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Chapter 49 Found the trace

The next day, Mobei University of Political Science and Law, Graduate School.

Xu Tiannan woke up all night, feeling uncomfortable being separated by the hard sofa in the office. However, not long after he fell asleep in the morning, he heard footsteps coming from the corridor.

Although they were sports shoes, the "dong-dong" sound made by the rubber soles slapping the ground quickly like a duck was extremely identifiable. Xu Tiannan did not even have to think that this was the sound of Murong Shui's footsteps.

Dong Dong Dong... Dong Dong... Hiss...

As Murong Shui made a long series of slides on the ground, it was finally time to take out the keys again.

Ding, bang, bang… ding, bang, bang… bang!

Every time I open the door, I have to drop the key on the ground and then pick it up, but then the phone rings again.

Xu Tiannan knew that he didn't have to sleep anymore, so he got up to wake up, but he heard Murong Shui opening the door and saying to the other end of the phone: "Oh! Can you please stop pushing me so much! It's just for the past two days! That pervert of mine"

The boss works overtime every day and hasn’t had a break for a week. Isn’t this... huh?"

Murong Shui held the key in one hand and the fried dough sticks in the other, with a phone on his face. He and Xu Tiannan stared at each other with big eyes, and said sneered: "Old... boss? Didn't you go back last night?"

Xu Tiannan sat up from the sofa, took a sip of overnight tea, and exhaled: "Perverts don't like to go home."

Murong Shui was still babbling on the other end of the phone, so she hung up the phone, looked at the single breakfast she bought in her hand, and put on a flattering face, "Here! Boss, I went to give it to you

Eat the breakfast you bought while it's hot, eat it while it's hot, hehe..."

Two fried dough sticks, a bowl of soy milk, and a tea egg were obviously what Murong Shui bought for himself.

Xu Tiannan was not polite and deliberately took the breakfast and started eating. Then he picked up his cell phone and found that there were dozens of missed calls from Zheng Jianghu on it.

After dialing back, there was a sound from the other end, and Zheng Jianghu's loud voice was heard: "Xu! Look at the message I sent you."

Xu Tiannan opened the text message and found a video file sent by the other party.

This is a video uploaded on a certain forum. The pixels are not high, but you can still clearly see hundreds of pigeons flying out of a van. The shooting location was the hotel where Boss Qian held a meeting yesterday.

The van's license plate number and spray-painted name are also very clear - "Gugu Breeding Farm".

Xu Tiannan immediately woke up and asked: "This is the car of the executioner's gang. Where did this video come from?"

Zheng Jianghu: "Just this morning, our team members saw something while browsing the forum. It was accidentally photographed by a netizen. This car is consistent with your inference in terms of appearance and function. It is just a kit.

car, but I have found a breeding farm in the suburbs based on the name above the car's spray painting, I will go there now."

"Okay, send me the address. Murong Shui and I will be there soon."

Along the way, Murong Shui stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the front hood made a huge roar, almost reaching the edge of a cylinder explosion. However, the speed could not even reach the 80km/h speed limit on the provincial highway.

Since Xu Tiannan's third-hand domestic car was destroyed in the last case, Murong Shui followed the other party's request and wandered around the second-hand car market for more than half a month before finally finding a vehicle that was exactly the same model as the previous one.

It's just that the transfer record of this car is very impressive, and the first page of the driving book is almost filled with various names.

"Boss, do you think the executioners' gang will be in the breeding farm?"

Xu Tiannan said: "I don't think the executioners are so careless."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Xu Tiannan said.

——"Since they can even simulate Boss Qian's route of action, and even use the habits of animals to complete this kidnapping, I don't think they will be careless enough to let onlookers film themselves committing the crime."

——"So I think that if the executioners have to release the pigeons under the circumstances like yesterday, they should at least put a protective cover on the van, so as to avoid being directly found by Zheng Jianghu and others at the breeding farm."

Murong Shui nodded, "Well, I also think that if they can make such a mistake, it would be too low-level."

"Anyway, let's go see it first and then talk about it."

The two were quiet for a while, and suddenly, Murong Shui said: "Boss, after I sent you to the breeding farm today...I, I...I have to leave for a while, my mother's place..."

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Xu Tiannan nodded, "Okay, go ahead."

After a while of silence, Murong Shui warned again: "There are so many people from the Public Security Bureau inside today. If you really encounter any danger later, listen to me. Don't be stupid and rush in alone."

At the front!"


After a moment of silence, Murong Shui was still worried and warned again: "Remember! Remember you!"


Seeing the other party's absent-minded look, Murong Shui let out a long sigh, knowing that the other party must not have listened to what he said.

In the outer suburbs of Mobei, there is a Gugu breeding farm.

Director Jin personally led the arrest team in today's operation, and vehicles from the Criminal Investigation Detachment and the Anti-Narcotics Detachment surrounded the outside.

However, when Xu Tiannan rushed to the scene, he found that police officers were guarding both inside and outside the farm, and the forensic team was also busy among them.

