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Chapter 402: The Power of a Sword!

Chapter 402 The power of one sword!

'Ye Ren, are you an esper after all...' Qingzhi looked at Yun Ye in mid-air and took a deep breath. He knew that Ye Ren was the Quincy!

This guy not only has two bodies and two identities, but the moves used by the two identities are different, or even have nothing in common at all, but they are both so powerful that it is shocking!

Patino Yunye, what kind of secret does he have in his body that he is able to do this...

"Is this the attack launched by the World Government on Moonlight Island? How could the Quincy resist such an attack?" Peach Rabbit looked at the sky, feeling the pressure, and could not help but tremble slightly.

This is not fear, but resistance to that sense of oppression!

"No wonder the World Government has been standing for hundreds of years. With that person here, any threat can be easily eliminated!" Sengoku also frowned slightly, and he was surprised by the sense of oppression coming down from the sky.

Faced with such an attack, even if everyone in the Navy takes action, they may not be able to withstand it!

However, they can't resist, but if it's a night blade... it may not be impossible!

"The Quincy can withstand it, so should the Night Blade..." Garp also looked solemn. If it were him, even if he exploded with all his strength, he wouldn't be sure he could resist without dying!

The people of the NEO Navy are extremely dignified. Faced with such an attack, they cannot intervene or help Yun Ye. They can only pray that Yun Ye can take the attack!

"Brother Yun Ye..." Xiaoya looked nervously at Yun Qi in the air, holding her hands tightly, with a look of worry on her face.

Although she knew that Yun Ye was very strong, but... could she withstand such an attack?

"..." Zefa said nothing, staring at the sky as well.

Under the gaze of countless people, Yun Ye moved.

Sixteen thunderbolts came down from the sky. Yun Ye wore a mask of virtualization and raised his hand with a sword: "Crescent Moon Chong!"

With a 'buzz' sound, a dark red terrifying slash shot out from the silver fiber blade, turning into a thousands-meter crescent slash that hit the sky!

With this blow, Yun Ye merged Crescent Moon Sky Chong and Xu Dian!

If the Transformation of Five Dragons can be enhanced through the instant coax of different attributes, then... at this time, under the state of Xie Tiansuo Zhanyue plus virtualization, Crescent Moon Chong and Virtual Flash are also very compatible skills!

The two skills merge into one, bursting out with even greater power!


When the sword was slashed out, the entire sky seemed to be cut open. Sixteen world-destroying thunderbolts came into contact with the slash, and a deafening sound erupted. The two attacks only stalled for a moment, and Yun Ye's slash directly killed the god.

Crush it into pieces and dissipate into countless light points!

Moreover, Yun Ye's slashes were still unabated, but slightly less powerful, and they were still slashing upwards!

With a 'chi' sound, the ancient technological creation high in the sky was directly killed by Yun Ye's sword, leaving only a few mechanical remains floating!

"Holy Land Marie Joa? Although it's a bit far away, it's not out of reach... The sight and color locked onto me and exposed your position! Lord of the World!" Yun Ye cast his eyes in Marie Joa's direction, sneered, and raised his head.

The hand sword slashed again: "Crescent Moon Chong!"

With a 'buzz' sound, the strike of thousands of meters rushed out along a straight route towards the location of the Holy Land Mariejoia. Everything in its path was destroyed, and the space seemed to be cut open!

The sky, the earth, the clouds, the sea, and even some uninhabited islands were all cut in half under this slash!

"Ye Ren, you deserve to die!" Im looked shocked. He didn't expect this guy, Ye Ren, to be so terrifying. This sword crossed a long distance and struck at him!

Moreover, this slash made him feel threatened!

Standing up suddenly, he mobilized a huge amount of weapons, and the powerful fluctuations even slightly distorted the space!

"God's punishment!" Im shouted, using his ability, a natural disaster took shape. In the thick clouds, thunder rolled, and several hundreds of meters thick thunder pillars were wrapped in armed colors. In an uninhabited sea area, they met Yun Ye's slashes.

Collided with each other!


Centered on the collision between the two, the space trembled, and the seawater turned into a 100-meter tsunami and impacted the surrounding areas. A loud noise resounded throughout the first half of the episode. Immediately afterwards, the space seemed unable to withstand the collision of the two attacks.

In the aftermath, cracks appeared!

However, several thunder pillars still only resisted for a moment, and were directly destroyed by Yun Ye's slashing attack. The slashing attack was still as powerful as breaking bamboo!

"Earthquake!" Powerful life fluctuations erupted from Im's body. Accompanied by this faint beast's roar, Im made a fist in the air with his right hand. Under the sea of ​​​​10,000 meters, the ground suddenly trembled, and a thick wall

The high red wall suddenly rose from the bottom of the sea. The next moment it was covered with armed colors and turned into pitch black. The 10,000-meter-high wall was like a mountain, blocking the front of the Holy Land Marie Joa!

This high wall is many times larger than the Navy's Gate of Justice. It stands there as if it were a giant guarding the holy land, standing unshakable!

Block any attacks!


There was another roar that resounded throughout the first half. This time, Yun Ye's slashing was blocked for a moment. Im's huge amount of weapons competed with Yun Ye's slashing, and the billowing air waves hit the surroundings, causing the entire

The sea surface is roaring and boiling, creating a tsunami!

However, the stalemate only lasted for a few seconds. The next moment, the mountain-like wall suddenly collapsed and was cut in half by Yun Ye's sword!

The slashing attack was still powerful and domineering, with lightning speed, breaking through all obstacles and slashing straight towards Im!

"Unexpectedly..." Im also didn't expect that Ye Ren's attack was so powerful. A sword slashed from such a distance still broke his own attack!

But after all, he has lived for hundreds of years, and the three types of domineering have naturally reached a high level, even beyond high-level use. Seeing, hearing, and color can predict the future, allowing him to notice in advance that before the attack hits him, the huge vitality

It suddenly erupted, the armed color covered the fist, and he punched it down!


The fist collided with the slash, and the force transmitted from the fist made Im's face change drastically. No matter how much he resisted, his whole body was still pushing back uncontrollably!

Im's legs had already penetrated into the red soil continent, and the boundless force impact hit. The red soil continent under his feet was like tofu. It couldn't bear the impact and cracked inch by inch. Im's body was still pushed back!

The top of the entire Red Earth Continent seemed to have been plowed, and a long ravine stretched across the Red Earth Continent!

(End of chapter)

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