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Chapter 278 Akainu, try saying it again?

Chapter 278 Akainu, can you say it again?

News about Fish-Man Island also spread within a small area, especially the fact that hundreds of sea kings surrounded Fish-Man Island, causing many people to speculate.

What kind of power affects those Neptune species?

The news of this incident was not widely circulated, but Blackbeard's conspiracy was published in newspapers. How Blackbeard failed later was not described in detail.

The world didn't even know it was the Quincy who did it.

I just thought that Blackbeard was too courageous and actually planned to seize Fish-Man Island to retaliate against Whitebeard. However, he was defeated by Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second division on Whitebeard's ship, and Jinbe, the former Kaisha of the Shichibukai. Fish-Man Island was taken away.

be rescued...

When Fire Fist Ace became the captain of Whitebeard's second division, he also let everyone who knew about it know about it. Now that the Fishman Island incident has come to the limelight again, he defeated the defector Blackbeard on Whitebeard's ship, making Ace's

The reputation is even louder!

More attention is paid to him in the sea!

The same goes for the Navy.

It was originally just an ordinary supernova that ate the natural yakisha fruit. It was already very famous in the first half of the period. However, the navy didn't care at the time. After all, several supernovae would appear every once in a while.

It was only later that Fire Fist Ace's several actions resulted in big things. First, he defeated Doflamingo and failed his conspiracy, which indirectly led to the outlawing of the Shichibukai policy.

Later, he became the captain of the second division on Whitebeard's ship, which shocked the world!

Next, he defeated Blackbeard and several major events in succession, which also earned him a huge reputation!

The Navy's attention to Fire Fist Ace has also skyrocketed, and some people have even begun to investigate.

It was at this time that a piece of news came out of nowhere. There was various evidence that Ace, the Fire Fist, was a descendant of the Pirate King Roger...

He is Roger's son!

At first, no one took it seriously, but as the news spread more and more widely, more and more specific information became available, making it impossible not to pay attention.

The Navy also takes this news very seriously.

And this news was naturally released secretly by Vergo!

Navy Headquarters, Akainu Office.

"Is this true? Fire Fist Ace is actually Roger's son?" Akainu frowned at the information in his hand and narrowed his eyes.

At first he didn't care too much, but he started to pay more attention and began to look through the case records left behind. As more and more clues became available, Akainu finally became a little convinced and called Garp to ask if

It's true, but Garp's bird is not like Akainu's, and it doesn't even have a past.

Garp also knew about the things circulating in the sea, his face suddenly darkened, and he cursed secretly: "Where did all this news come from?"

He was also puzzled. He had been hiding this secret for more than ten years without anyone noticing. Now that it suddenly appeared, someone must be behind it!

But how did the person behind the scenes know this?

Only the Navy has records of having been on Badelilla Island, and the surname Portcas only appears on Badelilla Island. Only the Navy has the right to know this!

But the news came from the sea...

Even if the Navy knew about it, it would treat it as unknown and would only act secretly instead of making such a big publicity!

They couldn't wait to help Ace hide the news...

After all, the emergence of the descendants of Pirate King Roger is news that can shake up the world!

All the evidence now shows that Fire Fist Ace is the son of Roger, the Pirate King. Although it has not been confirmed yet, many people already believe it. After all, the news that has been circulated is reasonable and well-founded, and it does not seem like nonsense...

Holy Land Marie Gioia, Office of the Five Old Stars.

Several people gathered together again, and the gloomy look on their faces became even more obvious.

"It's been confirmed that the ancient weapon, Poseidon, the King of the Sea, has awakened again... it's probably someone from the Fish-Man Island!"

"Want to explore?"

"The informant over there sent news that the former mermaid princess could summon sea kings, but at first they thought that mermaids could communicate with fish, so they didn't report it. This time the matter was more serious, and with the insertion of black beard,

The captain of Whitebeard's second division was engaged in a battle and felt that something was unusual, so he chose to report it!"

"Is that guy Blackbeard's goal to be Aquaman? Whitebeard chose to incorporate Fish-Man Island into his own territory. Could it be that he also knows the secret of Aquaman?"

"That Whitebeard guy doesn't have such ambitions, but he has to be careful. After all, it's that man. He probably deliberately made Fish-Man Island his territory in order to conceal the news about Neptune..."

"What should we do now? Do we need to take action? Neptune's stakes are so important that even we cannot underestimate him."

"And Fire Fist Ace, if it is really Roger's son, we can't just sit idly by and watch!"

"Let the Navy take action, don't let Roger's blood remain in the world! Otherwise, it may become a problem in the future!"

