technology. The technological level is very high..."

"Anti-gravity technology is still in the stage of theoretical perfection in the earth science community, and all experiments are immature, or only scratch the surface..."

"On the contrary, our scientific community has already done some research on magnetic levitation technology, which is considered to be at the primary entry stage..."

"With our current technology, it is possible to levitate like that device. We only need to overcome the magnetic rudder gimbal frame, superconducting electromagnetic coil group, micro nuclear power supply, magnetic drive frame and other technologies.


"According to speculation, this can be achieved in another thirty to fifty years. This shows that the technological level of this equipment has not surpassed us by much..."

"Whether it is nanorobots or signal shielding methods, they are all within the range that we can predict and spy on..."

"On the contrary, anti-gravity technology will not be developed on earth within at least one or two thousand years..."

"The integrated technology level of an alien device should be similar, not thousands of years old, just like we don't install telegraph machines in our homes or carry BB machines on our bodies...

"So, we all agree that this alien collector uses magnetic levitation technology..."

Colonel Chu was startled for a moment and said doubtfully: "It's not an alien spacecraft?!"


The old man shook his head, "Judging from its function, it should be just a low-power machine for collecting materials..."

Colonel Chu nodded, and after a while, he asked: "According to your calculations, how much ahead of the Earth are the aliens on the moon in terms of technology?!"

"Judging from this alien collector alone, it is only fifty to one hundred years ahead..."


Another five days have passed.

There has been no progress in the search and rescue of the three astronauts.

Under the strategic guidance of Colonel Chu, discussions about aliens on the Internet have gradually become sparse.

Since the official does not recognize aliens, ordinary people will continue to live their lives.

On this day, the four major countries held an emergency video conference.

"Without any more polite words, let me make a summary first..."

On the stage, Colonel Chu was the first to stand up and said: "In the past few days, we have launched a total of 113 small lunar exploration vehicles to the moon..."

"102 of the exploration vehicles lost contact and were captured by alien collectors..."

"The remaining 11 exploration vehicles are still working..."

"According to analysis, the reason why the 11-search exploration vehicle was not captured seems to be related to the activity range of the alien collector..."

As he spoke, he uploaded a picture densely packed with dots and lines of various colors.

"The numbers represent the numbers of the 113 exploration vehicles..."

"The white dots represent the locations where each exploration vehicle landed..."

"The red dot represents the location where they were finally captured and lost contact..."

"The connection between the red dots and the white dots is the trajectory they walk on the moon..."

"Those 11 green dots are exploration vehicles that have not been captured yet..."

"Now, we connect the outermost red points with lines and get an orange line..."

"This is an irregular circle. According to statistics, the closer it is to the center of the circle, the faster the lunar exploration rover will be captured..."

"On the contrary, in the fringe zone, like the Exploration Rover 88, it wandered on the lunar surface for three days before being captured by an alien collector..."

Following Colonel Chu's words, people in the meeting started talking a lot.

"Is there any pattern in this?"

"The frequency of arrests is higher near the center of the circle?!"

At this time, Thomas stood up.

"These are not important. We knew it two days ago..."

"According to speculation, there may be an alien base at the center of the circle, or an alien spacecraft hidden underground or invisible!"

"That's right!"

Colonel Chu nodded and said: "In addition to these two points, we have another speculation, that is, there may be some indigenous people living inside the moon, and they have now been explored from underground to the surface..."

Thomas rolled his eyes. In the report he received, this possibility was only 0.01%, which was nothing compared to the other two possibilities.

He said directly: "Stop talking nonsense, what we mean is to launch multiple rockets loaded with nuclear weapons and project them to the center of the circle. Whether it is a hidden alien base or a stealthy alien spacecraft, completely eliminate them!"

This chapter has been completed!
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