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Chapter 277: The End, Back to the First Half

Chapter 277 Ending Back to the first half

"Stop, stop..."

"What happened on the island recently? First there were rumors that Fish-Man Island was occupied by pirates, and now there are so many sea kings coming over. The biggest one among them is about the same size as Fish-Man Island? What if they collided with each other?


"It was so dangerous, I almost thought they were going to collide..."


Everyone on Fishman Island swallowed their saliva when they saw this scene. Just now, hundreds of sea kings collided with Gu Lai, almost scaring them to death.

They are just ordinary residents, and there is no such thing as sight, hearing, and color. They don't know why, but looking at the hundreds of sea kings surrounding them, they feel a little panicked just by looking at them...

Fortunately, it finally stopped!

"Everyone, please retreat!" Yun Ye glanced at all the sea kings and told them to retreat.

——"Yes, sir!"

These sea kings seemed to have heard an order they could not disobey. After glancing at Yun Ye, they turned to their king Bai Xing and then swung their bodies away again.

These sea kings go as quickly as they come.

Princess Otohime, Neptune and others all breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were adults here, otherwise they wouldn't know what to do.

Yun Ye fell from the sky and came to Blackbeard's side.

"You...why do they obey your orders?" Blackbeard was still a little shocked at this time. Why would those giant sea kings obey the Quincy's orders?

In his opinion, Neptune species will not obey the orders of humans, and even humans cannot talk to those beasts!

But how did the Quincy do it?

He is also a person with the Haki of Seeing and Hearing, and can see the fear and respect that those Sea Kings have for the Quincy.

But this left him a little confused.


"There are still many things you don't know." Yun Ye just glanced at him lightly and said without paying much attention. Instead, he lifted him up and headed to the hard-shell tower.

Blackbeard was still dishonest in Yun Ye's hands, and said harshly: "Don't think you have won, you can't hide the news about Neptune! Even if I die, the news about the mermaid princess will be passed on!

Hahahaha, the world government will never let go of ancient weapons! There is no way you can keep hiding your plot of ancient weapons!"

Now Blackbeard still thinks that the Quincy is plotting the ancient weapon Neptune...

"So much nonsense!" Yun Ye snorted coldly and knocked Blackbeard unconscious with one punch. However, Blackbeard's words were not unreasonable. Bai Xing's secret could not be kept secret for too long.

Sooner or later there will be a day when you are exposed.

This time, hundreds of sea kings surrounded the Fish-Man Island, and it was impossible to hide such a movement.

Fishman Island is not only home to fishmen, mermaids, but also humans on other merchant ships. They have contact information with the outside world.

Now at a depth of 10,000 meters, the ordinary phone bugs in their hands cannot transmit the message, but as long as they go out and return to the first half or the new world, the message will definitely be disseminated.

Others don't know, but if the world government knows these things, it will definitely think of the ancient weapon Poseidon!

Even if Yun Ye kills all the humans on the island, this situation cannot be eradicated. Every country has spies from the World Government and the Navy, but they usually hide themselves as ordinary people.

It cannot be ruled out one by one.

Unless Yun Ye cuts off all connections between the entire Fish-Man Island and prohibits everyone from entering or exiting!

But don’t forget, this is not Yunye’s territory, but Whitebeard’s territory!

Only by allowing Fish-Man Island to fly its own flag would it be impossible to completely cut off the connection between Fish-Man Island and the outside world.

But the territory of the four emperors cannot be easily moved. If it is moved, it means a declaration of war!

Yun Ye was not afraid of Whitebeard, but it was not wise to attack Whitebeard rashly. Not to mention his relationship with Ace, Whitebeard did not have any conflict of interest with him.

A fight would only make things worse for the world government, which is unnecessary.

'It seems that we can only let Shirahoshi go to the new world.' Yun Ye thought about it. Shirahoshi's secret has been spread. The world government will not give up. It is not advisable to continue to stay on Fishman Island. Only by letting Shirahoshi go to Yueyue Island, can there be any hope?

No one can easily touch Bai Xing under his own protection.

Yun Ye still likes Little Bai Xing very much, and Yun Ye also wants to find out what secrets Bai Xing's soul hides, so as not to let anything happen to Bai Xing.

Therefore, it is the best choice for Bai Xing to go to Moon Night Island.

Of course, Yun Ye will not force her, and will listen to Bai Xing's own opinions and those of her parents.

In the blink of an eye, Yun Ye arrived at the Hard Shell Tower.

