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Chapter 437: The Origin of Devil Fruits!

Chapter 437 The Origin of Devil Fruit!

"Nightblade, Quincy, you two have exactly the same life wave? Is it some kind of technology hidden by Joyboy? Is it possible to divide the soul to control two bodies with different abilities?" Im looked at him.

The two people in front frowned slightly. In his perception, the life fluctuations emanating from the Night Blade and the Quincy were exactly the same!

When he attacked Night Blade before, he felt vaguely familiar with it, but due to the distance at the time, he couldn't accurately judge.

Now that I can sense it at close range, I can finally confirm that the life fluctuations in Night Blade and Quincy are exactly the same!

There is definitely a deep connection between these two people, and even... maybe they are the same person, but they were separated into two people by some kind of ability!

And the divided souls control different bodies!

"Nefertari Im, if I remember correctly, this should be the surname of the Alabasta royal family, right? You were the first king of the Nefertari royal family? One of the twenty kings?" Ye

Blade ignored Im's question and said calmly.

The Quincy grinned and said, "I discovered before when we were in the Holy Land that your sense of knowledge showed murderous intent when you sensed the royal family of Alabasta. Is this the same reason?"

"..." Im was silent for a moment, then slowly took off the mask and cloak on his face.

Under the cloak, Im was wearing a white luxurious gauze dress, revealing a face that was slightly similar to the current queen of Alabasta.

Im said calmly: "You know that period of history in great detail. Sure enough, you are the remnant of Joyboy's former kingdom. You seem to have known about my existence from the beginning. During the time when you became a navy, you

I have never been to the Holy Land... That ability of ice and fire should come from your race, right? The "bipolar" race of the Joyboy Kingdom..."

‘Bipolar?’ Ye Ren narrowed his eyes slightly, what is this? Is Im thinking too much?

Yun Ye didn't know about this name, and it wasn't even mentioned in the original One Piece book...

"I don't know much about the history buried by you, but you guessed one thing right. I did know your existence a long time ago." Ye Ren didn't mean to explain, since Im thought he was that

What kind of "bipolar" race is that?

Im has known about this for a long time and is not surprised. Although his existence is hidden, if he is related to Joyboy, everyone should know it.

"The Quincy and the Night Blade have two bodies, but they share a soul. Have Joyboy and the others studied the soul to this extent? The King of Heaven and the King of the Sea are the first gods born in this world. They

His soul will never dissipate, this is the continuation of the light! Before he died, Joeyboy once said to me that his will will never be extinguished and will come back again. I knew that Joeyboy, that guy,

I have thoroughly studied the souls of Neptune and Heavenly King..."

"In order to prevent him from coming back again, I have tried my best to erase the traces of that kingdom in the past hundreds of years, but I still can't completely cut off his influence, but... even if he comes back again, it won't

Maybe he is my opponent!" Im's eyes were calm, as if he was talking to himself.

The King of Neptune and the King of Heaven are the first and second creatures born in this world. They are the lives bred by Eve, the Tree of Life. When they were born, they possessed extremely strong strength.

Because they are unique creatures conceived by Eve, they have very strong vitality and have long lifespans.

And, most importantly, their souls are immortal!

Even after death, he will revive at some point and regain his past memories!

Then, Eve, the tree of life, once again gave birth to different lives. As time went by, various creatures exploded...

These species may be strong or weak, but the ones who stand at the pinnacle of these creatures are still the original Poseidon and Ouranos!

They are the first beings conceived by Eve and are born with powerful abilities!

One is born to control the movement of ocean currents and seasonal changes, and can command thousands of sea kings; one is born to control the movement of continental plates, various natural disasters, and has the power of a dragon to overwhelm all living things!

These two, as if under certain rules, check and balance each other, and jointly control the world!

As time goes by, there are more and more species in this world, and there is even life in any area of ​​the world!

At that time, the whole world was a wilderness, with savage primitive jungle laws, where the weak preyed on the strong, and the powerful race preyed on the weak race!

Around this time, an ambitious race called "humans" appeared...

Although humans are weak, they possess "wisdom" and are extremely capable of learning. They have formed a civilization and relied on the power of the group to defeat countless races and eat their flesh and blood rich in vitality!

