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Chapter 401 False God of Death!

Chapter 401 The virtual god of death!

At this time, above the Holy Land Maria, the color of Im seeing and hearing radiated out, covering the entire first half.

His knowledge, accumulated over hundreds of years, is enough to cover the entire world, and every move in the world is controlled by him!

Seeing all the members of the navy being stopped by Ye Ren alone, and feeling the sun fire of Ye Ren, Im also narrowed his eyes. That flame was indeed terrifying!

"The Fire of the Sun...is it a special race? And...this wave of life...is another alien species?" Im's eyes locked on the night blade, and as he sensed it, he raised his eyebrows.

The looming life fluctuations emanating from Ye Ren's body gave him an extremely familiar feeling...

Seeing, hearing, and color are not omnipotent. Strong people have ways to block the perception of seeing, hearing, and coloring to a certain extent.

Moreover, because the distance is too far, he cannot accurately perceive the color of what he sees, but the fluctuation of life is indeed very familiar to Im!!

"The ability is fire. Could it be that he is from the Lunaria clan who ate the fire-based ability? He also has the ice-based ability...the Olysia clan? Was it an experiment from that kingdom?" Im guessed.

Im didn't know much about Night Blade, he only knew a little bit about it through the navy's intelligence.

We know that he is an esper who took the form of a god of death from the phantom beast species after eating the Renren Fruit, and has the ability of fire and ice.

He had never heard of this fruit, nor was it recorded in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia.

Even if the World Government has controlled the entire world for hundreds of years, it still cannot record all Devil Fruits. After all, the appearance of Devil Fruits is irregular, and sometimes new Devil Fruit abilities will appear...

Even if it is eaten by a strong person, after development, the nature of the Devil Fruit will undergo some changes, some mutations will occur, and it will be different when reborn!

However, the Navy’s intelligence did not mention that the Night Blades were of another race...

It's not like he has never seen this kind of flame that can vaporize steel. In the huge kingdom of Joyboy, there was a flame warrior who was the Lunaria tribe who ate the burning fruit!

The Lunaria tribe is a natural master of fire, and can develop the fire devil fruit to the extreme!

The Lunaria clan is a race that is naturally suited to the fire system.

In addition, there is also the Oricia clan, which is as famous as the Lunaria clan, a race that is born to control ice.

These two races, in the former kingdom, were called the "bipolar" of that kingdom!

They are all very powerful races, far more powerful than the fishmen, and can survive in any environment!

However, it is also because they are too powerful that they are feared by the world government and are now almost extinct...

After knowing that Night Blade possesses the ability of fire and ice, he began to speculate whether Night Blade might be one of the experimental subjects of that kingdom and was resurrected in this era through some means...

This kind of thing is not uncommon. The former Yonko Kaido also possesses the technological shadow of that kingdom...

Even Charlotte Lingling may be the descendant of a surviving experimental subject...

There is an extra night blade, but it is not unexplainable!

After all, he, who has personally experienced it, clearly knows how powerful that kingdom is!

Even hundreds of years have passed, the influence of that kingdom still spreads to the present...

The fish-men tribe, the long-hand tribe, the three-eyed tribe, the giant tribe, the little human tribe, the fur tribe...these tribes that are still active all have an inseparable relationship with that kingdom!

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether Night Blade is the remnant of those races or a test subject of that kingdom, but if it's only to this extent...it's nothing to be afraid of!" Im's expression condensed, and through some kind of connection, he stirred up space.

Among the ancient creations.

In the sky above the cloudy night, dark clouds rolled in, and the thunder contained in the clouds began to stir as if it had been mobilized.

Sixteen points of light flickered in the dark clouds, and a terrifying sense of oppression came down from the sky, making countless people tremble with fear.

"God kills!" Im's tone was as indifferent as a god. As his thoughts moved, the next moment, the fort above the sky suddenly lit up, and sixteen world-destroying thunderbolts were fired from the muzzle, impacting downwards!

The terrifying thunder punishment is like a world-destroying blow, trying to annihilate all those who disobey the gods!

This is the blow that destroys the island!

This blow enveloped Night Blade and the NEO Navy!

Yun Ye raised his head slightly, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth, narrowed his eyes and whispered: "You want to kill us all... three times, Im, do you think I have no temper?"

"Bast solution: Tiansuo Zhanyue!" Yun Ye snorted coldly, Zhanyue Zhanyue, put on the virtual mask, dark red light surged from his body, and a violent, bloodthirsty, and crazy aura passed from Yun Ye's body

And out!

The next moment, the dark red light dissipated, and when Yun Ye appeared in front of everyone again, his image had already undergone some changes.

Wearing a ferocious black and white mask, the original navy cloak has also turned into a black haori, and the silver fiber in his hand has turned into a black long sword with a slender swastika hilt!

Different from before, this time the long sword has become more slender and has a barb at the end, making it look even more ferocious!

This is the change that occurs after Zangetsu’s proficiency reaches 100!

Zangetsu Proficiency Level 100 is somewhat different from other Zanpakutō in that it has four different forms to choose from.

Three of the forms correspond to the different Zangetsu of the three generations of Kurosaki Ichigo in the original work of Bleach. Of course, they are only different in form. Yun Ye has tested them one by one, and the difference in power is actually not very big...

After all, Zangetsu is just a skill, and its specific performance depends on Yun Ye's own strength!

The other one is the moonless state, which is the [Last Getsuga Tenshō] used by Kurosaki Ichigo in the original work of Death!

However, there are certain conditions for using the moonless state. After using it once, you need to re-light to add points and start from scratch...

Yun Ye has never tried the moonless state, which is a bit deceptive, and besides, it is useless!

At this stage, Yun Ye already has too many methods, and there is no need to explode...

However, it can also be used as a trump card...

A navy man who had seen the battle between Yun Ye and Hawk Eye suddenly blurted out: "This is another form of Vice Admiral Night Blade, the Hollow Death God? He used it once when fighting Hawk Eye!"

"Is that the Hollow Death God? One of the three forms of the Night Blade Death God fruit!" Others also swallowed their saliva. They were very clear about the Night Blade's information and knew that such a thing existed.

However, Ye Ye rarely uses this state. Basically, he has more abilities of ice and fire. This is the first time for many people to see Yun Ye in this state!

(End of chapter)

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