When Zheng Jianghu saw Xu Tiannan coming, he immediately greeted him and said in a low voice: "Damn it! This time we rushed to nothing, there was not even a shadow of a person inside!"

Xu Tiannan said: "Where is the registered information of this breeding farm?"

"Here it is." Zheng Jianghu took out a copy and found that the business license had expired for nearly ten years, and the car owner registered on it was actually an old man in his 90s. He explained: "I asked the police in the jurisdiction about the business license.

The old man on the bed was a patient with late-stage symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, and this breeding farm had been abandoned more than ten years ago. In other words, the executioners found an abandoned breeding farm and raised these pigeons in it.

, and the only purpose of this breeding farm is to prepare for yesterday’s kidnapping of Boss Qian.”

Xu Tiannan said: "In other words, the identity of the group of executioners this time is still unknown?"

Zheng Jianghu nodded.

Xu Tiannan decided to talk to the forensic team, so he put on his shoe covers and entered the breeding room, where he found Wen Sibao guarding the door.

"Hey! Are you standing guard for your sister Meng Xue?"

Wen Sibao smiled bitterly and said, "She thought I was in the way, so she kicked me out."

Xu Tiannan smiled and walked straight in. Li Mengxue was about to have a seizure when she saw someone coming in, but found that the person coming was Xu Tiannan, so she stopped blocking him.

Xu Tiannan glanced at Li Mengxue and asked, "What did you find?"

Li Mengxue pointed to a large number of pigeon cages around him and said: "These pigeons should have flown back from the hotel banquet hall after Boss Qian was kidnapped yesterday. They are basically comparable in number, and they have been flying all this time.

There are people raising them.”

"Who is raising these pigeons? Have you found any clues?"

Li Mengxue said: "At present, the suspect's fingerprints, hair and other tissues have not been extracted, but judging from the four shoe prints left on the ground, it should be the group of executioners."

"Have the shoe prints been extracted?"

Li Mengxue nodded, "I have already made a plaster mold, and the results should be available soon."

After a few more minutes, Li Mengxue came to the ground at the entrance of the breeding workshop. There were 4 fences made of metal sheets. The height of the fence was about 5cm. The middle part was poured with gypsum powder on the sunken ground. It can be clearly seen that

Here are four shoe prints of different sizes.

Li Mengxue stretched out her fingers and poured the plaster lightly. After feeling that the plaster liquid had basically solidified, she removed the surrounding metal bars and then used a small shovel to dig out the soil around the model. After some cleaning, a complete shoe print was found.

The model was produced.

Soon, the four shoe print models were placed on the table, Li Mengxue explained.

——"Judging from the sole patterns and edge contours of these four models, they are all reserved for hard-soled rubber shoes."

——"The four shoe prints are size 41, size 44, size 36 and size 39. Let's call them suspects No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4." (Note)

——"Suspect No. 2, wearing size 44 shoes, is the strong man who knocked out Mr. Qian's bodyguard during the hotel surveillance yesterday.

——"Suspect No. 3 should be the woman disguised as a cleaner. She is about 1.62 meters tall, wears size 36 shoes, and weighs 49kg."

——"Suspect No. 4 is the fat man who used an electric shock baton to knock out Mr. Qian yesterday. He is about 1.7 meters tall, wears size 39 shoes, and weighs 85kg.

——"Now only the portrait of suspect No. 1 is blurry, but judging from the span of his stride and the extent of his shoe prints sinking into the soil, he should be an adult male with a height of about 1.78 meters and a weight of 75kg.


Xu Tiannan wrote down the above information, and then asked: "Have the movements of these four people in the breeding workshop been protected?"

"Over there." Li Mengxue pointed to the internal area of ​​the breeding workshop. A long passage was already cordoned off by two cordons.

Xu Tiannan took a depth caliper and walked into the warning area alone. He found many traces of the four suspects stepping on the ground, so he lay down on the ground and started studying.

After a long time, Xu Tiannan left the breeding workshop. Jin Bureau and the two detachment leaders had been waiting outside for a long time.

Xu Tiannan explained.

——"The preliminary portraits of the four suspects have been basically determined. Among them, No. 1 is the boss of the executioner. This person's shoe prints in the workshop are encircling and have no change in depth, indicating that this person is doing command work at the scene.

There was no physical labor involved in moving heavy objects, and most likely he was the same person who drove downstairs in the hotel yesterday."

——"Suspect No. 2 and Suspect No. 3 are strong men and women. The degree of depression of their shoe prints on the ground is the same, indicating that they are doing the same kind of work. Judging from the pointing marks of the shoe prints, these two people should be in the same place.

Do the work of raising these pigeons.”

——"Suspect No. 4 is more interesting. We have learned that No. 1 is the leader of these people and was also responsible for the safest driving operation during the kidnapping. No. 2 is the embodiment of the team's force value, and No. 3 is a female proficient in

Electronic equipment and disguise are the technical means in the team, and this fat guy No. 4 is."