Because of this, they learned to use the power within their bodies, and some humans even mastered the pressure of powerful beasts. However, they were so ambitious that they seemed to never be satisfied, and finally set their sights on Eve, the tree of life. They wanted to obtain the tree of life, Eve.

Know all the secrets!

As Ouranos in charge of the world, Poseidon, after learning about human ambitions, in order to punish those greedy humans, one used his ability to control the continent to cause the continent where humans were to fall apart; the other set off a great flood that drowned countless humans.


And the King of Heaven used his own power to let a wall rise up around the entire world and divide the world!

Neptune, on the other hand, used his own power to completely stop the flow of the two sea areas and turn them into windless zones to divide the four oceans!

Later, in order to protect their common "mother" Eve, the tree of life, Ouranos lived on the top of Eve's tree and called himself the King of Heaven; while Poseidon lived at the roots of Eve and called himself the King of the Sea...

And protect Eve, the tree of life, in endless reincarnations!

This is the origin of the names Neptune and Heavenly King!

Im actually didn't know much about the history of ancient times. It was only after establishing a life bridge with Uranus that he learned a little bit about it from Uranus's memory...

But one thing is certain, that is, even if these two beings, the King of Heaven and the King of the Sea, die, they will return one day!

As for the reason, he is not very clear...

But it must be related to Eve’s “origin”!

Joyboy has a close relationship with Neptune, and their technology is extremely powerful. They may have developed a method for the soul to go through reincarnation and return again...

Therefore, Im worried that Joey Boy will come back again, so that the people of the World Government will hide the blank hundred years and destroy everything about Joe Boy!

The Quincy here looked Im up and down, and said in a joking tone: "Your appearance is actually somewhat similar to that of Nefertari Vivi, the Queen of the Kingdom of Alabasta. Could it be that Nefertari Vivi

Wei is also one of the lights of recovery?"

Seeing that Yi Mu's appearance was somewhat similar to that of Wei Wei, Yun Ye began to wonder, could Wei Wei be one of the lights that can revive?

In the original work, among the flowers in Im, there were pictures of several people, including Vivi, Shirahoshi, Luffy, and Blackbeard!

But the photos of Blackbeard and Luffy were cut into pieces by him...

It's obvious that these people are the focus of his attention!

"Maybe, after all, her appearance is exactly the same as my daughter..." Im just glanced at the Quincy, his eyes narrowed slightly: "During that war, the daughter of... who betrayed me...


"I see... It seems that that war was not as easy as I thought... Im." The Quincy laughed: "And, I am very curious, what is the "mother" and "origin" in Ouranos' mouth?

"What is it again?"

"You have heard what Ouranos said before, right? The "mother" they call is Eve of the Sun Tree who is now rooted above the Fish-Man Island."

"Yangshu Eve is not her real name, her name is Tree of Life! In a sense, she is the first life born in this world! The King of Heaven and the King of the Sea are just the creatures she gave birth to!"

"The reason why the King of Heaven and the King of the Sea have the power to destroy the world is because they were born with the "original" power of Eve when they were born!"

"The "origin" is the root of devil fruits in this world. All devil fruits come from the "mother" Eve, the tree of life!"

"The emergence of Devil Fruit... was caused by me. I used the technology and ability of the space pirate to extract the origin of Eve, the Tree of Life, and allowed the power called Devil Fruit to appear in this world..."

Perhaps Im hadn't talked to anyone for a long time, but it seemed like he was answering the Quincy's words. He... told the world's biggest secret!

In this world, the birth process of Devil Fruit was actually caused by Im!

"The Devil Fruit was actually created by you? Using the technology and abilities of space pirates? Space pirates? The group of foreign forces that once had a war with the moon people..." The Quincy narrowed his eyes slightly. When he looked at One Piece,

He hasn't written about the birth of the Devil Fruit yet, but he didn't expect that Im was the cause of all this...

However, space pirates were mentioned in the original work of One Piece, and Yun Ye himself had some impressions...

"I didn't expect you even knew this..." Im looked at the Quincy and said calmly: "Space pirates are a group of plundering forces wandering in the universe. You can think of them as pirates. But what they plunder is not treasure.

