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Chapter 459: The Age of Flow

Wen Sibao drove the police car very fast, and soon brought everyone to an urban village on the outskirts of Dongcheng, which was also known as the "14th Company" to people in Lao Mobei City.

Nowadays, the city is developing better and better, so the 14th Company has gradually become a famous "retirement village". Most of the retired elderly people do not want to live in the city, so they choose to accompany them here after they settled and guarded the border.

The result of hard work.

Old people sunbathing can be seen everywhere at the door of small bungalows on the roadside. As police cars drive by, the surrounding environment becomes more and more desolate, and even the road has changed from the original asphalt road to a gravel road.

The police car continued to drive forward for about 5 kilometers. Wen Sibao finally stopped the car and said to the two people behind him: "We're here, this is where F4 and their live broadcast are."

After a few people got out of the car, they immediately saw the dilapidated dormitory building made of red bricks in front of them.

This dormitory building is older than Xu Tiannan, and it was also home to the earliest colleges and universities in 1978, when Mobei was founded.

As the wave of reform and opening up spread across the country that year, this public college also reached its peak of glory at that time.

But soon, the construction of Mobei City got better and better. This college was finally moved to the city after restructuring 7 years ago, that is, in early 2004, and the original teaching buildings and dormitory buildings were directly destroyed.

Packaged and sold to the 14th Company Village Government.

The village government's purchase of the building caused quite a stir at the time. Most people in the village committee thought that the village chief had lost his mind and borrowed a large amount of money from the bank to buy these two useless buildings.

of dilapidated buildings.

While everyone was gossiping behind their backs, the village chief went out of his way to build independent optical fiber and water, electricity and heating pipes for the two dilapidated buildings, and then issued an unprecedented investment announcement to the city.

For the village committee, a group of village cadres with a combined age of more than 1,000, they were immediately confused when they learned about the investment project planned by the village chief, because no one had heard of "Internet celebrities" and "games".

What exactly is a "studio"?

However, thinking determines the way out, and in the end, the investment process also made everyone understand the truth, that is, a person's vision determines the upper limit of that person's wealth.

Because at that time in 2004, Mobei City was in a period of rapid development, and the rents of large and small commercial buildings and even residential buildings in the city were rising all the way.

Therefore, just when emerging industries such as "Internet celebrities" and "game studios" are about to die due to high rents, these two dilapidated buildings with extremely low rents in 14th Company instantly become a life-saving straw in everyone's eyes.


In less than a month, Internet celebrities of all sizes gathered in these two dilapidated old buildings and suddenly became representatives of emerging industries in Mobei City.

Since then, in this remote and desolate place, it has been constantly popular 24 hours a day. You can often hear the shouts and curses of young people playing games, and various live broadcasts of unspeakable scale.

At this moment, just as Wen Sibao and Xu Tiannan were walking towards the "Midnight Ghost" workroom on the fourth floor, the delicate voices of girls could be heard constantly along the way.

——"Thank you family members for your free attention!"

——"Thank you, brother! Thank you to my brother for helping me beat her! Come on, brother!"

——"Come on, family members, you've all seen the building opposite us, right? Assistant! Put that building on the shelves for 9 yuan and 9! No one can stop me. Even if Jesus comes today, I won't be able to use it."

, I will seek benefits for my family!"

Xu Tiannan really didn't understand what these people were doing. The bowls of instant noodles stacked at the door were as tall as one person, but they always did things that were inconsistent with the current economic strength.

Exquisite makeup, expensive live broadcast peripherals, and sets of high-end clothes form a strong contrast with the instant noodle bowls piled at the door. At the same time, among this pile of garbage, you can also see a few quilts.

A bunch of bank reminder statements.

"Thank you, brother, little baby! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"

Suddenly a man's voice came from the room next to him. Xu Tiannan glanced in casually, but was almost frightened to death on the spot.

A man with unshaved legs, wearing a colorful jk suit and a golden wig on his head, was posing at the screen with a rough yet delicate voice.

"I'll go! What the hell is this!"

Murong Shui was really shocked by the dignity of the other man. However, when she looked carefully, she found that what was displayed on the screen was a fair-skinned and tender girl.

"This, this, this...isn't this a scam?"