"What do you think of Akainu's pacifist plan? We couldn't find the target before, but now that the green bull is here, it's time to get them to take action!"

"Akainu has already reported to me, saying that all preparations are in place, and Vegapunk has also made preparations. It should be carried out within this period of time."

"The whole world is in too much chaos now. The Quincy, Neptune, and Roger's Son are all giving us a headache..."

"Wake up Lord Im, I need to report to Lord Im..."

"I agree..."


Several people discussed it and decided to go to the flower room. This matter was beyond their ability, so they could only ask Im to make a decision!

Arriving among the flowers, several people kowtowed to the highest throne with respectful expressions like slaves: "Lord Im!"

On the throne, a pair of high-up eyes opened and looked down at the five people below. His tone was inhuman, without any emotion: "What's the matter?"

No one was lying on the ground, and one of them said: "A light has awakened..."

Navy Headquarters.

Akainu has almost lost his mind from being busy during this period, which makes him realize the difficulties of those in high positions.

Everything has to be handled by himself, and it has been a major matter recently. Without his approval, the people below would not dare to make a decision. Many things were pressing down, making him a little anxious...

He felt a little emotional that the position of Navy Marshal was really not easy to sit in, and he even regretted becoming Marshal...

Not as easy as the former general.

And he also experienced the feeling he had in the Warring States Period. He asked Garp to come over and originally wanted to know things about Ace from him, but in the end he was met with a soft nail, and it was even hard for him to get angry.

He also knows what status Garp has in the navy. Even if Garp doesn't treat him, he can't do anything to Garp!

It’s so frustrating…

Moreover, there are constant orders from the World Government, ordering him to investigate the situation of Shirahoshi, the mermaid princess of Fish-Man Island, and the situation of Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates...

The navy itself also has a lot of things going on. He has also been following up on the pacifist plan. The consequences of banning the Shichibukai. The Quincy appeared inexplicably in the first half of the episode. What is the purpose? These things are all weighing on Akainu.

on the head.

In short, Akainu has been really tired recently, with so many things going on!

Fortunately, because of Night Blade's victory over Hawkeye, those dissatisfied Shichibukai chose to endure it and did not explode.

The Pacifist Project is also coming to an end. The preliminary preparations have been completed, and they are just waiting for Green Bull to go to Vegapunk for transformation!

The sea was turbulent and the situation was chaotic. For this reason, Akainu also started a naval meeting!

At the meeting, senior naval officials gathered together.

The current three major generals and various elite lieutenant generals are all listed.

The two veterans, Warring States and Zefa, were also in the conference room.

That bastard Garp didn't come. He went back to his hometown in Donghai, or maybe he didn't want to come.

Akainu had no choice but to let him go, but that was fine. The next topic involved Garp, and it didn't matter if Garp wasn't around.

Perhaps Garp also knew this, so he did not choose to come over, but went back to his hometown to see his grandson...

It is worth mentioning that after Warring States retired, he did not take any time off. Instead, like Zefa, he trained new recruits in the training camp.

His position is the same as in the original work. He is the commander of the Navy Headquarters. He goes to the training camp just to have nothing to do. Occasionally, he can catch up with his old colleague Zefa, drink tea, and play chess. Life becomes more comfortable.

The heavy responsibility of the navy marshal was thrown away, and Zeng Guo, who occasionally worked as an instructor in his spare time, had a smile on his face. Looking at the flourishing navy recruits, he also felt relieved.

Although he is free, he will still pay attention to the development of the Navy, especially after the big recruitment, there will be a major change within the Navy. He also wants to see the changes after this move of the Navy.

Naturally, Yun Ye was also present. After the incident at Fish-Man Island, he took a boat back to the first half and returned to his warship. He had been back at the headquarters for two days.

Blackbeard and Shirahoshi asked Jinbei to help him send them to the new world. He acted as a night blade, so he could only leave it to Jinbei to go to the new world. With Jinbei's strength, as long as he is not a strong man at the level of the Yonko,

He is still not in any danger.

Jinbei did not hesitate. After the matters on Fish-Man Island were settled, he took Shirahoshi and Blackbeard to the new world. He was probably almost at Tsukiye Island by now.

At the beginning of the meeting, Akainu had a direct personality and no nonsense, and said: "Now that the situation in the sea is turbulent and the Shichibukai has been banned, the burden on our navy has become even greater!"

Akainu looked at Peach Rabbit and Green Bull: "General Peach Rabbit, General Green Bull, you two must have become accustomed to the position of general during this time, right?"

"Well, the specific matters have been handed over." Taotu nodded and said.

Green Bull just nodded and did not speak.