Something like that, but... the origin of the living planet. They can use their technology and abilities to turn those origins into "original" fruits. As long as you eat this kind of fruit, you can have powerful power!

And in this world, that kind of fruit is called Devil Fruit!"

"Without me, the power of Devil Fruit would not have been born in this world! Moreover, what I have is the most powerful fruit ability. It is the first Devil Fruit made with Eve's "origin" - Life

Fruit! I have the majestic vitality of Eve, the tree of life. In other words, I will not die due to injury, I will recover in an instant, nor will I die due to exhaustion of life span. I have been cast to be immortal.

Surgery! My power is beyond your imagination!"

Im's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a majestic vitality burst out from his body, radiating out from him. The originally barren red land turned green and became full of life!

Ouranos beside him also exuded powerful life fluctuations. They seemed to be connected by an inexplicable bridge. He roared to the sky, and a coercion burst out from his body, covering the entire area!

Im's words were also heard by the navy men, the three five old stars, and the other ten blades who were driven over.

"The emergence of devil fruits?"

"Space pirate?"

"Also, that giant dragon...is the ancient weapon, King Uranus?"

"What a terrifying smell..."

The experts from all parties who arrived here were looking at the four people in the field, with their eyes on Ouranos.

They are also very interested in the most mysterious ancient weapons.

But what shocked them was what Im said...

Is the birth of Devil Fruit actually related to Im, the Lord of the World?

Moreover, what are space pirates?

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not, but these words were recorded by Morgans on an empty island in the distance using a video phone bug, and spread throughout the world!!

To say that Morgans was also unlucky, when he started taking action in Wangxu Palace, he also received the news in advance and wanted to rush to the Holy Land one step ahead.

However, they encountered a storm on the way, and the trajectory of the empty island was deflected. It took them a lot of effort to escape from the storm, but when they came here, there was no battle scene...

I only saw the conversation between the Quincy, Night Blade and Im.

Morgans was also a chicken thief. When he saw Im and the Nightblade Quincy, he asked News Bird to get closer.

He used a video phone to transmit the situation over there. He had already missed the initial war, and he couldn't miss anything now!

But what he didn't expect was that he would hear such important news from Im's mouth among the film and television phone worms!

This world...the birth of Devil Fruit!!!

His words almost spread throughout the whole world. As long as there is a big screen on the island, everyone heard what Im said before!

For a time, the whole world was in a sensation!

"The birth of Devil Fruit is not natural, but man-made?"

"Space pirates? Are they a pirate force from the past?"

"How can this be?"

"Yangshu Eve, isn't it the tree that takes root on the Fish-Man Island? How could it have such a big background?"

Countless people were shocked and started talking.

Devil Fruit is such a magical thing, so naturally some people want to know its origin.

However, many scientists have been searching for it for a long time, but there is no clue at all.

I don’t even know why this magical fruit appears in this world, and why Devil Fruits have so many strange abilities!

It turns out that all of this is the "origin" of Eve, the World Tree, and in a sense, it is also the origin of this world!

Now after hearing Im's words, they suddenly realized that the birth of Devil Fruit was actually man-made!

This is really shocking!

Vegapunk, who was far away at the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, thought about it and whispered: "Tree of Life Eve? The source of all power? The origin of the World Tree... No wonder the Devil Fruit ability will follow people's wishes and expectations and become

Are the various abilities because all of them are given by the "mother" of this world? Life, evolution..."

Unlike other shocked people, after hearing Im's words, Vegapunk, the most powerful scientist, could no longer suppress the thoughts in his mind. All kinds of messy thoughts were presented one by one, and everything he knew was revealed.

Once you sort it out...

Vegapunk also studied the origin of Devil Fruit, but he only had a little clue...

He actually had a guess about the birth of Devil Fruit. The birth of Devil Fruit appeared out of people's wishes and expectations. It was an evolutionary possibility that people looked forward to.

Now he can finally confirm that the origin of the Devil Fruit is the gift and gift from the "mother" Eve, the tree of life on this planet...

