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Chapter 34 It’s time to establish your authority!

 "Does the Earth dare to challenge us?"

Zhao Yu didn't believe it. He felt that the higher-ups on the earth were not that stupid. They dared to mess around without even knowing their details.

At least he wouldn't dare to do this if it were him.

"That's the truth!"

"Maybe it's really an accident. Don't rush to conclusions."

Zhao Yu shook his head slightly and said: "Let Bajie negotiate and see what happens."


United Earth Defense Agency.

"Thomas, you Miyinbang should give us an explanation and give the aliens an explanation!"

Colonel Chu looked a little ugly. This accident shocked the higher-ups, who put pressure on him many times to calm down the anger from the aliens on the moon.

But now, he has no evidence that Shi Zhui Mi Yin Bang is doing anything.

"What's the explanation? We don't want to have a rocket failure!" Thomas looked dissatisfied and said: "A rocket is very expensive and has so many precious resources. Moreover, our Miyinbang is missing a rocket watch. I think

, you three countries should give us some compensation!"

These words made the representatives of the other three countries a little angry. How could people be so shameless?

"If we don't talk about it here, if aliens come to visit us, what are you going to do with Miyin State?!"

"What to do?!"

Thomas said with a smile: "Our technology is backward and the rocket malfunctions. Can you blame us?!"

During the conversation, Liu Ning suddenly stood up.

"Zhang Yixia's call is here!"

The whole place suddenly fell silent.

Colonel Chu gave her a gesture to take it.

The call is connected.

The projection appeared, and this time, beside Zhang Yixia, there was Bajie.

Sure enough, it’s here!

Everyone was shocked. This supervisor must be representing aliens.

"Sister Xia, I just got the news that one of our rockets malfunctioned, which almost caused a catastrophe. I'm really sorry..."

Zhang Yixia was about to speak, but Bajie on the side said calmly: "Ask your leader to come out and speak!"

Liu Ning suddenly panicked and looked at Colonel Chu.

Colonel Chu took a deep breath and slowly walked to Liu Ning's side.

Let her turn on the half-open mirror and take in the surrounding small environment.

Seeing Colonel Chu appear on the scene, Bajie didn't waste any time and said straight to the point: "On the moon, one of your rockets aimed at the entrance of our base and exploded. What does that mean?!"

Colonel Chu pursed his lips and said apologetically: "This is really unexpected. We didn't expect this to happen. As you know, our earth has just entered the space field, and space navigation is still in the rocket stage..."<


Bajie interrupted: "This explosion directly activated the automatic defense system of our base. This situation, on our side, is a declaration of war..."

Colonel Chu glared at Thomas fiercely, and could only bite the bullet and talk about the earth's technological backwardness, and how fortunately there was no loss to you this time, etc.

He made it very clear that the conflict with Miyinbang was an internal conflict, while the conflict with the aliens was an external conflict.

When facing aliens, we cannot clean ourselves up and leave the blame to Miyinbang. Doing so is short-sighted.

"No losses?"

Bajie sneered and said: "In order to prevent your rocket from exploding, we activated the energy shield and consumed a huge amount of resources. How can this be counted?!"

"We are willing to compensate. As long as the friendship between the two parties is not damaged, we can accept any loss within a reasonable range."

"How about five times the compensation for the resources in this transaction?" Bajie directly offered a number.

Colonel Chu hesitated for a moment. This resource was not huge. Any one of the four major countries could provide it, but he said it would not count.

"Shall we discuss this?"


Communication hung up.

Colonel Chu turned to look at Thomas and said: "You have heard what I just said. Five times the resources of this transaction will come from your country!"


Thomas cried out like a duck that had been stepped on, "This is too much. How could their energy shield use so many resources..."

The two sides discussed this issue.

No matter what Colonel Chu said, Thomas would not let go. In the end, his eyes flickered, "Unless..."

"Unless what?!"

"Unless the aliens can let us see how much resources they have really lost, then no matter how much it is, we, Miyin State, will admit it!"

Colonel Chu's eyelids twitched and he couldn't believe it, "You still haven't given up yet?!"

During the conversation, Thomas called back to China several times. He thought he was going to ask if it would be okay to pay five times the resources. Who knew that the answer he got was to test the aliens again?!

When Thomas saw this, he stopped pretending and said with a smile: "The aliens' defense system is indeed very powerful, the energy shield. Our earth has not yet started in this regard..."

"But, have you noticed that their negotiations were weak?"

He smiled crookedly and said: "If they really had strong attack methods, they would have come here long ago. In the end, during the negotiation, they just asked for compensation..."

Colonel Chu frowned and said: "This is what you think. We in Daxia have always been about courtesy first and then fighting. Aliens should also think this way..."

"Be courteous before fighting. That is the way for a weak country to kidnap a strong country with its morality. A truly strong country should use its strength to crush it..." Thomas did not take it seriously and strengthened his belief. After speaking, he smiled and said: "If you don't agree, you can

, you can make up for the resources the aliens want, and we don’t have any objections..."

Colonel Chu felt powerless and could only call back to see what the above said.

Half an hour later, he got the order to wait and see what happens.

This shows that the superiors also felt that the aliens' reaction was too weak, unlike the attitude of a high-ranking person facing a low-ranking person, and they acquiesced to Mi Yinbang's tentative move.

Colonel Chu did not agree with this, but he had no choice but to get out of the way and let Thomas go to negotiate.

The call is reconnected.

"How's your discussion going?" Bajie glanced at the new people around Liu Ning. He was a little confused as to why the earth's leader, who didn't know how to negotiate, had changed people, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Thomas smiled and said: "Compensation is okay, but we feel that if we can see the specific consumption of the base's energy shield, no matter how much resources we have, we are willing to compensate..."

Bajie frowned and said: "The base energy shield is the core of the base's defense. I can't show you this kind of thing..."

Seeing Bajie's weak attitude, Thomas was very proud and said with a smile: "Then there's nothing we can do. My friend, why don't you go back and ask your leaders if it's okay?!"

The call was hung up again.

Bajie turned to look at Zhao Yu and said with a smile: "Boss, how am I pretending? Do I look like a leader?!"

Zhao Yu rolled his eyes, shook his head and said, "You are too soft!"

As an Earthling, he has already heard the meaning of temptation from Thomas.

But this is a real-time call, and he can't interrupt for fear that the other party will hear it.

From here, he suddenly discovered that the bionic people under his hands, no matter how human they were, were not real people.

Without the seven emotions and six desires, even if a set of procedures are set up, it is still a very rational and logical behavior. On the other hand, humans will have some irrational situations.

For example, in this situation, Bajie should be furious, feeling offended as a high-ranking alien, etc., but Bajie doesn't understand this and can't show it at all.

In addition, Zhao Yu also discovered a problem.

The main development direction of his base is science and engineering, and the seven basic disciplines are all about the laws of nature.

Like other disciplines produced within human groups, the fields of liberal arts such as sociology, philosophy, economics, humanities and arts, linguistics, psychology, etc. are very poor.

Just like Bajie, the upper limit of all skills related to social and interpersonal communication is Zhao Yu's own upper limit, and in most cases it is not as good as Zhao Yu himself.

"Now, people on Earth probably think that we don't have any means of attack..."

"I think we are soft persimmons and can be manipulated at will!!!"

Zhao Yu pondered for a moment, made up his mind, and said slowly: "It seems that I am looking for an opportunity to fire a cannon, show off my force, establish my authority, and let the people on earth know my position!"

This chapter has been completed!
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