During this period of time, they have been familiar with the duties of generals, and there are still a lot of troubles left by the replacement of generals.

A general has greater power and can mobilize more troops. The subordinate navy also needs to be mobilized and arranged, and it took some time to complete.

Fortunately for Taotu, after all, she was promoted from the candidate general. She originally had her own subordinate troops. It was not difficult to adjust and get used to it. The main thing was to deal with the things when she was still the candidate general. She needed to communicate with other

Lieutenant General handover situation.

Green Bull was suddenly promoted to general and had no background in the navy at all. It took a while for the subordinate navy to get used to the sudden parachuting of an unknown leader.

Breaking in takes time and cannot be done too quickly.

In the original work, it also took a period of time for Green Bull to fully understand the ins and outs of the Navy Headquarters.

But these are not big things, and they have basically been taken care of now.

Akainu glanced at everyone present and said calmly: "You must have heard about Fire Fist Ace."

Lieutenant General He said: "Is he Roger's heir? Is this news true? Our navy did a massive search, but no information was found."

As the chief staff officer, Lieutenant General He naturally knows a lot about this matter. Now that this matter involves Garp and Roger, Lieutenant General He also looked thoughtful.

If things go wrong, the situation is likely to become more serious.

She looked vaguely in the direction of the Warring States Period. The order to search for Roger's heirs was issued by the Warring States Period!

It was naturally impossible for Warring States not to know the news circulating in the sea. He was also very shocked at the time. Fire Fist Ace, Roger's heir, Garp's grandson...

Where are all these?

But after all, he was once a marshal, and through his own methods, he also tracked down some clues. In the end, he could only look at the information and sigh.

In the original work, Ace's identity may have been discovered by the Warring States Period, and through Ace's identity, the war on top started!

But now, he can only look at the information and sigh, what role does his old friend play in it...

He is no longer a marshal, and he will not ask about these things anymore, so Warring States did not go to Garp to ask about these things, pretending that he did not hear or see them.

This matter was discussed for a long time at the meeting, but because there was no concrete conclusion on the matter, we could only give it up for now, and Akainu decided to wait and see.

Subsequently, we also discussed what happened on Fish-Man Island. In the end, Akainu asked Momotu to go there and, if possible, capture the mermaid princess and investigate!

The World Government did not reveal the news that Shirahoshi was the King of the Sea to the navy, but only asked the navy to investigate and arrest Shirahoshi.

After briefly setting the tone, Akainu talked about the pacifist plan.

After hearing that the candidate for this project was Green Bull, everyone present was shocked.

Yun Ye never spoke, but after learning that Green Bull was about to become the pacifist candidate, he was also surprised and thought to himself: 'Is this guy crazy? He actually chose to transform Vegapunk? Is he?

Don't you know how big the risk is?'

The secrecy of the pacifist plan in the Navy is also a top priority. Only Akainu and Sengoku know the specific situation, and the others only know a general idea, but the specifics are not clear.

Therefore, everyone was just surprised and didn't express much.

Akainu continued: "But the transformation process is very dangerous. Even with the vitality of the Green Bull General, there will be danger, so..."

Akainu paused for a moment, then looked at Zefa and said: "Admiral Green Ox's ability is that of a Sensen Fruit user, which can extract the life force of other people. In order to allow Admiral Green Ox to successfully transform, I will mobilize animals from the navy.

People with abilities will go and help."

Green Bull sat upright and said with a smile: "If it is a fantasy beast species, the chance of success will be higher."

After hearing this, everyone present looked at Warring States and Yun Ye intentionally or unintentionally, but they quickly shook their heads. It was impossible for these two people to be chosen.

But Yun Ye's eyes narrowed, as if he had guessed something, and he thought to himself: 'Akainu, I hope you won't say anything that will make me mad, otherwise...'

Akainu didn't mention that having his life force drained would consume his lifespan. He just glanced at everyone, and after seeing no reaction, he continued: "There are not many people with animal abilities in the navy, but

Quite a few, I have already made a good choice."

Akainu looked at Zefa and said: "Teacher Zefa, I know that in the recruit training camp, there is an animal type fantasy beast named Xiaoya. I need to transfer her to this mission. Of course

, I will give this recruit some merit compensation in the future, and she will directly become an officer after graduation!"

Akainu's tone could not be refused, and he spoke to Zefa in a commanding tone.

Regardless of whether Zefatong agrees or not, the navy recruit named Xiaoya must carry out this mission!!

After hearing this, Zefa's face turned cold, and his eyes showed an angry look.

However, before Zefa could explode, Yun Ye on the side raised his gaze, his eyes became sharp, and he said lightly: "Akainu, can you say it again?"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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