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Chapter 50 Director Kim's Secret (1)

An hour later, according to the address left in Mrs. Qian's report record, a group of police officers, led by Director Jin, quickly arrived at Boss Qian's villa.

In the villa, Mrs. Qian had already burst into tears. Two bodyguards were following her, and they were making phone calls everywhere like headless flies, looking for traces of the boss, but found nothing.

After marrying Mr. Qian, the wife had no worries about food and clothing, and she never interfered with her husband's business matters. However, after so many years, they still did not have a son or a half, so in her eyes, her husband was

It has become the "heaven" in my life.

Now that "Tian" is gone, those men who only know how to fight and kill have no idea, and Mrs. Qian also sheds tears.

Now that she saw Director Jin arriving, Mrs. Qian felt a lot more at ease. She immediately stepped forward to greet him. Director Jin also handed over a business card and took the initiative to introduce himself: "Mrs. Qian, my surname is Jin, deputy director of the Mobei City Public Security Bureau.

, is also the head of the task force responsible for your husband’s case.”

Mrs. Qian looked at Director Jin with eyes red from crying, and said immediately: "Director Jin...please...please save my husband! I really don't know what to do now!"

"Don't worry, we will do our best." Director Jin comforted the other party with a few words, and then asked: "I heard that you received a box of video tapes, right?"

Mrs. Qian hurriedly led everyone to the living room and played the video tape in the home theater.

In the picture, Mr. Qian looked decadent, with a fresh wound on his body and face, which showed that he had been beaten by the other party.

"Old money..."

Although Mrs. Qian had already watched the videotape, when she saw her husband like this again, she couldn't help but shed tears again.

A computer-generated horror sound effect came from the screen.

"Sinner Boss Qian, tell me your crime."

Boss Qian was agitated, his eyes were looking around aimlessly, and he shouted angrily: "Who the hell are you! What the hell do you want to do!"

An even more angry synthesized sound effect sounded.

"Speak of your crime!"

Boss Qian's lips trembled, and it was obvious that he was trying his best to hide his fear, but he still said angrily: "I'm warning you! Don't fall into my hands in the future! Otherwise I will kill you all!"

The computer-generated sound effects no longer appeared. Instead, there was a "crack" sound of the door opening. Judging from the size, it was the strong executioner who walked in. He was wearing black clothes and black trousers, wearing a watch.

The faceless hood waved a bright ax in front of the camera.

The strong man walked up to Boss Qian and stared at him without saying a word.

Boss Qian also felt threatened, and his words softened slightly, "Brothers, I don't know who you are, and I don't know where I offended you, but as long as you let me go today, the price will be whatever you want."

After saying this, while Boss Qian was waiting for the other party's response, he saw the other party suddenly raised the ax in his hand and chopped it down without hesitation.


Boss Qian's heart-rending screams suddenly rang out, a bloody finger rolled to the ground, and the terrifying synthetic sound effects sounded again in the room.

"Speak of your crime!"

At this time, Boss Qian knew that the other party was serious, so he did not dare to disobey any more and said in a hoarse voice.

——"My name is Boss Qian, and I am...the actual person in charge of the Mobei City Small Loan Company, and also...the culprit of most of the underground casinos in this city."

——"In the past few years, my brother Qian Er and I have opened a casino in Mobei City to harm people, causing countless families to be destroyed and killed..."

The entire 15-minute video contains almost all of Boss Qian's confession process, and he even confessed some casino addresses that he had not seized by the police during the previous casino cleanup operation.

The video ended here, and everyone felt the cruel methods of the executioner in the picture.

Director Jin asked Xu Tiannan: "Teacher Xu, can you find out the specific address where the other party is being held based on the video footage?"

Xu Tiannan said: "Since the executioner dared to cut off Boss Qian's fingers in front of him and let him scream, it means that the place where he was imprisoned was in a remote and uninhabited corner. Judging from the old white walls and the ground in the picture, I think

It should be an abandoned factory somewhere."

Director Jin looked embarrassed and said: "There are hundreds of places like this in Mobei City. I'm afraid we won't be able to send police forces to search based on this information alone. Are there any other clues?"

Xu Tiannan said: "There are only so many clues for now."

Director Jin said: "Okay, then! Watch the video a few more times and try to find clues from it. It is best to deduce the past business projects of this factory."

