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Chapter 35 Netizens in the Western Hemisphere can make a wish on a shooting star!

 [Mission: Show force and launch a Star Destroyer Cannon towards the Earth. Reward: 1000 technology points.]

Zhao Yu didn't expect that as soon as he had the idea of ​​establishing his authority, the system gave him a task.

And the task is for him to launch a Star Destroyer Cannon towards the Earth.

No, I don’t want to destroy the earth!!!

Zhao Yu’s head is pounding, this is a Star Destroyer Cannon!

In his imagination, to establish his power, he just fired a laser cannon or electromagnetic cannon to randomly blow up two uninhabited islands to show his force.

As a result, the system became a king.

Although he doesn't want to destroy the earth, Zhao Yu is greedy for 1,000 technology points.

After thinking for a while, he asked: "Uncle Da, if you fire a Star Destroyer Cannon towards the Earth, can you do it without hurting anyone?"

Uncle Da was startled for a moment, then showed ecstasy and responded repeatedly: "I'll figure it out..."

After a while, he gave an area.

"Pacific Ocean?"

This place is okay, it's a vast ocean, far away from the mainland, and rarely visited.

"This is the farthest place from human activity areas. Direct release will not hurt anyone, but there will be some minor effects later..."

"What impact?"

"It can probably push the Eurasian continental plate 10 centimeters westward..."


Zhao Yu was stunned. Moved the plate 10 centimeters?

"Uh, Uncle Da, please explain in detail all the impacts after the Star Destroyer Cannon was fired..."

"Well... taking the center of the shooting range as a dot, all objects within the surrounding 520,000 cubic kilometers will vaporize and disappear..."

"The explosion will produce a shock wave that can spread up to kilometers, which means that most of the planet can feel the obvious shock..."

"Within the 160,000 square kilometers of the explosion range, all creatures that look directly at the explosion point will be blinded..."

"In addition, the electromagnetic pulse waves generated after the explosion will disrupt global radio signal reception, and global communication systems and radar systems will be paralyzed..."

"The atmosphere above the explosion point will rupture, and it is expected to take about a year to automatically repair..."

"Before the atmosphere is repaired, the amount of cosmic radiation received by this area increases, and direct sunlight exposure to humans can cause skin cancer..."

After listening, Zhao Yu looked confused and said after a while: "This is called a small influence?!"

"Of course!"

Uncle Da nodded and said: "You are too merciful. As I say, fire a Star Destroyer Cannon at the place where they are most densely gathered to ensure that they stay honest..."

The most densely populated place?

A scene just appeared in Zhao Yu's mind, and the next second, he felt a palpitation in his heart, as if some kind of terror was coming to kill him.

The power of God is unfathomable!

I don’t dare anymore!

"Stop talking, let me be quiet!"

Zhao Yu rubbed his temples, feeling that this task was not easy to complete.


Daxia Space Administration.

Mr. Yang’s eyes were bloodshot and he hadn’t slept for a whole day.

"Where is the KADP-asteroid?"

"It is 2.11 million kilometers away from the earth. It is expected to pass by the earth in one day. There is a 3% probability of hitting the earth..."

"When will it be determined whether this asteroid will hit the Earth?"

"It depends on how the earth's gravity works..."

"Can't it be calculated?"

"There are too many interfering factors in the cosmic environment, and the experts on the team are already working hard..."

Chief Engineer Yang took a deep breath. He did not expect that four days ago, there was only a 0.01% chance of an asteroid hitting the earth. Now, there is a 3% chance.

This number is already huge, and the worst news is that as the asteroid gets closer to the earth, the probability will become larger and larger.

"General Engineer Yang, Miyin State, Five Eyes State and Northern Bear State held an emergency meeting to discuss the asteroid impact on the earth..."


On the Internet, news about the KADP-asteroid that is about to hit the earth has gone viral.

Even though the official has never disclosed any information, it still cannot stop private astronomy enthusiasts from taking the initiative to discover it.

"This is not a self-media, this is the Association for the Exploration of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Just four days ago, we discovered a new asteroid..."

"This asteroid has a diameter of 50 kilometers and a speed of Mach 80..."

"The most important thing is that this asteroid is flying towards the earth..."

"According to calculations, this asteroid has a 3% probability of hitting the earth!"

At first, people didn’t care, thinking it was just like before, it was some self-media sensationalizing.

But as more and more authoritative private astronomical research enthusiasts come forward, they show that there is indeed a high probability that this asteroid will hit the earth.

The whole world is boiling!

"The end of the world?!"

"Is the Earth about to restart?!"

"There may be a zombie virus on that asteroid. Brothers, prepare your apocalyptic chariot..."

"Haha, I have already built a shelter and welcome beauties...men not allowed!"

Most netizens are still commenting with a playful attitude.

However, some people have begun to check the information about this asteroid.

"65 million years ago, the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs was only 10 kilometers in diameter, but the asteroid flying now has a diameter of 50 kilometers..."

"Those who are looking forward to fighting zombies can go to sleep. Once this asteroid hits the earth, human beings will definitely be worse off than the dinosaurs. The greatest possibility is that they will be wiped out, including but not limited to humans, and perhaps all earthly creatures, whether they are walking on land or not.

Whether they are flying in the sky or swimming in the water, they will completely disappear..."

At the beginning, people were still very optimistic, thinking that the 3% probability was not high and that the earth's luck would not be that bad.

Who knows, in just half a day, the probability of the asteroid hitting the earth suddenly skyrocketed.

"Latest news, the KADP-asteroid is 1.05 million kilometers away from the earth. Its trajectory begins to change, and it seems to be captured by the earth's gravity..."

"Release the data directly. According to my friend who works at the space agency, the probability of this asteroid hitting the earth is already as high as 15%..."

Panic began to spread.

People began to rush for supplies.

Some people even moved their families into the subway station.

As the noise grew louder and louder, everyone in the world knew the news more or less, and even after being affected, countries finally came to an end.

"KADP- is a passing passenger and will not hit the earth. Please don't panic too much. Please also ask unscrupulous self-media not to exaggerate anxiety..."

"This is an expert online column. This time, we invited expert Wang Defa. He is a famous astronomy researcher in my country and a world-renowned cosmic observation expert. He has discovered 13 asteroids, including one named after him. Name..."

"Mr. Wang Defa, what do you think about the news that some self-media on the Internet said that the asteroid KADP may hit the earth?!!"

"Haha, I only have four words for the fake news released by these private experts!"

"Which four words?!"

"What nonsense!"

Wang Defa said confidently: "This asteroid will never hit the earth, it will only pass by the earth. By then, netizens in the Western Hemisphere will be blessed and can make a wish on the meteor..."

This chapter has been completed!
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