When Neptune and Princess Otohime saw Yun Ye coming back, they greeted respectfully: "Sir, are you okay?"

"No problem." Yun Ye waved his hand.

Princess Otohime took a step forward, a look of worry flashed across her face: "Sir, look at Shirahoshi, there's something wrong with her right now."

Although Princess Otohime was unable to detect the soul fluctuations, her ability to see and hear was very special and she could sense people's emotions. At this time, the emotions exuding from Shirahoshi's body were filled with panic and fear.

Yun Ye also sensed it, so he came over immediately.

At this time, the soul fluctuations emanating from Bai Xing's body did not stop, and were still released to the outside world. If it weren't for Yun Ye's order, those Neptunes would probably come to check.

"Let me see." Yun Ye saw and heard the color covering Bai Xing's body. He observed it carefully and thought for a while. With a touch of Yun Ye's finger, the returning white light fell into Bai Xing's body and began to heal, but there was no trace of it.


Bai Xing didn't wake up either.

Yun Ye frowned, came to Bai Xing's side, and pointed at Bai Xing's eyebrows.

In a daze, Yun Ye seemed to see many fragmentary scenes, a prosperous country with people of all races; the scene of an ancient warship destroying the island with one blow; a female mermaid wearing armor standing on the head of a sea king.

, commanding the dense crowd of sea kings behind him; it was a man wearing a huge straw hat, commanding the soldiers to fight; in the dark clouds, there seemed to be some ferocious beast inside, a red light flashed, and a thunderstorm descended from the sky and bombarded the entire country below.

Everything disappeared; in the end, there was a man with a four-fingered crown. I don’t know what kind of power he used. He opened his big hand and a red wall rose from the ground, dividing the world in two...

All the subsequent scenes shattered, and another scene appeared, showing Neptune, Princess Otohime and the three princes, as well as Jinbei, Minister, Yun Ye and others lying in a pool of blood...

'The scene just now...' Yun Ye suddenly woke up. He recalled the blurry scene he had seen before and squinted his eyes. Was that the war in the past?

What happened in the blank hundred years...

After coming back to his senses, Yun Ye shouted: "Wake up!"

With a 'buzz' sound, Yun Ye's body exuded an overlord color, and also emitted a special soul wave that others could not detect, awakening Bai Xing from his coma.

Shirahoshi's behavior doesn't look like he's in a coma, but more like he's awakening his abilities!

Coma and hypnosis are just catalysts to awaken her abilities even more deeply!

"Well..." After Yun Ye drank, Bai Xing woke up in a daze. He sat up from the ground, rubbed his eyes and yawned. But as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Yun Ye wearing a mask.

Startled, he slapped Yun Ye with his huge little hand...

‘Are you coming?’ Yun Ye’s face darkened, and he dodged away. He stood on Bai Xing’s shoulder and poked her soft cheek: “Hey, little Bai Xing, are you unhappy with me?”

"Eh? Uh, sir? No, I'm sorry..." After seeing Yun Ye and hearing Yun Ye's familiar voice, a look of surprise flashed across Bai Xing's face. She was a little embarrassed when she thought of what just happened.

But soon I thought of something, tears fell down, and I wiped away the big tears with my hands, crying miserably: "Uuuuuuuu, Sir, my father, my mother, and my brother, he, they, wu


Although she was awake, the memories of being hypnotized before were still in her mind. Now that she didn't understand the situation, she still regarded those memories as true and started to cry.

"Little Shirahoshi, it's okay, the queen is here!" Princess Otohime breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Shirayoshi was awake. Then she felt heartbroken when she saw her like this. She swam up to Shirayoshi and gently stroked Shirayoshi's cheek with her hand.


"Ah? Alas~ Queen Mother, wow wow wow, I thought you, Queen Mother, you... Wuwuwu, Queen Mother, it's great that you are okay! And my father and brother, you are okay too, it's great to see you!"

After Princess Otohime, Shirahoshi cried even harder, but there was a relieved smile on his lips.

Just now she remembered that her mother, father, brother and others were all in a pool of blood, and she was filled with fear.

Ace and Jinbe also rushed over. After Blackbeard was defeated, they breathed a sigh of relief and finally passed the crisis.

They were also a little frightened when hundreds of sea kings came around just now.

They can't deal with those Neptunes...

"Okay, it's okay..." Princess Otohime patted Shirahoshi to calm her down.