In order to prevent Mrs. Qian from being stimulated again, Director Jin arranged for Mrs. Qian to rest upstairs. Xu Tiannan and others continued to play the video in a loop in the living room, but in the end they did not get any useful clues.

An hour later, Xu Tiannan turned off the video recorder and walked to the balcony with Zheng Jianghu, taking a moment to stretch his body.

Zheng Jianghu said: "How is it? Xu, have you found any clues?"

Xu Tiannan said: "Not yet, but there is something strange about the video here."


Xu Tiannan said: "Look, in Boss Qian's ten-minute confession video, he didn't mention anything about his cooperation with Lin Wanshan. However, all the illegal drugs sold in the bank's underground casino were provided by Lin Wanshan.

I think the executioner must have known about it."

"Oh! I may know what's going on about this matter." Zheng Jianghu explained to Xu Tiannan.

——"Three people have died in the hands of the executioner so far, so I have reason to believe that Boss Qian himself should know that he will never survive the executioner's hands."

——"Similarly, you and I both know who Lin Wanshan is. For the things he did, being shot ten times would not be too much. And one can imagine the means of revenge for such a desperado."

——"Therefore, I think that Boss Qian would never dare to expose his affair with Lin Wanshan to the world when he knew that he would die. According to the rules of the Tao, if Boss Qian betrays the other party, his wife, and his wife's family will be involved in the future.

Don’t even think about living.”

Xu Tiannan said: "According to your opinion, the executioners and the gang also knew about this, but they did not force Boss Qian to reveal his affair with Lin Wanshan?"

"Yes! Maybe I shouldn't say these things from a police standpoint, but I won't treat you as an outsider." Zheng Jianghu said in a low voice: "You and I both know that executioners will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and their goals are very clear.

, even Boss Qian, so he won’t do things that endanger Mrs. Qian.”

Xu Tiannan smiled and said: "Do thieves also have a way?"

Zheng Jianghu thought for a while, "Maybe."

"But I have a different opinion."

"you say."

Xu Tiannan said: "I think that since the other party did not force Boss Qian to tell him about his collusion with Lin Wanshan this time, on the one hand, they did not want to implicate innocent people, and on the other hand, they did not want Lin Wanshan to be so easily punished.

If the reason behind the arrest by the police is that the executioner wanted to keep Lin Wanshan alive, they will ultimately be the judge."

Zheng Jianghu carefully considered the other party's words and thought: "What you said reminds me that the four executioners do not trust our judicial system, so if they really want to attack Lin Wanshan, they must also

They will not let the other party be easily caught by the police, and they will definitely use their usual extrajudicial trial tactics.

"Xiao Zheng."

Zheng Jianghu turned around and found that Director Jin had also walked out. The other party lit a cigarette on the balcony, took a puff and asked: "I have been thinking just now, what are the executioners doing? Why did they take the initiative to give up?

Our police are involved in this case."

Zheng Jianghu said: "I have also considered this issue. I think the only explanation for the development of the case to this point is that the leader of the executioner team is extremely conceited. He used cruel methods to obtain the criminal evidence of Boss Qian, and then deliberately

The purpose of showing it to our police is to show their power and play between our police and criminals."

"Is that so?" Director Jin took a deep breath of cigarette, obviously not satisfied with this answer. Then he looked at Xu Tiannan and asked: "Mr. Xu, what do you think? Since the executioner has successfully kidnapped Boss Qian, why did he still

Are you going to let the police see this videotape on purpose?"

Xu Tiannan looked into the distance and said slowly: "Maybe Boss Qian is not their ultimate goal."

"What?" Director Jin looked stunned and asked, "Then do you think there will be victims in their plan?"

Xu Tiannan nodded, "This is just a guess, there is no actual evidence."

Director Jin let out a long sigh, put out his cigarette butt at the guardrail of the balcony, then patted Xu Tiannan on the shoulder and entered the house.

About half an hour later, the cell phone found at the farm rang again, and the harsh ringtone attracted everyone's attention.

This mobile phone has been connected to the recording equipment by police technicians, and the call content can be clearly transmitted to the ears of Xu Tiannan and others through several earphones.

Director Jin was prepared, nodded with the technician and connected the phone. Immediately, a low electronically synthesized sound came from there.

"Director Jin, please answer the phone, Mrs. Qian."

In order for the technicians to track the other party's location, Director Jin needed to delay as much time as possible, so he slowly handed the phone to Mrs. Qian and whispered: "Speak slowly, don't be nervous."

