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476. Heaven

Eye Demon Geer has become a devout Sunshine Cultist. No, to be precise, he is now the high priest of the church, responsible for listening to the oracle!

After all, he was the first person to come into contact with that file.

That dossier is now called the Holy Book and is placed in the temple of the Holy City. It is something that all believers must worship.

What Geer has to do every day is to get up early, take people to worship the holy scriptures, and then come to the holy slope to pray.

Holy Slope is a hillside outside the city. Some people saw green grass growing here before and thought it was a miracle, so it became a holy place. Moreover, this is not a lie. They did find freshly withered grass and trees here.

traces, which is impossible in the Twilight City where the gods are dead.

Today is the day of prophecy.

The worship behavior of Sunshine Cult reached its peak.

But where the Sunshine Sect’s orthodoxy lies has never been determined.

Of course, Geer believes that he is orthodox, and their doctrine is divine salvation, and the gods who are about to appear will redeem them.

Some branches believe that one must exercise strict self-denial and refrain from killing or cannibalism.

Other branches belong to the Destruction Faction, which believes that the arrival of the gods is not a good thing for the beholders, a race that only arises after dusk. Perhaps the promised paradise is not prepared for them at all. When the gods reward them,

All beholders will be punished.

Different branches attack each other, each claiming to be orthodox.

There are also people who just want to have fun and think that maybe this is all a prank and the gods will not come at all. Then maybe a few people will come out and say sorry to everyone, we are all lying to you.

As long as a Lezi person does not truly believe, he will not be hurt and will always be invincible.

The timing of the Twilight City is based on the subtle changes of a plant. When its leaves stand upright, it is the beginning of the day. Then, the leaves will gradually shrink until they stand up again at midnight.

In other words, Twilight City designed its own foreign time base according to this rule.

After all, it's dusk, and no one is seriously calculating what time it is.

When the day began, everyone gathered around the city felt a little different.

The believers who had finished their pilgrimage felt that something was different at dusk.

"Look, is it a little brighter over there?"

"It's an illusion, aren't they all the same color?"

"Really, I think it's definitely brighter than before."

"No way, isn't it still the same color?"

"Really, I also noticed that there seemed to be some light!"

Those people looked at the horizon, and in the gloomy and unchanging dusk, there seemed to be some light bursting out.

The next moment, just as everyone was looking at the sky, a beam of light pierced the clouds and shone straight on the earth.

The light seemed to have substance, like a finger lighting up the earth.

In the dusty air, the light brought tears to the eyes.

Although the beholder had no tears, they still opened their four eyes wide, trying to take in this miraculous scenery and engrave it into the depths of their memory.

The next moment, more light pierced the darkness, and the dusk that lasted for hundreds of years in the Twilight City came to an end.

The sun shines on the earth, and it is so bright that it stings the eyes and makes it difficult to open them.

Bathed in the sunshine, the beholders cheered for joy, and countless people had tears in their eyes, crying in their arms like children.

At this moment, the heresies, disputes, and arguments about who is orthodox in the Sunshine Sect no longer matter.

Everyone ran wildly in the sunshine, feeling the joy that had not lasted for a hundred years.

At this time, someone discovered that a ruins suddenly appeared in the wilderness outside the city.

The ruins look decayed, but there are towering objects everywhere, full of grandeur and indifference.

"This is paradise?"

The beholders had already thought that the gods were resurrected when they saw the blazing sunshine, but at this moment, the appearance of this ruins confirmed the content of the prophecy.

God is really back!!!

While everyone was excited and excited, the Sunshine Sect captured a group of people who had previously thought the prophecies were false and were trying to undermine the Sunshine Sect's missionary activities.

They believed that these might be malicious, fallen beings from darkness, trying to hinder the coming of God.

They must be punished!!!

These dozens of people were escorted in front of Geer, who glanced at them.

"I will count your sins, and God will punish you with divine punishment."

Geer waved his hand.

“The first is the sin of pride.”

It took him a while to read out the charges, and then, the beholders standing behind the prisoners raised their swords and cut them all off in public.

Later, he asked people from the Sunshine Sect to stop those who tried to enter the paradise early.

"Paradise should only be accessible to those who devote themselves wholeheartedly. We should set up a review body at the door to judge everyone's qualifications."

Geer and the believers gave some instructions and then came to the gate of the paradise.

"I will be the first to step into paradise and welcome God's grace."

He walked into the paradise with several beholders, surrounded by gray fog. Then, Geer saw a strange building. In the building, sitting a beholder surrounded by smoke and with a yellowish body.

"You need to buy a ticket to enter the amusement park."

The other party said.

"Buy a ticket?"

This word in the language of the beholder means to pay. The beholder usually has no concept of economy, and usually only barters, or robs after taking a fancy to it. The current meaning is probably to give him something.

"Everyone, to enter paradise, you must work hard. Those who do not work cannot be saved. This article must be recorded in the holy scriptures."

Geer ordered.

People around him nodded in agreement.

Then, Geer thought for a while and immediately started to vomit.

The beholder's stomach is very large and can hold a lot of food. When they can't find food in desolate places, they use these stored grains to survive.

Soon, Ger vomited out a ball of semi-digested meat, which was still stained with a lot of saliva, enough for Ger to eat for two days.

"This should be enough for the few of us."

Geer piously and solemnly placed the piece of meat on the table in front of the other party.

The beholder with a yellowish body took one look at it and dismissed him with slight disgust. He hesitated for a moment.

"Go in, here is the tour guide."

He handed several tour brochures to Ger.

"This is an oracle, a real oracle, and the code of paradise. I must write this down, remember this, and publicize it to everyone."

Geer said excitedly.

He and others walked inside, and they suddenly discovered that the building that originally looked dilapidated from the outside was actually bright and full of life. Wonderful music echoed in their ears, and the aroma of food came from it, which seemed to be full of energy.


"This is here, this is heaven!"

Geer couldn't help shouting excitedly.

This chapter has been completed!
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