"King of Heaven Uranus, King of Sea Poseidon, the power that can destroy the world, its source is also the "mother" of Eve, the tree of life. The reason why people with abilities are afraid of the sea is because this kind of evolution is passively given by "mother"

, will you be subject to certain restrictions if you violate the laws of nature? The sea gave birth to the "mother" Eve, the tree of life, and is the origin of all life! Any evolution that violates nature will be cursed by the sea, so that's it..." Bega Pang

Ke's eyes sparkled, and he analyzed Im's words and his own guesses one by one, and then connected them into a coherent context.

He also finally figured out that the source of the ability of the King of Heaven and the King of Neptune to destroy the world, and the appearance of the Devil Fruit, were all given by the "mother" of Eve, the Tree of Life!

People with abilities are afraid of sea water because this kind of passive evolution is against nature, so they are cursed by the source of everything, the sea that gave birth to the tree of life!

The king of heaven and the king of the sea, who were born naturally, obviously also have "power", but they are not afraid of the sea water...

The reason is that they are lives conceived and born by "mother" and conform to the laws of nature, so they will not be cursed, are not afraid of sea water, and are born with abilities!

And evolution is not a person's privilege, so Devil Fruit can be copied!

The reason why only one type of Devil Fruit can be born is because there are a certain number of "origins" scattered around, one carrot for each pit, so two identical Devil Fruits cannot be born!

"The mystery that has troubled me for more than ten years has been solved..." Vegapunk's eyes were still shining, and he suddenly realized...

In the Kingdom of Alabasta, the former King Cobra and the current Queen Vivi were looking at the screen in stunned silence. Although they knew that their country was once one of the twenty kings,...

Unexpectedly, the Lord of the World was actually the first king of their country...

And...the reason why they left the Holy Land of Mariegioa...

Were they not refused to go to the Holy Land, Marie-Joa, but were instead exiled?

Weiwei pointed at herself, with a puzzled look on her face: "Light? Resurrection? What does this mean?"

Cobra and several guards looked at Weiwei and shook their heads. They couldn't understand...

"No wonder you can survive until now. It seems that the key to the success of the immortality surgery is the fruit of life..." The Quincy grinned and looked at Im and Ouranos next to him.

"Exactly two against two, let me see the power of you and Uranus!" As he said that, two colors flashed behind the Quincy, and the next moment he rushed directly towards Uranus, punched out from afar, and the air condensed.

Chengzhu: "Xi Xiang·Nine Speed!"

"Even Joeyboy, who has transformed himself and has those space pirate abilities, can't do anything to me when he is here, let alone the remnants of his party..." Im's eyes flashed, and there was a red light in his eyes.

Next to him, Ouranos suddenly spread his wings, whipping up a raging wind, opening his bloody mouth, and a thunder column suddenly shot out, colliding with the Quincy's attack, causing a terrifying wave of air!

"Joyboy is Joeyboy, I am me, don't confuse me with him!" Night Blade also chuckled, and slashed out an endless golden fire curtain towards Im!

Destiny? Destiny?

These things are not worth mentioning in front of Yun Ye. He never believes in such a thing as fate. Even if there is such a thing, just smash it into pieces!

Even Mrs. Charlie's prediction was based on his thoughts, and there were two different results!

"Hmph, it's all the same in front of me. You can't kill me, because I'm immortal!" Im's armed domineering aura boiled over, and he eliminated it with a palm, turning into a torrent of terrifying power, sending the golden fire curtain directly to

Shoot away!

"Immortal? There is no truly immortal thing in this world! You can't kill it just because you are not strong enough!" Ye Ren slashed with his sword again, endless flames roared out, pillars of fire from the ground rose into the sky, and terrifying temperatures spread in this area.


Compete with the life fluctuations in Im!

One is the fire of the sun that destroys everything, and the other is the fluctuation of life that is full of vitality!

Destruction or vitality, which one is stronger and which one is weaker?

From the latest information, the birth of Devil Fruit was actually born out of human wishes and expectations. It is a possibility of some kind of evolution...

I have already written the ending of the last chapter, and I will finish it tomorrow. However, after seeing the latest information, I was brutally stabbed in the back. Fortunately, I can come back... What a cheater!!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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