——"The shoe prints of Fatty No. 4 are unevenly sunken on the ground, are variable, and always revolve around the shoe prints of No. 1."

——"It can be seen that Suspect No. 4 does not have the technical ability of Female No. 3 in this team, nor does he have the strength of strong man No. 2. He should be an errand-runner and menial worker in the team.


After saying the above, Xu Tiannan said to Director Jin: "Jin Bureau, it is now confirmed that the executioner has abandoned this breeding farm, so before the forensic team can find more valuable clues, we need to focus our work on the urban area.

Conduct investigations in industries related to the electronics industry.”

Director Jin agreed and asked, "Is there anything we need to pay attention to?"

Xu Tiannan thought for a while, "These four people should have a small-scale workshop-type store in this city, mainly engaged in matters related to electronic equipment. There will be no other employees in the store, otherwise the actions of the four people will be affected to a certain extent.

Obstacle, but this investigation method is relatively vague, these four people may also be engaged in other activities, or they may all be unemployed."

"Understood, I will be responsible for the store inspection activities in this city." Wen Sibao took the initiative to take over the task.

Xu Tiannan explained again.

——"According to what we have observed now, if the relationship between the executioner and Boss Qian was just a simple enemy, they could have directly killed Boss Qian and left when they were in the hotel yesterday. But the other party did not do so, but

We chose the riskier action of kidnapping."

——"It can be judged from this that the target of the executioners' gang this time is still not Boss Qian."

——"Then there must be a bigger goal behind this case, which is the real purpose of the executioners."

Suddenly, a rapid ringing of a phone rang around them. Several people looked at each other and realized that it was not their own phones.

"There." Xu Tiannan followed the ringtone and saw a mobile phone in a dirty wine jar. He put on gloves to signal everyone to stop talking, and then answered the phone.

A specially processed voice came from the other end of the phone, hoarse and heavy.

"Ask the person in charge of your task force to answer the phone."

Xu Tiannan immediately realized that the other party was the executioner, and this was also the first time he had spoken to the other party. At this time, he needed to stabilize the other party first. Through the few words he said during the conversation, he could get more information about the other party, so he said: "

The person in charge is not here, if you have anything you can tell me."

After a short silence, the other end of the phone repeated the same words again, with a stiff and emotionless attitude.

As a last resort, Xu Tiannan had no choice but to hand the phone to Director Jin and whispered: "The murderer called."

Director Jin looked stunned. He obviously didn't expect the murderer to dare to call him, so he picked up the phone and said in a deep voice: "My surname is Jin, and I am the person in charge of this task force."

I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone. Director Jin took a deep breath to calm down, then put the sunglasses on his head back on his eyes, and suddenly said angrily: "Who are you? What do you want?"

After a moment, Director Jin said sharply again.

——"You are extremely arrogant. I advise you to surrender immediately and seek leniency!"

--"Hey Hey hey?"

The other end of the phone was hung up, and Xu Tiannan asked: "Jin Bureau, what did the other party say?"

Director Jin's face was ashen, and the veins on his neck were twitching. After a while, he said in a deep voice: "The man said that he will call us again after we are ready."

Xu Tiannan: "What preparations are you making?"

Director Jin shook his head, "I'm not sure, that's what the other party said."

Suddenly, a police officer ran over and said to Director Jin: "Bureau Jin, Boss Qian's wife just called to report the crime and said something important."

Jin Bureau: "What's the matter?"

The police officer said: "Mrs. Qian received a box of video tapes this morning. The content inside is related to Boss Qian!"

The Jin Bureau immediately reacted and said: "It seems that the other party said to be prepared, they want us to take a look at this video tape first."

At the same time, in a Western restaurant in Nancheng.

A man stood outside the bathroom, thinking back to Director Jin's angry look just now, a smile appeared on his face.

The man calmly took out the phone card from his mobile phone, broke it off and threw it into the sewer. Then he returned to his seat in the hall and said a little apologetically: "I'm sorry, the work call has kept you waiting for so long.


Murong Shui was on pins and needles at this moment and replied: "Oh! It's okay, it's okay, what about... what's your name?"

The man adjusted his glasses, looked at Murong Shui gently and said, "My surname is Yang, and I have the same name as a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty. My full name is Yang Wanli. You can just call me Wanli."

Murong Shui looked at the other person awkwardly, and forced out a smile, "Hello, hello..."

After an awkward silence for a while, Yang Wanli still stared at the other party and said with a fiery gaze: "Miss Murong, I am really grateful to your mother."

"Huh?" Murong Shui asked stupidly, "Why should I thank her?"

Yang Wanli smiled and said: "I thank her for giving me this opportunity, such an opportunity for me to get to know you."

Murong Shui's embarrassed hands had nowhere to put, so he could only pick up the knife and fork in front of him, scratching them on the table in front of him, while responding: "Yeah, yeah..."

At this time, Murong Shui's mind had almost turned into a mess. She hated her mother who loved to log on to dating websites all day long and who also loved to make blind dates for herself without authorization.

This chapter has been completed!
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