Mrs. Qian gingerly picked up the phone and said, "Hello...it's me."

"Mrs. Qian, I will give you a chance to save your husband now. Prepare one million old banknotes with non-consecutive numbers within 24 hours. I will notify you of the transaction location separately."

Xu Tiannan immediately wrote a few words on the white paper: Verify your husband's safety.

Mrs. Qian understood immediately and hurriedly said, "Wait...wait a minute! I want to know if my husband is safe. I want to have a phone call with him."

After a moment of silence, the other end of the phone said bluntly: "My location is 1,000 meters south of the intersection of Provincial Highway 218 and National Highway 312. There are four forked roads in front of me, and each forked road has at least two small roads leading back to Mobei City.

Therefore, I have more than 12 ways to avoid being caught by the police, and I ask Director Jin not to waste everyone’s time anymore.”

After the call was finished, the call was hung up. Jin Ju was so angry that he dropped his earphones and cursed several times.

The ransom demanded by the other party was not high, and for Boss Qian, even if many casinos had been taken away recently, it would not be difficult to urgently withdraw one million from his loan company, so Mrs. Qian immediately stated that as long as

In order to make her husband come back safely, she can do her best to collect enough money within the deadline.

Due to the seriousness of the situation, the task force also moved its office location to this villa, and all personnel were prepared and waiting for the next call from the executioner.

In the evening, after the task force determined that there would be no more calls from the executioners tonight, Director Jin returned to the Public Security Bureau alone.

His office is not big. In this less than 15 square meters area, there are desks, chairs, bookcases and other office necessities. There is not much space. Often when there are more people coming to do things, everyone has to get used to it.

Find a place to stand sexually.

Director Jin tidied the table and suddenly said to the door of the office: "Come in, why are you standing outside?"

After a while, Du Yongzhi, captain of the criminal investigation detachment, walked in with a surprised look on his face.

"You...know I'm following you?"

Director Jin smiled and said: "When I was an investigator, you were still a trainee police officer who had just joined the job. I taught you all your investigative skills. Do you think I can't find it?"

Du Yongzhi nodded, sighed softly and said: "As expected of you, the old one is still the hot one."

Director Jin threw a cigarette to the other party and asked, "Tell me, what's the point of following me in such a sneaky way?"

Seeing that Du Yongzhi did not express his position, Director Jin added: "Old Du, how long has it been since the establishment of our task force?"

Du Yongzhi: "Today is the 9th day."

"It seems that you know very well." Director Jin took a deep breath of smoke and said: "In the past nine days, you have been completely confused and out of shape. You have not put forward any constructive suggestions. Even your subordinate named Wen

The investigators of the Four Treasures are more active than you, can you tell me what happened during this time?"

Du Yongzhi did not answer, but looked at the other party seriously and asked: "I have to ask you."

Director Jin was surprised and said: "Ask me?"

Du Yongzhi did not answer, but took out his mobile phone and placed it on the other party's table.

Director Jin lowered his head and glanced at his phone and found that it was a video that lasted about 5 minutes. This video was shot at an abandoned reservoir on the outskirts of the city. Two people appeared in the video, one of whom was Boss Qian, and the other, surprisingly, was


Director Jin said nothing. The fingernails of his right hand holding the phone turned white from excessive force. Although he could not hear what was being said in the video, the video clearly captured Boss Qian holding a black mobile phone.

He opened the bag in front of him and opened the zipper. It was full of money.

That happened one afternoon a month ago, and Director Jin will never forget that day.

In an abandoned reservoir, Boss Qian opened the handbag full of cash in front of him.

Director Jin in the picture is staring straight at the huge amount of money in front of him, while Boss Qian is also constantly fanning the flames, seeming to encourage the other party to accept the money. Director Jin, on the other hand, seems to have lost his soul, his eyes are dull.

I don't know what I'm thinking about.

At the end of the video, Director Jin slowly stretched out his hand and grabbed the huge bag of money in his own hand.

At this time, Du Yongzhi looked stern and authentic.

——"Jin Bureau, we have been together for 30 years. In my heart, you have always been a leader who is upright, self-disciplined, and always spurs me on. But since you accepted the money a month ago, I found that

Your relationship with Boss Qian has become increasingly ambiguous. Do you know what you are doing?"

——"Please give me an explanation why you want to take the other party's money!"

This chapter has been completed!
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