"Yes." Bai Xing stopped crying, but still sobbed softly. She learned everything from Princess Otohime. She looked at Yun Ye and bowed respectfully: "Thank you, sir!"

"Thank you, sir!" Neptune, Princess Otohime, and other senior officials of Fish-Man Island all bowed to Yun Ye, as did Jinbe.

They had nothing to repay for such a great kindness.

"It's okay." Yun Ye waved his hand and said. He didn't care much about it. He came here because of Mrs. Charlie's request. This time he also returned the favor. Yun Ye didn't like to owe others favors.

After a pause, Yun Ye looked at Nipton and the others and said: "The commotion caused this time is not small. It is estimated that the world government will know about it. You also know the situation of Little White Star. If the world government knows about it, they will not

I will let Shirahoshi go easily."

Neptune and others were silent when they heard this. They also knew the seriousness of the matter at this time.

The information about ancient weapons is all history that has been erased by the World Government, which shows the attitude of the World Government.

If the World Government knew that Shirahoshi was the ancient weapon Poseidon, there was no way the World Government would just sit idly by!

Before Nipton and others could speak, Yun Ye continued: "I have a proposal, let Shirahoshi go to Moon Night Island. Princess Otohime, you once asked me if you can make Shirahoshi return to normal. I can't guarantee this, but there is

With my protection, no one can touch her. Of course, I won’t force you. You can make your own choice. If you think Bai Xing is safe staying on Fish-Man Island, I won’t say anything more.”

Regarding the secret of Bai Xing's soul and the memory fragments that appeared before, Yun Ye wanted to find out what was going on.

This may help us get some information about Im and King, which are still very important to Yun Ye!

Moreover, after Bai Xing's ability is fully awakened, a powerful booster will be created to help him.

"This..." Princess Otohime pondered for a moment, a little surprised by Yun Ye's words, but after thinking about it, it was the same.

After Bai Xing heard Yun Ye's words, his eyes lit up with little stars, and he almost said, "I want to go..."

Princess Otohime discussed with her husband for a moment, then looked at Shirahoshi and said softly: "Shirahoshi, are you willing to go to the new world with me?"

Bai Xing raised his hand and said excitedly: "Mother, I want to go to the new world and see it!"

Bai Xing has always been very interested in the outside world. Now that she heard such a request, she quickly raised her hand!

Although Bai Xing was not threatened by Dedaken IX's ability like in the original work and could freely enter and leave Ryugu City, and occasionally wandered around Fish-Man Island under the guidance of guards, she still had no idea about the world outside Fish-Man Island.

Still full of curiosity!

Yunye nodded and looked at Jinbei: "Jinbei, if Shirahoshi wants to go to the new world, please take her to Yueye Island. I still have things to deal with here, so I will leave first!"

"Uh, okay." Jinbe didn't expect that the Quincy would give this task to him, but he didn't refuse.

The Quincy had saved their Fish-Man Island twice, and he was also Jinbei's benefactor. Naturally, he would not refuse the Quincy's request.

Yun Ye gave Ace a final sidelong glance: "That old guy with Whitebeard is still very strong. Please teach him more about the use of domineering power. You also have the overlord color. Learn the advanced use of three-color domineering power as soon as possible. You must

Otherwise, you are still so weak and need others to solve everything, so how can you surpass that guy?"

"Uh, okay, I'll try my best." Ace smiled, and faced Yun Ye's scolding, he could only nod.

I'm helpless, it's just me who is weak!

Uncle, please stop mentioning these embarrassing things...

However, he also realized that his strength was indeed not strong compared to the top experts, so he should work hard!

Three-color Haki and ability awakening all take a long time to complete.

But Ace's talent is still very strong, and Roger's bloodline is no joke. For others, it may be a lifetime out of reach, but for him, it shouldn't be difficult.

After all, he has only been out at sea for a long time. In just over a year, he already has the strength of the Shichibukai, and his abilities are still semi-awakened. Fighting is definitely the best way to hone himself.

After going to sea, Ace also experienced many long and arduous battles, and his strength improved rapidly!

After saying that, Yun Ye waved his hands to everyone and left with a quick step.

He still has to return to the first half, and it's time to return to the Navy Headquarters...

A few days later, Yun Ye returned to his warship again and headed towards the navy headquarters.

During this period of time, Fishman Island took care of everything, and Shirahoshi also headed to the famous Tsukiye Island in the New World under the leadership of Jinbei!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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