As Murong Shui spoke, he felt that the hairs all over his body stood up, and he couldn't help but wonder in his heart whether those charming beauties he had seen online were actually rough men like this behind the screen.

After several people passed through a row of studios that smelled strongly of smoke, they finally climbed to the fourth floor of the dormitory.

Wen Sibao led a few people to a door with a sign saying "Midnight Ghost" and knocked on the door. After waiting for a long time, the door was pushed open through a small gap.

A man with dark circles on his face poked his head out. When he saw Xu Tiannan, he immediately grabbed a life-saving straw and hurriedly ushered several people into the house. He said in horror: "Tiannan! You...you are finally here.

Ah! You are the best student we have ever had, please save me! Ah Wu and A Ye are both dead, and I will be next, please save me!"

Xu Tiannan recognized the other person at a glance as Ayou, the third eldest boy in Mobei F4. This person was a social butterfly among boys in school back then. From grade 1 to grade 4, there was no one he could not talk to.

But Ayou was so decadent at the moment that she seemed to be several dozen years older. Her eyes were full of fear and uneasiness. She looked around in surprise as if she was worried that someone would take her life at any time.


Xu Tiannan also seemed happy to see his old classmate. He patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, Ayou. First tell me what happened? Where's A Ling? Aren't you two together?"


Ayou looked around with a confused expression, and then slowly opened the closet next to her. A man curled up in a ball suddenly screamed in horror.

It turned out that Aling was even more timid and had already hid in the closet.

After a while, the two of them gradually calmed down and listened to Ayou's trembling explanation.

——"Tiannan...it's like this, how many of us brothers...have been doing this kind of short video live broadcast in recent years."

——"But just after we released a video a few days ago, A Wu and A Ye died in accidents very quickly!"

——"If nothing else happens... I should be the next one to die! Tiannan, you must save me for the sake of your old classmate!"

Xu Tiannan asked doubtfully: "Ayou, you yourself said that they died accidentally, so why are you so sure that you will be the next one to die?"

Wen Sibao reminded: "Ayou, just talking about it is useless, you should show him the video."

Ayou turned on the computer in response, logged into a website that was very popular for short videos, and then entered the four words "Midnight Ghost" in the search bar, and several videos related to it immediately popped up on the website.

Afterwards, Ayou clicked on the most popular video on the pin, titled "People with weak hearts should not enter."

Soon, a picture of the four brothers together appeared on the screen.

The plot at the beginning was relatively normal. The four people were just like usual, wearing exaggerated cotton-padded jackets, holding umbrellas under the scorching sun, squatting on the roadside happily and feeding a homeless stray cat.


However, this harmonious and friendly painting lasted for a few seconds. Several people suddenly took out ropes from behind and tied the limbs of the stray cat. The four people then pulled it hard, and the poor stray cat was also there.

He was instantly pulled to pieces and let out a horrifying scream.

The video was bloody and instantly caused physical discomfort to most viewers.

But to everyone's surprise, the number of likes, comments, shares and views of this video soared, and it even occupied the top 3 spot in the website's video rankings.

Murong Shui looked at Ayou with disgust and said unceremoniously: "You Internet celebrities, for the sake of traffic, you have no lower limit, and you even do such things as cat abuse! You deserve to be targeted!"

Ayou admitted her mistake with a sad face: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I was wrong... At that time, we really just wanted to earn a wave of traffic and didn't think so much... But we never expected that because of this

This incident led to a fatal disaster...Tiannan! No matter what happens this time, you must save me!"

Although Xu Tiannan was also disgusted with the other party's bottomless behavior, he knew that he was responsible at this time, so he did not comment too much on the matter. He just comforted: "Okay, okay, there is nothing to say now.

If you use it, tell me first, do you know who wants to kill you?"

Ayou clicked on the comments below the video. They were all abusive towards the four brothers. However, these fans did not know it. It was precisely because their abusive comments increased the popularity of this video that this video became popular.

This video quickly became popular, attracting more people to imitate it.

After a while, Ayou found a message from a user named "Judge of Hades" in the comments below.

This user named "Judge of Hades" did not curse or curse like others, but simply wrote a few lines of doggerel-like jingles.

However, it was these few lines of words that sent chills down everyone's spine.

This chapter has been completed!
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